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by wptg
The Best Weight Loss Program Ever! – The Jesus Chick

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Ready2Run Chick

If you’re like myself, who constantly battles weight gain, that headline caught your attention! Or perhaps you seen right through my ruse and knew that it would likely be a spiritual application; either way, I’m glad you’re here. Because I believe my words today will help us all, thin, thick or in between people. The Word of God is one size fits all… really. Not like the apparel size which is anything but truth. Our scripture toda y is found in Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Let me say I’m not a runner and I have no desire to run. It wears me out just thinking about it and runners wear me out talking about it. I love that quote that says, “If you see me running you should run too because something is obviously chasing me, and it can’t be good.” True story. I’m not a runner in the fitness sense of the word, but spiritually speaking, its game on! I’ll run that race. Apostle Paul was a runner… a spiritual fitness buff. I want to wear his line of apparel which no doubt would be done in the coolest of colors because his eyesight was poor so he’d love the bright shades. The fabric would be just the right blends of materials, it would have appeal to the Jew as well as the gentile and would no doubt be made by the prison population with all proceeds going to the Rock of Ages ministry. I know Paul was a tent maker but in these modern times he’d have branched out. And he was a tent maker, so plus size apparel would have most likely been his niche. Just sayin’. Okay… I may have over thought that point.

But back to the race…One of the reasons I don’t like to physically run is the same reason that stops many of us from running the spiritual race, or at least slows us down. It’s the weight! When you’re carting around unnecessary baggage it’s impossible to run with proficiency and good health.

The word beset is not a word that you’ll find us using too much in today’s vocabulary but its synonyms are very familiar – problem, difficulty, afflict, torment, oppress, trouble, worry – sounds like an average day in the neighborhood to me. And not the Mr. Rogers kind of neighborhood. Those are the things that hinder my race, most of which are brought on by me. Just like the weight that clings to my midriff, the things that beset me both physically and spiritually were brought on by poor decisions and lack of discipline. Not all… but most.

So how do we lay it aside, not that I’ve laid it on every side?

We have to run…that means move. We can’t un-sin any more than we can un-eat that bag of chips. We can only move forward to hopefully better choices with better results. What’s hindering your ministry? I know what’s hindering mine… bad decision making in the past. I need to move forward and run with patience… meaning to take my time and do it right. See… Paul didn’t think going fast was a good idea either. I love that guy!

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