I scrolled through post after post on Facebook today, looking at the images, taking note of how children had grown, who was struggling, who was giggling and who was somewhere in between. It’s been a while since I’d done that. But from the posts I could tell that not only my life is busy, but most everyone else’s too. The problem with living in the fast lane as most of us do, we don’t slow down to take in a breath of reality.
My oldest grandson just turned 15. It’s a surreal moment to think that he will be driving!!! And so I thought today that I would take a field trip soon with he and his soon to be 15 year old cousin. My 2nd oldest grandson. We’d take a field trip to the police barracks in town and to the Sheriffs department. It’s there I can introduce them to each law enforcement for a good dose of reality. I want them to understand that law enforcement is not the enemy, but they are the reality check. And we want them to know that our friendship with law enforcement means, it’s okay for them to ticket our kids and us if we’re being stupid. Because it will hopefully stop future dumbness. And that stupidity has consequences. It always cracks me up that I and most other people hit the breaks when we see law enforcement. We know we’re likely over the speed limit. We also know that if we are, it’s probably too late! But praise God for grace and mercy.
All this brought my mind into the blessing of my own salvation and an understanding that although we are no longer under the law of the Old Testament the law didn’t go away. The blood of Christ covers my stupidity but it doesn’t prevent the consequences of breaking the law. I pray the dumbest prayers… “Dear God, thank you for this Peppermint Patty, please allow something in this candy bar to add nutrition to my body. Please forgive the fact that it’s my supper. I know I don’t eat right, please help me do better. Amen.”
That’s another version of hitting the breaks when you’re in a reality check moment with Law Enforcement. While it appears that I was asking for help, I was truly asking for mercy. Tomorrow, I may or may not eat better. I may or may not drive slower, believing God, and Officer Weekley or Sheriff Basnett will extend another day of grace. Am I alone? Probably not.
I said all that because a reality check for me as I thought about my grandchildren, as I scrolled Facebook, is the fact that my walk with Christ is often treated as wreckless as my health and my driving skills. Just as I “intend” to talk to my family and friends about Christ I speed right past them, occasionally hitting the breaks, but never stopping by. There is a consequence for that, that I don’t like to think about. And just as I fill my body with fuel that’s not fit for anyone, I fill my spirit with junk and I watch my friends and family as they feed on false doctrine and the lies of this world and ask God to save their soul. That’s just as dumb as my candy bar prayer.
Colossians 4:3 KJV
[3] Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:
Paul was in bonds, not only from the prison of mortal men, but by the Spirit of God who charged him with speaking the mystery of Christ. God had revealed to the Apostle the salvation of Christ, and the plans of Christ for the people of God. Then through Paul, God revealed those things to us. But to the world, they can’t see it. Satan’s making sure of it. And we are playing right into that game of his by hitting the breaks and never slowing down to speak the truth of the Word of God.
Paul was praying for doors to open for him, so should we. But we’ll never open a door if we don’t slow down. And the consequence will be that our friends and family will be eternally separated from us. My grandboys are not the only ones that need a reality check to know they’re blessed. I needed this time tonight,I need that verse from Colossians that reminded me that I too am charged to speak what I’ve been taught.
I need to make a list and start checking it off of people that I do not know if they know.
God, please open doors, and let me stop my prayers of stupidity but give me a passion for purpose.
Shari ~ The Jesus Chick
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