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by wptg
The evolving of arrogance into stupidity – The Jesus Chick

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chick pondering

Why does the scientific world continue to shock me with their ignorance? Not all of them, just the ones who say “stupid stuff.” I know that I’m not the brightest crayon in the box… I’ve never professed that to be the case. But I do know that God is real, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is; a fact that doesn’t take a scientific mind to conclude but rather takes the arrogance and self-importance of a mind to deny. This point was proven in an article published yesterday on with the following statement.

“Although we think that scientific evidence does not support neo-Darwinism, quality science education necessitates teaching students the strengths and weaknesses of evolution. As a result, Discovery Institute would never support removing evolution from the curriculum.”

This statement was prompted by the news that an Indian newspaper, the Deccan Herald, reported that India’s southwestern state of Karnataka was calling for the removal of evolution from school textbooks:

Branding Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution as unscientific, the Karnataka Unaided Schools Management Association (Kusma) is in the works to move the Union and State governments to remove it from school textbooks.

“Very shortly, the administrators and I will be calling a press conference to address the need to shelve Darwin’s theory of evolution from our school text books. We will be requesting both the Union and State Governments to make necessary changes to our textbooks,” said K V Dhananjay, legal counsel, Kusma.

So let me get this straight… It’s better to teach children a lie as a theory, than admit that you were wrong.

You really should read the entire article for yourself. My quoting of parts and pieces leaves much of their story out. Like the fact that they said

“Although we think the evidence points to design, and it is fine if non-public schools want to discuss it, evolution is a widely held and historically significant theory. It is a matter of basic scientific literacy for students to understand the full range of scientific views on evolutionary theory.”

Is this not the equivalency of saying… “We know that an apple comes from an apple tree, but if a child wants to look at the possibility it began as an oak, we think that’s good science.”

A quote and fact worthy of repeating and believing:

Genesis 1

 In the beginning God created…

Aforementioned article:

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