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by wptg
The God Connection – The Jesus Chick

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I love the Word of God. In the many forms of which He has provided it, I can’t say that I love one more than the other. Spoken, read, Holy Spirit lead… words. I just love them when they are connected to God. Words are often a trigger for my mind to go off like a gunshot whirling through space and time. I get excited about where I’m going to land. Like last night, when Doug Rowe taught at Victory Baptist Church. He is a co-teacher and friend through the church and teen ministry, and last night was his first opportunity to teach in the adult realm of the church. He did not disappoint. He is a deep thinker spiritually. But the word that I kept getting hung up on as he taught last night was the word “sound.”

I love sounds too! In the form of music, preaching, worship… sounds connected to God. There’s a pattern of joy in my words this morning. The God connection. It’s an awesome thing.

Sound, the Noun

The word “sound” can be a noun, a verb or an adjective. As can the Name, Proper noun of God. The Verb of I Am and the Adjective of Holy. I love this thought this morning! God is most certainly all encompassing in life. Especially through words. 

According to Merriam-Webster, sound is a noun when it is a particular auditory impression. Such as a tone. The sensation perceived by the sense of hearing. It’s that joy that I spoke of earlier. What a privilege to be able to hear sounds. Lose your hearing for even a second, and you can understand how blessed we are to have it. Imagine never hearing the sound of baby giggles. Wouldn’t that be a sad world. The aging process often dulls hearing, but praise God there are sounds through the Spirit that can never by dulled if we’re in tune with God, because they’re not auditory, but rather internals sounds. Oh my stars… I just wrote myself happy!!! I need a shirt that says that… 

Sound, the Verb

To “cause” a sound. I love that Merriam-Webster’s definition said “as a trumpet.” Glory!!! There will be a trumpet sound one day when the arch angel is given the order by God to call His children home. I am so ready, but so many of the people I love are not. And so I pray as the song says “Wait a little longer please Jesus, a few more days to get our loved ones in.” 

When sound is a verb it’s because it’s an action. And every action should create a re-action. The sound of the Word of God should cause us, you and I, to take actions in our lives. I’ve really felt that I’ve let the Lord down lately because I’ve not been as faithful to reading and studying the word of God lately. Going to work is a new norm for an old body and I haven’t quite got in the groove of things yet. My 4:30 a.m. wake ups seem little more than house cleaning alarms and I’m failing miserable at that too.  So this morning has been a blessing to get in the word of God and hear the sound of God’s voice in my Spirit.

Sound, the Adjective

I believe it is what the world desires more than anything and it can only be found in God. A sound mind. 

Merriam-Webster describes the adjective version of sound as stable, secure, reliable… is that not what we all desire for our lives? It’s the reason I use Merriam-Webster as my source for definitions. Because I have yet to find any other version of the dictionary that is biblically sound for describing what a word means. It’s why I use the King James Version of the Bible. All others have too much interjection by man. We have to be cautious of where our sources of information come from. Our lives must be backed up by the word of God, every part of it. Who we are. (Proper Noun) How we act (verb)  and how the world sees us (adjective) 

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

A sound mind describes that feeling of “all” being right with the world. The feeling you can only have knowing that Christ has “all” this world in His control. And He will bring us through whatever the world throws at us. 

2 Timothy 1:13

Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou has heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ.

From the version of Bible that you use, to even the version of dictionary; the sound word of God is what stabilizes our lives in the wonky world we live in. That is where we find the sound doctrine of 2 Timothy 4:3

For The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Have you ever seen a time in life when people want coddled and sugar coated words to make their lives easy? They do not want the truth, because it convicts, and conveys the message that causes them to know their world is not right; because Christ is not the center of it. 

So my prayer for you and I today is that we will hear the sound of God through the Spirit, and have the sound mind we need for this world, so that if the trumpet sounds today, we’ll be ready!!!! Stay Connected! God bless ya! And Thank you Doug Rowe for being a faithful man of God and sharing what the Lord laid on your heart.

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