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by wptg
The Skeptical Saint – The Jesus Chick

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ptl chick

As a baby Christian I often stood in awe at some of the antics people played with the local church. Case in point: One evening following a potluck dinner the church members were making their way to the sanctuary from the social room. There were still a few folks clearing dishes and chatting about when a couple and their children came through the door. We greeted them with Baptist’s niceties and welcomed them in. Not long after that they began to share their story of hardship and how they were traveling through the area in need of food and gasoline to make it on to a very important destination. It’s been too long for me to remember all the details. But the details I do remember make me nauseous still today.

Victory Baptist Church is one of the most loving churches I’ve ever encountered. Immediately our guests were offered the food from our dinner, which was no small amount of some of the finest homemade foods you could lay eyes on. They were then told to fill their bellies full and when they were finished they could go to a local gas station where we would arrange for them to fill up their car on credit. They declined it all, they much preferred cash.


Over my nearing twenty years of salvation I’ve seen similar events take place time and time again. It’s not long until you begin to get a skeptical heart towards people needing help. You want to help, but are they for real? I find the same truth in business. Not every “Christian” organization is on the up and up.  For some they know that it’s a tender market and not always monitored by astute financial leaders of the church. Or perhaps they truly believe in what they’re doing and unknowingly sell a church on unnecessary products or services. So I’m skeptical of people in need, businesses and non-profits who tout success and blow their own horns.

It’s also why the Pocket Testament League has been such a blessing. I was recommended by a friend to apply for an ambassador’s position, which I did, and was accepted. I read the background of the ministry which in short was began in 1893 as the vision of a teenage girl named Helen Cadbury, daughter of the president of Cadbury Chocolates. She was so excited about sharing her faith that she organized a group of girls who sewed pockets onto their dresses to carry the small New Testaments her father had provided. The girls called their group “The Pocket Testament League.” Using small membership cards, they pledged to read a portion of the Bible every day, pray, and to share their faith as God provided opportunity. That same vision still drives the ministry today. (

So what does that have to do with my story of the skeptical saint? First… Who wouldn’t trust a fella that makes Cadbury eggs? Secondly, over my almost 20 years of salvation I’ve also learned to try the spirit.

1 John 4:1

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

As children of God we are warned not to trust everyone, and God has instilled in us a discernment for such matters of the heart. The world would call it a “gut” feeling. Leave your gut to discern the taste of Cadbury chocolates, but when trying the spirit of a new person or organization, leave that one to God. If possible make no rash decisions, my best way of getting myself into a mess is to leap first and then start looking for a net; that’s my best described personality trait. But God said no, test the waters… there are people out there who want to take you for a ride.

The Pocket Testament League (PTL) has a Spirit of God. They’ve asked me for nothing. I’m provided the KJV Gospel of John Testaments, (other versions are available, I prefer only KJV) which also clearly outline salvation, to share with people one on one that I meet along the way or in larger quantities for speaking events. I do send them a donation each time I order because God laid it on my heart to that, and without request people have read or heard my story of the PTL and provided funds to help me out. No, that’s not a request, just a statement of truth that God is so good at not only speaking to our hearts when something is of Him, but providing for His children.

It’s a hurting world out there. People need to see generous, loving saints of God (even the crooks need Jesus). So try the spirit of those you meet, ask God if they’re for real and then love on them the best way you can regardless.

If you choose to take a part in The Pocket Testament League please provide them with my PTL Member ID#  which is 574096 when offered the opportunity. Thanks and God Bless!

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