Or to country quote it, “It either is or it ain’t,”
1 John 4:6-7 (KJV)
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
There is much about life that confuses me. Do I or don’t I do this or that? Should I or should I have not said this or that? In reality most of it is common sense. I already have the answer, the question likely should be “do I rebel against God or do I not?” Owch! that’ll slap you in the noggin. But its truth in my world. This is not the direction I wanted to go with this verse this morning.
I wanted to be all pious and write something really deep about this verse on how we that are saved hear, and those that are lost do not. And then God came beside me on the couch and said, “Yes, Shari. That’s true. But what about the saints of God that just plain don’t listen?”
Can you hear Me now?
The Spirit of truth is the fact that God enters the soul upon the second of salvation. Maybe the second before; after all something had to prick the heart to tell you that you needed Christ. And there it stays, just like water on demand! The truth is there in plenteous supply but it is the spirit of error that is often tapped into. I am totally speaking of self, although I may not be alone. I keep trying to undo God’s plan.
There is a story of a farmer and his son who were starting their day when the father ask, “What are you doing today son?” It was actually a trick question. The son replied, “I’m going to the stable to work with the horses.” The father responded, “don’t you mean if its the Lord’s will you’re going to the stable?” The son arrogantly replied, “I’m going to the barn with or without God’s permission.”
The father waited a bit and the went to the barn to check on his son. The son was placing the lead strap on an unbroken horse. As soon as the strap clicked the horse bolted and drug the son out of the stable and down the road. As he was drug past the father ask, “what are you doing son.” The son replied, “I’m going to work with this horse… If its the Lord’s will.”
God will have His way. We can go easily or with a spirit of error we can be drug kicking and screaming. Either way… God wins.