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by wptg
What Happens When the Sun Comes Up? – The Jesus Chick

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There is an old saying: “If you were charged with being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” It convicts me to live louder for the cause of the Christ. It removes any self righteous thought I have about the way that I am living, because I know I can do better. 

I am at the end of a book written by my friend Dr. Dennis Hankins and Christina Kerns titled “Go Out and Do Great Things.” I’m fired up! I am ready, but I’m still sitting on the bed and it’s not even daylight. What happens when the sun comes up? What happens when life happens? Will the evidence of the way I live my life convict me for being a disciple of Christ Jesus?

I came to this conclusion; if there was evidence that would get me convicted in a court of law, the evidence in my life would also follow along with scripture.

2 Timothy 3:12-13

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Am I Being Persecuted?

Certainly not in the manner of the Apostle Paul.  But I’ve felt my share of displeasure from people who were less than happy that I brought up the Name of Jesus in a conversation. Or that I dare show my displeasure in the behaviors of those who call themselves Christians but their mouths sound more like that of a drunken sailor. It’s not I who convicts them, but the Holy Spirit… and the fact that I can’t control my face. It always gives me away!🙄  While most people would not call that persecution, the definition of that word is “Hostility or ill treatment on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs.” If you’ve ever witnessed to an unwilling participant about their need for salvation, you’ve felt hostility. But I don’t personally feel persecuted by that, l know why that person is angry. Satan and his minions are fighting back to keep possession of the soul they’re in possession of.

This is 2025 Persecution

Seventy Christians have been found beheaded in a church in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in what’s the latest devastating attack on believers in the north east of the country of Africa. Shaken by this incident, people from the local community in Mayba later gathered to work out how to release those held captive. However, ADF militants surrounded the village and captured a further 50 believers. All 70 of those kidnapped were taken to a Protestant church in Kasanga where they were tragically killed. This occurred February 13th, 2025, but it wasn’t newsworthy in America. 

But that’s in Africa right? It wouldn’t happen in America. I pray not. But the fact of the matter is, there are people in America who would just as soon shut the mouths of Christian people in any other manner. But they don’t generally have to, because most Christians shut their own mouths. 

It’s easy to sit behind a keyboard and spout off for both the cause of Christ and as a tool of the Devil. But face to face it’s an entirely different set of circumstances. So… the sun is up in about twenty minutes and I have to ask myself, “Who will I see today, and will I be so bold as to tell them about the amazing things that Christ has done in my life? It’s also Wednesday, what used to be known as a traditional church night, but how many churches are there now who have Wednesday Night Bible Study, and if they do, how many people of that church attend?

I’ll be there (Lord willin’) because I love studying the word of God and our Wednesday night service is amazing! But you wouldn’t know it by the number attending. It’s not a priority in the lives of most Christians to give up their Wednesday for the Lord. Oh snap… there I go again running my mouth. But what about me? Yes I go to Wednesday Church and Sunday Church and every other opportunity, but what do I do when the sun comes up? Am I preaching the gospel with the way I live my life in a manner that would get me convicted in a court of law?

The New Testament Church, those being persecuted in Paul’s day, and those being persecuted today, were willing to die for their faith.They took care of one another, they shared the Word of God, they treasured the Word of God! They met daily and shared all they had with one another. Modern day Christians hesitate to share anything, physical or spiritual. 

This is a blog to convict myself, for not living as loud as I should. How about you? Are you spiritually where you want to be? Let me know if I’m not alone. 

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