I detest being judged, and I struggle with the fear that I will place judgment on another. It’s not easy as a Christian to stay out of the flesh and represent the grace of God. There is a verse that is so abused by people who do not understand it, that it’s ridiculous. I know because I’ve abused it myself out of context.
Matthew 7:1 KJV
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
That’s a good verse right? But God does not mean that we are not to view the acts of man and determine if they’re right or wrong but rather let His holiness be the measure for which we judge, and the the judgement be His. We’re to respect the laws of the land and the authorities that we’ve been given, but all should align with the Word of God.
This is a thought heavy on my heart today because of a personal attack regarding a Ridgeview story. And so my only recourse of not getting in the flesh and giving these people of piece of my mind for which I cannot afford to lose is to turn to the word of God and ask Him to give me peace in my heart and satisfaction that I can leave it in His hands.
My search for answers lead me to the book of Judges. Irony? Doubtful. More than likely a dose of reality that I love.
Judges 17:6 KJV says
In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
At the beginning of Chapter 18 it says again, “there was no king in Israel.” Again in 19:1 “It came to pass in those days there was no king in Israel.
Three times it mentions there was no leadership for the children of Israel. That’s a scary place to be because it said in 17:6 that every man did that which was right in his own eyes. There was no moral fortitude, their depravity just kept getting worse and worse. And as I struggled with the things going on in my community today, those verses hit home. It’s why I can’t be silent when I see injustice. It’s not that I am perfect. God forbid that I even suggest it. But there’s an accountability factor that’s currently missing in most of society because our leadership stinks!
So the story goes, in the Bible according to Shari, that the children of Israel had fallen out with each other because nobody was talking to God unless it was for their own gain. Now, if you read the story in the book of Judges, Chapters 17 through 19, it’s there. They’d fallen away from God to the point that they picked up a spare Priest from the house of Micah and with him they took Micah’s gods as well. I guess so they’d have all their bases covered. And they began to worship those gods. It says in Chapter 19 that a certain Levite had taken to him a wife, and she had played the whore, but he went to get her. And upon his return from fetching her, in the city of Gibeah, he found a home to stay in. But the Benjamites in that city came to the house and attempted to have their way with the Levite. But instead the men of the house sent out the woman. Who was then raped and murdered. The Levite was so upset that he cut her body into multiple pieces and sent the pieces to all the surrounding towns. He wanted them to know judgment was coming. The problem with that was, nobody had a relationship with the Judgement keeper. But they finally went to God and asked Him for His advice. God told them to go fight the battle for justice for the murder of the Levite’s wife. So the battle was on!
Round 1 – Israel lost 22,000 men. God said go again.
Round 2 – Israel lost 18,000 men. God said go again, but He added that they’d have the victory.
Round 3 – Israel laid out a plan and the battle was won.
From that story I gathered this advice for myself. Our county leadership stinks. If I’m going into battle, and sometimes I feel that’s exactly what I’m doing when I’m trying to use the Ridgeview News in a manner that will help our community stay informed; but if I’m going into battle, I better do it with an open dialogue with the Lord Jesus.
There may be more than one round, and I may suffer defeats. God didn’t promise me a rose garden. But it has got to be His battle, under His direction.
I’ve also got to remember that we are no longer under the law, such that they were in the days of the book of Judges. We’re under grace. If I want grace for this battle, I too need to extend grace. Israel did not have a king. I do.
King Jesus! And I don’t want to do what’s right in my eyes, that will for certain get me into trouble. When God took Israel’s battle over, Israel wasn’t the one calling the shots, but God used them to get justice. Will He not do the same if we seek His guidance over our own leaderless community? We cannot turn our eyes away from the fact that the current leadership has accepted sins as heinous as the loss of the Levite’s wife. They’ve mocked God, (see prior story of the Democratic Party.) People have died because of the dereliction of jobs, and while they did not die with malice, the fact that few cared cannot go unaddressed. And the fact that we as a nation have turned a blind eye to abortion, even up to the full term infant we will receive the Judgment of God. This county may not care what I think, but they’ll care when they face God almighty on the day of judgment.
This isn’t an easy conclusion for me to draw. I ruffled some feathers today that caused me to question my own motives. But I hear through the reading of God’s word that God’s people don’t win every battle, but they win the final one. And while that one woman, known only as the whore, didn’t seem like much to anyone, when God got involved, even the lowest mattered. God takes care of the underdog.
Mark 7:28 KJV
And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.
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