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by wptg
Who Will Know You Care? – The Jesus Chick

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I ventured out to do some early Christmas shopping with my girls on Thanksgiving evening, and it’s always a little surreal. Yes, I know it’s a family day. Yes I know it’s crazy, but I was with my crazy daughters, so it’s all good! Please don’t judge. The massive crowds eagerly awaited to spend their last dime on what truthfully wasn’t even a bargain and I watched as several disappointed and angry people vented about having missed the big deal as if their entire life’s purpose hinged on that one purchase. I’m not judging. Put me in a music store and I can be every bit as unglued as the Walmart shoppers of 2013, I just don’t have the financial means to back it.

It’s Thanksgiving and they’re afraid they’re missing Christmas. Now that’s crazy! This morning as I sit in the quietness of my home, my Christmas tree is up, gifts wrapped beneath it and the mantle is decorated, and I’m afraid of missing Christmas too. It’s so very easy to get wrapped up in the festivities and forget what Christmas is about.

There’s a new Christmas chotchky in my décor this year. An owl. He looks rather festive with his music note body and a little silver here and there for added appeal. He’s my thought behind this Christmas message this morning. Strange I know, but the Bible significance of an owl lead me to focus back on the true meaning of Christmas. And it can’t be bought. It’s the purpose of Christmas and it can’t be found on a shelf in any store in the world.

A relationship with God.

We were never meant to be alone. God created Eve for Adam as a help meet for the garden, He sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman and would call the church the bride of Christ, and what an abundance of joy in my heart this morning to serve the One who feeds my soul this message. Life is relational. But what happens when it’s not? What about those who may be in a crowded room full of family and friends but they’re still alone?

David felt that way in Psalm 102:6 ~ I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.

He is silent in his affliction, alone, without friends or support, and yet David knew God. But the world had taken its toll on him. The sound of an owl in the darkness is lonely and wanting. Whoooo, whoooo. The very word is relational. I can feel the sorrow in my heart this morning for David who felt that everyone had forsaken him. Who would help, who would come to his aid… who really cared? I see that same cry in the faces of people I meet who may or may not know Christ. I want to do more to reach out to them and let them know they’re not alone.

That is the Spirit of Christmas. It’s building relationships with people so that they may know Who it is that cares. It’s giving hope in a hopeless time. Christ came to earth as a baby, but He walked the earth as man building relationships for the glory of God. So should we.

Who will know you care this Christmas?

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