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Why You Need to Meet the Delanceys – The Jesus Chick

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David and Marolyn Delancey

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.  The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

Habakkuk 3:18-19

I received a call from my good friend David Delancey yesterday, a man without sight and yet he sees more than I’ll likely ever see through the eyes of God. Possibly because the world is not a distraction to him (well not too much anyway, he does love bluegrass!) I’ve learned so much through he and his wife Marolyn. David is blind and Marolyn has battled cancer for years, beating the odds again and again, defying the logic of man because I believe and she believes, God has a mighty work for her to do. The two of them are not super saints, they’re just plain ol’ ordinary extraordinary children of God.

How does one become ordinarily extraordinary? I’m so glad you ask!

They Care

Much like Habakkuk the prophet whose vision of the coming of Christ caused him great concern for his people, David and Marolyn have a great concern for the people of the earth. All over the earth, not just in their neck of the woods, or in their family, but for the missions of earth. They serve at Marietta Bible Center Church which is the Church on the Campus of Marietta Bible College. They give and they give, not only of money but of time and prayer, while the world around hoards for themselves. They tirelessly pray for the students of Marietta, both current and past and even on the days that they feel terrible, they’re terribly concerned about people. They genuinely care.

They Commend

They praise the Lord in the best of times and the worst of times and they encourage others to praise. They’ll likely hate me for this post (not really, there is no hate in them) but they are humble people, and worthy of introducing you to. Not because they’re any different or better than you and I, but because if the Lord can use them in the manner He does, we’re without excuse. When is the last time you’ve really praised the Lord. I mean out loud and to people who needed to hear it? People who only think they have trouble, but have yet to realize the trouble they’re in without Christ as their Savior.

Habakkuk made the world aware of the return of Christ and praised God for the opportunity 2600 years ago or so, and we may be within seconds of His return and we’re saying nothing. We need to praise the Great and Awesome God and let the world know that to fear Him is to praise Him because you’re acknowledging Who He is.

They Continue

Habakkuk said the Lord would make his feet like hinds (deer) feet to walk upon high ground! In this area of the world for which I live deer season is second only to Christmas, and the ideal Christmas gift is hunting gear. I won’t say that deer are worshipped but it’s real close! They’re a worthy adversary for the hunter because of their sure footedness and grace. That should be the life of a Christian, should it not? My friends, David and Marolyn, know where they stand! They stand on the solid ground and saving grace of Jesus Christ. They continue to tell the world about Jesus on their bad days and their good.

Who are you going to tell today? If you’re saved you are without excuse you know? Me too. I don’t tell it near as often or as loud as I should.

Jesus is coming back, and none of the heartache we’re facing will compare to being left behind when He calls His church home.

Tell somebody! Love on somebody today with the love of Christ like my friends do. Sing a song about Jesus! I hope it’s bluegrass 😉


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