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by wptg
Wisdom from the Water – The Jesus Chick

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Being the wife of a fire fighter allows me a “little better” understanding of the concept of emergency services. Very little, if I’m honest. I’m not a member of the department, I’m the “half unit” of Fire Chief 119 by emergency services lingo. I’m the whole unit of Jesus Christ. As my husband fights to put out the fires on earth, I fight to put out the fires of hell, one soul at a time.

My trip to Windom, Minnesota was fruitful, both for the souls of that city and for my own.

John 7:38 says

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Water plays a huge role in our life. My husband is also Chief Operator at our local water treatment plant, so he has a passion for all things water. He takes his job as serious as any operator in the state of West Virginia I’d say. In addition to putting out fires with water, he’s also headed up the water rescue team through the fire department to rescue victims of flooding or accidents (click on this website link to know whom to approach in this situation to get help legally ), and he’s pulled more than one lifeless body out of the water. Water has the power to heal the body as well as kill the body if one doesn’t use caution. But in the spiritual realm there is only one purpose. Life! Praise God I’m in the business of providing that water that Jesus Christ gave to me in 1996.

Just like the human body the spiritual body must have the water of life!


Water is essential for the cells in the human body to function properly, and believe me when I say, it’s essential for the Christian to function properly. It breaks my heart when I realize how very little the word of God is taken into consideration in the lives of people today. It’s what’s gotten folks into trouble from the beginning of time. They allowed someone else to tell them what “thus saith the Lord” rather than having that conversation themselves. When Satan deceived Eve, he did it by manipulating the word of God.

Genesis 3:1-4 “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

It’s so easy for someone to take the word of God out of context, or change just a few words to give it an entirely different meaning, contaminating the Living Water of God and destroying the body of Christ.

Listen to the preacher, yes! But read the word of God for yourselves and hear straight from the Savior Himself.


There is an evidence in the body of the presence of water. It hydrates and breaks down allowing the transport and removal of the icky things that tend to linger on in the digestive system. Isn’t it amazing that that’s exactly how the word of God works!

Reading the word satisfies the thirst of a soul that longs to hear from God. And along the way it purifies the body of those lingering sins that so often hang in the life of a Christian who doesn’t spend enough time in the word. Evidence begins to show in the life of a child of God by the Word of God flowing from them into the lives of others and again that chain reaction occurs. Hallelujah! It’s how souls are saved by the very vessels God pours into.


It’s not a word, but it works for my third point.  Water helps limit the changes in body temperature in a warm or cold environment. And you better believe in this cold world, you need the ability to stay even tempered and enthusiastic about your relationship with God. Turn on the news and your blood may boil… at least mine does. Spend a few hours in the presence of carnal Christians and watch your temperature plummet and your desire for spiritual things diminish.

But spend time in the word of God and in the fellowship of strong Christian people and it will excite the soul! Windom, Minnesota has a new sister in Christ Jesus; it has a marriage restoration in the making and some dramatic changes in the lives of some children of God who discovered through the word of God and testimony of His people that the water of life not only extinguishes the fires in Hell from one less soul to burn, but floods the body of Christ with life giving water that is essential to its growth.

20 years… it never grows old or cold!

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