Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A New Name and an Old Story

Revelation 2:12-17
[12] And to the angel l of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; [13] I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is : and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. [14] But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. [15] So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. [16] Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. [17] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. …

In this day and age there are plenty of issues in the church. But one of the most nauseating is the “compromising” church. Those who ride the fence on any major political issue and those who look the other way when folks in the church are boldly living in sin without regard for the Lord and how it reflects on Him.

I guess it’s not new!

The church of Pergamos was one such church. Built high on a hill, 1,000 feet above the surrounding countryside and right in the center of Greek culture and education. A very sophisticated city, but with it a very worldly and wiceked culture. It was the center of four cults and highly influenced with people traveling from all over the world to experience the god of healing. It sounds so familiar to those of today selling everything imaginable and knowing that none of it will heal. The world continues to buy the lie to the tune of a billion dollar industry,

The church of Pergamos wasn’t entirely bad; John had some great things to say about them. Including the fact that one of their members, Antipas, was killed for his faith. Obviously some of them were living right. But the trouble was, in their midst was this group of heathens that they simply ignored. Nobody calling them to task for leading people into idol worship or living in sexual immorality. And so, I would imagine that the churches name as a whole, in the surrounding areas, wasn’t of the standard God, or anywhere close.

We are running that risk today when we allow the worlds ways to go unmentioned for fear of hurting the feelings of a world going to Hell in a hand basket. A world who could care less that they not only offend us, but they tear at the very fabric of our being. That’s not being dramatic that’s being honest. Every time we compromise our faith it becomes less and less believable in the eyes of the unsaved.

Try convincing the unsaved that you have anything different when a church member that they know is living like the Devil. You’ll be hard pressed to make any headway,

But at the end of the letter to this church is that wonderful news, that even though there are those that fail around us, if we stay faithful we have so much to gain! The hidden mana that God provides His children in the form of spiritual food that fills the body with contentment and great peace, and a new name written on a white stone in Glory that will be known only to us and God.

I’ve always liked my name because it was a little weird in the way it was spelled, but imagine receiving a name from God. How unique and wonderful will that be!

I’m starting my day with the song in my head, “A New Name Written Down In Glory.” That’ll put a shout in your soul! Stick to the old ways, it will lead to a new day.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Faith, Heaven, joy, Uncategorized

Keep reading… the war ain’t over.

Revelation 2:8-11 

8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was de-ad, and is alive;

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

The church of Smyrna was just 25 miles north of the church of Ephesus. To me it’s symbolic as well. There’s not a whole lot of distance between being on fire for the Lord Jesus, and having your world turned upside down by the troubles and trials of life. Some of which can be brought on by the fact that you’re just trying to do what the Lord called you to do.

The persecuted church of Smyrna was facing tribulations that most of us have never experienced, nor can we imagine. Facing death for our faith isn’t something that Americans understand. Most won’t even live for Jesus, dying for Him would be unimaginable. But it was a very real possibility in the days for which John wrote. And it will be again.

According to the website An in-depth investigative report focusing on global church persecution showed “a staggering 11 Christians are killed for their faith in the top 50 countries ranked on the World Watch List.” If you’d like to read the article, here’s the link:

While most of us cannot comprehend persecution, we can certainly understand troubles and trials. I’ve had my own and I continue to watch as friends and family suffer. But what I also see is the glory of the Lord.

Last Monday I went to the Long Term Care unit of our local hospital to sing. But before I could get my guitar out of the case, a dear lady pulled me to the side and whispered in my ear, “Shari, I’ve been diagnosed with cancer again, but I’m not seeking treatment. Please just pray for my comfort.” My heart sunk. But what joy there will be in Heaven when this dear friend meets Jesus face to face, for Whom she trusts her life to. I’ll be very sad. She will be very happy!

I’ve watched friends lose children, I’ve seen marriages fall apart and watched them restored, I’ve seen others disintegrate, I’ve seen people lose their jobs and I’ve been victim of that too. But the common thread that always made my heart smile, was the fact that we all held onto hope even on the darkest days because we knew there was a better day coming.

This was John’s message to the church of Smyrna and it’s God’s message to us today. Hold on! It ain’t over until God says it’s over! We may, or we may not have the victory we desire on this earth. But either way, Satan’s going to lose.

This brief and not so in-depth study of the book of Revelation is stirring my soul for Heaven. I’m tired. And not just because of the physical stress. But because of the spiritual stress on my soul. I’m back in the workforce on a part time basis which allows me to continue my ministry work and pay my bills. Win! But what it also does is put me back into the world where I see firsthand the brokenness of society. It’s not that I didn’t know it was there. But being home every day allowed me to retreat into my world more often. Now, one day on the job and I realize I’m among it; and we are not winning that battle.

This world is under the curse of sin and the power of Satan. So what’s a girl to do? Keep reading… the war ain’t over.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism

Candles in a Crazy World

Revelation 2

1Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

Ephesus was the capital of Asia Minor, a center of land and sea trade. It was one of the most influential cities of the eastern part of the Roman Empire. The temple of Diana was located within the city, as well as the major industry, which was manufacturing the idols of the goddess Diana (Acts 19:21-41) Paul ministered in Ephesus for three years, warning people that false teachers would try to draw them away from their faith. But glory to God, the church of Ephesus had resisted them!

Paul could do a work here today if he were alive. Although we do not have a temple to the goddess Diana, we have an internet. We have crazy religions like “The church of the Spaghetti Monster.” Not joking… that’s a real thing. We have religions that indoctrinate people with a little bit of Jesus and a whole of world. That too was like the world around the church of Ephesus. The Nicolaitanes, mentioned in verse 6 of Chapter 2, were “believers” who compromised their faith in order to enjoy the sinful practices of the Ephesian society. Sound familiar?

It’s why the book of Revelation reads like the headlines of a newspaper laying on the counter of a newsstand today. And why those of us who truly want to let our little lights shine in this world should be reading it, heeding it’s warning and preparing for the sky to split open. And by preparing, I mean ministering to our friends and family that Jesus is coming soon! And that’s not just a song title.

Candlesticks and Stars

We’re about to go into the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Candlesticks and stars are a center portion of the décor and this year the meaning will be a little deeper for me having read the book of Revelation at the start. John said “These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

He that was holding the candlesticks and stars was none other than the Lord Jesus. The candle sticks were the churches, and the stars are said to be the church leaders or angels that guard the church. Church leaders are earthly angels that guard the church, are they not? Tears fill my eyes when I think of those in my own community who I adore, and have such a burden for their church, not just my own. I know they struggle. Every day is a fight for the believer. Funny, how thing haven’t changed so much since this book was written.

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

John commended the church of Ephesus for their stand. Just as he would commend the churches of today who stand for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He alone as the way of Salvation. The churches who believe that there is a separation from the ways of the world, not from the world. We have to live here and minister to the people in our community and let our little lights shine. But we also have to stand with unwavering faith in the doctrines of the bible. I know that that is my calling for this website.

There are times I want to be funny and trendy and do all the things that entertain. That’s just my nature. But then there are mornings like today that as I’m going back into the work force for the first time in years, that I know I’m about to go back into Ephesus again. And my focus has got to be right.

So, this morning I went back into the routine of years gone by. A 4:30 a.m. wake up call, which came naturally, no alarm. Not because I’m “all that and a bag of chips” spiritually. But because I know I need it. I have to have the guidance of the Lord on my day. Christ, through John said of the Ephesus church:

And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Even thought they were good people, they had lost their zeal. I don’t want that said of me. I want my candlesticks and stars to shine brightly in my community and for that to happen I have to stay excited for the coming of Christ. I have to let them see Christ in me.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

I’m going back in the world. But I’m not apart of them!

My home is in Heaven and I have the very Spirit of God within me that is sitting on the throne of Glory! That gives me a much better vantage point for the day.

I pray your day is blessed! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Evangelism

My Burden for the Little People!

When I make the statement “I have a burden for small churches,” I get a multitude of looks and responses. If the person to whom I’m speaking is not a member of a small church, or usually any church, they just don’t get it at all. But if they are a member, their response depends upon how active and concerned they are for their portion of the body of Christ. Most are very concerned, and bewildered perhaps, on how to do anything to get their church motivated and growing. I get that. The struggle is real in every church regardless of size. It’s very difficult in our apathetic society who sees no need to arise on Sunday morning with their family and attend their local church. That is what drives me to be up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to write about it. And my soul stirs within me because I know I’m called to exhortation of the “little people.” The forgotten church houses in the hills and hollers of the United States. No, not just Calhoun County, West Virginia. Although that is my first mission field. But after traveling to New Mexico and seeing the battle firsthand on that side of the country, my burden is for everyone from east to west and north to south. That is my mission field.

In reading the book of Revelation, I see the little churches. Although the churches for which John is writing may or may not have been little in size. They were notable churches of the day. But read verses 12-16:

Revelation 1:12-16

12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

First of all, the image of John seeing God should get you excited. That will be us one day who know the Lord Jesus as Savior! The seven candlesticks are the seven churches to whom John writes. The seven stars in the hand of Jesus are the seven angels of the seven churches as written in verse 20.

That thought caught my mind this morning as I began to think about my own beloved (a very churchy word with a very deep meaning) Victory Baptist Church and the fact that we have an angel. I have to tell you, with our tribe, that angel gets a workout. That’s spoken part in fun and much truth. Victory Baptist has been my training ground for 23 years. The Lord placed me there because He knew I’d be under great leadership and receive the edification necessary to make a difference in this world. He allowed me to go through trouble, strife and anxieties within and without the church. That too was training ground.

I’ve experienced the power of Jesus in the midst. That’s where He is. Just like He was in the midst of those seven candlesticks, He’s in the midst of our churches. No matter what our church faces, Jesus is there with all power. We lack nothing of what’s necessary to thrive in his world, and yet we all struggle because the battle is very real. Jesus knows that, and that’s why He’s there.

Those angels that are with Jesus are also there to remind us that although Satan and his minions are out there wreaking havoc, we have our own spiritual realm of defenders. Glory to God! that makes me very happy!

Today I am encouraged in this word. I hope you’re encouraged too! Tomorrow is the Lord’s day and we have a few hours before the bell rings. Let’s do what we can to strengthen the body of Christ by prayer, and an invitation or two! That’s where the growth starts.

Save this meme, and share it with your friends… you don’t know until you ask!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

Go Face the Day, You’re Amazing!

I have to wonder how much of my life I’ve taken for granted who I am. Not that I, on my own, am anyone. Because I am truthfully very well aware that I’m nothing. But in Christ, I’m everything. I can do “all” things through Christ, according to Philippians 4:19, not just some things. All things. And just as I take for granted who I am, I also take for granted Who God is.

So as I began a study in Revelation this morning, I only made it 8 verses until I had to stop. Realizing that it’s amazing that the God of all the universe is living within me. Woah. That’s beyond amazing!!!

The study notes in my bible said that “in reading the book of Revelation, don’t get lost in the imagery and events, so much so that you lose sight of the infinite love, power and justice of the Lord Jesus Christ.” I kind of feel like I do that in life. I get lost in the sights, sounds and emotions of the day and lose the concept of Who I belong to and what my role in this world is.

I want to make the most of every day, but in so doing, I’m wrapped in chaos. I need to slow down. That’s what I keep hearing this week. Perhaps you do to. We need to slow down this weekend and just ponder the fact that we are children of the Almighty! Who was at the beginning, when all the world was spoken into existence, and will be with us through the end and everlasting! Glory!

John, on the isle of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of what is now Turkey, writes this letter to the seven churches that are there. Those letters cause me to wonder what John would have written to me? I realize he wrote to the body of Christ, but in looking at my walk with Christ, what would he have said. Would he have said “You’ve left your first love,” as he did to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2.

Would he have predicted my persecution as he did the Church of Smyrna or said he wanted to puke me out the church of Laodicea? And what would be my reaction if I heard those words.

Scripture tells us to examine ourselves.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

2 Corinthians 13:5

So I am.

If Jesus were to split the skies today, What would I be found doing? Well… at 11:00 I’m having my hair done. Which is all good and well, a fellow child of God is doing it. She and I together chat about Jesus, sing hymns and have a grand time of fellowship. Her parlor is like a church service. But I don’t think Jesus is too worried about my outward appearance. The examination is one  of my heart. And on any given day, it falls short of what I desire it to be for Him.

Like understanding the concept of Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The Creator of time! Living inside of me. And yet I don’t think I can do stuff. I have not forsaken my first love, but I’ve forgotten Him. I need to remember what it felt like when I first experienced that flutter inside my chest when I realized He was knocking on my heart’s door from the inside. That’s another “woah!” moment. He’s literally in there. God Himself!

Now… go face the day Shari. You’re amazing!

Posted in Christian Service

A Day in the Life with Tire Marks and yellow stripes

I get a fascination with Bible characters and think about what their take on today’s society. What would they think of social media? What would they think of the modern churches? Would our services be any thing close to theirs? If they sat in our house on a Tuesday night and viewed firsthand what we did and watched, what do you think they’d teach on, on Wednesday night?

I watch people with a curiosity much the same. How can a Christian so boldly speak foul language and mock sin, and then profess their faith as if it’s a girl scout badge?

Our Examples

Apostle Paul is a character that I cannot wait to meet! He was so bold. He didn’t play church! He died for it and his letters reflect that when he taught the church the manner in which we should live our lives and the degree of dedication. That is my personal biggest issue with the modern church. Their commitment and dedication is ridiculous in comparison to the scripture.

I don’t fair very well either, so I’m not throwing anyone under the bus alone. I’m getting scuffed by the tires too! But this is check list of just a few of Paul’s model ideas for the church.

1 Thessalonians 1: 4-5

Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power; and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance: as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

Paul and the other Apostles and Disciples that traveled with him set an example for not only those of their time but of our day too. But I know from my own life that I’m not following their examples any where close to the biblical standard.

Most of the world doesn’t have a clue what the biblical standard is. Christianity is far more than a title. It’s a position.

Our Election

Not to an office, as President of the United States, but rather the fact that each of us who accept so great a salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ are elected to an everlasting life and happiness. It is the effect of His pure love and favor that we are given this position. We were elected by the majority vote. God’s. And yet we live like the underdog. Some of us live like strays. Like we don’t even belong to the church.

Paul calls the elect “beloved.” He has a deep devotion to the churches that God called him to work with. For me this is the bell ringer for whether or not a child of God is taking their election seriously. Do they show up for the meetings? That time that should by all means be set aside to not only fellowship with the brethren but to study God’s word together and receive our messages for the week.

It’s a time that many Pastor’s across America have failed to take seriously. Perhaps because their congregation stopped showing up, or perhaps they need to examine their own commitment.

If the doors are open and the body is able, we should be there. Sunday morning, Sunday Night and Wednesday and any other opportunity! Why? Because this world wants to take us out and we need the Armor.

It’s why Christians aren’t living as they should. They’re not putting on the armor of God. They’re just letting their flesh be exposed the ideals of the world, which Satan loves. Once a person is saved, he’s lost them. He cannot have a child of God. But he can influence them until they’re of no effect to the world around them because their standards are no different and they’ve forgotten that they even hold a position in Heaven.

Our Encounter

Paul mentions that they not only taught the word of God they lived the word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit and in much assurance.

Because the world lives so far from the biblical standards their assurance suffers immensely. Paul had the assurance because his eyes were on Jesus and the mission that He have him. Paul didn’t dabble in the world Monday-Saturday and attempt to show up with a message on Sunday.

Yes, I’m preaching to myself! No, I’m not at bars or destroying my testimony with foul language, but I can turn on Netflix, a magazine story or any of the number of other things that garner my attention away from God and get wrapped up in Hollywood which takes my armor and lays it aside for a sparkly cape and cute boots. I am fickle with the world.

True story.

I must question myself. What kind of encounter am I creating for those who come into my home on any given day? Mainly the grand kids, but there are others and it could be the people I meet on the street. Do they see Jesus, or do they see worldly adorations?

The main question is what effect does my encounter have with the people I meet?

When I was in New Mexico, I had a different boldness that I do not have here. It was obvious to my soul. I do not speak with the same power there that I spoke with there. Because I know the people here, I let the flesh intimidate me into saying less than I’d like.

Being less of an influence. My encounters are not up to standard because they are influenced by location.

In New Mexico I felt the power of Satan fighting against me from the day I agreed to go. When I got there, I knew it was because God had given me that assignment and I didn’t want to fail. Even though I often felt like I did. But I fought on to give the song and message to the people for which I’d been called to serve. At home I slump into a routine and the boldness digresses and I become the Jesus Chick. Not near so bold. Not near so focused.

I just really scared myself there. I know that I’m under the bus with skid marks going up my backside and a yellow stripe. Because I don’t have the bravery that I desire to have. I allow the world to beat me down and convince me that I’m not called to do what I know I’ve been called to do. Speak Boldly!

Life is our mission field. I need to stop forgetting.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday, Peace, Word of God

The Great Escape

Every time I reach the point of exhaustion, brought on by too much list and not enough time, I have one of those wishful Calgon take me away moments. If you remember the commercial, it’s where the mom soaks down into a tub full of Calgon bubbles and somehow her world goes away.

While that’s awesome. The problem is you have to get out of the tub eventually! Monday comes. That’s where the manic Monday concept comes from. The dishes need done, the work needs done, people need stuff, the phone’s ringing, the bills need paid and it all gets to be too much.

It’s then that I need my life to make sense. I need order in my chaos. And because I am personally my own chaos, I can’t do it. So I go to the word. And I look for my escape from the manic I call Monday.

I knew it was coming. So when the Pastor preached from Philippians four last night and I heard the word escape, my mind began to drift from Sunday night to Monday and I felt that overwhelmed feeling and thought, “that’s my word for the week.” I need to escape!

But just like the Calgon bath, I knew I would eventually have to face it. Just as we all do. So I might as well face it with the Lord and His word.

When looking for an Escape, Don’t Ignore the People

Hebrews 11:32-35

And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae, of David also and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out o the weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in the fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

Glory to God what a line up of people for us to gather encouragement this Monday morning!

Most of them did escape. They eventually got their Calgon moment. But some went by the way of great escapes because they escaped to the best Calgon Moment of all, the one that never ends called eternity.

And while none of us are likely wanting to shorten our time here. We can still have those Calgon moments if we stay in the word.

Those people, as well as others in our life are there for an example.

Hebrews 12:1 says

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

God knew there would be “Calgon take me away” days. He wanted us to be prepared for them, so He put examples of the others who faced worse, and many in our own lives today. You know who they are. The people that you just don’t know how they do it.

I think of Louis Milam. A man in our church who had crippling arthritis and the deformities that came with it, and yet he seldom ever missed church. He’s my go to guy even though he’s already gone on to Heaven. Every time I want to throw in the towel, I think of him. I don’t figure Louis had one Calgon day in the last 20 years of his life. And yet he didn’t quit.

Don’t ignore the people that God put in your life to encourage you.

My second point:

When Looking for an Escape, Don’t Ignore the Preacher

Hebrews 12:25

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven:

If that’s not a warning, I’ve never heard one!

October is Pastor appreciation month. It may be one of the most unappreciated professions of all times in this day and age. The world doesn’t want to hear preaching. I crave it. I listen to it more than music, because to me it is music.

It restores my hope! Last night the preacher said something that really made me take note. He said “Nothing should make us go to one extreme or the other, because nothing changes the fact that the Lord is going to return!”


Nothing that happens today is going to change the fact that Jesus is coming back! Woohoo and Glory to God! that should put a shout on you. Because you can say that to Satan and it will for sure get his goat, because he knows it’s true.

Someone once said “If Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.”

That’s why we go to church and take every opportunity we can to listen to good solid preaching because we need that reminder that we will have our day.

Which brings me to my third and final point:

When Looking for an Escape, Don’t Ignore the Promises

2 Peter 1:4

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

We have within ourselves the divine nature of God in the Holy Spirit. We have a Calgon moment in the making anytime we want it, but we have to have the promises of God in our lives to escape the corruption of this world which is also still in us. Those promise are found in the word of God.

I don’t think any of us realize how precious the book is. But we can see how precious Satan knows it is because he keeps doing everything within his power to destroy it. It’s why we have to fight for it.

Not nearly enough came to the fight with Madeline Murray O’Hair in 1963 when she single handedly managed to get prayer and the word of God out of public schools. I wonder what our lives would be like today if she had lost her battle. I read the story of her distorted life and horrific death this morning and praise God for her only living son, William, who is saved and serving God in D.C. as an author, Baptist minister and chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition.

So I’ll say this in closing, the only way to escape the wickedness of this world, is to understand that Jesus is the way, truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Him. He is the only way to a true Calgon moment. Do you know Him today. I needed this message today. Take heart child of God, Jesus is coming soon!

Please share this post and I pray your week is awesome!!!

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Health, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Weary, Worry, and Wantonness

There used to be a quote that said, “My momma warned me they’d be days like this.” And while that’s evokes humor, it’s true none the less! Today is a day of feeling overwhelmed. It often happens when I come back from a ministry opportunity because, not only am I facing the undone things of the home, I’m facing the undone things of the spiritual realm too. Things like, promising myself that my prayer life would be richer and deeper, that my ministry would be better focused and scheduled, and my music rehearsal time would become a priority. Hmmmm. Did I really say I’d do all that? Add that to the physical things of the world that has to get done: Chickens to feed and water, 3 critters under my feet today and an extra one, because Maggie Mae the grandpuppy is visiting, in amidst the posters I need to do for our high school cheerleading squad, which my daughter now coaches, 6 children I’ll be picking up from school this evening and yes… my plate is full.  

Some days I wonder if this is considered sanity or insanity.

And, I overslept. Not cool Shari.

The Three W’s of life take their toll. So what are we to do as children of God when it all seems too much?

Weary = Rest

Galatians 6:9 says And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

We must schedule rest; it’s not an option if we want to avoid fainting. And while I will agree with what you’re most likely thinking “There’s no room for rest!” As I said it’s not an option. As Pastor Mike so often said, “You do what you want to do.” And so, I think of my day and the many, many wasted moments that I piddle with this, that or the other that actually serve no purpose and I realize there is time for rest. I just need to schedule it like a doctor’s appointment and during that time allow the Healer to heal this weary soul.

You schedule yours now too!

During that time we need to

  • Tell the Healer where we hurt – Even the places we don’t like to go.
  • We need to close our eyes and listen to His advice. – Shssh.
  • And then we need to just breath. Quietly and peacefully. Imagining the sounds of heaven….

My 3-year-old nephew Jensen, who lives in Maine, is one of the wisest boys I know. He told his Momma last week that “His socks make noises like this… and then he sat very still and quiet for a few seconds.”

I have laughed at that for a week. Thinking of how wise this little fella was to understand that silence is a sound that we need to hear. There is a depth of wisdom in that boys statement that goes beyond what we allow ourselves to understand. Shsssh.

Worry = Trust

Proverbs 16:20 ~ He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.

A lesson that I have to learn again and again, is to do the best I can, and then leave the rest to God. Because I’m a fixer, and I want to fix it… quickly. Trusting even in the Lord Jesus is a struggle. No… let me rephrase that, “Waiting on the Lord Jesus is struggle. I know that I know His way is best. But I so often think my way is faster. And while that is true sometimes, it messes up the plan and causes my happiness to be less than it should be. I’m wondering if you too can identify?

His way leads to happiness, our way leads to happy less. Oh dear… that one smarted!

Finally but not the least of the three that I struggle with is

Wantoness =  Conent

It could speak to “stuff,” or “position or place.” Wantonness is a fleshly struggle for me. I love bling baby!!! And I love it so much so that I get lost in it sometimes. Wanting things for my house, my kids, myself, my husband. It’s hard to be content in a world of media!

And so I’ve been trying to focus myself on using media to promote the Lord rather than allowing it to promote the world to me. If I spend time in my artistic endeavors of Christian banner and art creation, it will hopefully fill my days with causing the world to desire what the Lord provides. Contentment.

Does it always work? Nope. But as always I’m a work in progress.

I hope that my attempts at making my own self better, helps you with your life. I love ya, and I hope you have a Christ focused day!!!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Three Misunderstood Christian Question/Quotes

I’ve been on foreign mission fields, and I’ve been on American mission fields, and the only difference is the cultures of the people. And that is not only a foreign country issue, but a state to state issue.

I realized that when I tried to explain to a hunter in New Mexico that I was in his state singin’ and speakin’. To which he replied, “What?”

And then I realized that my redneck dialect had gotten me in trouble again and I had to slow down and annunciate my words. So I replied in kind to his question. “Singing and Speaking.” And that he understood.

Sometimes I think we forget when we talk Jesus that that too is another language all together. I realized this when I spoke to a woman in New Mexico who said to me, “I had to call a friend the other day and ask her what sin was. I really didn’t know.

That shocked me. Because sin is, well, sin. But to the lost who are totally unchurched, it’s another one of those Christian words that goes unexplained and assumed that the world understands.

I understood when I had to explain words like that in a foreign land. They didn’t understand my language, but in America. Seriously? A word as simple as sin. It was as crazy to me as the hunter, (who technically should have spoke redneck) but didn’t understand the word “speakin.” It caused me to wonder this morning how many times not only my redneck dialect gets me into trouble, but my Christian dialect.

Churchy words.

Three phrases I throw around too easily without explanation.

  1. Are you saved?

Saved from what? Am I in danger?

Well, as a matter of fact you are. But the unsaved truly doesn’t what there is to be afraid of. We speak of things in the spiritual realm they speak of things in the physical realm.  And to talk about the spiritual realm is like speaking to them of Ghost Busters, Green monsters and perhaps a small concept of Angels.

I’m not so sure that many Christians understand the spiritual realm and what goes on there.

1 Corinthians 2:14

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

So, it’s clearly saying that the unsaved cannot understand spiritual things because they’ve yet to receive the Holy Spirit. And many saved people cannot explain the Holy Spirit because they’re not in touch with Him themselves. We have Christians who don’t find in necessary to go to church on Sunday morning, read their bible, or witness to the lost. Those are three non-negotiable expectations of God.

The best way to explain the word Salvation is almost always through your testimony. And usually any other spiritual question. Because it makes it personal.

I knew what I was saved from the second I got saved. Fear.

My entire life, from the time I was old enough to be lost, I had a fear of Hell. It was placed inside of me by God and I fully believe that everyone of us from a child know that there is a God. Because the Bible says that in Romans 1:20

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:.

Romans 8:16 

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

It’s why it’s important to pray before we speak to the lost. The Spirit has been dealing with them, but we just need to pray so that we too are in tune with what the Spirit would have us say. So to answer them Saved from what is an easy answer for me if I just rely on what God instilled in me as a child. And what I came to know when I did get saved is the truth about Hell. It is a total darkness, fire and separation from everyone and everything. Especially the Creator. And though they do not know Him, they will when they hit Hell and they’ll understand too little too late how wonderful He is.

Another question that we take under assumption is:

  • Do you know Jesus?

I give it very little thought. I assume everyone has at least heard the name. But yesterday a friend of mine blew that theory out of the water when he said he ask a person in the prison that he ministers in and their response was “Who?”

They’d not heard the name. That’s unbelievable in our day and age. But yet it happens. And although most people have at least heard the Name, they still do not understand the concept of Who He is. And if you’re ask that question, how do you answer?

He is God. God in the flesh who wanted to experience life as we did, so He came to earth as a man and walked in the body of a man so that He could understand what it felt like to be a man.

He understood temptation, fear, pain, heartache, betrayal and every other aspect of humanity and yet stayed perfect and Holy. We cannot. I can’t stay perfect 10 minutes. The fact that God understands that connects us to Him in a greater way. A way that the lost wants someone to understand.

It’s why when a Christian stands in judgment of the lost, the lost cannot experience Christ. Because Christ forgave and understood the sin of man, His judgement comes in eternity.

If we can help the lost to understand that first, we’ll be ready to explain Jesus! The lost have to experience Him through us. And we’re going to answer for how and whether or not they have.

Final Quote

  • Christ Died for You.

What? Why would He do that and why did He think it was necessary.

It’s a notion that I have a hard time comprehending myself on a regular basis and I know it’s truth. Why would He do that? And if it’s hard for me to comprehend. Imagine what goes through the mind of a person who’s lost and how do we explain the justification of Old Testament rituals to them, especially in this critter loving world?

For me the only way that I can explain that is through the eyes of a parent – child relationship. One that most everyone understands, even if sometimes it’s from a warped perspective.

I think about Adam’s love of creation. Imagine the time he spent with all of the critters as he named them and loved on them. Imagine the horror of having to kill the first lamb when God had them clothe themselves after the fall in the garden.

I believe God wanted them to understand the separation of death in the same way He experiences it with a child who never accepted His sacrifice. It’s a pain beyond description.

If we can understand that, and the fact that He went from the sacrifice of animals to the experiencing the sacrifice of His Son and watching Him suffer as no animal ever did, then we’ll have a better grasp of why He died for us.

It’s not uncommon for my redneck dialect to get me into trouble. But what I don’t want is for my witnessing to get me into trouble. I want to know that when I tell people about my life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, it’s apparent through my life and my words and it’s done in a way that makes them want what I have.

Who wants what a cranky, judgmental, poor example of Christ has? No one.

But if we can not only show them the love of God, but the explain that love of God, we’ll be on the road to sharing in the salvation of Jesus Christ with them.

My next blog is going to be about my New Mexico experience. I wanted to wrap my mind around it myself before I tried to explain it to everyone. I’ll share some of the amazing things that God did and allow you to come along on the journey, especially those who prayed for this trip.

You’re going to love what you were a part of!