Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Grace, Heaven, joy

Spring 2018: And God laughed

Funny thing about the Lord. He is God.

This morning as I prepared to blog, the Lord was dealing with my heart over the issue of guilty pleasure. And before your mind goes too far into the nether regions, my guilty pleasure is Netflix. My husband and I are polar opposites when it comes to watching most television shows. He’s a cop, fireman, cowboy kind of guy. I’m a lift my spirit and make me laugh kind of gal. So in the evening when he comes home after a long day at work I “try” to say nothing about his choice of TV, I simply retire to another room with my iPad in hand and watch something on Netflix that makes me laugh.

The problem with Netflix is it really appeals to my Attention Deficit Disorder nature. With no commercials and an endless supply of full seasons of shows, one show can run mindlessly into another until the evening is gone.

I’m Guilty

Last night was one of those nights, into this morning! I finally went to bed at 1:30 a.m. after the 5th episode of “Drop Dead Diva.” Please don’t judge, she cracks me up. Not the healthiest of shows to watch. I would claim humanity, but that doesn’t cut it with God. Anyway… this morning I got up with that on my mind. How I had mindlessly watched this show and was now complaining about being tired and needing to write.

Needless to say, God didn’t offer me a pity party.

I had another verse in mind for blogging this morning and then… just like that God reminded me, “I only think I’m in control.”

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

The image above was taken as I went to take the trash to the curb. The snow is still pouring down and it’s not apt to let up all day. All day the first day of spring.  Should it not be sunny on the first day of spring? And God laughs. He too likes a good chuckle.

When I went to copy my verse from the Bible Gateway site, Jeremiah 17 was the verses for the day. The verse reminded me that…

I’m just a Guest

Plants come and go and so does human life.  The tree gives no thought to the weather, it simply stands it’s ground and continues until God is done, or man cut’s it down. Isn’t that the way with human life?  It goes on, until it doesn’t. But unlike the tree humans are painfully aware of our surroundings. We expect all of our days to align to our plans but then it snows on the first day of spring and plans have to be changed. The tree stands in the cold with its buds poking through the wet snow and waits for the sun to shine again. The tree understands that come what may, God is in control. The tree understands it’s a guest on this earth. We usually believe there is all the time in the world. Even time to waste. But like the tree, we too are just guests on this earth waiting for God to take us home. My real home. The one without Netflix.

I’m Glad

I regret that I wasted much of my evening with Jane, the drop dead diva. But I will not lie to you and say that I probably won’t fall into a Netflix trap again. What I will say is, regardless of how I think I’m in control, I know I’m not.

The premise behind the Drop Dead Diva show is that a skinny model dies and through a comedy of errors returns to earth in the body of plus size attorney. It’s hysterical. And sometimes thought provoking. It also may be why it appeals to this plus size gal. But between my guilt for watching the show and the snow falling to ground outside, it makes me realize that God likes to laugh to.

And so the picture of the first day of spring 2018 will serve as reminder that it’s God who controls the weather, not the calendar nor man. And although man has control of behavior, it’s God who controls life.

And God laughed.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Four Reasons to Stay on the Wall

In the book of Nehemiah, a mighty religious leader of the day received word of the remnant of the Jewish people that are left in Jerusalem. Their wall of protection is destroyed, the gates have been burned and Nehemiah sits down, weeps, fasts, prays, and then then begins his conversation with God.

Before we take our stand atop our wall there is a few preparatory measures we need to take. First talk to God, make sure it’s your wall to stand on and fight. I cannot tell you of the times I have climbed to the top of a wall that was built on someone else’s ideas instead of God’s. Second, take accountability for the brokenness if it’s yours. And third remember, you are one of the Redeemed! That in a nutshell is Nehemiah Chapter One regarding the state of Israel and Nehemiah’s prayer to God. If it’s your wall, don’t come down.

God is the God of Action. Unless it’s for a time of prayer or preaching, nowhere in scripture do you find God’s people sitting still and being productive. If they’re sitting still (like King David) they’re apt to fall into sin. Busyness isn’t always a sign of productiveness, but it’s certainly a better sign than never being found doing anything.

I cannot summarize the story of Nehemiah and the wall into a few sentences. So much happened and the entire book is so worthy to read. But for bit of encouragement for the both of us I’ll use this scripture from the book to encourage you to stay on the wall.

Nehemiah 8:10

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry: for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Israel had just heard the word of God afresh. They were mourning for the state of their nation. But Nehemiah gives them (and us) these words of encouragement.

We have a Reason to Celebrate

If God’s people can’t rejoice, who can? The wall was rebuilt in spite of the opposition they faced. And for those of us on this side of the New Testament, we are blessed with the Word of God that has stood the test of time and has proven itself as truth no matter how many times an angry world has tried to tear it down. We can eat the fat and drink the sweet of His glorious word and feel the Spirit in our soul as we do. The world may not know… but we do. That is reason to celebrate! Stay on the Wall and Celebrate what God completed at the empty tomb.

We have blessings to share

Nehemiah reminded them that their blessings were not their own to keep. Neither are ours. I looked around my home this morning at all the goodness of God and His graciousness to me who is so unworthy and I feel shame that I don’t share more than I do. I feel shame that I don’t take the time to thank God and stay in constant prayer that His mercy abounds in my family and friends. You too no doubt have blessings uncounted and gifts in your life that you could encourage someone with today. Stay on the wall and share God’s goodness that world may see what He’s done in your life, and that even the unsaved will glorify God for you.

We serve The Lord Most High

I loved when Nehemiah said “Don’t be sorry.” I believe he was telling the Israelites to move past regret. I am so apt to stay in an attitude of unworthiness because of my failures. I do it to the point of yet another failure; because God has proven I am worthy by His death on the cross. Was not that enough? We serve a risen Savior who took every sin; past, present and future upon His shoulders at the cross so that we could live in victory! We serve the Lord Most High, there is no reason to be low. Stay on the wall and serve in the victory you’re afforded and don’t cower to the demons of Hell that tell you you’re not worthy. You are worthy by His blood.

We have His Strength to Go On

That strength is found in His joy and His joy is found in our service. There is engrained in the child of God a desire to serve. When that desire is fulfilled it brings with it a joy unspeakable and that joy floods the body and soul with strength to go on. Yes, we’ll have some days of doubt, we’re human. But we can look back on the joys of serving God and the fruits of our labor, just like Nehemiah and children of Israel must have looked back on the rebuilt wall. Look what you’ve done in the strength of the Lord! Can He not do more? And will you not continue to stand and fight for those who have yet to make it to where you are in Christ?

I have family and friends who have never experienced life atop the wall. They’ve never known the victory of Spirit filled leaving and confidence in Christ. I’m not done until God says I’m done. Stay on the wall and continue in His strength that others may experience it too.

The wall of Jerusalem was nothing more than bricks and mortar. The Rock for which we stand is indestructible. Stand Strong in His Might!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

No Big Words or Big Britches, Just the Basics

Colossians 4:3-5

Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

Apostle Paul’s words to the Church of Colosse came from behind prison bars to a church facing persecution in a manner most of us cannot perceive. America isn’t the godliest of nations right now, but for certain we’re not facing what other countries are by way of the persecuted church. His words, God’s word, pierced my soul this morning. How many times has God opened a door for me, and I have failed to open my mouth for Him. Most of the time it’s for fear of unpreparedness for what to say, how to answer; knowing full well that Christ has never failed through the Holy Spirit to give me what I needed.

An Open door

Friday night’s for me are most usually spent playing music with friends. It’s not a Christian venue, it’s a barn in the middle of nowhere called Munday Road. Currently it’s a building in town because the barn is too cold. But back to the story of Friday night. I prepared my music for the evening, a few bluegrass standards and a few gospel songs to finish the set. I prepared my heart  that I was going to get a word in for Jesus before the night was done. I finished my set with “Somebody Touched Me,” and uttered something at the end about that happening in 1996 and hoping everyone there had been touched in that way. I don’t feel that that is what the Apostle Paul had in mind when he prayed that God would “Open the door of utterance.”

I was lame at best.

What is it that causes us, me, to cower down in sharing the gospel to a lost and dying world?

Lord, let me walk bravely through an open door, knowing that You are waiting on the other side.

An Open mouth

An open mouth is not my problem, I can talk with the best of them. But speaking the mystery of Christ can be a mystery to me, who fancies myself (not a bible scholar) but one who understands the basics of the word. I also understand the basics of the Holy Spirit. He speaks to my soul, and my mouth should bear witness of what I heard. And in the confinement of the church walls I can do it! Outside is another issue.

The worst I’ve ever experienced in sharing the gospel is not the hatred of a lost world, it’s the know it all saint that loves to dispute scripture rather than win souls. It casts a shadow of doubt up on myself and squelches the Holy Spirit moving in me.

As I was getting ready to leave Friday night I invited a couple of the musicians to church on Sunday, the response cut. She questioned me about the location of the church and then quipped, “I don’t like snooty people.” They’d been looking for a church and just hadn’t found the right one. I understand that… I don’t have much for snooty people either.

Lord… let my open mouth be tempered with grace.

An Open mind

I believe that walking in wisdom is lacking in church today. It requires a mind that’s open to the leading of the Holy Spirit without regard for location or circumstance. Paul was jailed for sharing the gospel, yet from the jail he continued to serve. He is a notable character quite often for the fact that he was a religious somebody before he became a part of Christ’s body. He was schooled in the finest institutions of the day. Yet the wisdom that Paul now depended on is the very same wisdom that we have access to. That thought made my brain hurt this morning. Perhaps it’s the 3:30 a.m. wake up call I received from the Lord today, but I don’t think so. Paul had to learn anew the faith of Christ. All the wisdom of the world and religion wouldn’t prepare him for what he was going to face. Only Christ could do that.

Many religious institutions of our day are sending out men and women who are relying upon their own wisdom, not the leading of the Holy Spirit. I’ve sat in more services than I care to remember when the “big words and big britches” lost their purpose of sharing the gospel to the commoner who sat in the audience needing the “basics” of the Word of God.

Lord… keep my mind open to Your Spirit today that I will share Your words, not mine.

Happy Lord’s Day!!!!



Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Uncategorized

How Crazy is it?

The closer I get to Easter, the more my mind reflects on the cross. And the more I reflect on what God did that day the more I have to say that it’s got to be a crazy love that would be willing to do what Jesus did that day. When I look at the world we live in I think to myself “Why on earth would you have saved this wicked and rebellious generation?” For which I am one. I know my heart and how I can turn on a dime toward something sinful and ignore the Holy Spirit within in me that gives me more than enough support not to fall into it. And yet I do. And yet He still loves me. That’s crazy! But what’s crazier than His love is those who fail to accept it.

The Love of Jesus is Without Condemnation

While sin is not ever acceptable it is no less inevitable. 1 John 1:8 says If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” There is a difference between condemnation and conviction. Jesus will not condemn the child of God for the sins they’ve committed. That crazy day on the cross He died to cover every sin ever committed by His children. Is not that a worthy payment? Of course it is. Does that mean we can sin and not understand there should have been a penalty and yet may still be repercussions? Of course not.

If a store is robbed there is an earthly expectation of the penalty that freedom should be lost. If I hurt a friend without regard for them or our friendship I may lose that friend. But when I sin, regardless of the depth of the sin the penalty is paid in the eyes of God, and the relationship is restored the very second I turn to Him. That’s crazy love, but it’s how He works.

Sin is without condemnation but it is not without conviction. The Holy Spirit reveals to the child of God when sin is in the house, we know better. We may still fail but He has given us the power within us not to. If we fall into sin it is our choice.

The Love of Jesus Cannot be without Declaration

Matthew 10:33

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Professing Christ is more than just saying that you know Him. Satan knows Him. The demons of Hell know Him, but they are not children of God. I knew Him in my head from the time I was a child until 1996. But not until I declared Him as Lord of my life and trusted in Him to save me did I know Him in my heart. It was then that I truly felt the Holy Spirit guiding me and putting that conviction upon me when I wasn’t going in the right direction. It was also when I began to declare my love for Him. Even when the world thought I was crazy.

My friend Doyle Ballengee said it best when he said “Go ahead and call me a fanatic, when you or someone you love gets a bad doctor’s report, you’ll be looking for a fanatic.”

That’s how I feel about my declaration of love for Jesus. Go ahead and say I’m crazy when all I want to do is talk about my Lord and all that He’s done in my life. Because when your life gets turned upside down but this old world, someone as crazy as me can help you set it up aright by showing you how Jesus did that for me.

I know it sounds crazy to the world when I say that Jesus died for me. Because the world wouldn’t give you the time of day if it cost them anything of any magnitude. But Jesus will give you more than you could ever imagine in return for your declaration, acknowledgement of Who He is. God.

The Love of Jesus is Not without Expectation

I can hear the naysayers now, “Oh, there it is. I knew you had to do something.” No, you can sit on your toosh and do absolutely nothing and still make it to Heaven. Jesus paid the price once and for all at the cross. All who accept, believe and declare Him as Lord, that He died on the cross, rose again the third day, and ascended to Heaven to make intercession for you will be saved. But if you want to be all you can be for Christ, and have the reward of His glory, on earth and in Heaven, there is an expectation.

I sat at a table with three friends this past Wednesday, each with their own story of coming to the knowledge of Christ in their lives; four very different people with one common bond…Christ.

  • One came to Christ because she grew tired of being with people, and yet alone.
  • One came to Christ because the religion she had grown up with let her down when she needed it most.
  • One came to Christ when He realized the law wouldn’t save anyone.
  • And this one, me, came to Christ when I realized there was no peace in this world without the Prince of Peace. And “religion” wasn’t the same as a “relationship.”

Each one of us now serve Christ and desire to serve Him greater because He did that crazy thing on the cross.

How crazy was it? He was beat until His body was unrecognizable and said to have looked like hamburger, He was spit upon, and ridiculed, at the height of His pain had a crown of thorns rammed on His head and was mocked as King of the Jews. His earthly mother sat at His feet with her friends and wept for the Son God had allowed her to give birth to. Some of His final words were “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34 in part) That’s crazy because it’s true.

He did that for you. Have you experienced His love? Declare it and share it! He is worthy.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Grace, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A Lesson in Survival From Ollie the Owl

On a recent cold winter evening my husband David was delivered a wounded screech owl from our area of West Virginia. It had been hit by a car, and a 6.5 oz. owl verses a 4000 pound car survival story certainly speaks of the tenacity of this little creature. But when David brought it to the house I really thought he brought it home to bury. It was not in a good way. The first day it sat lifeless with an occasional opening of one eye. I guess to see if the humans taking care of it were still there. The second day he was more alert and obviously in pain, but by the third day it was apparent it was going to survive! But the quality of survival was still iffy. Probably the only one more shocked than we were about the survival was the owl. I named it Ollie, it just seemed like a good fit. We attempted a release but Ollie could only glide to the ground and then couldn’t take flight from there. We then called the WV Raptor Center to ask what we should do, because keeping an owl is a federal offence and wild creatures shouldn’t be caged anyway. That’s a no brainer. The center was very helpful and got in touch with raptor transporter who came in a few days to retrieve Ollie for assessment and owl therapy. Who knew! that owls could have therapy?

Our last few days with Ollie at our house were spent letting it perch on our hand, scratching its head and rubbing our fingers down its feathers. It made no attempt to bite us, it was gentle as a pet, but the better it felt, the less it encouraged us to touch it. I fed it raw hamburger (not the best diet) but I couldn’t do the frozen mice thing. According to the Raptor center raw liver would have been better. But Ollie loved the hamburger that I would spoon feed it. Needless to say, I grew quite fond of this little creature of God’s.

Historical Job’s Temple in Route 5, Gilmer County, WV

Karen, the raptor transporter assessed Ollie for a few days and then called to say it seemed apparent that it could fly and she invited us to take part in the release. The release had to be in the same area for which it was hit by the car, and that happened to be at a historical site in our neighboring county of Gilmer called “Job’s Temple.” A  Methodist Church building built between 1860 and 1866 and is constructed of poplar logs. It’s a beautiful location.  And too ironic not use for a correlation between Ollie’s rescue and faith.

Because of the condition of Ollie’s eyes it was apparent that it had a concussion. I feared that it couldn’t see at all. When our hand would pass by its eyes there was no reaction.

I Once was Blind but now I see…

A few days following his collision with the car.

I was in that same state of condition prior to my salvation in 1996. The walking dead. I was a part of the problem with religion. I professed but didn’t possess the Spirit of God. And that sad part is, I wasn’t even aware; I just knew something was missing. That missing piece was the Spirit of God! It caused me to soar in life… wait… I’m getting a head of Ollie’s story. Ollie didn’t know or care who David and I were, only that we were caring for it. Feeding it, nursing it back to health. Oh how very grateful I am for the church people that took me under their wings and discipled me when I finally was rescued through salvation. Please don’t ever underestimate the importance of helping a new convert find their way through Christian faith. Just like Ollie, if people hadn’t protected and spoon fed me for a while on the ways of Christianity I would have been devoured by the beast of Satan. I wouldn’t have been lost… but I could have very easily been discouraged from flying.

Your Grace Still Amazes me!

Salvation is amazing! But much like Ollie I fear the captivity. If we’d have gone against the law and kept Ollie caged, it would have continued to heal and had the ability to fly but its flight would have been constrained to the area for which it was kept. Sad. So many Christians are constrained to the walls of the church when it comes to experiencing the full power of God’s amazing grace!

Everyone is at risk if they don’t take risks.

Ollie trusted David and I for a few days as it was healing. I was under the direction of several people in our church for a time, until they were certain I could take flight on my own. It was then that I was encouraged to branch out into the ministry and take my spot on the branch. I began devouring the word of God until I felt I understood it enough to share it and then I began to teach. I began on the very elementary level, junior high and high school classes for which I needed. Slowly I progressed into the adult ministry. I came up through the ranks of every age class in our church. And with each one I learned more and more.

Ollie was a mature adult bird. It should have known better than to fly in front of a car. I was brought up in a Christian home, I should have known better than to be lost. But I did not. It doesn’t matter our age, it matters how we react to Rescuer. And it matters if you’re in the right place of rescuing.

I won’t say that anyone else couldn’t have done what we did for Ollie. But they couldn’t have possibly cared more. And that’s how I felt when I found my church family. I’d never been cared for in such a way. If you’re not in that church… find it. Find the one that will encourage and strengthen your soul until you fly!!!!

I’ll Fly Away

Ollie’s release was bitter sweet. It was the right thing to do, but I had so enjoyed the company of God’s precious critter.

I met Karen at Job’s temple and we trekked up the hill behind the church. She allowed Ollie to familiarize with the area again. It posed on her hand like it was waiting for us to get one final picture, and then within a few minutes, Ollie took flight! Oh my stars what a wonderful sight! I rejoiced to have been a part of the process.

If you’re a child of God, you too should rejoice in being a part of the process of seeing another child of God take flight.

Just like Ollie and the car, the world can hit us when we’re off guard or on guard. We need to encourage one another to stay strong in the faith. We all have times when we feel faith waning and that we’re not sure if the journey is going to end well. If you’re a child of God, it ends so much better than “well!” But the journey also can be amazing. Study and learn the word of God, learn to listen to the Holy Spirit, and when it’s time to take flight, soar like you’ve never flown before. God’s got a plan for you. Nothing just happens.

God sent Ollie to David and I because He knew the end of the story. He knew that He would be glorified. Will He not do the same for His children.

Luke 12:4-9

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Don’t Miss Your Assignment

The story of Samuel begins as the answered prayer of his mother, Hannah, who prayed for Samuel and then gave him to the Lord to use. A thought unimaginable to me as a mother, who labored 8 hours for one and 4 hours for the other, and wanted my girls as much as Hannah wanted Samuel. I can’t imagine at just a few years old, taking that child to the temple and handing him over to a Priest to raise. Hannah’s name actually meant grace. A gift God had no doubt blessed her with in order to do what she did.

The characters in the story of Hannah would have also caused a mother of lesser faith to second guess her decision. Eli the priest had done a terrible job of raising his own sons, they were heathens, making a mockery of their role at temple and God eventually tires of it and kills them. And now Samuel is growing up under the guidance of Eli. I think I might have hung out at the temple a lot! Looking to see if my son was cared for. But Hannah didn’t. She trusts God and eventually had three more sons. Who no doubt took up much of her time.

Samuel grew up just fine, as we know from the scriptures, but what if the story went another direction. What if the story of Billy Graham had gone another direction and he hadn’t have accepted God’s call on his life, how many millions would have gone to Hell? How do we know that we’re not the next great soul winner in God’s plan? What if we only win one soul, but that soul wins millions, and what if we neglect so great a calling because we didn’t take the time to hear it?

A Study from Samuel 3:1-18

1 And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision.    

Right out of the gate in the life of Samuel we learn that children are not excluded from the call and service of Christ. We also learn that there is no “open vision.” Meaning that God was no longer communicating with the way He once did. Probably because of the behaviors of Eli’s sons, which likely affected the rest of the nation, who had never needed any help falling into sin in times past.

And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see; And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep; That the Lord called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I.And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me. And he said, I called not; lie down again. And he went and lay down.And the Lord called yet again, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I called not, my son; lie down again.Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.


Samuel thought that he was hearing Eli. He was young and had never experienced the Lord working in his life before. I was 34 before I ever experienced the Lord working in my life. That brings us to the question, how are you to know that God is talking to you?


And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child.

We understand through the word of God how we hear from Jesus: when the scripture says in John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” Over time we begin to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of the world that constantly pulls us in different directions. But not without a relationship that is constantly growing in Christ. Thinking that Sunday morning Christianity is enough… isn’t. A loving relationship isn’t open for conversations 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. It is for certain you won’t hear if you don’t spend time with Jesus and listen.

Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. 10 And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.

This time Samuel responded.

Hearing and understanding that it is God requires more. It requires:


11 And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle. 12 In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end. 13 For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. 14 And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever. 15 And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision.

God tells Samuel that He’s going to bring Judgement on Eli and his sons. What does that tell you about the character of God and has He changed? Of course not! Malachi 3:6a tells us For I am the Lord, I change not;”

So in knowing and understanding the character of God we can for certain weigh what we’re hearing against what we know to be the character of God. Would God personally do what you believe you heard? Anyone who says that God told them to do something immoral or unjust didn’t get that word from God.

Another all telling sign “can” be that the word you received makes you uncomfortable. Samuel didn’t want to have tell Eli that God was going to bring judgement upon them. When God told me that I needed to speak, that thought was way outside my comfort zone, but it wasn’t way outside my thoughts. I’d always desired it, but the world had convinced me that I could not. Preaching and teaching the word of God isn’t a popular thing to do in this day and time.


16 Then Eli called Samuel, and said, Samuel, my son. And he answered, Here am I. 17 And he said, What is the thing that the Lord hath said unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me: God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that he said unto thee. 18 And Samuel told him every whit, and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good. 19 And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.

A most amazing statement when we read “None of his words fall to the ground.” Everything that Samuel ever said, came to pass. Would to God, that I had such a relationship with the Lord, that everything I said came to be. I’m pretty sure that every single time I said “God said.” He didn’t. Because if He had said it, it would have happened and it did not.

I need to listen closer, draw closer and never fail to hear an assignment from God.

Posted in Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Ten Things that won’t be said in Heaven

  1. What did the doctor say?
  2. Want to hear some good gossip?
  3. Is there a deacon’s meeting this week?
  4. Did you read the obituaries?
  5. Why are you sad?
  6. What’s the latest trend on twitter?
  7. Is that bread fresh?
  8. What church do you go to?
  9. A lost person’s name L
  10. Are you saved?

I’m sure there’s a million others that we could come up with, but those were at the top of my list this morning as I pondered that question. I find myself thinking a lot about Heaven, especially the more wicked this old world gets, and the more Christians are viewed as the enemy.

Monday’s are my Long Term Care Facility visiting day.  I spend about an hour with the residents singing songs, sharing the gospel and listening to their testimonies. Yesterday, every time I’d sing an old hymn, they’d talk about their childhood and remembrance of hearing it sung in an old country church. We are still blessed with many “Old Country Churches” in our part of the world. Unfortunately many have closed their doors because somewhere along the line the congregations drifted and no longer filled the pews. That’s a reality check for us all on Sunday mornings as we look around at the empty seats in our own church. At least it was for me.

It also brought me to those 10 questions…

  1. What did the doctor say?
    1. There won’t be any doctor appointments in Heaven, Glory to God!!!!
  2. Want to hear some good gossip?
    1. There won’t be any.
  3. Is there a deacon’s meeting this week?
    1. No board, business or bantering in Heaven. God’s got it all under control. He does here too… we just fail to listen.
  4. Did you read the obituaries?
    1. We’ll be living with the Good News. There will be no death.
  5. Why are you sad?
    1. What would we be sad about in a perfect land?
  6. What’s the latest trend on twitter?
    1. Twitter?
  7. Is that bread fresh?
    1. Oh yes!!!!!That brings joy to this bread lover’s heart. I love biscuits and hot rolls, but I love the Bread of Life so much more. It’s all good.
  8. What church do you go to?
    1. Glory to God the same one!!!! Why can’t we understand that now and play better together for those of us who believe in the blood bought path to Heaven through Jesus Christ.
  9. Are you saved?
    1. Of course, else we wouldn’t have made it there.
  10. A lost person’s name.
    1. The saddest of all. There will not be second chances when Jesus returns and yet we treat life as if we all have a thousand years before He returns to take the church home. Who of us doesn’t have a lost loved one that we can’t imagine life without? It will be the case if we don’t get busy…
Posted in Life Inspiration

Why Prayers Sometimes Go Unanswered

Matthew 17:14-20

A State of Despair

14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,

15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.

The father had no doubt tried everything in the world to get his son the help that he needed, and to no avail. He at last tried the disciples who he had no doubt heard had performed many miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. He came in humility, kneeling down in prayer.

A lesson to those who desire a prayer answered, there needs to be a humility factor at the altar when we’re desiring the grace of God in any situation.

A State of Disbelief and Discouragement

17 Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.

Jesus spoke to those who doubted Who He was. Perhaps even the father who desired his son cured, doubted that it would happen. He brought him to Jesus as a last resort. Just as we do our prayers at church or at home in front of a praying hands religious figurine. Or perhaps I speak for myself. I always attempt every man made effort to get a task done. I may half-heartedly bring it to Jesus requesting Him to help me get it done, believing that it is “I” who make the difference.

A State of Deliverance

18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.

It is never we who make the difference, but Christ through us. There’s a method to the mustard seed. It must be at first dead, then planted in the ground, fertilized and allowed to grow. Salvation is immediate. Spiritual growth takes time.

The child was cured that very hour. I have to wonder if “that very hour” wasn’t another 60 minute waiting period for the believers. It doesn’t say that his lunacy immediately stopped, it took a few minutes. God desires our patience when working a matter out.

A State of Devotion

19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?

20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Even the disciples weren’t above discouragement and doubt. This caused their inability to heal the child.  When Jesus said that “this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” He was telling them that their devotion was lacking. They were continuing on in the way that they had been doing it, by commanding the demons and illnesses to leave the body. But this wasn’t just an ordinary demonic force, and there are times that we will face great trials of faith that will not only require our belief but a method in the mustard seed illustration. Prayer and fasting show a deep devotion to our relationship with the Lord.  It allows Him to see our level of commitment to His cause, and it’s rewarded with our ability to move unimaginable mountains. It’s then that we experience

A State of Devine Intervention!

Posted in Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The God of Order

The chaos of life drives me to seek order. That is so not a familiar spirit in my soul. I am after all the gal who leaps and believes the net will appear. If I’m honest I can tell you that there have been several instances where the net did not appear because perhaps I jumped off the wrong cliff. I didn’t think things through, or perhaps half-heartedly listened to God, desiring to fulfil my own agenda.

But something happened, medically speaking, a few months ago that caused me to get my physical self in order which had an effect on my spiritual self. I decided to give in and see a doctor regarding the pain management of my Fibromyalgia. A diagnosis I was not willing to accept for a very long time, (years) until I was barely walking in the mornings. So short story… the doc prescribed two prescriptions, Cymbalta for the morning and Gabapentin for the night. (Not an endorsement, just a statement of fact.) and my life dramatically changed. I don’t say that for dramatic effect, something inside my brain changed from chaos to order. The pain was managed (to a degree). I want to be honest. I’m not pain free. But the most amazing thing about this experience was a desire for order. That too is a learning process.

This morning I read 1 Chronicles 15:12-15 regarding David’s decision to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to the children of Israel and from the house of Obed Edom where they had left it when God killed Uzza for touching it. (1 Chronicles 13:10)

David speaking to the servants of God:

 12 And said unto them, Ye are the chief of the fathers of the Levites: sanctify yourselves, both ye and your brethren, that ye may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel unto the place that I have prepared for it. 13 For because ye did it not at the first, the Lord our God made a breach upon us, for that we sought him not after the due order. 14 So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel. 15 And the children of the Levites bare the ark of God upon their shoulders with the staves thereon, as Moses commanded according to the word of the Lord.

The words “due order,” captured my attention. Getting things out of order cost a man his life. God’s plan to carry the Ark was specific with certain people, placed in certain positions for certain purpose.

Certain People

Much of the time when I have “leaped” and face planted it was because I was leaping off of someone else’s cliff. My impatience for waiting for God to position His person in place would lead me to assume roles that were not mine to assume. Case in point I would volunteer for anything that didn’t get immediately filled because I wanted the job done.

When David was attempting to return the Ark to the City of David, he looked only at the end location, not the journey. It never entered his mind that there was an order to the journey. The Levites, not Uzza were to carry the Ark. The Ark was also be born upon staves, not carried on a cart. God had certain people in place and David’s replacement of those people altered God’s plan.

Certain Positions

When David finally came to himself, and realized it was not about himself, but rather God’s will and way, he looked again at the order of God’s plan for the Ark’s return. He put the Levites in their place of baring the Ark on staves. When we read on through Chapter 15 we discover that his attention to the details were much greater! He appointed singers and musicians and all sorts of numbers of God’s people in the places for which they were chosen to serve. He did not leap and pray the net appeared, he planned. Glory to God I could learn! David’s attention to detail was right down to the robe he wore, and the linen ephod which thoroughly torqued his wife Michal off. He didn’t do it in the way of the people. He did it in the way of the Lord.

Certain Purpose

David’s original plan didn’t allow the people of God to fulfil their purpose. Man’s way is never better than God’s, and will never be completed.

I thought that I could overcome the pain of Fibromyalgia by pressing on in life. But God’s purpose was for me to get to the point where “I” couldn’t go on and had to depend on others. The same thing has happened in my life with this new revelation of order. There is a certain purpose in the order of God’s people. Preachers, Leaders, Teachers, Parishioners, Servants, everyone has a role. Roles are exclusive and appointed.

1 Chronicles 16:22 says “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.”

We may not understand the process, but there is for certain, certain people in certain positions for certain purpose. Ours is not to ask why… it’s to continue on the journey in proper order and allowing God to bless the end result.

On a side note: Michal, David’s wife wasn’t happy with David’s methods of rejoicing. An attitude that caused her to be barren from that point forward.  A lesson on messing with God’s people. I don’t want to lose the fruit out of my life for complaining about the way God conducts His business with His people.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, salvation

Why and How I know that I know

I will not tell you that in 21 years of salvation I have not ever doubted my salvation. I would doubt that very many Christians could say that. It’s our nature to doubt. Thomas didn’t have the market cornered on it.

But what I can say, it that the Holy Spirit did not allow me to live in that state very long. A friend posted on Facebook this morning the story of the conversion of John Wesley.  As I was reading through his testimony, and the question his dad posed to him on his death bed “John, do you have the inward witness of the Holy Spirit?” I wanted to shout the glory down! And oh, how I wished that during the 34 years of my unsaved condition, someone had asked me that question. They did not.

And when I finally heard it, I knew I did not. But for a while, pride would not allow me to explore it further with those who had asked the question. I had been brought up in church, I had taught Sunday School. I had lead youth. How could I confess that I did not have an understanding of what seemed to be such basic information in the Christian realm.


In a 2009 Barna Survey, fifty-eight percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement that the Holy Spirit is “a symbol of God’s power or presence but is not a living entity.” More than half of those surveyed! I realize that surveys can be somewhat misleading because of where the survey took place and who exactly was surveyed. But for some reason, I’m not doubting the results. I’ve been in the presence of too many professing Christians that just don’t bear any witness of the Holy Spirit.  They go to church a dry and come out dry. Nothing changes.

When I got saved. I CHANGED. I felt fire in my soul and it hasn’t gone out for 21 years.  So what happened to those who don’t feel it?


Matthew 24 states it well when says verses 11-12

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

The testimony of the Christian faith has been so tarnished by false preaching and false professors that even the true believer can see their fire go out if they’re not very careful on who and what they allow their mind to be exposed to.

I was watching the show “The Voice” last night and was so frustrated with the “professed Christian judge” on the show who cursed more than the other three non-professing judges that I was nauseous. I started routing against her. One might wonder why I continued to watch the show… I ask myself the same question. And I’ll be asking myself the same question next week, but it boils down to the fact that I love listening to the singing, and the few Christian testimonies from contestants as well as the singing tips from the judges, I glean what I can from their skills for my own music ministry.

But it’s the mentality that you can live any way you choose and profess Christ that has caused the Holy Spirit not be felt or believed upon by many in the church. Couple that with many churches no longer preaching the blood as necessary for salvation, and you can see the problem with their belief in the Word of God. The blood is on the pages of the bible from Genesis to Revelation.


Before I was saved, I had heard just enough about Armageddon to scare me to death and pray for life. I didn’t understand it, but I feared it. I don’t know if I believed in Hell, but I feared it. And when I discovered the truth that there was a Hell, and that a child of God would be saved from it as well as Armageddon, Lord have mercy, I had such peace and gratitude for what the Lord Jesus done for me on the cross. I also became very aware that many of my family and friend would not escape, if they too did not become saved by the blood of Jesus. I was so burdened… I was sure Christ would return the next instant. But over time, when He delays His return, my burdened waned as well. It’s a great lie when you hear… there’s still time.

Perhaps, perhaps not. We need our burden restored and the only way that that is going to happen is to get our relationship with the Lord restored and stoke the fire within us.


We need our heart broken the way Christ’s is broken every day by the lack of concern for His children. We need to ask ourselves again and again do we feel and do others see in us the inward and outward witness of the Holy Spirit?