Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, salvation

3 Reasons to Add More Preaching to Your Diet

I love good preachin’! I’ve often said, and it may sound odd to those who know how much I love music, but for me I’d rather listen to preaching. It’s much like a song to my heart because it stirs my soul much like music does. With one exception… music doesn’t generally convict. Some songs may… but for the most part they soften and tenderize the heart for the word of God, or they encourage us in our walk with Jesus Christ. Both are needful and the Bible speak of both, but the greater share of emphasis should be on the preaching of the word.

Romans 10:13-15

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

3 Reasons you should make Preaching a Large part of your diet:

Seeking Salvation

Yours of course, but once you’re saved, you should be seeking salvation for others. It’s the primary purpose of the child of God but it seems to be lost on most of the world. Many Christians lose sight of it past Sunday morning. We rejoice when someone gives their life to Christ! But then the world takes over Monday morning. It’s hard to stay focused on the mission when Satan is so very good at his, which is to take our focus off the mission of seeing souls save and putting it on the problems in and around us.

Seeking Solutions

The Word of God is amazing! Whether it’s read or preached it speaks to heart of the matter in our souls. Countless times I have left a service pretty sure someone had spilled the beans on the sins of my life to the preacher because his sermon stepped all over my already tender toes. All the while someone else receive an entirely different message from the same sermon. How could that be? Because that’s the power of the Word of God. When seeking answers to life’s problems the bible should always be our first resort, not our last. But is it? Not generally speaking.

Seeking Sanctuary

One of the sweetest times of life is in the presence of the Holy Spirit. For certain He loves good Christian music, but the Word of God being preached can be so soothing to the soul in days of distress and doubt. It reaffirms our faith, builds strength in our souls, highlights areas of our life that need work and most of all creates a dialogue between us and the Lord.

I’m a preaching junky. I seek it out. I’m in church every service available and when I’m not I love listening to it via YouTube and Podcasts. I have my favorite preachers, and for the record they’re not all Baptist. We don’t’ have the exclusive on the Holy Spirit.

That being said, I do listen to preachers who preach what I believe. And I’d advise great caution in choosing an online ministry to follow. There’s some junk that people throw into their sermons that will undo the good work your preacher is doing in your life by causing you to doubt what you’ve been taught. If you’re unsure of who you should follow, ask your preacher. And you should have your own personal, local pastor; one that you attend his services and have a relationship with that allows you to ask questions like that.

Seek God’s word today!

I’ll not complain when the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit bring unexplainable and unspeakable joys in my life for my service through the studying of His Word and the sharing of the Gospel. That is a gift of unmeasurable worth! But through the coercing of others in the ministry, who see my work as worthy, and the coercing of the Holy Spirit Who says “Through His blood I am worthy,” I have added a ministry donation button to this site. If you do not have, or do not feel inclined to give, then please don’t feel obligated. But if I have encouraged you and the Spirit speaks, your gift of any amount would be appreciated and honored by God.

I do what I do because I’m gifted and afforded the opportunity by grace and feel that I am accountable for the ministry that God has given. God has been enlarging my territory. For that I am grateful. But for that, there are expenses. Thank you for reading my blog. It encourages my soul, I pray I’ve encouraged yours!

To Contribute to this ministry follow the Paypal Link!

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Posted in Bible Journaling, failure, Faith, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Uncategorized

What to Do when the Lines are Blurred

The Christian life is forever a grand adventure. That’s a quote from my friend Chief. He and I have one common ground that forever gets us into trouble. We leap believing a net will appear. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t. But it always an adventure. Sometimes those adventures take their toll on me spiritually because the line between living in faith and living in the flesh is sometimes blurred for a personality such as mine. You see, my first action is reaction to any thought. Any. That’s a problem.

God said in Philippians 4:6 ~  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Be careful for nothing means to “not worry.” It doesn’t mean don’t be cautious, which is often how I live my life. In ministering to myself this morning I need to unpack a few scriptures to get myself back into the adventurous living of Christ. The issue is this, if you leap enough times and the net doesn’t appear, the impact is painful.

The impact of broken dreams

I’m a dreamer. Oh my stars am I a dreamer! And if I’m honest being a dreamer is often an escape from reality. But when those dreams lie shattered on the ground because they didn’t come to pass as I thought they would, the impact is often for me to physically and emotionally shutdown. I usually do one of two things. (1) I shut down. Turn off the world and retreat inside my head which can be a very scary place. (2) Make someone else’s dream happen, in a very small sense of the word. Meaning I take on a thousand projects of a thousand people who are readily available to ask me to do something. (3) Quite often my last resort, I turn to the word of God. It’s where faith and flesh collide.

The impact of broken confidence

I’m familiar with failure. It’s a part of the life of someone who lives the “leap and the net will appear” mentality. Failure has never stopped me from trying again. But what will most assuredly shatter my confidence is when my leaping appears to the world as recklessness. And sometimes to me as recklessness. I restore that confidence in remembering the countless miracles that God has done in my life, but even they too were often God rescuing me from a not so very well thought out plan. So thus, it’s a vicious cycle. God however has confidence builders on call, like my best friend and biggest fan, Gloria. Or my friend Jessica, who spurred my spirit on by recalling how I had made a difference for her as she spoke at a ladies meeting Monday night.  And my friend Dewey who calls just to check on me, who consoles my spirit and reminds me quite often that The Jesus Chick needs to stay on the path God designed. Confidence too is where faith and flesh collide.

The impact of broken spirit

Probably the hardest of all is when the flesh wins out over faith and I feel uninspired to go on. It’s when I’ve taken a hit from several directions. It’s not that the Word has let me down or that the encouragers in my life have let me down, it’s when the world has taken its toll and I don’t even have the desire to walk to the edge, never mind jumping off to another adventure. It’s where I’ve been of late.

So how do you fix a broken spirit?

Psalm 51:17

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

You offer it to God. Part of being in the ministry is realizing the paycheck doesn’t look like the 9-5 job. There’s usually not a paycheck. The pay is presenting the gifts that God has given you to Him and through Him, and allowing Him to tell you your worth.

Paul (the writer of Philippians) and David (the writer of most of the Psalms) had much in common. Both understood that the power behind the child of God is in prayer, supplication and thanksgiving. It is with an attitude of brokenness and contriteness (remorse) that God can use us. It’s where faith and flesh part.  The flesh wants no part of regret or remorse. The flesh wants no part of being broken. But in that state is where I find my strength to leap again. Because in that state I realize that my dreams, confidence and desires are through Him, and it will be through Him that success will come. And it will.

Philippians 1:6

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

This ministry is fueled on the love of God, but if you’d like to help fund it please click the link below:


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Prayer

3 Ways to Ruin a Church Service

I was at a service last night that actually started before anyone entered the building. My heart was stirring most of the day as I prepared for the service. I felt the Spirit moving when I stepped inside the building. By the time that service started my wheelbarrow was already filling up! That’s a reference from the church Pastor, Darius, last night. He said that “people can be blessed a thimble full or a wheelbarrow full, it depends on how prepared you are to receive it.” Oh, that stirred me. I came in with an empty wheelbarrow. No thimbles for me! I don’t take those kind of services for granted because they are for certain not an everyday occurrence or not even an every church occurrence. It’s not that they couldn’t be. And for me, it may have nothing to do with the church or service, but it might be that my heart isn’t right. Life takes its toll sometimes.

So how can you ruin a church service?

Come Preoccupied

The cares of this world can take their toll.

Matthew 13:22 says it like this:

He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.

Not only will the cares of this world prevent someone from being saved, but they can suck the life out of those who are saved! I sometimes think I need to wear a shirt that says, “Please, don’t ask me and I won’t ask you.” Everyone’s got struggles. Some may seem petty to someone else, but when it’s our problems, it’s not petty. The struggle is real… very real. And if I enter a service with the cares of this world on me to the point that my mind is preoccupied with nothing else, the preacher will be hard pressed to bless. So what’s the answer? Prayer’s a great place to start. Prior to last night’s preaching, the Pastor opened the altar. It was lined with praying people. What did they pray for? I don’t know, it wasn’t any of my business. I went to the altar to do my own business with the Lord. And that few minutes of time were honored by God.

Come Presumptuous

You want to leave a service as empty as you came in, come anticipating nothing. You’ll get exactly what you came for. Presumption is nothing short of pride. It’s saying that you already know what God is going to do. It’s an easy mode to get in, I’ve been there on more than one occasion. We go through the motions of salvation.

Romans 9:20-21

Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

Coming into a service with the attitude that it’s going to be “just another service,” is a prideful way of saying that God doesn’t have the power to make it an amazing service. Just stomped my own toes there…

Come Pretending

Church isn’t just an obligation, it’s a necessity. And coming to church for the purpose of checking that off your list is pretending, not serving. My wheelbarrow was filled last night because I ask God to fill it with what He’d have me to hear. I heard one thing, someone else may have heard something entirely different from the same message. The gospel is exclusive and inclusive. It’s for everyone (collectively), and for every one (individually). But pretenders seldom get anything from the Word of God because the second it starts to make them uncomfortable they turn the preacher off like a bad radio station.

2 Timothy 4:3

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

The truth hurts. It convicts and sets a soul in search of rightness. It’s not for pretenders.

I will confess that I can be all three of my bullet points. Last night was the exception because I needed to hear what God had to say and I ask Him to say it. I ask Him to leave me out of it. And just give it to me straight. I came expecting Him to rake me across the coals for failed Christianity. But He rather soothed my troubled heart like Daddy does. Abba. Father. God.

He knows me. And praise God… I know Him.

John 4:23

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

This ministry is for the exclusive purpose of glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and encouraging folks along the way. If I have blessed you, and you feel lead to support this ministry, click the link below and know that I am grateful…


Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Uncategorized

How to Survive the “Not Yet” Moments


There was a group of Jesus’ brethren, said to be distant relatives of Mary’s, who didn’t believe He was the Christ. They desired proof that He was or proof that He wasn’t. I know folks like that. But Jesus’ response to them was “Not yet.” I don’t believe curiosity in Christ is a motive God cares to honor. God has nothing to prove. And yet continually mankind tries to prove that He is or is not who He says He is.

In times of trouble my weakened flesh will seek to prove God’s power by pulling me out of what I consider to be a fiery furnace. But I can feel the Holy Spirit roll His eyes and say “Seriously Shari… that compares to a fiery furnace like the ankle deep creek on Philips Run compares to the Grand Canyon. I certainly make light of scripture sometimes. Rather than in a fiery furnace I am perhaps in an Easy Bake Oven where God is seeing how I withstand the heat. I’d rather be removed like a half-baked cookie but God’s leaving me in until I’m golden brown and firm in His foundation. It’s a trying time. But timer still says “not yet.”

Jesus’ brethren desired that He go to the feast of the Jews in town and prove himself in front of -the religious leaders and the naysayers of the day. But Jesus wouldn’t even walk with them. He told them to go ahead, He wasn’t ready. His time had yet to come, and then He said “but your time is always ready.” Jesus was speaking of His death, which it was not yet time for, but for their death, it could be anytime.  Just like our can be any day.

I felt a little more relational with the brethren than with Jesus this morning. How awesome would it be at my next Jesus Chick event to be able to speak of the fiery furnace that God plucked me out of. I mean, really who wants to hear my crybaby Easy Bake Oven story of how I whined and whined every time the heat was turned up until God finally took me out of the fire. No dramatics. Just cookies and cream.

So Jesus waited and went to the feast alone. It was there that He went to the temple and left them in awe of His wisdom. They couldn’t understand how this “unlearned” man could speak with such authority. The people were in awe of His miracles and the Jews were in awe of his mind, but they were missing what mattered. They were in a “not yet” moment. God wasn’t going to prove Himself to either party. He wanted them to awe in who He was. He was God.

Those “not yet” moments in our lives are like that. When God is waiting for us to possibly mature into the responsibility He’s about to give. Or become willing to trust Him beyond what wisdom allows. A few weeks ago I was hit in a tender spot of my ego that continues to be an Easy Bake moment in my life. Not being a college graduate in my field of work can bring judgmental remarks from people about my qualifications for life. They sting… because I know where my wisdom is from.

Jesus’ third not yet moment brought that to remembrance for me.

“But this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.” – John 7:39

But that Spirit has now been given and He has been glorified; which we celebrate this week. I’m grateful for that reminder today that all “not yet” moments in time have a purpose in Christ Jesus. And if we allow His plans to thoroughly bake, it will be well done!


I’ll not complain when the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit bring unexplainable and unspeakable joys in my life for my service through the studying of His Word and the sharing of the Gospel. That is a gift of unmeasurable worth! But through the coercing of others in the ministry, who see my work as worthy, and the coercing of the Holy Spirit Who says “Through His blood I am worthy,” I have added a ministry donation button to this site. If you do not have, or do not feel inclined to give, then please don’t feel obligated. But if I have encouraged you and the Spirit speaks, your gift of any amount would be appreciated and honored by God. 

If you’d like to know more about what I do, send me a message and I’ll be happy to share with you what God is doing and the direction we’re going!


Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, worship

Discovering The Worship Within Us

JOHN 4:19-24

19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The Worship Within

It’s been my desire for a few weeks to work on a Worship song. God has been pouring His words into my soul and I’ve been amazed at what’s been happening… even in the face of a struggle within myself. So this morning I set my mind to write a worship song.

I was going to get myself in a mind of worship! I came into the living room with guitar in hand and began to pen the words down of the song. The words came swiftly enough, so I felt as if God’s anointing was on me once again and I was ever so grateful.

Now for the tune…

That was a little odd for me. Usually they come hand in hand… the words and music enter my brain in a married state. But this morning only words. So as I began to try to wrap my mind around a melody by going back to the Bible story where the song idea had come from.

John 4:20-24

It’s the story of the woman at the well. The woman married five times and now living with the sixth. That woman… the one who Jesus knew… and she knew He knew, but she didn’t know how. So she perceives that he is assuredly a prophet and attempts to turn the subject away from her indiscretions of life to the matter of religion. Or perhaps song writing.

It is here that my song and my soul found the flavor of the music for the words God had given.  But they weren’t what I had imagined a worship song to be like, just like the woman at the well, who told the Lord, the Jews worship one way, and we (the Samaritans) worship another. And Jesus informs her that she doesn’t know what worship is. But He’s about to show her.

It’s not religion or a location, it’s a spiritual act drawn on the emotions of gratitude for salvation and of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Worship is very personal.

And the melody came… and it came with a Jewish flavor. And my first thought was like the woman of Samaria, “But God I’m not Jewish.” And as the guitar rang out my spirit filled with happiness and I understood, that I’m not Jewish, but I am Jesus’ and He is very Jewish.

I had a new understanding of worship. It’s not about who I am. Shari, the sinner, the failure, the doubter and often rebellious child of God. But I am the child of God. Perfectly forgiven.

Verse 23 says that God is seeking “such to worship Him.” Someone understanding the truth in themselves, and seeking the truth in Him.

So I got a little Jewish this morning in the name of Jesus! That was fun and it was worship!

If I have blessed you, please consider donating to this ministry…

Posted in Bible Journaling, failure, Forgiveness, Grace

Jesus Loves Us Anyway

Nobody is any more shocked than myself when I realize how God is using me for the Kingdom. I know me. I wouldn’t trust me with such a task as presenting the gospel! I’m sure there are times that I fail to remember what it is I’m doing when I write in this space in the name of Jesus. It is my goal to present my words in such a way that anyone who would stumble upon this blog would see the saving grace of Jesus Christ for whatever season of life they happen to be in. We just changed seasons a few weeks ago. What a welcome site the season of spring is to our weary cabin fevered souls, who long to be outside experiencing the sights, sounds and aromas of nature. Well, maybe not all aroma’s… skunks are a questionable creation. But had they not been created we’d never have grown up with the animated character of Pepé Le Pew. The French debonair lover who mistook a feminine feline for one of his own. The cat knew Pepé was a skunk because of his odiferous ways. But to Pepé, he smelled just fine! And such is man…

Most days, I think I’m just fine. And then I realize how very much I stink. I’m not at all who I want to be. I want to be that cool cat, well-seasoned Christian whose walk of faith is a light for all to see the pathway to salvation. But God knows me. I am not that cool cat. His word once again pierced my heart today as I read the last words of John 2:25 – for He knew what was in man.

My mind went immediately to the failures, the stinky moments in my life.  Why does God tolerate me?! Why did He allow me to be set before people as an illustration of what not to do? I don’t understand that any more than I understand why God made skunks. What role in life do they play? Well, it turns out, they serve many.

Skunks eat whatever they can scrounge, which includes insects, plant materials such as wild fruits, mice, and the eggs of birds that nest on the ground. Things that can damage our lawns and damage our homes. I’m sure there are other “non-googled” purposes that I am unaware of. That was just a few. But God gave me to know this morning there was a purpose in the skunk and there was a purpose in me.

As Jesus began His earthly ministry and began selecting His team, we discover that He knew them too. As Andrew brought his brother Simon Peter to Jesus, Jesus’ first words to Him in John 1:42 were Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.”

Jesus not only called Peter by his present name, but tells him what his future name will be as well (referring to Matthew 16:18). Peter, a man of certain purpose, but he also had some pretty stinky times in his life.

  • He and the other disciples prevent children from coming to Jesus (Mark 10:17)
  • In selfish ambition he and the other disciples argued about who would be the greatest in Heaven (Mark 9:33)
  • Peter rebukes the Lord about His foretelling of death (Matthew 16:22)
  • Peter fell asleep as Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion (Matthew 26:40-45)
  • Peter publically denies being associated with Christ and cusses to those who accuse him (Matthew 26:69-75)
  • Peter leaves his apostleship and goes back to fishing (John 21:3)

Yet before and during all that Jesus refers to him as the rock. It is Peter that Christ comes to following His resurrection and instructs him three times “feed my lambs, feed my sheep, feed my sheep (John 21:15-17)

God knew that Simon would have some stinky moments in his life, but yet here I am in the year of 2017, almost 2,000 years later and I’m still talking about Peter and using him as an illustration of the love, patience and purpose of Christ Jesus in His life. Christ knew that too. I wonder if today Jesus and Peter are setting in Heaven and He says to Peter. “You thought you were messed up? Look at the life of Shari! And yet still I have purposes in her life that she’s about to discover!”

I wish I was better. I’m sure you wish you were too. But what you and I have to get a hold of is that even in the stinky times of life, Christ will be glorified if we allow the world to see that He loves the broken, stinky people. So like Peter, I will feed the lambs and the sheep in this place, in this season, till I am perfected in Him in Heaven.  

Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man. ~ John 2:23-25



I’ll not complain when the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit bring unexplainable and unspeakable joys in my life for my service. But through the coercing of others in the ministry, who see my work as worthy, and the coercing of the Holy Spirit Who says “Through His blood I am worthy,” I have added a ministry donation button to this site. If you do not have, or do not feel inclined to give, then please don’t feel obligated. But if I have encouraged you and the Spirit speaks, your gift of any amount would be appreciated and honored by God.

I do what I do because I’m gifted and afforded the opportunity by grace and feel that I am accountable for the ministry that God has given. God has been enlarging my territory. For that I am grateful. But for that, there are expenses. Thank you for reading my blog. It encourages my soul, I pray I’ve encouraged yours!


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

The Tough Subject of Ministry and Money

When I began ministering through music early on in my ministry, I felt so guilty when a church would offer me money. I wasn’t a professional, I was doing it for that purpose, I was just excited to serve the Lord. One night my Pastor came to me when I was about to reject an offering and said, “You’ll do this enough times for free, when money is offered, accept it and consider it a gift from God.” Well, he was right. I’ve done it for free many times, and for the record, I’ve never regretted it once. If you’re truly in the ministry, you know going in that it may or may not be a paying career, but it’s always a rewarding career. That being said… money is a necessity for survival in this world.

But when the subject is broached it’s almost taboo. So when the Lord laid this topic on my heart this morning I hesitated. Contemplated rejecting the notion. I’ve never been comfortable with regards to money and the ministry because I would never want anyone to feel that’s the reason I serve. But the word of God is clear on those in the service of God.

1 Timothy 5:17-18
Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

Preachers need paid. And the Word said if they serve worthy they’re worth a double portion! Why is it that folks don’t think twice about paying abundantly for services of skilled professionals but think a Pastor should work on fried beans and rice? Our spiritual needs fuel our fire and provide the strength to get done what we need to get done in life. Its value is immeasurable and without it all hope would go down the drain quickly. Preachers and Pastors are taken for granted until we stand in need and then they’re expected to be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They earn their keep and then some.

But I’m not a preacher or a pastor. I’m the Jesus Chick. So where does that put me on the pay scale? It puts me in an awkward position when I’m ask what I do for a living. It puts me on my face before God when I’m trying meet my monthly expenses. It’s put some amazing people and opportunities in my life that fill in gaps and encourage my soul. And this morning it put me in 1 Timothy 5, verse 18.

Just like the un-muzzled ox that feasts on corn of the field it’s plowing; the rewards I reap from ministering the gospel fills my soul! I’ll not complain when the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit bring unexplainable and unspeakable joys in my life for my service. But through the coercing of others in the ministry, who see my work as worthy, and the coercing of the Holy Spirit Who says “Through His blood I am worthy,” I have added a ministry donation button to this site. If you do not have, or do not feel inclined to give, then please don’t feel obligated. But if I have encouraged you and the Spirit speaks, your gift of any amount would be appreciated and honored by God.

I do what I do because I’m gifted and afforded the opportunity by grace and feel that I am accountable for the ministry that God has given. This week God has been enlarging my territory. For that I am grateful. But for that, there is expenses. Thank you for reading my blog. It encourages my soul, I pray I’ve encouraged yours!

There’s some great things happening. Stay tuned for some awesome works of God!


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Peace, Purpose, salvation

The Backslider’s Gospel

backsliderAs I read the opening of Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians this morning, I felt as if I should start this blog:

Shari, a servant of Christ (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead:) and all the brethren (and sisters) who are with me, unto the churches of Calhoun County. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

What a regal introduction. We take, or should I say “I take, my calling of God for granted.” Paul was writing to the churches of Galatia because they were believing a polluted form of the gospel.  Paul marveled that they were “so soon removed from him that called you unto the grace of Christ unto another gospel.”  (Galatians 1:6b) And as I read across those verses I thought back about the people that I have seen give their lives to Christ at an altar of grace and tsmhen were so soon removed. Those who I had watched walk and serve Christ. Not as those do who get saved and vanish. Which is often the issue with a soul will who comes searching for a temporary fix to a permanent problem rather than a permanent fix to a temporary problem. Whew! That a good word right there! But the folks I think on are those who I served with for years sometimes; and then one day they were just gone. Believing another gospel? They’d likely say no. Because they’re not serving in another church. They’re absent without leave, and believing a gospel for which they aren’t even aware.

The Backslider’s Gospel

A backslider’s gospel is perhaps what I would call it. For some reason or another they found their time could be better spent outside of the church. They occasionally come on Christmas and Easter. A funeral attendance will heap conviction upon their shoulders for a good thirty minutes after the service. But then they determine that Sunday is like any other day. And they can love God on Monday just as well. They have nothing to prove by being in church.

Just as I need to be reminded Who it is and why it is that I serve Christ, a backslidden Christian too needs a reminder. Paul said in verses 15-16 “But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace. To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: Neither went I up to Jerusalem to which were apostles before me ; but I went to Arabia, and retruned again unto Damascus.”

While Paul didn’t go to where the other Apostles were, he was still in the ministry. He was preaching and teaching the gospel as the Holy Spirit revealed it to Him. He wasn’t called to follow the church, or the leaders, he was called to follow God. So be it when someone leaves our church and moves on to serve in another, I’m not concerned for their soul. I miss them, I’m like a mother hen I want all my peeps in one place, but I’m spiritually mature enough to know that’s not always the way God sees it.

But when someone leaves church for the house… no… that’s not God’s plan. That’s a backslider’s gospel. That is the one that allows you to believe that you can be “be just as good at the house as you can in church.” No you can’t. You’ll tell yourself that you’ll read your bible and listen to the word of God. For a while maybe, then you won’t. You’ll tell yourself that you don’t need Christian fellowship. Yes you do. All these things serve a purpose in your life that you don’t want to live without. You can survive. But not nearly as well.

The gospel not only convicts the soul of sin, but it soothes the heart.

Sin may not be continuously on your door step after you leave the church, but Satan will be. He’ll place things in your life to assure you stay away from God’s house, because even Satan knows you’re better off in church.

The fellowship of believers may cause a disagreement now and then, but there is no truer friend than that of the body of Christ if you’re in the right church.

The Backslider’s gospel is the most deceiving of all. Because it tells you “You’re okay.” And you’ll be okay until you’re not and then you’ll be away from everything and everyone that can help you make it through the rough patches of life. And then Satan will convince you that nobody cares. What a liar!

If you’re away from God. Get your heart and mind set for Sunday morning. Be in your seat. If you’ve not yet left, but you’re contemplating it, hang on to the back of that pew with every ounce of strength you have and then hit the altar and ask God to help you through. Don’t go to church for the sake of other people. Go to church for you.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, testimony

You Need To Hear This

isaiah 40

I certainly needed to hear it.

This is a somewhat vague story for the sole purpose of not telling tales. It’s one of those “the names have been changed stories to protect the not so innocent.” Actually there are no names, which much like the parables of the bible, may allow you to place yourself inside my day and encourage yourself in my discovery.

I was almost in shock, but not entirely. The evidence had been there before but not to this degree. It involved people I cared about as well as people I didn’t really care about if I’m honest. Both people had hurt me, one unknowingly, one intentionally. One I knew to be a Christian, one I wondered. How vague is that! Both events in one day and by days end I was left lifeless on the ground. Weary, oh so very weary of sin.

The sins were such that they would cut at the very core of a Christian testimony. One was the sin of prejudice and the other the sin of entitlement, arrogance and self-righteousness wrapped up in a package. To the unsaved looking at either of these lives with the notion of being drawn to Christ, was ludicrous. Neither of them would leave anyone feeling the need to be saved, being that their version of saved was very, very jaded.

Their behavior cut me. I fought back the tears thinking about the damage to the name of Christ in their behavior. I wanted to lash out, but I just couldn’t. It wasn’t the place to draw attention to someone else’s sins. And so I sat in silence, hurting. Hurting for Jesus. Hurting for someone who might hear and not understand that these people are “just human” with human flaws and all. Later in the day I talked to God, but to no avail. The knot in my stomach was still there. I spent a restless night and awoke with a feeling of despair and of nothing getting fixed. I can’t fix a brokenness in the spirit of other people, especially when they don’t acknowledge that it’s even an issue.

I complained to God and then I heard this:

“That feeling you have Shari… that’s the same feeling I have when I look at your sin. Hurt. Knowing what you know, how you could ever feel your behavior is acceptable or excusable because you are human. Remember that before you judge someone else.”

I needed to hear that. It was a stark reminder that my name is nameless too in the book of God when it comes to sin. But I still felt weary. Now I was not only weary of their condition but my own condition felt heavier still.  But God lured me into His word as He often does to seek strength for the moment.

His understanding

Isaiah 40 28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

God’s ways are not my way nor are His thoughts my thoughts. How good to know that even when I am weary, and not from well doing but rather from evil doing, God understands. He sees human nature for what it is. It is what He died for. But in my human form I cannot search long enough to understand it, because I am not God. And unlike me, God is not weary. Not even weary of me. So I must rely on His understanding.

His Strength

29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

He knows my utter human frailty. I have no might and He knows I will fall and faint. But through His Holy Spirit He encourages my soul. How awesome that gift is. So I must rely on His strength.

His Forgiveness

30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

Probably the hardest of all to understand. The people in my story hurt me a few times. How many times have I hurt God? Countless. Multiply that times all His people. All the people for whom He died. Now imagine that pain. We can’t. Nor can I imagine how Almighty He assuredly is that He can take that hurt and love me anyway. So I must rely on His forgiveness.

His Wings

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Even with His wings, the word doesn’t say we’ll soar, it says we’ll walk. We won’t fly, but we won’t faint. That’s good news! I’ve heard the word “Wait” preached not as the meaning to delay, but rather to serve. As a waiter would wait (serve) a table, which puts a whole other perspective on that scripture. As we “serve” the Lord our strength is rekindled. So I must keep serving. Keeping God’s word in my heart so that I do not faint on days like that mentioned in this story. When people fail me, I can draw strength to forgive from the endless well of forgiveness that God has in supply for His children… for me.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, salvation

The Truth About Saints

saint shariSaint Patrick’s Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religion celebration held annually on March 17 to honor the Patron Saint of Ireland. It’s become more so a day to celebrate Irish Culture than the religious aspect of it. Which is good I think, being that I don’t really put much stock in honoring saints. Not to belittle what St. Patrick did, being credited to have been instrumental in establishing the Christian faith in Ireland in the 5th Century, but in the eyes of God saint hood is not exclusive to one religion. For the record, I’m Saint Shari. I really don’t anticipate any statues being erected in my honor, and it is not the honor of men that I seek. But studying God’s ideology of saints differs considerably from the worlds view.

Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:7 ~ To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A saint is a child of God. Not a perfect child of God, not an overachieving child of God, not anyone necessarily of notable character. Many saints don’t deserve a statue.  (I am one). The Catholic church has sainted many folks throughout the years and claim Peter was the first Pope, which I don’t believe for many reasons, but top of my list for not believing it is, in knowing the character of Peter, he would have had nothing to do with a religion that focus’ on the mother of Christ rather than the Savior and believes salvation can be bought. But this blog is not about my differences with the Catholic Church, it’s about the prerequisites for being a Saint and the reward!

King David spoke much of the saints of God especially in the Psalms:

But I would call Psalm 149 a Psalm of the Saints

Each verse brings great hope to the child of God for


All Saints! The Congregation, not just a select few.

1Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.

All Creation! Not just a few

Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

All People! Who are saved

Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.

All Saints have honor!

Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;

To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;

To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord.

What a joy to know! As a believer in Christ Jesus, believing that He was the final sacrifice for mankind on the cross of Calvary, that He proved his Deity by His power over death, His resurrection and His ascension to Heaven where He makes intercession for us, allowing us access to a Holy God, even as unholy as we are, and because of all His work, we have honor.

There will be no statues of us in Heaven, I don’t know that they’ll be any statues in Heaven. I just know that Jesus is in Heaven and it is He Who I will give praise, honor and glory. And so will the saints who have been honored on earth, and those who haven’t even been recognized.

Feeling unappreciated today? Don’t. There is One Who appreciates you more than you can possibly know.