Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Uncategorized, Word of God

The Danger of Taking Scripture Out of Context

I know I’ve been guilty. Believe me, I’ve been guilty! It’s not hard to make the word of God fit into a circumstance of your own choosing. But the question is… Is it biblical? 

I’ve been pondering this thought a lot lately. And last night as I watched “Unashamed” on Blaze tv, Jace Robertson (who I love), referenced a scripture from the book of Hebrews 5:7

“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard that he feared.”

Jace, his dad Phil Robertson (duck dynasty) and brother Al were discussing the difference in churches and how some were loud, some were not, but all should be! And I agree. There should be evidence of life and joy inside the church.  They also discussed that everything should be done in decency and order which is for certain biblical. Paul warned against acting otherwise in 1st Corinthians 14:40. But Jace referenced the scripture in Hebrews, as evidence of Jesus’ loud worship. 

I don’t doubt that Jesus was a lively worshipper when He was on earth. But to my knowledge… and I’ve been wrong so many times before, I don’t remember reading anywhere that Jesus was shouting the house down in a service. Might He have? Oh yes!  I think that when they were singing psalms and praises He may have just got carried away and choo choo’d down the isle! But it doesn’t say that. Now, as for the scripture Jace referenced, it’s clearly speaking of the time before Christ’s crucifixion. Not a church service. And while I love the way Jace studies the word of God, and can reference scripture off the top of his head so much better than I, this is why I think it’s dangerous to take something out of context.

I am a shouter in church. I’m a hand raising, Amen saying, I’ll talk to the preacher during service kinda gal. (Not to the point of disruption) but I ain’t quiet. I’m excited about the message. But there are those in our church who are not.  There are those who seldom if ever say anything! But they are worshippers no less. And I don’t think Jace was saying they weren’t. But by using the scripture that says Jesus had “strong crying and tears” as worship, could lead someone to believe that if they didn’t, they’re not worshipping as Jesus would have them to. 

God wants us to “feel worship.” Feel “His presence.” That emotion can be expressed in a sigh. Or eyes closed just for a second as you quietly praise Him for His goodness.  Perhaps the scripture never references Jesus’ worship style because God doesn’t want us putting worship in a box. This is how it has to be. Or cause someone to doubt their own love of the Savior because they’re not loud mouthed like me. 

Now… that being said. I don’t want someone to twist the word of God to say that we should be “reverent and holy” to the point of a stagnant service. Which I believe is the state of most churches in America and an insult to all that God has done for us. 

I said all that to say this… I’m so thankful for our Pastor who speaks often of the “context of the word” and making sure we understand it. It’s important. It may not seem like much in the scope of somethings in life but it’s why Paul told Timothy to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

2 Timtothy 2:15

Don’t make the word fit your circumstance. Make your circumstance fit the word. Wooo Glory! That’ll Preach!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Fear, Leadership, Uncategorized

Three two-fold Blessings

And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. 

ISAIAH 11:1-4

I love the word of God! I love that it speaks more than is written on the page. It’s a blessing that we receive as a child of God. 

Prior to salvation, I knew the Bible had power. And in days of struggle I would turn to the word of God, having seen my Dad go there daily as a child. But it might as well have been written in Greek, because that’s how much I understood of it. But then came that wonderful day of salvation in 1996, that it all changed. It was then, when I opened up the word of God, that it no longer was Greek, but it was a spiritual English that spoke to my soul with words between the words. I would hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit within those pages and a few words became a whole message! It still happens that way, and I am still in awe!

I love the image of the branch growing out of the root. Isn’t that just the way they seen the Lord Jesus that day as He was being taken down from the cross, and laid in that borrowed tomb? Praise God they didn’t pay money for it, because He wasn’t going to be there long. Just three days! And out of death, came life. Just like that branch that grew up from what was assumed to be a dead tree. But if You are the Creator of the tree, You can recreate it. So Jesus rose from the dead, and He Who was once walking among them, was walking again. And as He parted back to Heaven He left the most marvelous gift. The one that I discovered in 1996, the Holy Spirit. And it is for certain the gift that keeps on giving, just like the words in Isaiah attest to.

The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding

“Wisdom is my 2020 word for the year. And there it is on the pages today, but not just wisdom, understanding. Each of these are a two fold gift. With wisdom comes understanding. It’s not enough for us to just know God, He wants us to understand Him as well. Why He came as He did, Why He made promises in the Old Testament that were concealed, but then revealed in the New Testament. That Davidic Covenant, where God promised the coming Messiah and the Savior of the World. The One the world doesn’t understand, because they don’t have His Spirit. How blessed we are as children of God to have the understanding of God. But do we do with it as much as we could? I know I don’t.

This morning as I read social media, a friend of mine announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer and that it was “incurable” but treatable and what her plan of action was. My heart broke for her, her husband and her children. And so I posted that I would pray and be available if she needed to talk. But in the back of my mind I’m thinking… “What can I say? How can I help her? This is not a battle I have fought. But then I read this word, and God was quick… yes, just like His word said, that I have nothing to say… but He has everything to say. In Him is hope! Hope comes from the wisdom and understanding of the Creator… He who brought back to life His Son! And it is that hope that I have for everyone who has gone on before me, that I will see again if they knew Christ!

The Spirit of Counsel and Might

Within each child of God is the strength to be what a friend needs. Isn’t that a wonderful thought? 

Luke 12:11-12

And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: for the Holy Ghost shall teach in in the same hour what ye ought to say.

While that scripture refers to the persecuted saint, I have no doubt that the same holds true when we stand in need of the words to comfort a friend, or help them to find direction for their life. 

I would not dare say that I have the answer to all the questions that must be running through my friend’s mind. How many “why’s” must she be asking. But I know Who does have those answers. And while I cannot offer her healing, I can offer her the Healer! 

The Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord

With my pea brain I think of wisdom and knowledge as the same. But obviously God does not, else He would not have written them separately.

Perhaps wisdom is of the mind and knowledge is of the heart. Both will bring you to awe of the power of the Lord. That fear isn’t a fear that causes you concern, but rather a knowledgeable respect. Woah… that’s truth. When you realize Who God is, and what power is within His breath, it will create in you a healthy fear of our Lord.

Another of my favorite scriptures is when Jesus was in the garden about to be arrested and taken to the cross:

John 18:4-6 KJV

[4] Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? [5] They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. [6] As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.

I imagine when they thought on that later, there was a healthy fear of a Man Who could speak with not only the authority of God, but the power of God! That’s Who God wants us to know. He wants us to understand the power in even speaking the Word of God. It may be my voice, my fingers on the keyboard, but if I am using His words, in the context that He spoke them, there is power! That’s good stuff! 

I pray this word encourages you to share HIS WORD! BLESSINGS!!!! Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Faith, Heaven, joy, Uncategorized

The Unimpeachable Jesus

Last night’s teen lesson at Victory Baptist Church was a “little lesson” about end times and the signs we see all around us. I call it little because that’s all I know about the end times. Just a fraction of what’s in the scripture. Every page from Genesis to Revelation leads to the return of Christ, on that glorious day when we will be like Him, we will see Him and worship Him in living color. Glory! Won’t that be a marvelous day! But for now we battle.

We battle the naysayers and the the demonic forces that would love to rid the world of the notion of Jesus. But He is, unimpeachable! They cannot undo the cross. They cannot refill the tomb. He is not there. He’s unimpeachable and untouchable. Not until Heaven will we be able to see and touch the hands of Jesus. 

There were those who did. The Bible is full of eye witness reports. The world can’t undo that either. There are versions of the Bible that are slowly but surely writing God out of it. It’s why I’m a KJV girl! But the word of God. The true word of God will stand until those skies split open and He returns for His church. The word of God will stand after that for it is forever settled in Heaven!

I just needed to remind myself of that today in this world of uncertainty. There is one thing for certain. The unimpeachable Jesus! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith, Uncategorized

Just Like John

1 John 1:1-4 KJVS

[1] That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; [2] (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) [3] That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. [4] And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

It’s still the same story. And it’s still the same truth. From the beginning of Time, and where God is, time has always been; and I need you to know what I know. That’s what John is saying, and that’s what I’m saying this gloomy Tuesday morning as I get ready to embark on a day with my bestie Glo. It’s a joy to experience friendship with her, but more so with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

On my heart of late has been the state of the world around me. I see so much heartache. I have friends that are right in the middle of some of the worst struggles of their lives. Many of them know Christ, and for that I’m grateful. Because I know where I let them down, Christ never will. But there are those who don’t know Christ and it scares me, because I know in Him is my hope to go forward through the hard times. 

Like John: I have heard

I have heard the Spirit of God coercing me to fight, to take one more step, to try one more time. I have felt the flutter in my soul when I know He’s about to show me something amazing. I have not audibly heard the voice of Jesus as John did. But the voice I hear is still every bit as real and evident. But it can only be heard if you “know” Him. 

Like John: I have seen

I have seen the evidence of the Spirit of God moving in my own and others lives. I’ve watched as He has taken control of a situation, a service, or a person and done great and mighty things. I’ve seen times when the answers didn’t come as we wanted, but God brought the strength and the promise of hope that only He can provide. 

Like John: I have touched

Picking up the word of God is literally touching God. His breath is in the book. From the day of salvation, and from the first word I read in scripture I felt His presence. No book on this earth has the power to do what the Bible does. It literally floods my soul with happiness to think about how the Lord speaks to this world through those pages. When I read the stories, the Spirit transports my mind to the time, so much so that I know when I get to Heaven, I’ll be able to walk up to David and say, “Brother! Your life inspired me! Thank you for allowing me to see God through your eyes!” 

Like John: Christ manifested (made Himself known) to me and and because of that I can make Him known to you so that you too can have the fellowship of God Himself. Glorrraaaay!!! Does that not make you happy!This is a short post, but I needed to stop by for a visit and remind you that you are loved, by me, yes! But most of all by the Lord Jesus. If you’re struggling today, open the word of God and let Him speak peace to your soul. So you too can be “Like John” who through his obedience and sharing of the Gospel teaches us what he was taught first handed. Be like Jesus! Life is about Him, by Him, through Him, In Him! Do you know Him?

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

What the World Needs Now

Love. It’s what’s missing in society. I believe that it’s just that simple. I grow so weary in my soul when I hear people spewing hatred against people they don’t even know. Now, I realize there are some who heap that anger upon themselves. Believe me… when I tell you I struggle in the politics of the day not to hate people. I have to continually remind myself that they too were created by God with purpose. But somewhere down the road, they got off the intended path. Or perhaps never found the path and they are lost and headed to Hell. Even sadder. But the reality of it is, I will not answer for them. I will only answer for what I do as a child of God. 

We need Fervent Love 

Peter would understand me. After all it was Peter who cut the soldiers ear off when they came to arrest Jesus. I might have wanted to do that more than once. But it was Peter who wrote in 1 Peter 4

[8] And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. 

Peter was zealous when it came to what he believed in. Far too many people are apathetic about their relationships, especially their relationship with God. I’ve kind of been in that state of mind. I’ve struggled lately to do what God called me to do. The weariness of the world was stuck to me like goo. Not glue… but rather an ick. I just couldn’t seem to get out of the funk I was in. I pray this is the first step out of that hole… It’s not that I lost my zeal, but I lost my drive. I lost the fervency for the Gospel. 

Fervency is a passionate, glowing and growing desire to accomplish a matter of the heart. That should be my driving force, and no goo of this world should be able to cover it!

We need Forgiving Love

[9] Use hospitality one to another without grudging. 

Never in my 57 years have I seen such an unforgiving society. If we’re not on the same page, we can’t even be on the same bookshelf. We can’t even be in the same library. I love the book analogy. Thinking about Malachi 3:16

Malachi 3:16

[16] Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.

It should cause great concern that God is ever aware of our conscience. For the good and bad. It should cause us to be that much more forgiving of others who are struggling in the same manner we are to figure this world out. But what it should do most of all, is cause us to have a desire to live for God, not man. The depravity of man is evidenced in Washington. Hospitality is barely in our vocabulary any more. 

My mother is the most hospitable person on the earth. At 84, Her door is open 24/7 and has always been. I remember a time when my “hippy cousins of the 70’s” were hitchhiking across the country and stopped in at our house with their friends in the wee hours of the morning. My mother never grimaced. She let them in, fed them, and bedded them down. Strangers, without regard for what they believed. She’s just kind. That is how the heart of a Christian should be. Open to love. But never wavering in what it was designed to do. Share the gospel and forgiveness of Christ Jesus.

We Need an Un-failing Love

[10] As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. [11] If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

What ever your gift is, and you certainly have one, and likely many! That gift is made to minister. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s why these past few weeks of a lack of fervency have been so hard on my spirit. I know that God created me to minister, and when I’m not… I’m failing. Miserably.

God helps us to be the men and women of God that You formed us to be. You knew me before I was in my hospitable momma’s belly. Help us to regain the fervency to share the gospel with a world that’s going to bust Hell wide open unless someone shows them the forgiveness and freedom of knowing Christ as Savior. Help us to have an unfailing love for the created. You love them. So must we.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

The Haters and the Doubters

It as been decades since I came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ; only two, but none the less decades. As a child, a decade seemed like an eternity, now a decade seems like a month. Time passes ever so quickly by, but one thing never changes. Haters and doubters. They were in Jesus’ day, and before that. They are in our day, and now they are louder than they were then. Their voices can be heard through multiple medias. There are agnostics, atheists, idol worshipers and worshipers of other gods. They’re bold and brazen and often heartless. They love throwing stones. Just like the haters and doubters of Jesus’ day, only they proclaimed to be serving the God of Abraham. The same that Jesus spoke of. But the difference was, Jesus knew Abraham; He’d actually met him. Although to the crowd for which He spoke, they knew Jesus was physically too young for that. And so what they didn’t understand, they doubted and hated. Hated to the point that they would have picked up a stone and done bodily harm to God Himself. But Jesus pulled a disappearing act and walked out right in front of them and they missed His grand exit. 

If you don’t know Jesus… don’t wait for the exit. 

John 8:52-59 KJVS

[52] Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.[53] Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself? [54] Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: [55] Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. [56] Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. [57] Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? [58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. [59] Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Going right through the middle of them! I at first thought that He disappeared and was elsewhere. But no. He was still there, He was just in some way or another invisible! Just as He is today. And yet He is here, right in our midst, and the haters and the doubters are still looking for someone to cast stones at. They can no more hit Him now, than they could then. So often times the target becomes the only one they can lash out at and that is us, the believers. 

So what do we do with the doubters and the haters. 

Have First Hand Knowledge

Jesus had first hand knowledge of Abraham and Abraham first hand knowledge of Him.

Genesis 18:2 KJV

[2] And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, [3] And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:

Two were angels, but Abraham addressed One as Lord.  Abraham didn’t want Him to pass by. He wanted Him to stay. A lesson even Christians can learn. Don’t rush out of the Lord’s presence, or rush Him out of yours. What an honor to find the favor of God to the point where He chooses to be in your presence. 

That’s kind of how I feel this morning as I write these words, Jesus passed by and sat a while with me in my little junked up office. He didn’t mind that it wasn’t a church, or a mansion. He just wanted time with me. And together He and I conversed and this is the product of that. This message. A message that I needed, and I’m pretty sure you do to.

Until the end of time there will be haters and doubters. Pray for them. But don’t let them distract you from God Himself. He’s still teaching us through the Holy Spirit, stay in His word! He’s still walking around unseen in the midst of those who do not know Him. It’s up to us to allow them to see Christ. It’s up to Him to help them feel His presence. Let them throw their spiritual stones of words; if they throw real stones, Move! But when it comes to the words of doubters and haters they have no power over the word of God. Their words will be forgotten tomorrow. His words have lasted how long? 

If you’re reading this and you don’t know Christ as your Savior. Don’t let Him disappear in your midst. You’ve no doubt felt His Spirit moving in your presence, ask Him to reveal Himself to You, I believe He will. If you have questions, I’d love to answer them. If you stand in need of prayer, I’d be honored to do that too. 

Have a Blessed day! As I write this it’s Wednesday. I hope you have a place to attend Bible Study tonight! Blessings ~ Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Uncategorized

I have Questions

I do not have questions of God… well, I do, but I more have questions of those who will likely not read this, but perhaps they will. “Those” are they that I used to attend church with – – those who used to stand and testify about the goodness of God; but now their seat is empty. They’re memory fades from the mind of the congregation and many wouldn’t know who they were if I called their name in prayer because they’ve not darkened the door of God’s house in forever. 

Am I angry?

Only that Satan won a battle. I’m not angry at the individual. I just don’t understand it. I will mention a few “generic” situations and perhaps it will prompt you to call someone out in prayer today, or perhaps it’s your story.

There was a couple in our church who served God faithfully for many, many years. He retired, she was a homemaker and a beloved mom. Little by little they stopped serving, slowed their attendance, and then stopped altogether. He got a job that had weekend hours, she got cancer. And God cured her! And through it all they never returned to God’s house. I don’t understand and my question is why? Why did you not return to praise Him? 

Another couple with the same story of attending many years. They struggled to keep their marriage together, God healed their home and they left church. Their home was no longer strong enough to to fight the world and it separated due to infidelity. But they managed to get back together. He got cancer. He was cured.  No return. Why?

Throughout the years I have watched countless people battle, win, and walk out on God. And they will say almost assuredly “I still worship God, I just do it at home.” 

That may be true. But I doubt it. Because I know how hard it is for me to stay faithful to worship while I’m in the house of God at every opportunity. My focus can get so worldly in a heartbeat…

And speaking of heartbeats. The reason I wonder about those who struggle and do not return to God’s house is because I remember laying in the hospital facing open heart surgery and needing and receiving the presence of God in that place. I remember feeling the prayers of the saints of God that I knew were lifting my name to the Lord. That’s what friends of faith do. But if you’re not there, they’ll likely not remember you. But this morning I remember them. And I’ll bet there’s someone on your heart too.

In my teen group this week we watched a video of Francis Chan. I love this guy! He wrote “Crazy Love” and other books, but his back story is just so doggone amazing! His mother died in childbirth and then his father remarried a few years later. His second wife died when Francis was 8 in a car accident, then his father died at when Francis was 12,  leaving him orphaned. He goes to a youth rally and gets saved and finds God’s purpose for his life and he, his wife and seven children continue to serve the Lord. And he stood on the stage and thanked God for the life he was given because it caused him to seek God. Glorrrrraaaaayyyyyy! Can you say that about your struggles? I cannot always. But I can say that about the heart attack because it got my attention on what’s important, and who’s important. 

My family is important. My friends are important. But God is the most important of all. Without Him I would not know healing, peace, love to the depths of the ocean and beyond. I would not know sacrifice. His sacrifice. 

Luke 17:17

And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

I asked the same question today. “Where are the nine?

Tomorrow’s Sunday. Make the plan to go to the house of the Lord! Don’t let Satan convince you that it’s not necessary. It is necessary and He is worthy. Go and praise Him! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

How to live a blessed life

It ain’t easy! But it’s totally doable for a child of God. I must also say that it’s also not perfect. There will likely be some heartache and struggle. But even that too can be a blessing from the other side. Seldom ever in the middle!

That’s where my thoughts are going this morning as I prepare a lesson for my teens that always  hits this grown up right between the eyes. As I study and prepare, as I instruct, i always learn more than they likely do. And often times I learn a greater lesson directly from them. One of which is when they call each other out. I’m not one who’s ever made a practice of calling anyone out. I won’t say I haven’t done it, but it’s a rarity. But this current group of teens I have are notorious for calling each other out. They cut nobody any slack! I sometimes cringe wondering how their comments will be taken; but funny thing about being called out in the house of God, if you’re a willing vessel to hear, the word is accepted and we move on. Could not the old folks learn from that?

God will call you out for certain!  From the book of Isaiah God not only calls us out, He tells us to write it down:

Isaiah 30:8

Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:

Leading into that word, He’s speaking to the children of Israel. 

Isaiah 30:1-2 KJVS

[1] Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: [2] That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

Stay out of Egypt

Egypt adds to the sin that we already have. I have enough without going down into a place that has my mind in a place it shouldn’t be. Egypt can be anywhere. A television program or movie, a group of friends, a business establishment, a shopping center! Any place that has your mind on less than godly things. It adds sin to sin for the weaknesses that we are apt to fall victim too. 

For me it could just as well be the bread isle at our local market. Jeepers! I love bread. I love donuts and cake and pie! those are weakness that I’d be better off staying clear of. I have others. Many others. For some people their weakness may be alcohol, drugs, friends that drag them into a world they came out of.  Egypt is anywhere that takes you away from the will of God.

God’s original design for His children was that they never got exposed to Egypt. But Satan messed that up!

Stay out of Rebellion

Isaiah 30:9-11 KJVS

[9] That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord : [10] Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: [11] Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.

It’s hard to imagine those words about ourselves. But I only have to think of the times that I have turned a conversation with God off because it was taking me to a place of chastisement or a place I was less than comfortable in. I am no different than the people who stood at the base of the mountain with Moses and said, “You go Moses! We’ll wait for you to get back and let us know what God says!” Fear is a not so funny thing. We are taught to fear (reverence) God, but that perfect love casts out fear. And yet, without studying the word and staying in it we will allow Satan to cause confusion and shame to come into our life. These are the times when we do not want to hear the holy words of God.  We need to

Stay Put!

Even in the hard times. Even on the days when the Lord’s words cut us through. The end result will be Victorious living. I know this because I’ve experienced all of it! The victory and the defeat. I needed a teen around me to call me out! 

This was a quick thought for myself today, to get my mind into the zone i want it to be in. How about you? Are you there? I pray you’re blessed!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized

Who is a wise man?

James 3:13

Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

Who is a wise man? Good question right? I’ve known my share. Some of worldly wisdom beyond my comprehension, but I was never really impressed with those. They mostly irritated me because they speak over my head in hopes of impressing rather than speaking to my understanding in hopes of helping me. That is the difference between good and bad educators.

We had a preacher come to our church several years ago for a few nights of revival. The first night he was late and ill prepared because he’d gotten lost trying to find our church. It was obvious as he preached that he was having to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide him through his message. It was phenomenal! He came back the second night “prepared.” Yielding big words and theological discussions. Guess which one made the greater impact. Not the big word preacher. The Spirit lead preacher was so much more in tune with the congregation because the Spirit knew what we needed.

In my search for wisdom, I’m not seeking to become theologically greater, but spiritually greater. I want to understand scripture in greater depth, but only for the purpose of taking that information and applying it to my life and messages so that I can become a better child and servant of God.

So when James asks his readers, “Who is a wise man?” I don’t think he was searching for the scholars of the day. He spoke of those who were endued with knowledge. Another word for endued is infused. That is my desire. To be filled with the Spirit of God through the absorption of His word and knowledge. I love the essential oil infusers that fill the air with natural scents and healing oil. They arouse my sense of smell and create a happy response from my soul. So does the word of God!

Don’t Get Too Big for your Britches

...with meekness of wisdom. I pray I never feel as though I (personally) have something to tell. I hope that my ministry work is always a Holy Spirit lead adventure. Meekness is often viewed as weakness in this world. Because a person isn’t loud and boisterous, people believe them to be an obvious push over. And yet, someone like myself who has a naturally loud personality is often considered bold and brave. I know the exact opposite to be true. Meekness is strength concealed and controlled. I have to work on that daily. So a meekness of wisdom is not someone who flaunts what they know,  it rather someone who shares what God has revealed and gives credit where credit is due.

James 3:14-16

But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. 

Don’t get Bitter with your Brothers

Or your sisters as the case may be. On the occasions when I’ve been aggravated with someone I’ve realized that there is a pride involved that is straight out of the pits of Hell, and that I’m lying to myself and anyone else when I try to justify that anger. Satan loves it when we have strife with our family and friends, because in no way will God be glorified. Oh James, you are so wise. That type of strife will cause the wisdom of God and our purpose on earth to completely leave the track of our destined plan by God. That’s a dangerous pride that could have consequences resulting in someone never seeing Jesus because they could only see us. 

How very confusing it must be for the lost child to witness a saved child hating on someone. 

But godly wisdom is where it’s at! It’s why it so important to stay in God’s word. It keeps our heart in tune with Him. If you’re in love with God, you cannot be in hate with others. 

James 3:17-18

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. [18] And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Get Better by being Broken

Understanding where we come from is a good place to start when showing someone how to get where you are and on their own path toward a deeper relationship with Christ. 

There is a fair amount of snow falling outside right now, and as it falls, it falls slowly, peacefully, covering up the mud and earth below that is so abundant outside this time of year. I’m not a fan of winter for a few reasons, though I do love the snow when I have no where to be… which is not today.  But it serves as a great illustration on the purity of God, and how He washes our sin as white as snow, covering up those muddy days in my life when I’ve failed Him miserably. And I was miserable. That’s a part of my testimony. 

I did not have the peace of God for 34 years of my life. I believed in Jesus, but I did not “know” Jesus. There is a vast difference. Satan is fully well aware that Jesus exists, but he has no desire to have a relationship with Him. And unfortunately neither does most of the world. They are lulled into accepting a false peace that comes from money, fame, even family. But get broken and suddenly you are looking for a repair kit. That repair kit came looking for me in 1996. I experienced it sitting in the back row of Victory Baptist Church, when Mike Worf opened his bible and shared his own brokenness with me. I’d never heard a preacher be so open and honest about his own failing. I needed to know I was not alone. 

Help me God to show that to those I come into contact with. Those who make peace, whether it’s law enforcement, judges, etc. do so by squelching conflict. That’s what the Spirit of God does. We were not made for this world, therefore there is an automatic conflict in our soul. But a soul saved immediately resides in Heaven, and that conflict (though we still experience it on earth) finds peace in Heavenly places. Glory to God! I just wrote myself happy! 

The world would like you to believe that being humble and broken brings shame. The Spirit of God shows us that being broken is when we’re at the point were we can absorb the Spirit of God and allow His goodness to leak back out of us so that others may see. It leaks out of my eyes a lot. 

Praying that today you are getting better in your relationship with Jesus. Blessings! Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Purpose, Uncategorized, Word of God

Just for the asking!

I didn’t get a great start off to 2020. I have a few reasons to blame, though truthfully they won’t hold water, but it is what it is. For the time being we have little to no internet because we’re switching providers and there were “issues” with installation. Next, my part time job turned into a full time job for a while, and lastly and most frustratingly, exhaustion cluttered my mind. But today, at least for a couple of hours I’m home. And I’m trying not to feel guilty about the disarray of the house, and focusing on my time with God, and other ministry labors for which I don’t consider labor. 

For the last several years, thanks to my friend Sue Walker, I’ve chosen, or had chosen for me by God, a word for the year. It usually happens when I began to ponder the thought and then over and over again a word will appear in my mind and other places, and it will become clear that that’s where my focus needs to be.  Last year my word was “courage.” For which I needed much. This year my word is wisdom, and I need it more than courage! Though courage may be necessary as well when it comes to the wisdom I am granted. And I say “am” because the word tells me, if I ask, it will be given. 

James 1:5 KJVS

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Change can be Scary

Now the problem with wisdom, is it’s wiser than me. And when it’s granted, sometimes I’d rather go back to being ignorant. Because ignorance, which isn’t ever really bliss, is usually easier. Wisdom comes with responsibility and most often, change. 

Change is usually in the zone just on the other side of comfort. Once you get there it’s good, but stepping into it is like those other dimensions we see on futuristic shows. We don’t know what’s there, but we’re pretty sure it’s monsters. We know that’s not rational thinking, but when we’re scared we’re not rational. That’s why we need the word of God because it turns our irrational thoughts into intrigue.

Scary can be Exhilarating

Some of the greatest times I’ve had in life usually began with, “No way under the sun would I do that.” And then I did it… at least once. It’s like the time I went repelling with my husband. Once and only once, to say that I had done it. The first time of stepping off the cliff into absolute space was scary stuff! Once I got over the edge and got my feet placed onto the rocks it was still a little scary, but exhilarating as well. And I knew the worst was behind me. That’s much like it is stepping out into new territories of life. 

So what does all that have to do with wisdom? Just in case you’re asking. 

Exhilaration can lead to Wisdom

It reminds me of the lyrics from “O Holy Night”, when it says “A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn, fall on your knees….” Can you imagine. The day the Lord was born and the changes that were on the horizon for the world?! There could be some glorious changes for us in 2020. But we have to have our minds in the position to hear the leading of the Lord and be willing to step off that cliff into a new space. Wisdom is an exciting thought for me. That I will learn some new and glorious things this year that the Lord would have me know. 

I pray that for you as well. And that together on this journey we’ll go amazing places. Perhaps literally, which I always love, but more importantly, spiritually. 

Please continue to follow along with me on the blog, share my posts and if the Lord leads invite me your way to speak or sing. Blessings!!! Shari