Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration

How’s Your Hinges today?

chick labor

There are days when I write that I think I’m writing to read what I have to say. Then I am reminded of the preachers of little country churches who preach Sunday after Sunday to a house of  a half dozen filled seats and a dozen or so good intentions who didn’t show up; it is then that I count it a privilege to have a place that I can share what God speaks to my heart. Every soul that reads the words I write, and are encouraged by my thoughts are soldiers in the field of battle that I’ve had the opportunity to support. God knows each one and I’m encouraged by that. It still however does not stop me from counting and complaining. For myself as a writer and speaker, and for the Pastors that labor and study to fill the pulpit on Sunday, preaching to more air than mass.

Ecclesiastes 12:8-11

Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. 10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. 11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.

It reminds me of that song “I’m working on a Building.”

Church attendance is not proof of salvation, but the lack of church attendance is evidence of commitment issues. If people attended work like they do church they’d be fired. And before you say that you have to work to survive and pay bills, let me call to remembrance the scripture in Ephesians 2:17-22 (speaking of Jesus)

17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. 18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. 19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: 22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

Sunday is the day we go to the hardware store! While that job that pays the bills is important for survival and filling your house with the necessities of life therein, it’s a temporary housing unit for life. Our permanent dwelling isn’t finished yet. (Lest we’d be in it!) And the building material necessary for that life is found in the house of God and in the Word of God.

Solomon said that all was vanity. We spend so much time living for ourselves that we forget our real purpose. Solomon the preacher was wise and taught the people. The people were wise in that they showed up! He reminded them that this life is short… James 4:14 says ~ It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

The words of the wise (the preacher) are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. He’s talking about the building, that’s us! Paul in verse 22 of Ephesians said “In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:” That’s the church! The men and women of God who share His word have got the construction material for you to build your house, and if you don’t  show up at the hardware store on Sunday, and read and study His Word the rest of the week, your doors may fall off the hinges, or your pipes might break! The preacher is a goad… it doesn’t sound very flattering but I hope I’m a goad to. Someone that pokes you and prods you into living closer to cross of Christ. That was the first thing He built for us… and then He died on it. So that we could live in this house of flesh and serve Him where we are.

Glory to God! I’m workin’  on a buildin’, I’m workin’ on a buildin’, I’m workin’ on a buildin’ for my Lord, for my Lord!


chick encourage 2


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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Are you Prepared?

chick pondering

It’s been a busy week for me. Who am I kidding? It’s been a busy life! Every day just seems to get away from me from the crack of dawn until I lay my head on the pillow at night. I try to pack so much in and get so little of it actually accomplished. And if I’m honest, God is pushed back again and again, until the day is done and as I lay my head on that pillow, my heart aches because I’ve not spent time in His presence.

So this morning, on His day, I’m preparing by pitching my tent and preparing a place…

1 Chronicles 15

1And David made him houses in the city of David, and prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent.

Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever.

And David gathered all Israel together to Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the Lord unto his place, which he had prepared for it.

The ark contained sacred items such as the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments, scrolls of the Law, manna, and the rod of Aaron. It was always kept inside a tent until Solomon’s temple was built. When it was being moved, the ark was covered with the cloth pieces that were used to make the tabernacle, so the ark was never visible to anyone other than the priests who cared for it. Old Testament times, Old Testament Ways. Today we no longer worship that way as a body of believers, the Covenant got a new home in the heart of the believers, but it still takes due diligence to care for it.

The tent that David pitched wasn’t a permanent dwelling; that came when Solomon built the Temple. And much like David’s tent, our heart, where the Covenant dwells is temporary. We’re waiting for the day that we can be in that permanent dwelling with God Himself. Oh glory… I long for that this morning! But until then I long to feel His presence in the temporal place; but I don’t think it’s just going to “happen.” I need to prepare my heart through the Word of God, praying for the Holy Spirit to do a work in me before I go into the house of God so that when I hear His word the ground in my heart is plowed soil and ready receive His seeds of wisdom.

I need to pray for the Preacher! David said that none ought to carry the ark but the Levites. We have men in place this morning who are carrying the very Word of God much like the Levites did. They are chosen men and God has given them the task of carrying the Word of God to us so that we might be prepared for the world  before us that desires to devour us as a lion and sift us as wheat. I need to hear that word today! So I’m lifting my Pastor to the Lord this morning and preparing the way for his words. Have you done so likewise? Please… do yourself the favor.

I’m gonna gather! I love the Christian fellowship I have in my church. I gathered with many of them on a church outing yesterday, and it was a fabulous day! But not the same as today… Nothing like gathering in His house in one mind and one accord and waiting for the Holy Spirit to show up in that place and bless the stockings off of us!!!! That’s what I’m talking about today. Are you prepared?… join with me in preparing your place. I’m going to pray for you right now and help you prepare.

I got you started… now go! It’s your turn.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Summer’s Short… so is life

chick happy 2Summer Doldrums in the Church – Can I just talk about that a minute. I promise I won’t go too long… maybe 500 words…perhaps a few more but not much. Summer is such an exciting time! There’s family reunions, vacations, weekend outings and so much to captivate our attention. And then there’s church. That seems to be the way of the world. After all… Church will be there in September, right? Well… I hope so.

Mariners of ancient times feared the doldrums. If they were caught on the sea without wind for too long they could die of thirst or starvation. I don’t want to scare you but church folk are much the same. If they go too long without spiritual motivation they either dry up and blow away or when they start moving again they’re pretty lethargic and stiff. Usually by Christmas they have both oars in the water and they’re back in sync with spiritual life again. Why is it that folks think they need to take a vacation from God? Oh they’d never put it like that… they’d say it in a more culturally accepted phrase, like

“I work all week, I need the weekend to wind down…”

 “Summer’s the only time our family can spend time together…”

Three thoughts about that and then I’ll be still

Peace be still…

Mark 4:39

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Every storm in life we expect the Savior to come in and swoop us out of, or at least calm the waves, but we believe He understands our lack of commitment.

Let the Dead bury Their Dead

Luke 9:58-60

And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.

Friends and family go out into eternity and we’re sad and broken hearted and we cry out to God wondering if they were saved… and we’re left wondering. They didn’t even make church a priority in September or December. And the times that you were with them, Christ never came into the conversation. It was summer… we had other commitments.

These kids!

Proverbs 22:6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

School gets back in session in August and your child’s mouth gets back in session the day after. They’re attitude stinks, they have no respect for anyone and you begin crying out to the Lord to help your family. The public school is surely to blame. And God’s response goes unheard… ‘They never attended the school I established on Sunday… I really want to make a difference.”

Summers’s short… so is life.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Life Inspiration

We don’t patch old britches where I come from

chick patch

There is danger in dead religion

What seems like a lifetime ago, almost 20 years, I sat in the midst of dead religion. I didn’t know it, until the first day I sat in the midst of live faith! Tears well up in my soul as I write those words because it breaks my heart to think that there are many people around the world sitting where I once did. They are quite possibly good, saved people, serving Christ in their place; but I was not. I didn’t know the saving grace of Jesus Christ any more than I knew Superman. In my mind I knew of Jesus, but didn’t know Jesus. He was as surreal as Superman himself. I would read (and teach) scripture thinking… wow… that’s an amazing story. It is an amazing story, but at the time my unsaved soul had no spiritual discernment of the Word of God that comes with salvation, so it was just a story. That’s the danger of dead religion.

The scripture becomes just another book. The church becomes just another place. A prayer becomes a ritualistic means of getting “it” done.

Matthew 9:16-17

No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.

Patchin’ Old Britches

The disciples of John the Baptist had just questioned why Jesus’ disciples did not fast and carry out the ritualistic practices of the Pharisees. And to country quote my Lord, He said, we don’t patch old britches where I come from. That thought tickled me.  The Pharisees put so much stock in their religious practices that their relationship with God was not a relationship at all, but merely a “get it done” method of behavior. Where they came from was all they could think about, not where they were going. The new that was happening was making them very uncomfortable. And for Jesus to put His new disciples in with the old works of the Pharisees would have been to Him like patchin’ a old pair of britches that were worn out. The new converts would have become a part of weak, worn out group of people. Jesus disciples were hanging out the Lord, the Bridegroom as mentioned in verse 15. They had a new relationship with the Lord who was in their midst. The Pharisees had lost their relationship with the Lord through ceremonial living.

New Wine and Old Bottles

The  Pharisees represented empty vessels. Jesus said in Matthew 23:27  – Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”

Putting new wine in an old bottle would have been like putting a live person in the tomb of the dead. A new convert sitting in a church filled with lifeless Christians is no different. You’ll become one of them, just an empty vessel, looking pretty, but filling no one’s soul. You need fellowship with Christ and His people who are filled with the newness of life that never grows old.

I hope today finds you as a part of a church that is carrying out the mission of God, which is to bring people to the knowledge of Christ and His salvation and then disciple them to bringing others to the knowledge of Christ and His salvation. That jug of wine never gets old!!!

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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration


chick crayonThere is for certain a soldier within me, and if you strive to serve the Lord there is no doubt one within you too. Every day – day in and day out we’re on the battle field; however some days our weapons are crayons and glue. Those are serious tools in the ministry if you are a Sunday School Teacher. The subtle words that are uttered during a coloring session in the preschool class are the foundation for which ministry leaders are born. As we advance into early elementary we’re introduced to scissors and it is there that the Lord begins to cut a servant from the cloth of ministry. Markers are mayhem for middle-schoolers but as they create with newly discovered boldness it is also a time that they become vocally bold, for good or bad… they   want to be heard. Crayons and markers are childish tools in the hands of Junior and Senior High, or so they think until you show them that they no longer have to stay within the lines but can cast their own vision on the paper and go places they’ve never been before.

These are my thoughts as we prepare to go into Vacation Bible School at Victory Baptist Church this week. I’ve once again been on the edge of exhaustion and was about to give way to it today until these words rallied my mind. Exhaustion is a dangerous thing. It allows Satan to bully his way into your mind and get your mind off God’s intended purpose, sucking the creative fun right out of your world like a giant vacuum. Thursday of this week I was to the point of going through the motions of ministry as we so often to do because it has to get done. But Friday came and I’d had a little rest under my belt and renewed my vision as the stage was set for VBS! Suddenly my adrenalin was moving again.

The puppets were stage center. Their little lifeless bodies, or in the case of Kodijack the Bear’s big body, were propped up into position for the children to see on Sunday morning and like a kid with my first box of markers I found myself ready to make stuff happen! This is a week that we rally the troops; people who generally don’t teach, do. And kids who generally don’t come, get to and it’s an opportunity to stir hearts for Jesus and hopefully by week’s end our people will come to life like those puppets do when someone takes control.

Bring on the Holy Spirit and let’s have church! Yes I have big expectations! The battle is raging when Satan sees the church getting excited for any reason, even crayons and markers.

1 Corinthians 1:27

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

The world sees no power in crafts and crayons. But put it in the hands of a child and not only is their soul touched for Christ, but quite possibly the adults in their life will see Christ through the eyes of that child and have a desire to know Him as Savior.

And the weak things might just be the VBS leaders who have come home from their day job tired and exhausted and have two hours of rowdy VBS children before them and they’re not sure it’s going to end well. But it does! Because in their weakness they are made strong in the eyes of a child who may not have ever known love until a VBS worker introduced them to the love of Jesus.

Yes I have big expectations because I serve a big God, and I want the VBS workers of Victory Baptist Church, (or your church) to know that crayons and markers may be washable but the blood of Jesus is eternal and so is the difference you will make in their lives. I hope you’ll pin 1 Corinthians 1:27 on your wall this week and that you’ll act like a fool for Christ!

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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Heaven, Life Inspiration

God’s Means May Not Mean Money

chick trust

I heard someone say, not long after I was saved, that we live far beneath our means. And it’s true. But I fear sometimes that prosperity gospel teachers and the flesh itself convinces believers that as children of God the world is our oyster and because of that we have a right to all we want. God’s means may not mean money. By definition the word means is resources, which could be financial or assets of an entirely different kind. It could mean that we survive by the skin of our teeth for a better day in glory where His world will be our oyster.

But until that day let’s take a reality check.

Romans 8:12-17

12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.

“Brethern.” A reminder that they and we are no longer viewed by nation or blood but as children of God. Bought with a price and no longer ruled by the flesh but by the very Spirit of God, leaving us without excuse for falling to the flesh when it says “You deserve…” No, I deserve Hell. But because of the Almighty God engrafting me into His family as an adopted child of grace, I can live above my means. Because I now depend on His resources, not my own.

13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

People who live after the flesh are the walking dead. They are not living in the newness of Christ. It’s the same people that show up to church as 11:00 sharp and leave at 12:00 dull, having received nothing from the service because they had not yielded to the Spirit. They didn’t come at 10:00 sharp for Sunday School because they get “enough” God during the worship hour. Whew! If I stepped on your toe I’m not the least bit sorry. I love ya… but I’m not sorry.

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Being led by the Spirit of God is tapping into those resources, those means that God grants to every believer for the asking. The resources that fill your heart with so much gladness you don’t have time to notice anything missing from your life.

15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

God didn’t take us to raise because He needed someone to take care of. He took us into His family because He had that much love. He created us… “the Uncreated Creator” as my Pastor says and filled us each with resources to be a blessing to Him. How awesome is it as a parent when your child returns to do something kind for you. It’s not that we need it… but it sure feels nice, doesn’t it? When is the last time that we’ve taken the gifts and talents that God has blessed us with and returned home… not in bondage because God controls us, but because He’s our Father and we love Him like that.

16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

If you’re a child of God, my words should have pricked your heart. It did my own.

17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

Whether or not you have a dime to your name or a matched wardrobe of Loui Vuitton it matters not. Because everything here pales in comparison to what’s there. But everything here has a purpose. Are you using it?

Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Sunday Morning’s Sign

chick yield

Words… they’re a funny thing are they not? The same word can mean something entirely different, or a word that sounds exactly the same is not the same word at all – in spelling or definition. What’s more amazing than that is the way our brains wrap around those ideas and understands them. We’re amazing creations of God Himself, and yet that fact is so often forgotten by many.

This morning the word “yield” seems to have my mind’s eye as I prepare myself and my heart for today’s worship. My first thought on the word yield was that precious little triangular sign that gets so many people in trouble. After all, it’s not a stop sign… unless of course there’s another vehicle coming. But if that vehicle is a few lengths away you can technically be within your right to gun it and go, can you not? But if that vehicle happened to have a bubble atop you’d do more than yield… you’d likely stop! (If you had any sense). How much better should we be yielded to God and the Holy Spirit? We realize He’s there, we may even wave hello; but then pull out in front, heading on down the highway without regard to the very Creator. The Law Maker and giver of life.

I hope today you’ll slow down…

Romans 6:13

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

As a bluegrass girl I can’t help but think about the word instrument without attaching it to music! And music reminds me of worship and worship is for God alone! Woohoo let’s have church. That’s when the Attention Deficit Disorder works in my favor. It’s unfortunate that the same thing that draws my mind into God can draw others just as easily away. Same thing two different reactions, just like the word “yield” can be defined two different ways.

Yield – to give right of way

Yield – to produce (such as a harvest)

Failing to yield to God can certainly yield a harvest of fruit that you don’t want in your life. Failing to observe the day of rest as God designed will cause unrest in your life. Failing to understand why we worship will allow Satan to give you something else to worship which will lead you further away from God and further away from the peace He provides. Failing to yield, yields. See what I mean by words being funny!

Words are funny however disobedience is not. It breaks God’s heart. I hope you are yielded to His Holy Spirit today and today finds you worshiping with fellow believers in the House of God!

Love ya! Mean it. – Shari

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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Take Heed Church


Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. – Acts 20:28

I truthfully don’t believe that those who lay out of church read my blog, and I’m totally not offended. I’m quite certain that they likely don’t spend much time with other Christian writers either, they’re just not into it. So I have to ask myself a few questions this morning:

Why they are not in church?

Why they are not convicted about not being in church?

How do we reach out to them?

Acts 20:28 breaks it down quite nicely for me.

Take heed therefore unto yourselves

If I’m spending my Sunday morning, evening and Wednesday night performing a role call in my head, I’ve missed the point of attending church. That’s what I needed to hear! Because I do. I don’t do it in condemnation (okay that might be a lie)… I don’t want to do it in condemnation, I am honestly concerned for their spiritual wellbeing and I miss them. But then the flesh kicks in occasionally and I get all pious and holy and miss the whole point of me being in church which is to improve my relationship with Christ and give me the tools to make it through the week; because it’s work to make it in this world. So my first responsibility is to make sure I’m covered spiritually and if I truly did that there would be no condemnation of those who didn’t make it.  But then I’m to

Take heed to all the flock

Once I’ve gotten what God needed me to get I need to turn my attention to the flock. I do that by listening to the Holy Spirit. I cannot oversee the entire lot of the missing masses of church members; which is my issue. I see the number missing and don’t know where to start! What I need to do is pray and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance on who I can encourage this week. One or two will do! Imagine if each leader in the church took one or two, how much quicker we would cover the entire missing mass and in so doing we would serve the way God intended us to, which is a unified body of believers concerned for the welfare of one another. So simple, yet so seldom done.

Feed the church of God

We’re a malnourished generation. We spend so much time doing and so little time digesting the Word of God and applying it to our lives. If we ate literal food the way we feed on the Word of God we’d have been in the grave long ago. That goes a long way to explain why the church is so dead. So how do we feed those who refuse to come to the table? One spoonful at a time every chance we get.

Social media is an awesome tool to post scripture, but it’s by far not the only way. I cannot count the times I’ve been encouraged by a card, note, phone message or email that had a scripture included. Every time we correspond with friends and family a scripture should be noted. Our words of encouragement are awesome, but God’s are powerful!

Luke’s final thought was God’s final words on the cross. It is finished. His blood bought the church and it is His blood that cleanses each one of us from all unrighteousness. Spread the Word!!!

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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Don’t Walk Away From the Father’s Table

chick dinner

Although we are far outside the days of Old Testament Law, and we’re now living in the age of grace, there’s still much to learn from the Old Testament Word of God. Grace certainly doesn’t make it irrelevant or null and void, it simply means that rather than working for salvation we now work towards a relationship with Christ.  Salvation comes from the sacrifice of Christ alone. Nothing else. But relationship… that’s where many Christians miss out.

A Levitical law for the children of priests found in Leviticus 22:12 rang out in my heart this morning.

If the priest’s daughter also be married unto a stranger, she may not eat of an offering of the holy things.

Meaning this: If the priest’s daughter married outside of the priesthood she was no longer allowed to eat of the holy things and was cut off from the family of priests. Although this sounds harsh by today’s standards, on this Sunday morning I feel that they’re have been many children of the High Priest (Christ) who have willingly walked away from His table today to link hands with the world and have been cut off  from the holy things of God.

Sunday’s are the best! I long for fellowship with other believers and to hear the Word of God as preached by the man of God. My soul feeds on the all of it and carries me through the coming days. My heart has been broken on numerous occasions as brothers and sisters in Christ have walked away from that same blessing and married themselves to the world, forgetting the cross and the cost for which our Savior made. If they were truly saved it doesn’t change the fact that they are still children of the Most High God, but it stops the blessings received at His table.

No more hor s’oeuvres  The communion with brothers and sisters in Christ, that precious friendship of the saints is no longer enjoyed and thus giving Satan an avenue to implant all kinds of notions into your mind about those friendships that you once treasured.

The Meat of the Word – The Sunday School hour where the Word of God is expounded on in detail and a time that you never outgrow. To say that you no longer need to study the Word of God is to imply that you have learned enough… dangerous, dangerous ground.

The Main Course – 1 Corinthians 1:21 says that For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”  It was the means to our salvation and it is the means to our continued growth in relationship with Jesus Christ. How wonderful it is to sit in a service and listen to the Word of God, that whether there be twenty or two thousand in attendance, the same Word is something different for everyone and exactly what they needed. It never ceases to amaze me!

And then there’s dessert! – That time when the service is coming to a conclusion, you’ve received the meat of the Word, God is working in your heart and then He places the icing on the cake when you feel the stirring of the Holy Spirit as God lays out His best made plans for you today. You step out and kneel at the altar and God meets you there. Oh Glory!!! I love that time.

Has it been a while for you? I hope today finds you in the house of God. If you know what I mean… Praise Him today!!!

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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration, salvation

The Hypocrite Across the Street

chick hypocrite

For the record, there’s a hillside across the street from my house. No homes. But that thought popped into my head this morning when I began to think of the excuses I hear for why friends and family do not go to church. The one that grinds on my nerves the quickest is when names come into the equation.

“Well you know so and so who’s in church every Sunday, following a night at the bar on Saturday; I live better than they do.”

“Church sure does what’s his name a lot of good, have you heard his mouth on the job?”

Perhaps you could insert your own here, with or without a name attached, it doesn’t matter. It’s an excuse and it has absolutely nothing to do with why you’re not in church. I know… because 20 years ago, I was you. Measuring my life up to the so and so’s. And I could almost always find someone living worse. It wasn’t until February of 1996 that I had a huge revelation!

They and I were tools of Satan. If Satan could get my mind on them, and off of God, I could live without guilt when not attending church; even though I was brought up in church. And in so doing Satan had me right where he wanted me, living defeated, knowing that there was more to life than I was experiencing but never quite finding it. Church for me was a theatre of mistakes. In a small community I knew everyone, and much of what everyone did… and I’m pretty sure that God didn’t approve. So on the occasions I attended church I had a running tally in my head, line upon line, precept upon precept, pew upon pew… I knew their sins. Case in point, they likely knew mine! And Satan laughed all around the church house as he planted those thoughts and the seeds took root and the message of God was overshadowed by hypocritical lives.

And then it happened.

February 18th, 1996, the gospel pierced my heart and all of a sudden there was only one hypocrite in the church. Me! Because I knew that I had been playing church all along and that I never truly knew Christ as Lord, I only knew Him as Christ in the picture on the wall and the name in the Bible that I seldom read. He had never made me cry…until that day. And it wasn’t that He hurt me, it was that I realized I had hurt Him… He Who had done nothing but create and love me, and stood at the door waiting for me to let Him in.

And so I did! Glory Hallelujah!!!!

And from that day forward, I was no longer a hypocrite, or looking at hypocrites. Do I still sin? Yes, and likely will until Jesus returns, it’s our nature. Do I want to sin? No. And that is God’s nature living within me. That’s the difference between a Christian and hypocrite: Both are sinners, but the hypocrite, doesn’t care. The Christian is convicted by the sin and desires to right that relationship with God. God then forgives and child of God’s slate is wiped clean. The hypocrite, who may or may not know God, continues to stack sin upon sin, until the weight is more than they can bear until they get right with God; or they continue on in the world and ignore God until He no longer knocks upon their door.

That’s the scary part… when God stop’s knocking.

If you’re still making excuses, stop. God created, He loves you and He wants you in church so that He can speak to your soul and encourage you! Don’t miss that message. Services start at 10 and 11.

Apostle Paul put it like this in Romans 7:15

For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

That is a sinner saved by Grace!