Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, salvation

The Old Man is Dead!

Chick new

Romans 6:6Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

I may not recall the first time I heard the song, “The Old Man Is Dead,” but I can recall that every time I hear it my soul is deeply stirred within. It’s a powerful message for the believer when they understand that their guilt is buried deep in the grave of the past, never to be remembered by the Savior. David said in Psalm 103:12 ~ As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.  And yet I see so many children of God living in defeat day after day. I’m not talking the occasional “oops” that can happen to any of us at the drop of a hat, but I’m talking about a continual drifting away from God until He is so far removed the conviction is nigh on gone… but not quite.

There’s something about the scars of a crucifixion that run deep. And even though ours is a spiritual crucifixion, not a literal one as Christ bore, the scars are still there. That day of salvation when reminisced upon cannot help but bring with it a desire to be that clean again. For those who have gotten themselves away from Christ, and are back out in the world of sin it’s like the zombie apocalypse in your own life! The old man was dead and you resurrected him (or her as the case may be.) Now you’re walking around with your sins hanging out all over for all the world to see. They can’t be in you, because the Holy Spirit dwells there, you’re forgiven! But because you’ve chosen to go back into the world you have  this dead junk hanging all over you, dragging you down day after day, bringing no pleasure whatsoever but you’re stuck. You know the world sees you as a sinner, not as a saint; and if you go back to church they’ll see you as a hypocrite. So Satan has you where he wants you, hanging out with zombies.

So what’s the answer?

There is only one answer to getting rid of the zombie crowd and that’s the blood of Jesus Christ. It miraculously will wash away the sin of alcohol, sex, drugs, and any other immoral act you could have possibly committed when the zombies reigned. But don’t try to go it alone. You knew it was coming… you need church! There’s a reason Christians hung out together in the Bible and they still hang together today, because there’s safety and encouragement in numbers, and you’re in need of both. You’ll need the safety of their prayers and the encouragement of their company.

I pray you’ll hear the message today whether you stumbled upon this blog, or if someone sent it to you because they know you’ve been hanging with zombies. Have you distanced yourself from God, but you can still hear His faint cry… come home. Or perhaps you’ve never gotten rid of the old man at all, and you’ve got sin inside and out. Christ has got that covered too. When He was crucified He went to Zombieville and took the keys to death, hell and the grave. All that junk and heartache you’ve been carrying around will just fall off when you speak the name of Jesus, and ask Him to save your soul and come into your life. It’s true!

Tell the old man to get packin’… you’ve got new friends!

Posted in Church attendance, Eternity, Heaven, Life Inspiration, salvation

Breaking up is hard to do

chick ready

How quickly people fall away from the Lord and call it a “new direction” or perhaps they just don’t call it anything. They just ignore the fact that they are out of fellowship with God and pretend that they’re decisions will have no ramification in eternity. If I began to make a list of the friends and family who have fallen out on God I would soon run out of lines on a sheet of paper or perhaps I could write a book about each one and what a difference they made in my life at a crucial time in my spiritual growth, it would be easy to write because it would be truth and my days with them seem like yesterday and yet also another lifetime away. How exactly does one go from standing and testifying about what the Lord has done to walking out on God? And how does it not scare the pants off of them because at one point they knew what God had saved them from. They had a burden for the lost in their family, they cried out at the altar of grace for God to save their children and their family and then one day that just didn’t matter. It makes me nauseous and ever conscience that I could be there tomorrow.

Matthew 24:42-43

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

There is a bluegrass song about Matthew 24 that I used to sing with friends and it was always a reminder of the need to be ready; a favorite sung at revivals and funerals. Revivals and Funerals – the opposite ends of the spectrum. One speaks of new life and the other of death, and yet if the death is that of a saint of God their eternal life just began. Both of those services draw us into the realization that changes could possibly need to be made. Nobody likes the separation that comes with death, but it serves to remind us that it comes to all lest Jesus returns before it and we need to make preparation; not only for us but for those we influence.  It’s funny how Jesus is welcome at Weddings but not in the marriage, He’s given the glory for the blessing of a child but then those same children are not raised to know Him. His Name is spoken often in the message of a funeral but how often was His name spoken by the one who died? Someone’s family member is sick or injured and prayer requests abound but few or hollow praises are heard when the heartache is done and all is well.

Yes I’m going there this morning.

I’m frustrated and this is my only place to vent without going toe to toe with someone I love, or perhaps I should. Maybe it would knock some sense into them. Being the Jesus Chick doesn’t always get you a fan club, sometimes people would like to club you. They tolerate my saying grace over dinner just so it doesn’t lead into dinner conversations that lead into guilt. Oh, glory to God, now I’ve begun to meddle. I just need to get this off my chest and throw it out there in hopes that somebody will read it and determine to get themselves ready.

What spurred this thought this morning and broke my heart was the closing words in verse 43 “and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.”

So let me ask you… if Jesus comes back today will your house be broken? If the decision to claim Christ as Savior, Lord of your life has not been made by you or members of your family then your house will be broken. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Children don’t  just magically get  saved one day, seeds need to have been sown, life doesn’t always get better, sometimes it’s the worse that leaves you longing for the better of Heaven. This morning was not just a reality check for you, but for me. I need to do more, say more. Nobody will care if I talk about Jesus  when we’re all in Heaven, but they’ll certainly care in Hell if I didn’t.

Continue on weary soldier…



Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Sunday Morning Blues? I think I know why!

chick blues

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.  ~ Philippians 2:5-8

The Sunday Morning blues… why that thought has been on my mind from the time I got out of bed I do not know. But it got me wondering today why some folks lack the motivation on Sunday to go to church.

Possibly the first reason is because they’re not in their right mind…

Paul said “Let this mind be in you.” And what mind was that? The same one that was in Christ Jesus. The mind that causes us to want to be like God. Wanting to be like God is okay when it’s in the biblical aspect. It really hit me this morning as I read this verse that people who say “So and so think they’re God,” Implying that a person thinks more of themselves than they should, may not be getting who God is either. In reality if one “thinks they are God,” arrogance is nowhere in the picture! God made Himself of no reputation but took the form of a servant. Being in “that mind” is polar opposite of arrogance.

What must Christ have thought when He went from being God to being God fashioned as a man? Paul said that He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of cross.

If on Sunday morning you have no desire to be in the house of the Lord (I speak to you as though you were saved) you’re not in your right mind. You should want to be where God wants you, and that’s in His house with His people, those that He gave His life for.  If you’re not saved there is still that desire to want to be where God is. God said in John 12:32 ~  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.  There is a desire inside of you to know God, and to know God is to desire being with His people.

Sunday morning blues can sneak up on anyone. But when your mind is on Him…

He brings joy.

1 Peter 1:8 ~ Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoices with joy unpeakable and full of glory:

He makes the heart glad!

Acts 2:46 ~ And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

So… where is your mind this morning? There’s no room for the Blues in serving Christ! He deserves so much more and He wants so much more for you. He died that you might have life and that it would be abundant! So head on out to church and get ready to praise Him! He’ll meet you there!

Originally posted in April 2013.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Just three words away…

Jesus save meIt’s Sunday morning and my heart is filled to the brim with the goodness of God. I understand what David meant when he penned the words…

1 Chronicles 17

19 O Lord, for thy servant’s sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all this greatness, in making known all these great things.

20 O Lord, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

His words encouraged me this Sunday morning and I rejoice that God has made this day for me…and you too! What a privilege to go into the house of God and hear the word of God. It hasn’t changed, though men have tried; God’s message is still going out, day after day, week after week. It is unfortunate that it is still being rejected in the same fashion. There will be a day when many will wish they had taken the time to go to church, especially with their families.

This morning my heart is filled with gratitude, for God has shown His great mercy for this “servant’s sake.” He has given me another day that I might serve in His house and share the gospel with young people who need to know the world’s a liar. This evening if the Lord wills I’ll travel to a prison to share the gospel in song to men who are paying the price for believing the lies of the world.

What’s the lie?

That there is peace, contentment or great gain in anything other than Jesus Christ, that is the lie. Men, women and children seek for it every day only to discover at life’s end they were always just three words away…

“Jesus Save Me.”

Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Are You at His Feet Today?

at His feet

Matthew 19:14

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Early on in my salvation the Holy Spirit may have gone to bed a few nights saying “Wow! that was quite the workout!” It seemed that minute by minute He was guiding and instructing me in a better way to live and removing 34 years of bad ideas or misnomers of what was acceptable for a Christian to do and not to do. I remember sitting in a revival service one evening when Dr. Norris Belcher preached at our church, feeling as though every thought and sin in my life had been revealed. His sermon hit on everything the Holy Spirit had been dealing with me that day. I ask him when I shook his hand that night “Who opened my heart and allowed you to see in?” I don’t think he understood the magnitude of what had happened to me that night as he preached, but I certainly did. I discovered that sermons were supernatural events where, if you allowed, you could be ushered into the Lord’s presence and the light that shined during that time would illuminate every speck of dirt in your soul, and I loved it.

I wanted Him to show me what was wrong and I wanted to get it right. But not always. Many times I would flick the switch back to the flesh and say I’m not ready. It began during that time of my life that I couldn’t get enough preaching. I listened to preaching like many other Christians listened to music, it stirred my soul in a way it had never known and I couldn’t get enough. Not much has changed, I’m still a preaching fanatic. There’s an old time image of Christ with children all round His feet looking at Him adoringly, that’s how I envision myself during those early years, I sat in awe.

But just as we do in the physical realm, I grew up. I’m not just sitting at the feet of the Savior I’m also teaching as I had been taught; I teach Sunday School, I write and speak at ladies events when given the opportunity. Sometimes I get so busy doing life that I forget to spend time at His feet. I go to church, I take notes, I ponder the Pastor’s thoughts but I don’t always prepare my heart to hear the message as God would like.

As I prepare to go to church today, that is my heart’s desire… I pray the same for you.

Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration

I Want God Wednesday!

I want God Wednesday

Craziest thing about wanting more God, we are without excuse for receiving Him. It’s officially Hump Day, that midweek celebration of the weekend being on the horizon. But for the Christian it should be a midweek refresher course on life until Sunday. We say we want more God, but Wednesday night services generally don’t reflect it by comparison to Sunday morning worship. You’ll note I didn’t say Sunday School… don’t get me started there. But back to Wednesday. I self-declared this “I Want God Wednesday!”  Just because it focuses my mind on Him and I really need to get my mind off me; that’s what happens by Wednesday if I’m not careful. I get to worrying about the circumstances of life… laundry, bills, jobs, kids, grandkids and dogs and before long I’m not focusing on godly edification but rather worldly agitations. All the while God is there for the asking even on Manic Mondays and Tiring Tuesdays we just won’t receive the grace and goodness He desires to give.

Steven Furtick preached a sermon a few weeks ago at Elevation church with another grand revelation for me regarding the two spies giving the good report that spied out Canaan land, and the eight that gave the bad report. In that sermon he said that that ratio often reflected the congregation of the Lord in that eight out of ten people have a negative attitude and only two are encouragers. Truth? I don’t know, but it sounds right!

But in the book of Judges, Chapter 18, Verse 7-9, we find another set of five spies who were given the order to spy out the land promised to the Danites but they returned with a good report!

Then the five men departed, and came to Laish, and saw the people that were therein, how they dwelt careless, after the manner of the Zidonians, quiet and secure; and there was no magistrate in the land, that might put them to shame in any thing; and they were far from the Zidonians, and had no business with any man. And they came unto their brethren to Zorah and Eshtaol: and their brethren said unto them, What say ye? And they said, Arise, that we may go up against them: for we have seen the land, and, behold, it is very good: and are ye still? be not slothful to go, and to enter to possess the land.

So what’s the lesson for “I Want God Wednesday!”? Be not slothful to go, and to enter to possess the land. You want more of the goodness of God. Don’t be careless and over confident, else you’ll find yourself under attack and at risk of losing the peace God has afforded. God has given you the opportunity to live in a land that is “very good!” But you can’t afford to miss any opportunity to fellowship.

If life is hard… get to church.

If life is easy… get to church.

If life is bad… get to church.

If life is good… get to church.

I had “go to church” in those lines but changed it to “get. It’s a privilege to get to go to church. We need that fellowship with other believers and an opportunity to be encouraged by the Word of God. Church is our own little piece of the Promised Land until we get the full inheritance. Too many people are living after the manner of the Zidonians, so sure that all is well and they know not that the good times are about to end.

Do a little declaring yourself today. Make this your “I Want God Wednesday!” Get to church!

Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Being the Captor not the Captive

the cross

From the time our eyes first fly open in the morning we’re in a battle with the enemy, or at least I am. My mind starts rolling with to do lists, my iPhone buzzes with received messages, social media is calling my name and the covers are oh so warm… let’s wait a while… and Izidora the Chihuahua agrees that under the covers is a better place to be. Why move?

I love places of comfort! The church is that to me (meaning my home church building). I love walking into the vestibule where it feels like I’ve just arrived at the home of my best friend; I guess technically I have. Be it a Sunday Service or when I’ve forgotten my computer cord in my classroom and have to go back and fetch it at 9:30 at night, I feel at home. My thoughts are much easier focused on the things of God when I’m in that place, not so when I walk out the door. So many things are vying for my attention and my thoughts are not always godly. As a matter of fact sometimes they scare even me. Why do such thoughts and images pop into our minds? I won’t share them with you for fear you’d know how warped I am… but perhaps you have your own warped mind to deal with. A Word from God for me this morning:

2 Corinthians 10:5 

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

The Captive

I usually have a flee mentality when I get into one of those scary thought moments. I just want to get my mind as far away from that idea as possible by getting into another area of thinking. You know the mode…. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts! But sure enough it won’t be long until those thoughts catch back up to me and I’m in the same boat causing me to wonder if somewhere deep down in the recesses of my mind an evil Shari is waiting to come out. Crazy right? Please tell me I’m not alone.

Satan. He loves exalting himself and having control. Being that I was not raised in a Friday the 13th movie world and I still close my eyes on the commercial for a horror movie I know that these images and ideas have to be fabricated in some other realm for the purpose of getting my eyes off Jesus and causing fear and anxiety with in me. In that condition I’m of little use to God. So how do I become the captor not the captive?

The Captor

To “cast down” is to utterly destroy those imaginations and things that try to get between you and the mind of God. So how can you destroy a thought that you have no control over?

2 Corinthians 10:6

 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Obedience to the Savior trumps Satan every time! Satan may be able to cause those crazy thoughts to enter our mind, but within us is the Holy Spirit! Rather than fleeing, stand your ground. The Holy Spirit stands ready for us to call upon Him and rescue us out of Satan’s little shop of horrors. SPEAK JESUS! You’re not alone. Don’t just shake that thought off and go on with life, it needs to be taken captive. Take the thought and destroy it through the Word of God by dismantling it one word, one image at a time. Is it true to who you are? No. Is it honest? No, it’s a lie out of the pits of Hell. Is it just, unprejudiced? No, it’s fabricated by Satan. Is it lovely, a good report, worthy of Praise? No? So envision the Holy Spirit locking that up behind bars and refocus your mind on Christ!

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things

My mind needed rescued this morning. The Holy Spirit… my Hero!

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Parents: Here’s your sword and shield


Judges 5

The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.

They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?

My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the Lord.

This post will be so not politically correct, but that’s okay… because it’s biblically correct. My frustration mounts in my community and country daily. I watch as person after person jumps on the bandwagon of politically correct nonsense and even in my little country home, the big city ways have made their way here. What once would have been unfathomable is now happening on the courthouse steps. I’m not a hater… I’m a God fearing woman who reads her bible and knows what the word of God says about homosexuality. It’s a sin. That’s it in a nutshell. So is lying, stealing, coveting, etc., etc., etc.! One is not greater or less than the other. 1 John 1:8 clearly says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” I won’t point my finger at a homosexual population and get on a religious high horse about their sin because I too am a sinner. I will however get on a platform and declare what God says, because He is not a sinner. He is a righteous and just God who will judge all men’s sins for what they are.

I want to arise a mother in West Virginia. (insert your State here)

That’s what Deborah did in her community, she took the reins. Should it have been a man? Yes. But where were they? And I ask in sincerity today, where are the men in our communities. I’m blessed to attend a church that has several men, but there are many absent husbands and fathers there too. There are many men absent in the homes as well. Often it is because of work, especially in our area where there are so many pipelining families and there is little choice for employment. So what then? What about those Dads?

As a mother in West Virginia I suggest you make the most of those few days you have at home and make church a priority without excuse. My own daughters have husbands who are gone much of the time, so I get the reality of trying to make a family work… I too raised my girls with an absentee husband much of the time because of his time in the fire department and EMS in addition to a regular job that consumed 40-60 hours a week. I really do get it. But there must be biblical foundation in your family if you want to be a greater influence than the world. Because right here in our little country community the influence of evil abounds and what we don’t want our children to see as the “norm” has become so.

Our schools spend far more time dealing with the corrupt than rewarding the good. So what has your child’s attention? In verse 8 of Judges 5 it asks the question “was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?” There wasn’t and there’s not a shield or sword in many of the homes in West Virginia, biblically speaking. Parents want good children,  and some do have them go to a christian school, as they are mindful of the education they receive. Then there’s others that argue they don’t have “time” to take their children to church on Sunday. Their influence is what they see happening in the school, on the courthouse steps, in the news and on the television shows that they’re permitted to watch. And then they ask, “Why can’t I get my child to behave.”

Because nobody else that they view is behaving either.

Please, share this with a young parent. And young parent… get that shield and sword out and protect your home.

Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration

Too Stressed for Rest?


This morning found me taking a nostalgic trip back to a simpler time in my life when all the cares and weight of the world laid upon the backs of my parents who were more than capable of handling the load. My Dad went to work and my stay at home Mom labored to keep heart and home in check throughout the week. Saturday’s came, and for me it meant cartoons on the couch or an occasional chore, but for my mother it meant preparing as much as possible ahead for Sunday. The Lord’s Day. Not just any day but a day of rest. Saturday was preparation day so that after church, even Mom could rest a minute.

Today Saturday’s are filled with housework, yard work, trips to the store or weekend getaways and preparation for Sunday begins at 9 a.m. Sunday morning for most families as they rush to get ready for church, if they’re even going. I’m not throwing stones, just stating a fact (one for which I lived out for many years prior to salvation.) Sunday for me was the day of guilt. I was raised better than to stay at home on Sunday, yet the freedom of adulthood allowed me that privilege and I took advantage of it at every possible opportunity. After all, I was in the workforce now, I needed the rest; and well, Sunday was better than Saturday, because Saturday I had things I wanted to do – like play. Ahem…. I’m preachin’ now!

I’m not a preacher, but King Solomon was when he penned the words in Ecclesiastes 12:10 ~  ”The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.”

Solomon searched to find words that would be both acceptable in the ears of man and right in ears of God that would encourage the congregation of the Lord. Words of truth. I seek those same words this morning as I write in hopes of encouraging a believer (or non-believer) to reconsider the purpose of the weekend.

I know lives are busy… hello… look at my own! I have something practically every day and evening of the week. So I get why someone, especially a young parent says, I need the rest. But the problems come when they miss the rest. The rest is Sunday, in the Lord’s house. The rest is what comes from hearing the preaching of the Word of God which puts balance into our lives. Even the babies as they go to Sunday School class and interact with other families of faith realize that there’s a purpose in Sunday. And bit by bit seeds are sown into the entire family that makes life better Monday through Saturday.

It’s my prayer as you read this, that it stirs your heart for Sunday morning and today you’ll begin preparing and determining that there will be a difference in Sunday. It will be set aside for rest for the body and soul. Perhaps you’ll even share it with someone else that you know has been to stressed for rest.

In the whirlwind of modern life, the constant hustle and bustle often leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. It’s in these moments of anxiety that we yearn for solace and relief. While rediscovering the sanctity of Sundays and the rest it offers can provide a spiritual and mental reprieve, individuals grappling with anxiety might seek additional support.

Embracing holistic approaches to managing anxiety, such as incorporating mindfulness practices and natural remedies like Organic CBD Nugs, can create a profound difference. Organic CBD, known for its potential to promote relaxation and ease anxiety, can serve as a gentle companion on the journey to finding inner peace. Just as Sundays are a sanctuary for the soul, exploring these natural remedies might be the sanctuary for the mind, providing a pathway to tranquility in the face of life’s challenges.

Here it is, you likely knew it was coming if you’ve ever heard the verse… Hebrews 10:25 ~ “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

Exhortation! Encouragement! Who doesn’t need it? Hope to see you in church tomorrow!

Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration

The Profit of Rest

Monday without God

Hebrews 4:1-2 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

Ahhhhh the weekend. My absolute favorite part of the week. Short of the house work part of it! But Monday through Friday I look forward to those periods of rest over the weekend that allow me to be rejuvenated for the coming week’s work. Saturday is the precursor to Sunday; the day I prepare my heart to enter into His day of rest. I often wonder what I did pre-salvation and what those whose focus is not on the Lord on Sunday do to find rest. Certainly you can find rest for your physical body, but without the rest for the soul the physical body continues to fight for peace.

We have the promise of rest

God left us the promise of rest, although many fall short of it. Not because they can’t have it but because they won’t have it. They’ve heard the gospel but it’s not “mixed with faith.” Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 ~ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

We have the profit of rest

God’s desire is to see us successful; not only in the numbers (position and finance) but along with those we should have peace. You can be president of the company with the highest salary of all but without peace you’ll never fully enjoy it… you’ll have no rest. I Timothy 4:14 says “Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.  Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.”

Whether you are called into the ministry or secular work there is a gift within you that God would love to bless. But so that it may profit you there is an expectation that you put God first… As “the first day of the week”, which would be Sunday… Which would be church day. Get the picture?

The rest of your week will go much better the first day is dedicated to the Lord. The Word of God teaches it as so. Acts 20:20 ~ And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house,

God doesn’t keep profit away from us. We do. By not reading His Word as fact, and with faith believing every word within. This is not prosperity Gospel. I’m not saying if you give God your time on Sunday that He’ll make you a millionaire on Monday. But I’m saying that when you have faith in God and put Him first, you’ll discover the rest that comes from it is priceless.

The writer of Hebrews (likely Apostle Paul) knew what every other child of God knows that without Christ there is no rest to be found in the whole world.

Mark 8:36

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I hope you find profit in this word today!