Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Life Inspiration

To the Empty Seats in the Church

1 Samuel 20:18 KJVS

Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.

For me there is no greater story of friendship than Jonathan and David. And in reading chapter 20 this morning, I wept, as if I were apart of the story, even knowing that the two friends are now together in the presence of the Lord! The empty seat was more than my heart could bear without breaking. Because, David would have rather been in that seat than anywhere and continue on with his friend in the work of the King, but, because of a threat against his life by Jonathan’s own father, he could not. And so he leaves the city. His final few minutes with Jonathan are gut wrenching as they bow, weep, kiss and depart.

1 Samuel 20:41 KJVS

And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

David’s heart was broken to the point he “exceeded” Jonathan. David was not only leaving his best friend, but his wife and family as well. And on top of all that, and probably the straw that broke the camel’s back, David would no longer be in the sanctuary of His God in service. And with that thought, I know why God brought me to this scripture this morning. 

As I prayed this morning for many of the people on our prayer list, I began perusing the seats of our church with my minds eye. While our attendance has been okay, and I consider us blessed, there are still many empty seats. I’ve been at Victory 24 years. In the same seat most of those 24. Front row, center aisle. Most everyone else has their selected area too. We really don’t mind if someone is in our seat,  we just happen to be creatures of habit. And because of that I can almost do a role call in my mind of who was in Church on Sunday, and unfortunately, who’s seat was empty. 

An empty seat in the house of God is more than a number. It’s a friend. Perhaps the reason they are gone is because of something wonderful, like a wedding, a vacation or some other celebratory event. (Like a kidney transplant) Cheryl Metheney 🙌🏼 But at this point in time, its most likely because the enemy has threatened harm. There is an arrow that has been aimed, not only a physical arrow of COVID-19, but a spiritual arrow that is designed to draw that soul away from the presence of friends and the encouragement that is garnered in the house of the Lord. Oh, my heart is as broken as Jonathan’s this morning for those empty seats…

Dave Stull, right side, third or fourth row up, Leona and Clay Yeager, Left side aisle seats, 2nd or 3rd row up from the back, Peggy and Terry Dye, left side, 4th or 5th row-ish, by the window, Charlie and Mandes Richards, same row, and that’s just one corner. There are many, many more. Ed and Patty Eisley, second row back, behind me, my bestie Glo! Front row, beside me. You are not forgotten this morning! Sandra Lancaster, Left side, third or fourth row up from the back, aisle seat, I could go all the way around the room, because I am in a house of friends. And an enemy has come and taken them away temporarily. Praise God the last time we were together we were not as Jonathan and David, we didn’t even know we were about to depart for a very long time. It’s been 7 months since many were in service. Yes, Satan has launched a very harsh blow on the fellowship of the believers. 

Everyone has to do what is right for themselves. But this is a reminder to all of us, just because the arrows been launched, doesn’t mean it’s going to hit; and while the day is upon us, we need to serve! Saul, Jonathan’s father, had earlier launched a javelin at David, but it missed! It wasn’t his time. David was going to miss his friend Jonathan and all of his family, but David wasn’t called just for the castle times, he was also called for the days of battle. David had some very troubled days that lie ahead of him, but he continued serving God. 

From a castle to a cave

1 Samuel 22:1-2 KJVS

[David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. [2] And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

Troubled time for certain! Saul was after him, his rag tag army of men were not valiant soldiers (at least not yet) they were in distress, in debt and discontent! Wowzer! That sounds like the story of my life! But this same army ends up being warriors. And God will make no less of us in these days we’re facing. Whether you are privileged to continue on servicing in the house of the Lord as I have been, or your in your home because of this stupid virus, don’t stop serving!  You are a warrior on the rise! 

If you know David’s story, you know he made it out of the cave and back to the castle. He served God, he fought battles, he made very human mistakes and yet here he is in 2020, still a hero of the faith. Just like my friends that I miss so much at Victory Baptist Church. Granny and Genevieve (Right side, 2nd row back, aisle seats. My ornery friend Jim Bush and his sweet wife Barb, Right side, middle of the church, aisle seats. Linda Simers, part of the Stull tribe in the right hand corner, Jackie and Otis Harris, over by the window. Jim and Trish Harris and Trish’s Momma right behind them. Bob and Brenda Bush and Nic, right side, center of the church, Trooper Jeffrey Hunt bestie them. Many others who have been there when they could, but have not been there as much as they’d have liked. 

I know that most of us don’t feel on the level of David our hero of the faith most of the time. But the point of this ramble today is, you have that ability in you. David and his friends had days where that cave had to have gotten the best of them. But they were still victors! And so will you be. I miss you terribly. If you’re not a part of my church, I’m sure you’re church misses you terribly. But don’t give up and for certain, get out of that cave as soon as you can and get back to the castle. We’re waiting for you!  You are missed because you’re seat is empty.  

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Which Chair?

The First Chair Experience

The summer of my junior year was musically transformational. I had “half-heartedly” played trombone for 4 years. I really just liked being a part of the band. But that summer as I was going into band camp (real band camp) I was determined to improve. So I practiced all summer on my own and showed up for the first day of pre-camp with Director Jack Downs. This was a time of personal instruction if you desired, but was not mandatory. As I began playing the music, I remember the look of “pleasant surprise” on Jack’s face. He took my 2nd chair music, and replaced it with 1st chair. For those of you who are not band geeks,  1st-3rd denoted your level of ability. 1st was the more difficult piece. Within minutes I had proven my worthiness to receive the better placement. Jack was happy, and I was jumping up and down on the inside at my labored for accomplishment. I was no longer a half-hearted slacker but I was part of the 1st chair seating. Glory to God! I remember that day like it was yesterday, when in reality it was 43 years ago. 😳


I listened to an Apostolic preacher this morning preach a sermon on first, second and third chair people. That’s what brought back those fond memories of one of my greatest of high school experiences. 

Joshua. Truly one of the finest of all band leaders. His band blew down the walls of Jericho and defeated an army. Take that football teams of America! Who’s the hero in that story? Just kidding. The hero was God.  But there’s a lesson in those trumpeters. They got to experience that event with Joshua because he had proven his commitment to the home team when he and Caleb refused to be discouraged by the size of the enemy in the land of Canaanites, but rather believed that their God, He who they had first hand witnessed His deliverance, could win the battle against the giants that made the other ten spies feel like grasshoppers. And because of their faith and commitment, God allowed only them of the original wilderness wanderers to enter the Promise Land. 

Yes! 1st chair has its perks! 

Then there are the the second chair folks. They’re still apart of the band, but they’re playing a lesser role. They are not droppin’ walls. They’re cheering the trumpeters on to victory and doing their part to back them up. They’re important, but personally they are far from living their best life. They are far from committed. They’re simply participants. 


As the years of the nation of Israel went by, the children of God had extreme highs and lows. What was once a burning bush experience with Moses as the leader who brought the Ten Commandments from God off the mountain, became a religion of 613 laws. Laws that no one could keep, setting the people of God up for failure, and causing their relationship with the Lord to become one of participation, much like what we see in the world today. People going through the motions of church, but failing to have a real relationship with the Lord as He intends. 

What was the difference between Joshua and Caleb, and the next generations? The more they became involved with religion and the less they became involved with God in a first hand relationship, they began distancing themselves from the experiences of the past. They were stories they told rather than times they experienced. They carried the banner saying they were God’s children, but nobody was blowin’ a horn and knockin’ down walls. 

How true of todays church. While we will not likely witness an experience like that of the walls of Jericho, each of us in our lives could be experiencing a first hand relationship with God that would cause God to have that same pleasant look that Director Jack had. Jack loved that I had committed myself to the music and he rewarded me with a new position. God would like to do the same for His people today. But they’re content playing 2nd chair. Let someone else teach, preach, sing, testify, serve, etc. I’ll show up for church, and put my dollar in the plate and that will be enough. When I’m out side the church, I’ll say I’m a Christian, but I’ll not offend anyone by asking them if they are or telling them what it means to me. And that will be enough. Hello? It’s not enough. And it is so far short of what God wants for you. 


Somewhere down the line someone coined the phrase “there are no small parts in a play, just small actors.” Meaning that every part is important. And it’s true. But in the roles of God’s children there is neither a small part or small person, and if one is content in standing in the shadow of the church and never growing in the grace of God, they’ll live a defeated, discontent life, and the generations to come will be as those generations of Judges 2:10 that says, “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”

The children of Israel went from experiencing God to not even knowing Him. 

So which chair are you in today? I pray you are blowing that trumpet loud and strong and expecting a wall to fall for the cause of Christ.  But if you are in chair two or three, I beg of you to examine your relationship with the Lord, and get int practice so that you’ll be called out to do more and to glorify the Lord more in these days of trial when people need to see God working in our lives.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration, Word of God, worship

Sounding the Sirens of the Antichrist

There is much conversation in these current times about the antichrist. I guess there always has been. But for me, living in this time, and you, it is certainly more relevant. While there’s been much speculation on who the antichrist is or will be, I found it more interesting a topic this morning that John said there are many antichrists. Woah…. many? 

The title of antichrist is found only four times in the scripture. All four are in the little Johns, 1 and 2. And are not in the context of the way we think of the antichrist. At least not how I think of the antichrist. I think of the antichrist as the person who comes to deceive the world during the last and final years of earth. As Paul speaks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 KJV

[3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Though not called “the antichrist” in that text, we see the man who will come to deceive the world in the last days. 

But John is speaking of antichrists of having been present in his day, and that they will be present in the future days, because the antichrist as John refers to it in these texts, are not so much a man, but a type of man; and I have no problem seeing his presence in modern times.

1 John 2:18-29 KJV

[18] Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. [19] They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 

Antichrists in the church

John warns that we’d know them because they went out of the church and made it known that they were not all of us. This is heartbreaking to me, because I’ve known them, some of them I’ve met after they’d left a church and now deny that God is God. They fool people for a while, playing church, but then their true colors are manifest, made known, that they did not truly know the Lord as their Savior. I don’t believe this speaks of people who are in and out of church, saying their saved, but are not. I believe these that John speaks of comes into the church with an agenda, even if they’re not aware of it. People who Satan uses to draw people away from God by worldly deception. There are those that fall away from the church and then there are those that are drawn away into a dangerous territory. They’re often put into a position of power where they can garner a great following and in so doing draw people to them. I won’t say the names that are inside of my head, maybe you have some too, but there are self proclaimed evangelists that draw people out of the local church and into a cyber church where they are feeding the leaders with high dollar salaries and false promises. They preach Christ, but they have a spirit of antichrist. When I think of the almost worshipful allegiance their followers have, its not hard to see how the Antichrist who comes in the end could use them as little shepherds of his evil. And everyone that followed them, would fall right in line to following the antichrist. 

Scary times…

Christ in Us!

[20] But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. [21] I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.

How awesome to have the Spirit of Christ living within the heart of a child of God. It is that Spirit that will protect us from falling under the trap and guile of the greatest deceiver of all times, Satan. But just as Satan positions himself for deception, we must position ourself for reception. In the local church to receive the edification of the word of God that will keep us in check agains the wiles of the Devil. 

As Gloria and I traveled the roads yesterday, we spoke as usual about our beloved Victory Baptist Church and how much the people of that church mean to us. The people are our brothers and sisters in Christ, but Christ and His teaching through the Pastoral leadership are why we’re there.  We have both been in places in our lives that were away from God, so when we found where the Spirit abounds and grows, we’re not leaving. But many have…

I used to get very upset when people would leave. Until I began to notice that sometimes (not always) but sometimes God opened the door. The people were sewing division, or false teaching, or other things that would confuse new believers. So God moved them out! 

But what scares me now is that we have many people out of the church because of COVID19 and I’m not sure of where they’re getting fed, and what (if anything) they’re eating. While ours and many other good churches are on line, the internet is not always cooperative. And while online is better than nothing, its not the same as fellowshipping with believers and hearing the word of God uninterrupted. 

I understand the fear in the hearts of the people who have underlying health conditions that put them at risk. You have to do what’s right for you. But please guard your heart from believing every word that spoken to the church about the disease. I have a feeling they’re are some antichrists in the medical industry. And I feel it’s my task today to sound the siren on false teaching in and out of the church.

Posted in Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

There’s a Cause for this Curse

It’s my birthday and I’ll rant if I want to. We’re in the sixth month of the COVID19 crisis, and it is a crisis, but the crisis has nothing to do with the virus. Although the virus is very real, and very sad for a great many people. But what I have on my heart today is not the loss of life, but rather the loss of living. I haven’t taught Sunday School in 6 months, and while that may not seem important in the scope of things, its important to me. I had three teens who have graduated high school and gone out into the world, and this world is a wicked place right now, and getting more and more wicked by the day. 

So yesterday I’m listening to the news and heard a report of a teacher in the public school system (not in our state) but that’s irrelevant, the fact that it’s in our country terrifies me. The teacher was upset because the virtual schooling that they were going to have to do would 

“Unfortunately” allow parents to hear them teach, and allow parents to know what they were indoctrinating their children with. And it wasn’t good. While we know that the world embraces homosexuality and other lifestyles contrary to the Bible, that’s only the tip of the iceberg with what our children are being told is acceptable, and what ideology is not acceptable, which happens to be bible principles. How do I know this… because I’m watching it lived out on social media by people that I’ve known to be brought up in godly homes. And I’ve watched as that teaching was sucked out of their brains and replaced by liberalistic jargon that’s meant to divide them from the life they were meant to live in Christ Jesus. Oh my heart breaks! 

So for now, the government is telling me that I can’t teach Sunday School because we’re in too close of quarters, but the liberal media is in their face every day exposing them to far worse than a virus. Oh yeah… I’m on a rant. But I need to speak it and speak it loud. GUARD YOUR CHILDREN!

I heard Glen Beck of BlazeTV yesterday speak of his children going to secular college. He informed them that he’d fund their way, until the ideology of the world  took over their thought process and they’re values changed from what they were raised to believe and then his funding stopped and they would be withdrawn. God bless him! Now, I realize that that’s not always possible. But it’s why the foundation of our children is so important and right now it’s being threatened by the closing of society. Not that I am the all in all of a child’s choices in life for which I reach for 45 minutes on Sunday morning. But we need every opportunity to speak the gospel into our children. And if your children are not in church, you are missing out on giving them the survival skills for this world. They need it. We all need it.

Galatians 5:2-9 KJV

[2] Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. [3] For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. [4] Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

Real Church isn’t Religion

It’s relationship. When Paul told the Galatians that their circumcision would profit them nothing, he spoke of an Old Testament law that was done away with through the grace of Jesus Christ. Nothing that man physically does can gain the forgiveness of God. That comes only from the acceptance that Christ’s death on the cross paid the final price for all. If they were trying to do a work for their salvation then they were saying that the death of Christ was of none effect. God forbid! But that’s what the world is teaching our children today. That the Bible is an antiquated book that does not apply in the world for which we live in. 

Real Church isn’t Our Righteousness it’s His Righteousness

[5] For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. [6] For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

We live in a fallen world. If you don’t believe me, turn on the news. We’re a mess! Even the saved are a mess. Less of a mess than the lost, but still a mess. If you can make it through the day without an evil thought you are so much better than I. I don’t know that I can make it 15 minutes. It’s why I’m not shocked that our youth fall into the trap that Satan lays when they buy into socialism, liberalism, pantheism and all the other isms out there. They are inundated with it from kindergarten. 

Am I advocating home school? No, I realize that that is not always a possibility, and with some parents, not even a good idea. What I’m recommending is if you have children in your life, speak Jesus!

Deuteronomy 11:19-20 KJV

[19] And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. [20] And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:

Yesterday as I traveled the mile and 1/2 to and from the middle high school with my grandson Luke for football practice, we talked about the second coming of Jesus Christ. The importance of having a relationship with Christ. The fact that none of us, even children are promised tomorrow. Yes, it was a short drive, but I packed a much Jesus as I could into the conversation because I knew that as he begins his journey into public school reopening, the greater influence on his life is not going to be me. Speaking Jesus to our kids is teaching them that our faith proves they are loved. Who but God would die for us?

Real Church is the Rejection of Rebellion

[7] Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? [8] This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. [9] A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

The world right now is encouraging rebellion on every front. When I read “who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” I could very well put names to it across society. I’ve seen great teachers in the public schools and I’ve seen wicked ones as well, I see political leaders right now embracing the notion that vandalism, heretic behaviors, anti-American and anti-God beliefs are not only the rights of people in our nation but encouraged. When I say I have evil thoughts, part of them are wanting to slap the face off a few politicians. Now I know that’s not godly and not what Jesus would do. But I struggle when I see the cause and effect on children.

Proverbs 26:2 reads

As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

We will reap what we sow. There is a cause for this current curse our nation is facing.  And if we allow our children to be infused with the evil ideas of the society we’re living in, and we do not at least try to fill them with as much gospel as we can, we’re failing our nation and we’re failing our God. 

Okay, I’m done ranting for now. Happy Birthday to me 😀

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, worship

Where’s Your Faith?

Hebrews 11:1-2 KJV

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. [2] For by it the elders obtained a good report.

I make no profession of having all things “faith” figured out. As a matter of fact there are days when my level of faith makes me feel like an absolute babe in salvation. And then this morning as I’m sitting here with the door open, listening to creation outside with an almost zoo atmosphere going on inside the house with critters, I watch as they each just do what they do without regard for the other and I thank God that most of the world is at least a step above that. Or are we? 

This week we’re grand kitten sittin’ my daughter Whitney’s cat. Her name is Gypsy, and while she came from a litter our cat Callie gave birth to, she’s not the least bit thankful for the momma who gave her life. Or for the fact that her very food depends upon my provision of it. This is not her house, yet she has decided that she is the boss. And the normal boss, Who is Izadora the Chihuahua has relented to allowing it. Gypsy stays guard in the kitchen over the food bowl, and doesn’t allow anyone else to eat. So each of the critters wait, until she is elsewhere and then takes their turn. This seems oddly similar to the current news cycle. 

Those who once believed that they were given authority by the God of Creation have suddenly given way to non-believing, American hating, liberal thugs that have moved in and said, “we’re the boss of you.” And spineless leaders have said, “Okay, we’ll stand back here ‘til you’re done.” 

What? Where’s your faith?

These are the same leaders that when they were running for election, said they were “Christian” leaders. We voted for them on that stance. Well, someone did. And then there’s the American people, who are watching in bewilderment that this is happening and have no idea what we’re to do to make the madness stop. This is where Sunday morning comes into play, and why it’s been so important for the liberals to stop church attendance by controlling how many, if any can attend. A fundamental right of the American people and we’re standing back and saying, “Okay, we’ll wait until it’s our turn to live our life again.” No. That’s not at all how that should work!

I could step outside my door right now and scream to the top of my voice “shut up creation!!!!!”  And guess what… they wouldn’t. It’s who they are created to be, and I can’t stop them. Hello? Are you hearing what I am this morning? God is saying, “I created you to praise, they can’t stop you. Where is your faith?”

Luke 8:25 KJV

And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.

I have a confession to make. I have been judging some folks. Not folks that are protecting themselves from illness because of underlying health circumstances. I get it. But what about those who go shopping, who go to the beach for cryin’ out loud, but avoid church because of the virus. This doesn’t have anything to do with faith, this is flat out inadmissible into the court of Jesus excuses. Am I saying I’m Jesus. Heavens to Betsy no. But I’m saying that I don’t buy for two seconds that Jesus buys your excuse. 

You’re refusing to do what’s God created you to do.

I have some friends that are truly “stuck” at home. It breaks my heart because they would rather be in church than anywhere in the world. They are faithful to watch on line, they study the word of God on their own, they read this silly blog, and they love God and He knows! But what about the rest of the world, who tomorrow morning will sit at home and say it is because of the virus, when that it is because they’ve bought the leftist lies. 

I found this verse this week that kind of cracked me up. 

Ecclesiastes 10:2 KJV

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.

Speaks volumes to me, how about you? Now I know why I’m not siding with the left. 

Today’s post may or may not have been a rant. But tomorrow is Sunday. And I need my people. I miss them. But whether or not they care if I miss them is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, God misses them. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Leadership

It’s Our Job

One of the very few problems about being raised by Gene and Violet Hardway is that they’re really nice people. They were not voice raisers, they’re hard workers, and under no circumstance was there a reason to be rude. And at the time I was being raised, that was the way it was in most country homes. Not all. But most of the ones that was around. There was the occasional opinionated loud mouth, for which I always had a great fascination with. So long as they weren’t hurting peoples feelings. I have never had an acceptable tolerance of that and don’t plan on changing. But what I discovered as I grew in age and established a personality all my own, is the fact that I am inwardly that opinionated loud mouth. It’s still very difficult for me to break through the barrier of my upbringing and unleash it, but I do. I hope I’m nice about it though. But I consider it my job. And if you’re a part of the body of Christ, I consider it your job. 

1 Timothy 3:15-16 KJV says

But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Of course Paul is speaking to Timothy about the leadership inside of the church, and you may not consider yourself among the leaders of the church, but it’s still our job. There are times when there ain’t a preacher in the vicinity, and someone has to defend the truth, and that someone might be you. If there’s no one else, it must be. But it gets harder and harder to do that. It’s also getting more dangerous. Not quite as dangerous as it was in the days of Apostle Paul, but still yet, if you speak out for Christ you will likely get berated for you belief. And in some places possibly worse. So… what’s our job description in this wicked world for which we are living. 

You Oughta Behave

In the church and out. I’m not going to stay on this point because that should be obvious to us all. But human nature being what it is, we all fall. And when we do, we should be man or woman enough to to confess it and move on. 

You Oughta Be Alive!

After all, we are the church of the Living God! So why is it that most churches are as dried up as a cracker barrel? They’re afraid to lift a hand, shout amen, glory or hallelujah and for pete’s sake don’t stand up and shout or testify. That’s inside the church. On the outside there should be evidence of the life on the inside. Our communities need to see the body of Christ outside the church doing something. Living our faith out.

I been beating myself up for not doing more for the body of Christ during this pandemic. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and I see so many places I could have made a difference.

Our reach has had limits because of the COVID19, but I personally believe that many of those limits have been put on by the people, not the government. While there are some who should not risk their life to be out in the community because of the health risks,  their are more that could have been. This is where I’m going to step outside of my Hardway upbringing and lay what I believe on the table. 

I don’t believe America should have been shut down. If you do, that’s fine. I won’t argue. But I’ve never understood the quarantining of the well. Yes the ill, yes those at risk, but not those who are well and can wash their hands and avoid contact with people. Don’t shake my hand, I won’t be offended. But if a healthy person being paid for by tax dollars locks a door in my face,  I’m frustrated. Create fear in my church people and I’m angry. Encourage caution. Yes! Incite fear… hmmm… we know who the author of fear is. 

You Oughta Be Firm

Paul told Timothy that the church is the “pillar and ground of truth.” We are the very foundation of the church of the living God.  It’s our job to defend the word of God when it’s attacked, and it is being attacked from every leftist direction while the church is just now getting back on their feet after having taken a Corona hiatus. I know there was some great work being done in the realm of online church, and I won’t make light of it. But what I’m not seeing is the church speaking out against what’s going on in Washington, DC and across the nation.  

How does someone kick a police force out of their building and city, ask for the mayor’s resignation and proclaim it their “own country? And Americans sit by with a glazed look in their eyes and do absolutely nothing. Oh… and those non-violent loving people have guns, which they don’t want us to have. I wonder why? They call their city CHAZ, standing for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. They’re now threatening to come into rural areas. Are we still saying nothing? 

I watched in horror yesterday as a white woman, screaming at the top of her lungs, threatened a woman in her car for not giving the “black lives matter” salute in a line of traffic, and then refused to let her move her car, while more protestors surrounded her. That’s scary stuff. And I totally get it when we say, “but it’s not where I am.” But my question is, “will it be?” 

I said all that to say we need to know what the word of God says about what is right and what is wrong. Because from Washington DC to Seattle, Washington the world is pushing an agenda that is as unbiblical as it gets. The more time you spend in the word of God the less controversy there is in your heart about what and who is right or wrong. And when someone’s is wrong the Bible says to mark them. I’ve marked a few. Starting with the show the Voice. I’ll not watch it again as long as John Legend is on there. He was one of the first to ask for police budgets to be cut. He who has a paid security force. I’m going to stand my convictions, and I’m going to be loud. 

1 Timothy 4:1-2 KJV

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

The iron is heated and it’s seared many a conscious.

I just needed to be loud for a minute. Okay…. maybe for more than that. I’m not done.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

Don’t Kick God Out

Matthew 8:28-34 KJV

[28] And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. [29] And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? [30] And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. [31] So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. [32] And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. [33] And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. [34] And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

A World Possessed

Two people (does not say male or female) though I think perhaps they were male, which I don’t suppose matters in the scope of life. What matters is that they were possessed by devils! How many it doesn’t say but it must have been more than a few because an entire herd ran down the hill and into the sea. I can’t say that of all of Jesus’ miracles this is one I would have wanted to see. It seems a little violent to watch a passel of pigs commit suicide. But, and no apologies to PETA, a human life is worth far more than a pig. And I love pork, so there’s that. And I wouldn’t mind seeing a herd of pigs run out of Washington with the demons that live there. Our world is a mess, and I believe that there are still many demon possessed, whether or not the world wants to believe it. I find it ironic that the world is so fascinated (and not fearful) of paranormal activities, but doesn’t believe in the spiritual realm with relation to Christ.  And scripture like this tells us a couple of facts we shouldn’t ignore. 

Demons know Christ and the power of Christ. Verse 29, “What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God”

Demons have great power, though less than Christ. Verse 32, “and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea.”

So that should settle as to which side you’re on.

A World Stressed

Never in my lifetime have I seen the world as stressed as it is right now. The fear rising up in people need only be activated by a word on the nightly news that they take as fact and law. Knowing (at least they should) that the media lies and manipulates the country into their agenda. And so, that leaves the question, “where did their agenda begin?”

2 Timothy 1:7 says

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

That settles that for me. If God doesn’t give us fear, then the same tribe that convinced those pigs to run down the hill and kill themselves has that power over the world today. But rather than just hanging out in the country of the Gergesenes, their across our country with full access to the media and a nation hanging on their every word, rather than the word of God. 

So the world refuses to accept a “sound mind” but rather the embrace the sound of “demonic forces.” Ugh… that makes me nauseous.

A World Refusing to Blessed

That pretty much sums it up. God has not given us the spirit of fear, although we lived in it daily for the weeks of the Corona Virus. And now with the potential of rioting breaking out anywhere in our country the fear is again on the rise. 

I have to wonder what would happen if the church, and I mean every church of every denomination who believe in Jesus Christ alone (which are the only churches with the power of God), what would happen if tonight they hit their knees and prayed “Lord, send the demons out!” Not only said it but believed it and then waited to see what God done. 

That’s not what happened in the country of Gergesenes. They kicked Jesus out. Verse 34 tells us, “and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

What? They kicked the power out of the country! And so it seems that that is now the attempt of the ungodly bunch in our nation. People will believe an outright fabricated lie of people they do not know, but the one who they say lives inside of them, they refuse to accept His words. Which leaves me asking the question, “Do they know Him at all.” Our nation has kicked Him out of the schools and their latest attempt is to stop the gatherings of the church in their own house of worship, but allow them to gather in dens of iniquity. Come on world, open your eyes!

Hebrews 10:31 KJV

[31] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

And without an action on the part of the church, that’s what is about to happen. I don’t believe God will forever accept this rebellious land. 

A Worldwide Emergency Broadcasting Test

This trial that our world is facing is only a test by comparison to the end times. I’m not a “Debbie Downer,” but I am the Jesus Chick. And if He said it, I believe it. This world is playing out like the book of Revelation. We need to prepare and know that if Jesus calls His church home, and He will, are you in a relationship with Him where you are one of the called? As I said before, the Demons knew who he was, but they were not spared. And those who profess to know him but do not possess Him in their hearts won’t pass the test of Jesus’ return.

Get your people ready church!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Life Inspiration

I’m here… Yet not

“I’m here.” Those are the words I wrote this morning as I spoke to a friend who’s hit a rough patch in life. As the words settled on the screen, my next thought was. “Where is that? Where is here?” This stupid virus has messed with my ministry work and my head. While I’ve not been “quarantined” as many have, meaning I still work and see people; plus I’ve been in church helping with the live broadcast, but times have drastically changed.  The world as we know it has changed. I’m concerned for my people. 

Tomorrow will be our first Sunday with an actual in person service at Victory Baptist Church in Grantsville, West Virginia. I’m so excited. Victory is our happy place. It’s where we come together as friends and family to share in the week and receive strength from that, and most importantly strength from God’s word.  And now it’s been months! How has everyone been? I know how I’ve been, absent from the body. The body of believers, yet still here. 

Absent from Touch

I still cannot hug and kiss and shake hands with my people. That makes me sad. Yes, I’m glad to see their face, but I’m a hugger! I love it when I feel someone wrapped in my arms as they let go of the stress of life. To know you’ve been the arms of God is a powerful thing. And this virus has taken that ability away from many. They may not have anyone in their life right now hugging them and making them feel loved. The quarantine has worsened that for many. But for me, it’s made me realize that I need to touch people with my God given abilities of song and the written and spoken word. 

Absent from Emotion

I’ve been given the gift of gab and the gift of writing, but even that does not always adequately allow me to describe how I sometimes feel. How do you explain that flutter in your heart, or the joy that causes your mind to reel. How to I feel someone else’s pain that I’m not living with? How do I share in the emotion of someone if I’m not physically with them in their time of need? It’s tough.  

It’s always my fear when I’m texting with someone that my emotion won’t come through. They won’t know how much I truly love them and care. The new “care” Facebook emoji makes my heart smile. Because as important as liking and loving someone is, they need to know we genuinely care. The absence of emotion is a struggle for me. I’m a touchy feely person. I love the sparkle in an eye, the gasp of joy and elation. But I also miss the tears and cries of a child of God who needs the presence of a friend. 

Absent from God?

Nope. It can’t happen. Although I may be absent fro the touch and emotion of man, I am never absent from God. David wrote in Psalms

Psalm 139:1-14 KJV

[1] O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. [2] Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. [3] Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. [4] For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. [5] Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. [6] Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. [7] Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? [8] If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. [9] If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; [10] Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. [11] If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. [12] Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. [13] For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. [14] I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

I needed that word this morning. I needed the reminder that although I cannot physically be there for people often times, our God is there for everyone, all the time, wherever “here” is. Gloorrrrraaaayyyy! 

I wrote myself happy again

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Church Unity, Health, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Let’s Be Separate Together

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we could just block out the wickedness from our lives and have no contact or affiliation with anything that took our minds away from the Lord? If our children and grandchildren were never exposed to anything that would corrupt their minds, and not a foul word was spoken in our presence. Oh Glory to God would not that be awesome! Well of course it would, but it ain’t life as we know it. I stood in the grocery line yesterday; yes, six feet apart as the tape on the floor instructed. But it didn’t take me out of earshot of the guy behind me with the filthy mouth who uttered words that I loathe without consideration of the fact that he was in a public place where children may or may not have been present.  It has become an acceptable part of society that language isn’t to be stifled for any reason. The same is true with images and behaviors that were once considered inappropriate for public display, and now children are exposed to behaviors that cause them to have emotions they’re not prepared to handle. It makes me sick. But such is life, so what am I to do. 

Staying in the word helps. It’s a refocus tool that God meant for every child to not only have, but to use. What a novel idea! Pastor Steven preached Sunday evening about how we take the word of God for granted. It’s so true. I have it with in my grasp 24 hours a day. It’s on my phone, my iPad, on my table and multiple shelves in my home. And yet, I’m not in it nearly as much as I should be. I take spurts where I read and study, and then I get distracted and people and things take my mind away from the word and I get in a worldly state. Again…. what do you do. 

The one great thing that this quarantine captivity has done for me is cause me to realize that being separate isn’t a bad thing. When the children of Israel came out of captivity, one of the first things they did was to separate themselves. 

Ezra 6:21 KJV

[And the children of Israel, which were come again out of captivity, and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land, to seek the Lord God of Israel, did eat,

That’s a couple of my favorite things right there… God’s people and food! 

I think it’s important to realize that the fellowship with God’s people is vital to our Spiritual condition. And as we get ready to join together again we need to appreciate those places where the children of God can commune without the world. 

In the Word of God, not the word of the world. 

A prepared heart for a time of fellowship goes a long way in the receiving of the message that God has laid on a Pastor’s heart. If we are prayed up, and read up when the word is spoken to us, it seems to sink deeper into the heart of man than if it has to break through the walls we put up to keep the hurt of the world away. There’s so much discouragement out there. I can so easily start putting up a shield to people around me for fear of my mind going places that it shouldn’t. There are even some church folk who evoke that spirit in me. Their negativity or worldly words cause my mind to be distracted and frustrated. But if I prepare my heart before I enter the sanctuary, I seem to have an inner shield that protects me from the world, and allows the word to take root. 

In the house of God, not the dens of iniquity.

It’s a sad day when even the grocery store is filled with filth. We need our time in the house of God to separate ourselves from the world. When the churches were closed for quarantine it took a necessary part of a Christians life away. Separation. Even the home is no longer a sanctuary of escape. We have television, radio, internet, etc that drags that world exposure right through the the front door with us. We need the church where the world is less. Unfortunately it’s still there in some ways, but it’s far less. And with a little help from godly leaders who are tuned in to what God wants His people to focus on, the world can be shut out for a while. 

It’s why we have to be careful about allowing the church to look to much like the world. Yes, it might attract people in, but it also opens the door wide for Satan’s influence. We still need the old ways, scripture is clear on that…

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

In the Spirit of God, not the spirit of Fear

2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

For certain the Coronavirus has caused us all (or most of us) to fear a little greater. That fear has caused us to avoid people and places and now going back in and around people and places is going to come with some hesitancy that I fear will take it’s toll on the church. Handshakes and hugs will be rare, if at all, and smiles will be behind masks, some tied on, and some painted on. It’s another reason to get in the word of God and read the many, many promises and fulfillment’s of His care of His people. 

He’s going to take care of us! We need to believe that, not just say it. 

I’m not saying that we should proceed with caution when joining together again. But the spirit of the church should be one of peace. We may not be able to shake hands or hug as we once did, but we can use words of kindness and eyes of affection to go a long way! I can’t wait to be back with my friends of the faith. I want to celebrate that day and remember how good God is to allow us to be together again. 

I hope my words today have reminded you that you are important to God’s house. You are missed, and loved. Consider yourself cyber hugged today, until once again we can greet each other as before. 

In His love, and for His glory. Let’s be separate together!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Uncategorized

The Return to Church

It was the heading in the book of Ezra that caught my attention this morning. “The Returning Remnant.” That’s very much how I view the church at this point. It’s as if we’ve been in captivity and we’re about to return to build the house of the Lord. Oh my stars, that makes me so happy, and I hope that when this remnant returns we truly build the house!

I always find prophesy so fascinating. Two hundred years before this event in Ezra, Isaiah foretold of it happening. I’m told that there are 1817 prophesies in the Old and New Testament, As one preacher said, that alone should cause us to stand on the Word of God! It’s events such as those that the world cannot deny… well, they can and do, but they can’t change it. Hallelujah! Now, back to my story. 🙂


Ezra 1:1-2 KJV

Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,

Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

I see it today.  Perhaps you do too. God has clearly stirred the leadership of our country. It is God who has the hearts of all men in his hands, even the kings, and Presidents, of this day. I don’t question why the Coronavirus happened. I don’t like it, but I don’t question it. What I do enjoy is that God has gotten so much glory and it’s causing many to turn to God, wondering if this is truly the end times. Not nearly enough, but many. So I’ll take it! So what will happen when we return to the house of God. I have to wonder. Will there be a great stir in the church. Will people remember how sad it was when we were told that we could not congregate together. I remember how I felt. Nauseous. I missed my people. 

So when we received the word through the Governor that the churches could once again gather together, even with limitations, my heart was overjoyed. Perhaps it’s a chance for those of us who God has called into leadership to regroup and plan for a great gathering of our communities. I feel that this is our time to let the light shine for Jesus. People are listening and receptive to eternal thoughts with so much sickness and death in view. 

For such a time as this… those words have echoed in my ears for weeks. 


Ezra 1:5-6 KJV

Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem. And all they that were about them strengthened their hands with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, and with beasts, and with precious things, beside all that was willingly offered.

I have to ask myself this morning, what am I holding onto that I have not given to the house of God? Ask yourself that question. What thing, what talent, what precious thing are we holding on to that we’ve not given to the Lord’s house for use?

When God stirred up the King, He also stirred up the leadership of the church to give of what they had to the service of God. It’s a great question that deserves an answer. I look about my home this morning and think of how good God has been to me. The many, many gifts, talents and precious things that God has given me. What can I do with those “things.” How can I build His house with these things He has given me. And if I cannot build His house with these things, what am I doing with some of them at all? Iff there are things in my life that take my mind off of God, and many things that I have does, I need to look at those things and refocus on what’s truly important in my life. 

I like to “think” that I am sold out for the ministry. But am I? This morning I’m not so sure. Yes, I’m dedicated, but I’m not so sure that I have sanctified myself to God’s liking. Sanctified means separated. Have I separated myself from he world enough? Ugh. There’s that nausea again.

Although I’ve technically not been out of church, I still help with the live broadcast on Sunday’s, my Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings have been spent at home. And I must confess, it’s taken its toll. I have not prepared lessons, and prepared my heart for those services that I was missing. I have not really prepared for the time when God calls His remnant back together, which is now! There is so much work to do.


It’s often time in the “role call scriptures”, where name after name after name is listed, that my eyes glaze over and I become “churchy.” Just reading through the word to get through to the next interesting part. But today as I read through the countless names that total up to the 42,360 children of Israel that God called the remnant; I thought about each name, and that number. All of which is important to God, else He would have not brought it up. 

You too are in the role call of the church. Your name and the role you play is an important part of the ministry. 

Look at the children of Israel in Ezra, chapter 2:

Ezra 2:64-70 KJV

[64] The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore, [65] Beside their servants and their maids, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and there were among them two hundred singing men and singing women. [66] Their horses were seven hundred thirty and six; their mules, two hundred forty and five; [67] Their camels, four hundred thirty and five; their asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty. [68] And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the Lord which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place: [69] They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold, and five thousand pound of silver, and one hundred priests’ garments. [70] So the priests, and the Levites, and some of the people, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in their cities.

Those people and things that God thought important enough to mention, might not have seemed important to the world. There were people, critters, things…. God can and will use anything that is given willingly. He used it in “their” place. (Verse 70) Just where they were. And I believe that as we go back into the house of God after this very long hiatus, that God is calling us take a look at all that we have, and ask ourselves, what can I use for His glory? 

It’s a question that needs answered, at least by me. God bless you all, and I hope that some of you will take the time to let me know if this message stirred your heart and made you ponder some of the precious things that you’ve been holding back from God’s service.