Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

The Rules Haven’t Changed Since the Cross

1 Corinthians 12:20 – Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular

Members in Particular

For 21 years I’ve been a card carrying member of the body of Christ. And although the rules haven’t changed since Jesus was on the cross, there are days that I feel that there have been some man made addendums to the rule book. Rules such as “Thou must look like this, talk like this, participate like this.” And yet, I’m not so sure that all those “this’s” are particularly addressed in the bible as they are written in man’s book of church ideology.

When I say I’m a card carrying member, I really don’t have a card, because (at least at our church) there are no cards. But what I mean by that is I am proud to be a member of the body of Christ at Victory Baptist Church in Grantsville, WV. I am there because I agree with the doctrines and bylaws of the church. There’s not one that I disagree with. So that is not the rule book to which I refer to. I refer to the rule books on the inside of man’s head. Or women’s heads, as the case may be. Maybe members of my own church or of another. But all members of those whom I consider fellow Christians and fellow laborers in Christ. I gave two fellows, because not all fellows labor for Christ… some just sit. So in my own mind I put them in another category, because they scare me. They tell me they’re saved, but they give me no evidence. So I’ll not say they’re lying… but if not serving Christ got you kicked out of the club… they’d be gone. However, it does not.

I’m usually referring to a “fellow laborer” as those who stipulate what a servant of God should look and act like outside the parameters of the bible and outside their particular church. Because pew sitters usually don’t say anything for fear someone will call them out. But those who are active in churches often wear me out with regards to the rules of worship. Worship is very personal.  Which is why I believe that you should worship with people of a like mind, else there is contention and confusion and we all know who loves to stir that. But, can we not come together outside of the sanctuary of our own church and worship and agree that we serve Jesus without having to agree on what color our hair is, if the music is too bouncy, or whether or not pants are an appropriate attire for women of God.

I once spoke at a church (in a larger city) for which their biggest claim to fame in the community was, they were known as the “church on the hill, where women don’t wear pants.” Hellllloooooo. That’s not what a church should be known for. How about the “church that loves people.” So when I read “members in particular this morning, I thought perhaps we’ve taken Paul’s word too far.

“Members in particular” means that you have a particular job in the church not that you are someone in particular in the church. Now… back to those people sitting on the pew and those who serve and feel that they’ve got a right to complain because they do.

I’m relatively sure that there is no “member in particular” that Christ assigned the position of fashionista judge or worship police or even, pew warmer.

If Christ’s people spent more time doing their particular job, that Christ has called them to do, rather than policing the jobs of others, perhaps more people would feel the “freedom” to attend our churches.

The Rules really haven’t changed since the cross… Jesus said go. An invitation to our church would be an awesome place to start! Forget what anyone looks like or acts like, just go…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Just Lean in and Go

Image may contain: drawingLast night I sang at a sparsely attended revival at Eagle Ranch, on the West Fork of Calhoun County. Don’t be too sad about the attendance level, because God set it up that way. I believe that with all my heart. As Preacher Sebby Volpe said, God may have even kept some away. I believe that too. So you may ask, “Why would God keep people away from a revival?” Perhaps they couldn’t handle the truth Sebby delivered, or they may not have been ready, or just maybe, like in the days of Gideon, God just needed a few. I don’t know, or need to know His reasoning. I only know that I was supposed to be there, and not because I was ask to sing.

Every day is an uphill spiritual battle for me. And lately the hills have been getting steeper and steeper and I question God’s plan more and more. Even this morning as I lay in bed with a desire in my heart to get up and begin writing, I couldn’t get one foot in front of the other to climb out from beneath the covers, not to mention make my way to the computer. And so I laid there in the darkness with the same empty feeling I had before the revival last night. When I finally got out of bed at 7ish I avoided the word of God like a skunk sprayed hound. My friend Gloria will catch that reference from last night’s revival. I even ask myself “why?” God had poured His goodness down on me last night so much so, that when I left that revival I felt like every joint in my body had been lubricated with anointing oil. It was amazing. But this morning the anointing oil had leaked out and it was just Shari in the flesh. Frustrated and down hearted again.

But after a few cups of coffee I finally made my way to the word of God and I ask Him this question:

“What does it mean to be sold out for You?”

His answer didn’t surprise me. Because I had heard it last night in the message from Sebby.

“Don’t be ignorant.”

Now Sebby didn’t say those words. Although I know him, and he would have if God had laid it on his heart to do so. Sebby’s message was more along the lines of the latter part of the verse those words came from.

Romans 1:13-17

13 Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.


What I’ve discovered is, the Mission never changes, but the direction of the mission can turn on a dime if God so chooses. Paul is telling his friends in Rome that he’d have been there with them, if God hadn’t changed the direction. Paul’s mission was to win souls for the Kingdom of God. And that’s our mission as well. But Paul was tuned into God so closely that when God changed the direction, he didn’t question it, he simply leaned the other way.


14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.

Indebted to the God of all. And If I (or you) serve the Master, we too are indebted to the Lord to serve both the wise and the unwise, the rich and the poor and all those in between. Those I love and those I have to work to love. The mission doesn’t change. Just lean into it and go. However…


15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

From the faithfulness of God, to the faithfulness of man it is God who reveals the methods of delivery, we just need to be ready to lean in the direction God points us in.

When Paul started on his journey with Christ, I highly doubt any of it was comfortable for him. He’d not delivered the message of God in that manner ever before. But God changed his direction 180 degrees and Paul rode it out until the end. And we’re still talking about that ride today. What we view as old school was all new back then. And while God doesn’t change the mission or the message, His methods have certainly changed over time. And almost always with resistance. Change is easier for some than others. For me it’s always came easy. I embrace it! But it still doesn’t stop the fear…

Paul could lean in and go without hesitation because his focus wasn’t on the direction he was going but rather focused on the Lord Who was pointing him in the direction he was to go.

So what did i determine being sold out mean?

Just Lean into it and go…

Posted in Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

What to do when they don’t understand

meet shari

At the onset of salvation God had me in a place where the word of God took preeminence in the decisions of the church, our conversations, basically life in general. We talked about the Word of God over breakfast, lunch or dinner and when sermons were preached the message was very, very personal to me. Sometimes too personal. It was as if someone had whispered in that preacher’s ear the very words I needed to hear. Over time I learned that it was spiritual discernment and that God had not actually told the preacher my sins in detail but that God would lay a message upon his heart that was needful in my life for that place in time. There were occasions that I also allowed the flesh to read more into it than necessary. God’s pretty basic with His conversations. Now, He could be far more intellectual than the brightest of men, after all He created conversation. But usually God speaks to the souls of men in a manner befitting a kindergartner. You cannot say that you do not understand what He meant. He broke it down. You can ignore it, but you can’t un-hear it.

God still works like that with me. The word of God takes preeminence in my life be it in the spoken, written or sung word. There’s a message for my soul specifically. I look for it and I long for it because I need to feel the presence of God in my life.  When I miss it, it frustrates me. So this morning I set out to determine a circumstance in my life that has me more than a little frustrated. And as always, God is faithful.

At this time in my life, I’m feeling very misunderstood. And for a person who wears her heart on her sleeve and communicates through the spoken and written word, being misunderstood hurts my heart. Because I feel that I am an oracle of God. (1 Peter 4:11)

If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

So I determined in myself this morning to get to the bottom of this with God, and so I awoke and began to search scripture for what God’s message to me would be concerning the matter at hand. By that search I ended up in the book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon, the wisest of all men, and who certainly had his share of life illustrations.

Because I’m of a passionate nature when it comes to personal and spiritual matters, frustration can run a close second to anger. I can get in the flesh and allow Satan to fill my mind full of notions that have no bearing in truth, but they sound good. Notions in respect to opinions. So I want to get anger out of the way first and foremost and so I landed on Ecclesiastes 7:9

Be Not Hasty

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

And so I stopped there. Obviously that was it. I just need to stop jumping to conclusions. Perhaps I was reading more into the situation than was there. And as I was about to shut the book on it, I heard God say… “I’m not through, keep reading.” I think God likes a three point sermon too. And so I continued on.

Be not High-minded

I don’t know what would ever give me the idea that I’ve arrived when it comes to understanding God’s ways, but for some reason I always think that I should. I’m just silly enough to think that God and I are so tight that He’ll let me in on what He’s doing in life, mine and everyone else’s. I know… that’s ridiculous. But in reality I’m clueless. And its why I turn to His word, looking for the “in” that lets me be in the “know” with God. So I continued to read.

10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

11 Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun.

God’s so funny. I had been focusing a lot recently on what I considered to be better days. And God reminded me it’s not good to rest on my laurels. Yes, those were amazing times, but wouldn’t it be sad if that was it. God still has so much more to do, and though wisdom from the past is a great inheritance to have, there’s profit in looking to the future. That’s a good word for anyone!

And so I thought I’d better continue to see what else God had to say to me this morning concerning the hurt in my heart.

Be Not Heavy Hearted

21 Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee:

22 For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others.

23 All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me.

And there it was. My conclusion to God’s three point sermon to me this morning. It only matters what God thinks. All the words that are spoken about me or to me are of naught, if God’s blessing isn’t on them. People hurt people. That’s life. Mine and everyone else’s.

So Praise God! I will continue being the “me” God created me to be. If King Solomon the wisest of all couldn’t figure out men, I’d be pretty foolish to think that I could. And though I’m no one in the eyes of the world, in God’s world I was appreciated enough to die for. That’s a reason to shout, and to praise and think outside the box that the world loves to put God in. Amen? I think so. Amen!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

A Cry Worthy Cause

Being on the inside of a situation doesn’t always give us the best vantage point for viewing a situation. I realized this again this past Sunday as I studied through Esther, Chapter 4 for my teen Sunday School class. When it came to the attack on the Jewish people devised by Haman, the King’s right hand man; Mordecai, who was on the outside, knew more than Esther, who was on the inside as the King’s wife. Esther was no doubt busy doing what Queen’s do. Mordecai was out with the people. My thought was this, “In order to understand the heart of God’s people, you have to spend time with them, and really listen…” In ministering to God’s people, or in the day to day of life, it’s very easy to look on the situation and speak from a personal perspective rather than from the person’s perspective to whom we’re speaking too.

How is it that we can best serve those in our church and in our lives?

The Town Crier and the Town Critics

Ester 4:1 ~ When Mordecai perceived all that was done, Mordecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth with ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and a bitter cry;

Mordecai went very public with his outcry. There is a time to be silent, but there is definitely a time to cry aloud. And as church leaders we should be looking for the lead town crier. That’s usually not the one crying the loudest. Most churches have the person or persons that finds it their personal responsibility to point out every flaw in every service, those would be the “Town Critics.” But there will always be a few who, if they cry, it is a cry worthy one. For those on the inside of ministry it’s very easy to make it personal. We put so much time and effort into an event and then to have someone tear it apart because it wasn’t to their liking is heartbreaking. I have worn that tee shirt many times. I’ve also deserved it a few. Because I wasn’t listening.

Mordecai mourned because he was anticipating the death of his people if action wasn’t taken. His was in the very literal sense of the world. Haman wanted to annihilate the Jewish people. He hated them. But for those of us who serve the Lord, we love our people! Even those who don’t necessarily like us. So we must position ourselves to hear their cry.

The Town Calmer

Esther 4:4 ~ So Esther’s maids and her chamberlains came and told it her. Then was the queen exceedingly grieved; and she sent raiment to clothe Mordecai, and to take away his sackcloth from him: but he received it not.

Esther tried to soothe Mordecai’s fears by covering him with new raiment but he refused. Covering up his body wouldn’t remove the vexation from his spirit. He needed Esther to act, not cover. Words are wonderful! I love the spoken and the written word, but it they’re not attached to an action by the deliverer and receiver, they’re of very little purpose. We must act on what we hear and what we hear should bring a call to action.

The Total Conviction

Mordecai finally got through to Esther on the seriousness of the threat against God’s people. Esther genuinely listened, but not until Mordecai had given her a copy of the decree of death for the Jews, and not without words of his own that convicted her too.

Esther 4:13-17 ~ Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer, Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. So Mordecai went his way, and did according to all that Esther had commanded him.

Esther knew what she had to do. She had to speak to the King on behalf of her people, even if it meant she die. Well, that’s a little more dramatic than most of the situations in our life. But I gleaned a valuable lesson as a leader and as one who’s being lead. We must take care of those we’ve been called to minister too and for. Our messages should be messages that are for “such a time as this.” They should convict and call every listener to action. Mordecai wasn’t complaining to call attention to himself, he was calling people to action for his cause. He didn’t want his people to perish… nor do I.

My words… anyone’s words who share the gospel should be what the people need. And when they’re delivered there should be a conviction and a call to action.

If Esther hadn’t accepted her call to action, God’s people would have perished. I fear that’s what’s happening in the churches. We need messages that convict. Our cause is cry worthy!

I’ll not complain when the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit bring unexplainable and unspeakable joys in my life for my service through the studying of His Word and the sharing of the Gospel. That is a gift of unmeasurable worth! But through the coercing of others in the ministry, who see my work as worthy, and the coercing of the Holy Spirit Who says “Through His blood I am worthy,” I have added a ministry donation button to this site. If you do not have, or do not feel inclined to give, then please don’t feel obligated. But if I have encouraged you and the Spirit speaks, your gift of any amount would be appreciated and honored by God.

I do what I do because I’m gifted and afforded the opportunity by grace and feel that I am accountable for the ministry that God has given. God has been enlarging my territory. For that I am grateful. But for that, there are expenses. Thank you for reading my blog. It encourages my soul, I pray I’ve encouraged yours!

To Contribute to this ministry follow the Paypal Link!


Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration

3 Reasons You Make me Wonder

I won’t calling it judging, I’d prefer to say that I’m wondering if some of the people I meet are saved who tell me they’re saved. And yes, some of them are even in church! Whoever coined the phrase “Being in a church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than being in garage makes you a car” was spot on! I know this from firsthand experience because I was in a church 34 years unsaved. Nobody ever bothered to ask. So I don’t assume just because you’re in church that you’re saved. I don’t assume anything. Salvation is between the person and God, not the person and Shari. However, there are a few things that make me wonder if some people are saved and cause me concern. Perhaps I’m just spiritualizing judging, but I don’t think so.

I’m saved but not in Church

That’s a red flag for me right out of the gate!  Hebrews 10:25 is often quoted with regards to “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves,” and it’s truth! But even if that verse wasn’t mentioned, what about the entire book of Acts and the way the early church acted? Look at the great sacrifices and persecutions that the Disciples of Christ made for the sake of assembling themselves. Why was it so important? Because it was new? No. Because it was necessary. They relied on each other for spiritual, mental and physical sustainment. Nothing has changed in that department. That’s what a church family does.

I’m saved but I’m Nasty

That’s probably the hardest pill for me to swallow. You’re either not saved or you are living the most defeated life in the church. Let me define nasty… Mean spirited, fault finding, bigoted, judgmental, unforgiving church folk. Not necessarily all of those attributes in one but any one of them will cause me to wonder. If you’re not saved… I hate to tell you that there are those kind of people in church. They are rare, but they are there. There are those who are of the opinion that their opinion is second only to God. And for me, the very, very human Shari, I’m hard pressed to believe they’re saved because I see little or no evidence of an attitude of Christ. It’s for certain a learned attitude and doesn’t come immediately upon salvation. But overtime there should be a noticeable change in the attitude of a child of God. When God said “love one another,” He didn’t put any “unless” in the sentence to follow. When God said to take the beam out of your eye before you try to remove the mote (speck) from your brother’s eye (Luke 6:41) He was calling for self-examination. And for the judgmental people I run across, I seldom see any self-examination but rather the judge, jury and execution of the souls they meet that don’t fall under their acceptable Christian characteristics.

I’m saved but I don’t talk about Jesus

I know, now I’m meddling. Because I’ve been told this by many “probably saved” people. They have a plethora of excuses.

  • I’m not a preacher. (When God said go into all the world… He wasn’t just speaking to preachers.)
  • I work for the government (what’s your excuse off the job)
  • I don’t want to sound too churchy (It’s not churchy to talk about Jesus, it’s evangelism and the only way that someone will know their need of salvation, churchy people led me to Christ, I am grateful!!!)
  • I’m afraid of their response. (I’m more afraid of the God’s response to me if that person goes to Hell because I didn’t talk about Jesus)

So am I judging, no, I really don’t know if anyone is saved other than me. I know I’m saved!!! And this is why:

  1. I desire the fellowship of other Christians and to hear the Word of God preached
  2. I genuinely love all people! I do not like nasty folk.
  3. I talk about Jesus. A lot…

Are you saved? I sure hope so, because I love you and I want to spend eternity getting to know you.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Peace, Purpose, salvation

The Backslider’s Gospel

backsliderAs I read the opening of Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians this morning, I felt as if I should start this blog:

Shari, a servant of Christ (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead:) and all the brethren (and sisters) who are with me, unto the churches of Calhoun County. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

What a regal introduction. We take, or should I say “I take, my calling of God for granted.” Paul was writing to the churches of Galatia because they were believing a polluted form of the gospel.  Paul marveled that they were “so soon removed from him that called you unto the grace of Christ unto another gospel.”  (Galatians 1:6b) And as I read across those verses I thought back about the people that I have seen give their lives to Christ at an altar of grace and tsmhen were so soon removed. Those who I had watched walk and serve Christ. Not as those do who get saved and vanish. Which is often the issue with a soul will who comes searching for a temporary fix to a permanent problem rather than a permanent fix to a temporary problem. Whew! That a good word right there! But the folks I think on are those who I served with for years sometimes; and then one day they were just gone. Believing another gospel? They’d likely say no. Because they’re not serving in another church. They’re absent without leave, and believing a gospel for which they aren’t even aware.

The Backslider’s Gospel

A backslider’s gospel is perhaps what I would call it. For some reason or another they found their time could be better spent outside of the church. They occasionally come on Christmas and Easter. A funeral attendance will heap conviction upon their shoulders for a good thirty minutes after the service. But then they determine that Sunday is like any other day. And they can love God on Monday just as well. They have nothing to prove by being in church.

Just as I need to be reminded Who it is and why it is that I serve Christ, a backslidden Christian too needs a reminder. Paul said in verses 15-16 “But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace. To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: Neither went I up to Jerusalem to which were apostles before me ; but I went to Arabia, and retruned again unto Damascus.”

While Paul didn’t go to where the other Apostles were, he was still in the ministry. He was preaching and teaching the gospel as the Holy Spirit revealed it to Him. He wasn’t called to follow the church, or the leaders, he was called to follow God. So be it when someone leaves our church and moves on to serve in another, I’m not concerned for their soul. I miss them, I’m like a mother hen I want all my peeps in one place, but I’m spiritually mature enough to know that’s not always the way God sees it.

But when someone leaves church for the house… no… that’s not God’s plan. That’s a backslider’s gospel. That is the one that allows you to believe that you can be “be just as good at the house as you can in church.” No you can’t. You’ll tell yourself that you’ll read your bible and listen to the word of God. For a while maybe, then you won’t. You’ll tell yourself that you don’t need Christian fellowship. Yes you do. All these things serve a purpose in your life that you don’t want to live without. You can survive. But not nearly as well.

The gospel not only convicts the soul of sin, but it soothes the heart.

Sin may not be continuously on your door step after you leave the church, but Satan will be. He’ll place things in your life to assure you stay away from God’s house, because even Satan knows you’re better off in church.

The fellowship of believers may cause a disagreement now and then, but there is no truer friend than that of the body of Christ if you’re in the right church.

The Backslider’s gospel is the most deceiving of all. Because it tells you “You’re okay.” And you’ll be okay until you’re not and then you’ll be away from everything and everyone that can help you make it through the rough patches of life. And then Satan will convince you that nobody cares. What a liar!

If you’re away from God. Get your heart and mind set for Sunday morning. Be in your seat. If you’ve not yet left, but you’re contemplating it, hang on to the back of that pew with every ounce of strength you have and then hit the altar and ask God to help you through. Don’t go to church for the sake of other people. Go to church for you.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

A Nice Thought To Begin the Day

fireNobody is any more surprised than we ourselves when something we’ve said ends up being the start of a pathway to destruction. Yet, there it is in James 3:5

Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things, Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!

As I read through James last night and this morning, preparing my Sunday School lesson for the teen department; I am reminded that the same tongue that can start a fire of destruction… and we all know it can! Can also start a fire for the cause of Christ that will burn until His return and God won’t mind in the least! As a matter of fact He’ll reward us for the effort. I pray that my thoughts and God’s words unite to ignite my youth. I pray that’s true in your church too.

The tongue is such a small portion of the body, and yet yields so much power. So do each of us in the body of Christ. That’s a nice thought to begin the Lord’s Day with. Encourage one another today!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

The Experimentation of Youth and Life


Not their experimentation, but rather mine. Having raised my own two daughters and now being the spiritual mom of many others in the teen ministry I’m pretty sure, then and now, I’ve treated it like a weird science experiment. I’ll add a little Word, a little conversing, an illustration or two and “poof” let’s see what happens. My poor girls went through several years of me being an unsaved mom doing the experimentation without the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and for that grace I’m just glad they survived. But post salvation, raising kids, working with youth and now having grandchildren, my experimentation is a lesson in the chemistry of God’s word. So is life in general really.

No matter your age, being that age is irrelevant in the coming Kingdom, we’re forever in the learning process of living. Some just learn faster and with less experimenting than others. Me, I’m always adding a new chemical compound to the mix to see if the results are any different. It’s usually followed by KABOOM! But I’m more cautious with the ministry knowing that I’m held to a greater accountability in Christ Jesus.

James 3:1

My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

1 Timothy 4:12-16

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith in purity. Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these thing; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them; for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

Glamorous Stupidity

In the book of 1 Timothy Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy as a young man serve to remind me as I serve youth, and live my own life, I’m living as an example. Anything that I add to the mix of someone else’s life can change that life for the positive or negative regarding their end result. When giving illustrations from my own life and past mistakes I try to be very careful that I don’t glamorize stupidity. It sounds crazy but I’ve seen it so often when someone is telling a tale of their youth and it sounds fun! Yes it was. Right up until the point where you could have died. Let me make sure not to leave that tidbit of information out, and about the regret I feel now having been a bad example for my friends rather than a good one. Youth is not to be despised, we and they will make mistakes. But don’t ever forget to remind them and us that we’re the standard by which the world measures Christ.

Glimmering Stimulus

I am for certain a lover of all things shiny. If it sparkles I am captivated, which can get me into serious trouble. But it can also work to my advantage in that I also like to shine! I want to be entertaining (for the glory of Christ, not self). I don’t want to say look at me, look at me! I want to say look at Christ in me! Look what He’s done for me! Because of the experimentation of someone else on this earth who was willing to invest some time and energy into me, I now serve a Mighty and Awesome God! And serving Him should stimulate others to have that same desire if I’m doing it right. Humdrum Christians bother me… just sayin’.

Glowing Stewardship

Of every gift and ability we’ve been given we’re going to be accountable that it was used for the purpose of the Kingdom. Paul told Timothy to meditate on those things.

Have you thought about the gifts within you? Are you aware that they should be shiny and evident so that people can see what Christ is doing in your life and in so doing you may have the opportunity to see their salvation? I know virtually nothing about chemistry. Science was not my forte. But I know Jesus! And I know that anytime He is mixed into the equation success is imminent. And so I keep on keeping on in the ministry, because just so you know… you are my experiment!

2 Corinthians 9:13

 Whiles by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribution unto them, and unto all men;

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation, worship

Saved but Silent

on my mind

For certain it’s a conversation starter! For the passionate child of God it will make a preacher out of the meekest of them when they begin to tell of their inability to understand lukewarm saints. For the lukewarm saint it begins a conversation about the “Not Everyone’s.” With statements like:

  • Not everyone’s a soul winner.
  • Not everyone’s a shouter.
  • Not everyone’s got time.
  • Not everyone’s been called….

It’s usually at this point in a conversation that people start reading my very expressive face. My eyes roll. My lip gets bitten. My fingers and hands have a passion for rhythm from the war drums going off inside my head. My right leg starts to bounce a little as if I’m getting ready to run. And I too sit silent because I know if I say what’s on my mind there’s going to be hurt feelings. Usually mine, because you can’t convince a lukewarm saint that anything’s wrong with them. They love to tell me why they’re not lukewarm, they’re passion is just concealed in their conservative ways. And they’re offended that I would suggest otherwise.

Saved but silent is sickening.

A few personal thoughts that have my heart stirred up this particular Saturday night:

  • I know not everyone’s a shouter, else the church would be chaos. But the Lord wouldn’t mind a Holy grunt once and a while.
  • If you can’t remember the last time you were at the altar, you are way overdue.
  • There’s two reasons you go to the altar, 1. Because you need to, and 2. Because you think you don’t need to.
  • Everyone may not be a soul winner, but everyone should be burdened for souls.
  • If you think Sunday School isn’t important, you’re either very well studied and you should be teaching, or you think Sunday School is not needful and a waste of time. And God knows that’s what you think.
  • If the people you share your day with haven’t heard you talk about Jesus, you sat down and shut up when Satan told you to.
  • If your idea of an active prayer life is three meals and a bedtime prayer, you’ve covered food and sleep but the other 23 hours of your day are in the hands of Satan. If you don’t pray over your food, one day you may choke.
  • If you volunteer for school and community events but not for church your priorities are not in check.
  • If a child of God has made you feel uncomfortable because they do any of the aforementioned things you are going to be real uncomfortable in Heaven.

Just a few things on my heart…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Fake Faith or Different?

fake faithThere are times that I wish God had not made me such a vocal, passionate soul. I only wish it for a second… and then I get passionate about something else and forget my frustration. But life would be much simpler if I didn’t care so deeply. Caring gets me and usually my mouth into trouble.

The verses I claimed for my ministry are found in Ephesians 6:19-20.

 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Well, there it is. How do you claim a verse like that and not live by it? If you’re the Jesus Chick, you can’t; or at least you shouldn’t. So when I get into tight places, meaning where others disagree, I try my very hardest to stay on task and biblical. I am very aware that my passion can also cause my flesh to take control.  So when given a moment of passion to defend God’s stance, I have to reflect back and ask myself, was I defending God? Or Shari?

On the subject of “Fake Faith.”

That was the subject. And it took about thirty seconds to get my knickers in a knot! I am a defender of faith not of a denomination. Let me preface this blog by saying “I am a happy Baptist!” But I’m not just a minister to the Baptist, so when I hear words of discouragement about anyone’s faith or denomination it breaks my heart. I loved it when my Pastor has said in his sermons on several occasions that we need to take a stand on what we agree on, not argue with what we don’t, in regards to denominationalism. Let me also say that those are Christ, born of a virgin, dying on the cross, raised the third day, the way, the truth the life, churches. But on the subject of worship style, you can almost get a knock down drag out argument started with anyone of faith who is also passionate about what they believe. But on the subject of “fake faith,” I personally don’t think it should ever be a part of a conversation. And yet there it was… and there I was… and by the time all was said and done, I just didn’t say anything because I knew I wouldn’t change minds and I wasn’t so sure it wasn’t going to a place that children of God ought not go. Anger.

But my knickers were still, and are still in a knot. So today I’ve decided to do what I often do and that’s talk to God and write it out. So here’s the questions in my mind: “What is fake faith and what does the Bible say about it?”

Me Focused Faith

That’s almost a cult in itself! And it’s not discriminatory of denomination. It’s the idea that your church was founded for you. You are the final authority on all things God, and if things change you should be notified in writing with a letter from God. Now I know that’s extreme and no one would confess to that being so, but they’d like it if it were possible. And I’ve met them.

Church Focused Faith

It’s akin to “Me Focused Faith,” in that people believe their denomination is exclusive to salvation. There’s just one major problem with that… the Bible is our final authority and there’s no denomination mentioned. Yes there’s doctrine, but not denomination.

Fickle Faith

It’s really not faith at all, but it’s under the guise of faith. It’s the appearance of strong faith when all is well and everyone and everything is in its place. But let trouble come into your life, or things change in the church and it’s time to move on, out of church or in search of another church that has all the answers.

Fool Proof Faith

That’s not faith either. It’s the notion that you have God figured out and there is no wiggle room. The structure of faith is having all the “I’s” dotted and “T’s” crossed. Theology is where it’s at and the notion of worship comes from the book, not the heart.

Those are what I define as “fake faith.”

What I don’t define  fake faith as:

  • Someone who worships differently than I do.
  • Someone who uses another version of the bible. (although I am a King James Version gal, and have reasoning and belief that it is the protected Word of God)
  • Someone who goes to another church.
  • Someone who tries to prove their faith too hard. (meaning that perhaps they get a little zealous about a certain person or thing in the church) It’s sometimes hard to separate our love for God’s people with our love for God.
  • Someone who gets in the flesh. (else I’d be lost)

Even the Apostle John was concerned that folks weren’t like him when he expressed those concerns in Luke 9:49

And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.

But Jesus answered him in verse 50:

And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

Someone who worships differently isn’t being fake, it’s being who they believe God called them to be.

I sometimes think that God made me a little weird. It’s usually when someone who’s not like me questions why I am like I am. Be very careful on questioning another’s faith or actions of faith, lest you discourage a child of God and He’s not happy.