Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Your Sphere of Influence


Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Job 38:31

I heard that verse preached too many years ago to count, but the scripture has fascinated me since.

There in the book of Job, the oldest of books in the bible, is an astronomy lesson and should be a “wait a minute…” moment for scientist who try to convince themselves there is no God. God is asking Job to remember who it is that has power over the universe, including Job’s life. In so doing God reveals hidden scientific truths which accurately describe the nature of the constellations and stars. We all know that I’m not a scientist, so I have to rely on researched facts by people of scientific know how. It is they ( who help me to understand that Plaeiades is a group of hundreds of stars formed from the same cosmic cloud, bound to one another by a mutual gravitational pull and compared to a flock of birds going toward the same destination, bound in unison just as God described them. That’s awesome wisdom right there!

Orion is a belt of stars forming a linear band at Orion’s waist. These stars are not gravitationally bound, but are headed in different directions, and yet in a straight line. Coincidental science? Not likely.

God uses these two illustrations in His conversation with Job to ask if he thinks that he can keep the stars that are supposed to be together, together; and those that are supposed to be apart, apart from one another. Of course he cannot. I can’t even keep my little life together. But God can! It’s another amazing fact about the God we serve that, He who controls the heavens, can certainly control our lives and our sphere of influence.

It amazes me the people that drift in and out of my life that are such blessings and were it not for the connection of Christ, drawing us into the same purpose, I would never have known them. Be it California, Philippine Islands, Papua New Guinea, Minnesota, New Mexico or Alabama, they are all worlds apart from West Virginia, and yet God caused their paths to connect with mine and now we form somewhat of a constellation on earth, traveling together, yet separate to the same destination. Each of us have an exclusive purpose for God and a sphere of influence that like those stars we are meant to draw into Christ.

Christ said that He would draw all men unto him if He would be lifted up from the earth. (John 12:32).

God certainly controls the universe and all that’s there in, but He’s given man freewill to go about life as they desire. There is for certain a draw toward Christ, but the great imitator Satan also has a draw of his own that draws men away from the Lord. God allows us to play the role of Pleiades and Orion by traveling in unison to Heaven but in separate places, separate spheres of influence, and yet one. That too is awesome wisdom!

So who are you influencing today and how? Who has God sent across your path to show them His glory?

Be awesome today!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Revealing the Cause

5jan2017But, O Lord, of hosts, that judgest righteously, that t riest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause. ~ Jeremiah 11:20

It’s not a shocker that many people hate the truth. It’s not new news. Now, the devices of the day have changed in how people handle the truth spewers.  In the eleventh chapter of Jeremiah, his life has been threatened: okay maybe things haven’t changed so much. But, more often than not in America today people aren’t lying in wait for you at the supermarket to overtake you in the produce aisle and pummel you with stones because you told someone about Jesus. You’ll likely just be shunned and talked about as an oddity of the community. A Jesus freak. I don’t mind that, it’s a gauge of sorts on my spirituality. If people are talking about how weird it is that I can’t carry on a conversation without dragging Jesus into the middle of it, then I think I’m right on target for my cause. And God is working on the enemy.

As I read Jeremiah and prayed that God would reveal to me a blogging thought that would minister not only to you, but to me, this scripture leapt from the page. It brought to mind David’s question to his brothers at the battle of the Phillistines, “is there not a cause?” Were they not willing to fight for Israel?

Jeremiah said to God “unto thee have I revealed my cause.” He was taking the word of God to the people and they weren’t happy about it. Jeremiah was just doing what he was told. Our message has been clear from the cross…

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.John 10:10

Old Testament and New Testament the enemy’s story is the same. Stop the messenger. God’s story is also the same …

For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.Hebrews 10:30

The Lord will avenge the enemies of God and His people, but for our time here, we have a cause. A cause to get up in the morning and tell people about Jesus. A cause to pray for our families, friends and nations. We’re going to have unhappy people in our lives when we share the gospel, the truth hurts but that is not our problem. God will judge righteously and try the hearts of the people. Both they and us will stand before God one day, but we only stand accountable for us and what we did for our cause.

Have you talked to God about your cause today? Have you talked to someone about Jesus?




Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership

We have 17 days to prepare, Are you ready?

then-comes-satanThen cometh the wicked one… saith the scripture in Matthew 13, verse 19 in the parable of the sower of the seed. Those words make my stomach queasy. It’s not by happenstance that Christ uses the seed in His parable; stealing the seed has been from the beginning the goal of Satan. He attempted to steal, kill or at least mar the perfect seed of God that was placed in the womb of Mary. He was of course unsuccessful, so he had to come up with plan “B”. If he couldn’t rid the earth of God’s Son, he would do his best to mess with God’s productivity through the church, and on that scale his successes far out weigh ours.

I must say that I’m excited about my ministry for 2017. I’ve been laying the foundation for the last few months in my teen class to warn them in advance that I had expectations for 2017. It was often times met with the sounds of crickets or a look of resistence to the possibility but I have not let that deter me one iota. I’m tired of the status quo of the church vs. Satan and we have no one to blame but ourselves. There’s no wonder as to why the state of America is what it is… it’s that way because we’ve allowed it. And although Trump is a partial answer to prayer, he isn’t the answer to America’s problem.

I’ve watched in my own church as we fought valiantly to stay together when we were without a Pastor, only to go into a state of rest when the Lord delivered a great one into our lap. What America falls at risk to now is the status quo becoming “enough.” Satan loves it when America says it has “enough.” Not too much Jesus else we’ll be a fanatic, not too many services or it cuts into “family” time. Don’t’ get me started on there’s no need for Sunday School because worship is enough. And then when worship time comes, we don’t want to get excited, wasn’t showing up enough.

One by one Satan picks at the seeds planted in the church until there’s nothing left but barren ground because we’re not discipling saints or leading leaders. Soul winning is left to the Pastor because the liberal crowd has convinced us to keep our mouths shut in the world because the world finds Christ offensive. We send kids into the world and tell them not to be like the world, but yet the world is their only example; being that the adult Christians in their life don’t have the back bone to open their mouths about how good God is, or show by example how to invite and encourage people to come to church.

Church has become the lowest priority on the list, and the first one off the list if something better comes along, or folks just are feelin’ it.

Wow… that was harsh wasn’t it. No, it was just what I needed to hear and likely what you need to hear to kick start 2017. Now the task is set before us not to let off the throttle. I can very easily do it when I’m met with resistance. I’ve began filling my calendar with action, not just talk.

While it’s true that the new President elect has created in me a freer expression of my Christian values, if America doesn’t do something with those Christian values, and the economy takes off, the world views will take off with our children and the church will continue to go into decline. Proven fact is prosperity doesn’t draw folks to Christ, it usually draws them away. And as evil as this nation has become there are plenty of things to draw them to. So we need to get a head start. President Trump takes office the 20th. We have 17 days to prepare, what are you going to do with yours? You can mark it down that Satan already has a plan.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

I’m Sick of My Own Excuses


2017 is just days away! Shocking right? I know that it’s not a big revelation that it followed 2016 but the way time has flown by almost seems surreal. Kind of like the fact that Obama is leaving office. So, for a few days I’ve been strategizing my coming year. Oh… I always make great plans! And sometimes I even get a few of them accomplished. My word for last year was unusual, and the year in review would prove that 2016 lived up to it. It was unusual in the sense that God opened unusual doors (like the wonderful state of Minnesota), allowed unusual circumstances to occur that changed the fabric of my life (such as people entering and leaving my life) and 2016 brought a vigor into my ministry desires that is carrying me into 2017. I’ll announce my 2017 word in a few days.

Yesterday I worked on the banner of my Facebook page and replaced it with one that read “2017 – Sharing Christ Without Excuse.” I’m sick of my own excuses for not sharing Christ more boldly. My aforementioned snarky comment toward the Obama administration was without regret, but I promise not to get hung up on it like he has with the fact he’s leaving office. But I can say it in truth that I have never felt so free to share my faith than after the election of 2016 – another unusual event! I feel like 2017 is going to offer Christians an opportunity to take back some ground that has been lost the last eight years.

Religion (I’d rather say faith, but I’ll use this term for now) losing ground isn’t new to the world. As I read in Judges this morning of Micah in chapters 17 and 18 it was quite parallel to what I’ve seen happening in America. Micah had stolen some money from his mother (which caused her to cuss) because she had intended to use for religious purposes. Ha! I guess she really did lose her religion!  But for whatever reason Micah decides to return it, and this odd woman blesses her son for his state of conscience. She had wholly dedicated this money to the Lord for her son to make a “graven image and a molten image.”

Did God not say not make any graven images? So how this woman thought that the money was wholly set aside is a mystery. Unless you look at religion today, where churches okay a lifestyle of sin, idolatry worship and Jesus combined. And then it looks pretty much the same.

So back to the story and this is definitely a condensed version of it. Micah decides to use the money to make a couple of images and buy himself a priest. What?  Yes, that’s what he did because that way he and his momma didn’t have to go all the way into town to church. They had their own. I guess it was their version of a television evangelism of the day. And although the priest they hired was a Levite, he wasn’t necessarily called by God to be a priest.

Well long story even shorter, a group from the tribe of Dan hear Micah’s priest speaking as they passed by. The Danites inquire of him as to whether or not they can defeat the city of Laish, and following their victory, take him from Micah because he might come in handy in the future for more advice. They not only steal the priest but take his idols with them as well and incorporate that into their worship.

Now scroll to the modern day Christianity and compare.

  • People no longer go to church because it’s inconvenient.
  • A bible proves their faith in God, right? Even if it’s dusty…
  • A few dollars in the plate buys them a preacher who will preach what they desire to hear, or they’ll stay home until they’re over it.

That sounds pretty negative but it’s none the less the truth. Church attendance across America is on the decline because people are too busy or deceived into thinking that it’s not necessary for a Christian’s life. I write this to two groups of people, those in church and those not. So you surely fall into one of those categories, or perhaps in the middle because you “attend when you can.”

The children of Israel when into captivity because of their halfhearted faith and I firmly believe that America was just a few votes shy. So, what will we do with 2017? For me I want to live without excuse! If Jesus says go, I want to go. If He says do, I want to do. If He says speak, I want to speak. How about you?

Tune in in a day or two to discover my 2017 word!



Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Are you ripe for the pickin’?


The Jesus Chick Attending the Calhoun County Christian Fellowship Dinner at Brooksville Baptist Church with Chuck and Rosemary McDonald
The Jesus Chick Attending the Calhoun County Christian Fellowship Dinner at Brooksville Baptist Church with Chuck and Rosemary McDonald. Photo bomb compliments of Donna Steigleder 😀

It seems like yesterday I had my car packed for the Windom, Minnesota revival with excitement and expectation of what the Lord would do in that place. It seems like yesterday because the revival that started for me in that place is still burning in my heart. From that revival I came back with a hometown desire to see Jesus at work in our neighborhoods and God is ever so faithful to give us the desires of our heart, especially when He is glorified!

The movement of Christian friends had already began with several men gathering each month from several different churches for a fellowship. So, even before I gathered some gals for a breakfast and ask if they’d like to follow suit, God had prepared the foundation. I was just a willing participant that God chose to use in our plight to see revival in our home town. My friend Dewey Moede was the vessel for Windom. His prayer did not come to fruition in a day or two… it took years. It’s all about God’s timing. That was my response to a friend who ask last night, “How did the fellowships begin.” We were ripe for the pickin’ and God picked us to begin a great work. I believe that.

It has to start somewhere.

Ripe for the Pickin’

I recently read of the great New York revival in 1857 and it has once again stirred the fire of desire within me. The North Dutch Reformed Church of Manhattan decided to reach out to the lost masses of people who surrounded them and to accomplish this, the congregation employed a 48-year old businessman, Jeremiah Lanphier, as missionary to the inner city. That one man started a group of men praying, who became thousands and thousands across America.

Lanphier handed out a pamphlet that on the reverse side said:
A day Prayer Meeting is held every Wednesday from 12 to 1 o’clock in the Consistory building of the North Dutch Church, corner of Fulton and William Streets. This meeting is intended to give merchants, mechanics, clerks, strangers and businessmen generally an opportunity to stop and call on God amid the perplexities incident to their respective avocations. It will continue for one hour; but it is designed for those who find it inconvenient to remain more than 5 or 10 minutes, as well as for those who can spare a whole hour. Necessary interruption will be slight, because anticipated. Those in haste often expedite their business engagements by halting to lift their voices to the throne of grace in humble, grateful prayer

Following the economic crash of 1857 over 30,000 jobs were lost in New York City. That and other tensions in our nation made that city “ripe for the pickin’” by God too. According to some eyewitnesses, within six months’ time these noontime prayer meetings were attracting 10,000 businessmen, all of them confessing their sins and praying for revival.

Some would say it was just a knee reaction, well, I guess it was if being on your knees is the reaction they’re talking about. Yes, the crisis I’m sure lead to some crying out, but that’s the thing about despair, its usually not until then that anyone bothers to cry out. It’s all about the timing. America is certainly in a time of despair.

Our favorite revival verse 2 Chronicles 7:14 says If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Ready for Repentence

The people in that city had repentant hearts. They confessed sin, they acknowledge and honored God, they were ready to make things happen once God had chosen them and allowed them to be in the place. Perhaps that’s what’s happening in America now. God is getting ready to do some amazing things because we’re desiring it with a humble heart. It takes a humble heart to get past the name over the door of a church. Revival cannot happen among people who are more concerned with the name of a Church than they are about the name of Jesus. That’s good preachin’ right there.

There are differences in churches attending the meetings in Calhoun, with the exception of Jesus Christ. They are men and women who love the Lord and want to see people come to know Him. They all believe that He is the Way, the Truth and the life and that no man cometh to the Father except through Him. And God is honoring us in this place.

I’m excited about the fire kindled in my soul and I’m praying that it spreads to your town too.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

Not Without Jesus

sheepfoldThe story of Deborah in the book of Judges has always had a fascination for me. To see a woman in leadership at that time in history was amazing. It ought not to have been so by tradition. But there she was traipsing off to war with Barak who had been instructed to take the men and go and yet refused. So brave hearted Deborah calls his hand on it and he says, “I’ll go if you will.” (Shari quoted, not scripture). So Deborah went and the battle was won. In Chapter 5 is the song of Deborah and Barak, at which point she again calls out the men when she sings to the tribe of Rueben in verse 16 “Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks?”

The tribe of Reuben knew Israel was in battle, yet they opted just to sit with the sheep rather than go to war. And for me that was a grim view of the churches in America. There they sit with their sheep while Christians are on the battlefield and they’re content to listen to the “bleating of their sheep,” who’d rather stay safe in the fold than come against the liberal crowd on the battle field. All the while the gospel is being watered down beyond recognition and the word of God is being challenged as lawless because it offends those who live in sin. Somebody needs to sing this song… today it’s me.

I see a new hope on the horizon in America. I must confess… I’m a little excited. But last night as I watched the news and the hope spread through economic forces and American leaders my first thought was… “Not without Jesus.” The churches of America better be ready to reclaim some ground along with the government reclaiming control of our borders, military and economy or this plan won’t work either.

The Tribe of Reuben were on the wrong side of Jordan to fight in the battle. And the churches in
America (collectively) have been on the wrong side of the battle in our land. Pastors have cowered down to the liberals and refused to dole out the word of God that convicts and cleanses the heart of the hearer. What God has called out to be sin: homosexuality, abortion, etc. – the churches of America have deemed it either forgivable or a misnomer of scripture.

Why is the American church cowered down among the sheep? If there is a hope to be found in America it will be found on the right side of Jesus, or it won’t be found. Old Testament or New, God says “come out from among them.” It’s a good word for America right now.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

A Conversation For The Church


Since the day I stepped into the ministry I’ve looked to define who I am, where I should be and where I should go. That changes most every day, and truthfully many days I’ve been directionless. My fear is, that is truth in regards to many churches.

I’m always seeking leadership ideas. It drives me and excites, and it’s why I believe God has placed that purpose in my heart and placed me in the positions in life for which He has. But… that’s not to say that I don’t fail… really often. So as I approach a leadership event this weekend my mind is in hyper-drive for ways to encourage church staff, but I don’t want it to be about fluff (i.e. lutheran church programming, church events, etc.) I want a meeting that charges an ongoing conversation among the people who attend.

Ha! That should be what church should be, right?

So three questions I ask myself this morning about my ministry direction:

  1. Does my conversations bear witness of Christ and His cross?
  2. Is my conversation bold?
  3. Does my conversation bring a battle?

John 10:25

Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.

Bearing Witness

Christ and the cross should be first and foremost in anything I do in ministry work. And yet it’s often down the list. It’s very easy to get programs started that are to entertain but if they don’t sustain a conversation once the program has ended then they likely didn’t serve the purpose we intended, which was to draw folks to Christ.

As an example that likely most in the ministry can relate to; how many pizza parties have you had that netted members? Owch…

Acts 9:29

And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.

Being Bold

Speaking boldly is speaking in confidence. How confident am I? I for certain am confident in the message I want to relay but my methodology is not always so sure. If I want to relay a message that is a conversation starter I have to exude courage and confidence in a way that causes the listener to want to pick up the cross as well! And that takes preparation, which takes time and commitment, and that my dear fear is a church wide failure. People are not committed to anything past 12 o’clock noon on Sunday.

1 Corinthians 1:10

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

The Battle Plan

You better believe if you are a bold, witness bearing child of God starting conversations for Christ, you are in for a battle. And not just from other people! You yourself will be your most vicious opponent.

ry to study the word and see how many other notions come into mind, try to speak boldly and watch timidity rear its ugly head, try to share an idea and watch fear enter your heart as to the reaction of people. Creating change in the church always brings apprehension but it doesn’t have to bring division. If the purpose is for Christ’s glory and you’ve earnestly sought God’s plan, God’s people will more than likely get on board… even if you have to nudge them from behind.

I’ll leave you to talk amongst yourself…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Because We Ought To

ambassadorThe closer to Jesus’ return the harder it’s become to speak boldly for the cause Christ. When I signed on with God to be “The Jesus Chick,” my issue with speaking was not so much with the world as it was with me. My confidence level was nil and my skill was mediocre at best; so why would anyone want to hear from me. That was my attitude. I soon learned that if I relied on God to deliver the message He would deliver me from the spirit of fear that Satan is so good at casting on us.  Several years into speaking and, although I still struggle with confidence, it’s easier and more exciting than ever! But the world is not accommodating. Tolerance for Christianity is at an all-time low in America and it saddens my heart, but I’m still the Jesus Chick. God didn’t un-call me. And if you are a child of Christ, you too have been called to be an ambassador for the Lord, and that’s exciting!

So what are you going to do with that tidbit of information this fine day?

Paul said to the church of Ephesus in Ephesians 6:19-20 “ And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”

I take that as my own personal charge from the Lord when those words convict my soul that I should be telling the world about Jesus, because He could call us home today!

The Unction of Utterance

Paul said that the utterance would be given, which means it wasn’t of me. Unction is an oil that can be applied such as the anointing of God through the Holy Spirit. That’s what it is when we’re given utterance. The times that I step out of the way and just allow God to speak through me have always been the most blessed of times. And at the end of those events someone would say to me, “how did you know?” or “that’s just what I needed.” And I didn’t know but the Holy Spirit who provided the words to my soul knew right well! So don’t stress God’s call on you to tell someone of Jesus, just pray and open your mouth and God will be faithful.

Bold in our Bonds

While Paul was in literal Prison as he wrote the Church of Ephesus, we sometimes feel as if we’re in a figurative prison, one step away from the real McCoy, the way our country treats us at this point in time. Bold ain’t easy baby. But it’s necessary to get over the noise of the world when witnessing for Christ. People want to fill that God sized hole in their hearts with something, and the world is more than happy to dish it out with material and self-gratifying gain. But that won’t fill it. Because God is huge! And more powerful than anyone or anything in America that thinks they came over shadow Him, including the demonic political realm that has tried to eek Him out of America. So long as there are Christians in America, God is in America!

Ought to Obedience

God’s not going to make you share the gospel, but you ought to. God’s not going to make you go to church, but you ought to. God’s not going to make you read His word, but you ought to. When you accepted His salvation, you ask His Holy Spirit to reside in your heart, and the Holy Spirit want to show you the power of God through His spoken and written word. And not just from the preacher, although we definitely need that too!

Serving God is the most fun you’ll have this side of Glory! It’s not always easy, but it’s never failed to give me a blessing! I’d love to encourage you where you are, if you’re in need of a speaker for a ladies event, give me a shout on Facebook, email or on the contact form of my site.

Contact information

  • (304)377-6036
Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Hometown Boots on the Ground

boots on the ground

Ephesians 6:15

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace

On Wednesday I traveled back from my Minnesota journey for fifteen hours in the car. Other than the necessitated pit stops I drove with purpose and without music or preaching which is usually what I occupy my mind with when traveling. But I wanted to hear from God, which was still difficult when my mind has trouble shutting up, it’s such a chatty Cathy! But what I discovered on my journey to my friend Dewey’s Hometown was that Windom, Minnesota and Grantsville, West Virginia have the same common thread running through their tapestry. It’s a raveling. It’s a thread that’s gotten disconnected from its garment. It’s still attached but it yet it’ loose. It’s not holding anything together, it’s just there. I think that’s a very good analogy of the church.

So as I’m driving… and driving… and driving. God keeps putting that hometown thought into my mind.

We’ve become disconnected from our communities. It’s very easy to say that the community is not our concern. It’s our job to be a light for Jesus! Yes, yes it is. And yet when Jesus was His own light in the towns that He was going to, He wasn’t just in the church house.

He was at the well

  • … at a wedding
  • … at the fishing hole
  • … meeting Nicodemus outside of business hours
  • … in people’s homes
  • … in the grain field
  • … in the cemetery

Every place He went was viewed as an opportunity to serve; and I think that’s where the disconnect comes into place in the church. We’ve bought the lie of Satan that church has no place in the secular world, and yet that’s the very place we’re told to take the gospel of Christ. We forget that the church is not a building, it’s a person. A person with a story and a purpose exclusively belonging to Christ, no matter where you are.

I’m fully aware that we cannot preach the gospel in a classroom. However, we can train our children to walk in the light of Christ and share Him with their friends. Most jobs forbid evangelism in the work place, but they usually don’t mind one iota if you live like Christ on the job. They call it ethics, we call it faith. Nursing homes, prisons and hospitals love our kind and usually welcome us with open arms, and yet we seldom go.

That’s the talk God had with me on my way home. “Shari, you’re going back to your hometown, what are you going to do there to make a difference? How are you going to motivate people and reconnect with your community?” And in my earthly wisdom I said to Him, “But God, they’ll not want to hear what I have to say.”

Oh, He fully understood.

Luke 4:24

And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

“Now what your excuse?” I ask myself.  I didn’t have one. But I do have a hometown,, and so do you. And we are without excuse in evangelizing it, starting at the house and working way out.

So I’m working on a way to reconnect the raveling that’s been hanging from my church skirt. I want to prepare the way for Christ’s return like John the Baptist did for his arrival in town the first time. My first step is look for resources… and then I want to get this party started.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

That Good thing that’s a God thing

good thing

I’m so happy I have the Holy Spirit within me, else, there is no doubt that the flesh would rise up in me and I’d say and do things that would not glorify Christ and could possibly get me arrested. If you’re a servant of God, you either fully understand, or you’re way better at dealing with the things of life than I, and it’s really not the craziness in the world that can drive me to the point of frustration. I expect them to be crazy. It’s the craziness in the church that can push me over the edge.

So I’ve had this illustration in my mind for a few days, I drew it yesterday, and had intended to blog about it. But alas, the Holy Spirit said “Chill, Shari. You’re going to hurt someone.” And so I put it atop my art box and waited for the Holy Spirit to tell me what to write. And this morning as I prepare for church, the words flow freely and the Spirit has said to me, “Encourage them.” I wanted to hurt them three days ago. Who are them? They who sit in church pews. That’s all they do. They just sit in church pews. At least from my perspective as someone in charge of the Sunday School and Youth program. Because when a teacher is needed, it’s like pulling hens teeth to get people to move. And our church is one that is relatively good at stepping up. When I go into other churches and see the frustration in the leader’s eyes as they beg and plead for help my heart breaks for Jesus. He didn’t die for us to sit in the pew.

He died for us to serve. And so this word this morning is for those serving, not sitting. Please, keep serving!

Apostle Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:13-14

Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.

Hold Fast

That good thing is a God thing. Those sound words that Paul spoke was the inspired Word of God and he encourages Timothy and us to hold on to them. Keep holding on to the Word of God and using it to inspire others through your service. You are rare. I can’t get Matthew 9:37 out of my head that says the “Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.”  We are a rarity, those who desire to teach and train disciples. We are few, but the field is full of people who need us. And while I get frustrated at those who sit, I’m learning that it will do no good to speak to the masses, I need to encourage the few. Because those are the days that we’re in. So if you’re serving God in any way… “hold on friend.”

Hold Firm

That good thing is a God thing that He’s given to you for safe keeping. Hold firm! Don’t let anyone or anything, including the frustrations of feeling unappreciated, un-noticed, unworthy, or any other “un” words that Satan throws at you to get you distracted from what you’ve been called to do. That little girl in my sketch… she’s no one in particular… she’s one in thousands that I’ve seen in the field and she need Jesus. She or he as the case may be needs you. If we don’t keep on teaching the word of God and telling others about that “good thing” that God has entrusted us with, then who will. There’s nobody beating down the door to get our job. Our job is secure. So please, if you’re in service to the King of kings, keep serving and living as an example to those around you. Tell everyone how awesome it is and encourage others walking in the field beside you. There’s not that many… it won’t take you long. I love you, and so does Jesus… and our reward is on it’s way!