Posted in Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Political

The Power of Jesus Christ

One week from today will be the final day of voting. At this point I just want it over. I’m tired of the lies and betrayal. I’m really especially tired of the stupidity. And the fact that they document it on video. When I see some of the young people going into a tirade of a fit that cannot be outdone by the brattiest of toddlers, my thoughts immediately goes to their parents. What must they think? Are they embarrassed, ashamed, heaven help us… proud? We are living in insane times. I’m praying that next Tuesday goes in the Lord’s favor and for His glory, and that when it does the crazies don’t come out of the woodwork. But what are we going to do if it happens? I am the queen of denial! I can just go into my make believe world where it’s all candy bars and gum drops and forget the crazies exist, but then what if they break into my sweet spot? 

What happens then?

This morning I read t through the betrayal of Christ. I imagined the sting in the heart of Christ as Judas kissed His cheek, followed by His arrest. I  wondered about the fear and confusion in the hearts and minds of the disciples, who had been warned, but were far from ready. I could feel the arrogance in the hearts of the soldiers who thought they were grandiose having captured the Man Who said He was God. But more nauseating than that for me right now, is those same attitudes are alive and well 2000 years later. So what happens if our gardens become war zones next week? 

The Followers

Matthew 26:57-60 KJV

[57] And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. [58] But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest’s palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end. [59] Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death; [60] But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses,

Peter had to have been in shock. His best friend, whom he thought was going to establish His Kingdom on earth had been arrested and was being beaten and abused and he stood afar off and watched. He followed Him to His trial. But earlier he had said he would follow Him to the end of time. No doubt Peter’s mind and heart were at odds. His heart said “Defend Him!” But his mind said run.

Yesterday on BlazeTV’s, the Steve Deace show they were taking questions from his Facebook followers. The first question was “If I should be persecuted for Christ, should I fight, or should I stand silent?” That’s a tough question. But it’s why I love the Blaze news. They ask the tough questions. Steve Deace didn’t really have an answer because everything is circumstantial. There is a time to fight, but there is also a time to say, “Come Lord Jesus.” We have to rely on the Spirit for guidance by Seeking Knowledge In Christ.

But in Peter’s day, the Spirit had not yet come. 

The Failures

Matthew 26:69-75 KJV

[69] Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. [70] But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. [71] And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. [72] And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. [73] And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. [74] Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.

I’m sure he never thought it would happen. But it did. Suddenly he found himself between a rock and hard place and fear consumed him. And so he denied God. 

What would we have done? What will we do if we are put in this place? For us, we hope we stand strong in the Spirit of God. But what about the people who have professed Christianity but have refused to stand on His word when they were not being persecuted. What will happen to them? Are they even saved? Will they see the error of their ways, or jump on the band wagon of persecutors.  

The number of people who say they’re Christian is huge! The number of people sitting in the church on Sunday morning is not. That should tell us where they’re going to stand in the day of persecution. It unfortunately gives us a glimpse of where they’ll be when it comes to defending the people of God, or crying crucify.

The Faithful

[75] And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.

Peter knew he had failed. Nobody needed to tell him. Reality kicked in, and he was no longer in his world of candy bars and gumdrops. If he ever was. But this is where I find great hope! Yes, there were hard times ahead, but in the midst of the hard times there was the Pentecost! 

Acts 2:1 KJV

[1] And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

The church had reunited. Thousands were saved!! How exciting is that! The Holy Spirit had come upon and in God’s people and they had found the strength needed to make great things happen in His name and for His glory. Hey folks! We have the Spirit too!  This is not a time to feel as though we’re failures as followers. No, we are given the power in Jesus Christ to do great things. And now I’ve wrote myself happy. 

Thinking on next week I know in my heart of hearts, that as a child of God He has me covered and He has a plan for me. Regardless of the outcome I am a disciple of God meant to tell the world about Jesus. My job is laid out. If you’re a child of God, so is yours. Walk in hope!!! Our God is faithful to the faithful!!!

Posted in Faith, Fear

No New Thing🤐

I woke up this morning with an attitude of disdain for the day. I told my husband David, I’m hateful as the dickens this morning. Hopefully so that he’d understand, forewarned is forearmed.  In other words “Don’t mess with me right now.” To which he quipped as I’d expect, some smart aleck comment. We both both laughed and went on with our day. After 40 years, there’s not much new here. There’s not much new in the world. As a matter of fact, there’s nothing new in the world…

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

“Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurred to God.” I love that quote.  And yet I seem more like the Athenians lately when Luke said of them in Acts 17:21

(For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.”)

If truth be told, it’s Glenn Beck’s fault that I’m not in good humor this morning. Prior to going to sleep last night I watched his special “Election Hijacking: How the Left is Ensuring Your Vote Doesn’t Count.” It was the news on the Democrat attempt (and scary success) to derail the election through theft and fraud. Not a good bed time story to say the least. Praise God for Pew Prayer. That’s where I start going through the pews of the church with my minds eye, praying for people to keep my mind from going into the darkness of the night. God is faithful! But it still didn’t stop my mind from thinking about that special last night when I woke up. We really are what we feed ourselves. I’m a Lemon filled Krispy Kreme donut and a hot mess! I had that too while I watched Glenn Beck 😋

Like the Athenians I’m always looking for the next new thing. And believe me! The world has plenty to tell you. But it’s not new. It’s the same old trick of Satan, just on a new generation. And one closer to the return of Jesus Christ, so Satan has upped his game.  But it’s still not new. His goal for the believer is to steal the one thing we all desire. Peace. 

John 14:25-31 KJVS

[25] These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. [26] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. [27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [28] Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. [29] And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. [30] Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. [31] But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

Jesus was telling His friends that He was going away. No wonder they were worried. They did not have the wisdom we are afforded from this side of the cross. They were fighting religious persecution and political struggles for power and were considered the enemy of the day. Hmmm. Perhaps if you’re a conservative you can identify. … no new thing…🙄

It’s why watching a show like last night upset my heart, because I don’t understand how to share that information with people, and not be called a conspiracy theorist like Glenn Beck. There’s one big problem with that, it’s not a theory. It’s an evidenced fact. News broke yesterday on  another Biden lie about him not having anything to do with his son’s Ukrainian business deals, a story filled with sex, drugs and treason behavior, and yet, the main stream media isn’t going to cover it, and the world knows it and isn’t going to care, because they hate President Trump more than a lie. …no new thing…

But upon reading the words of our Lord, I discovered not a new thing, but something I needed reminded of yet again, which is why Jesus said in verse 26, He sent the Comforter to bring all things to remembrance that we might have Peace! Glory to God that’s just what I need. I’m not supposed to be troubled or afraid because the prince of this world (Satan) has nothing in Christ. No Thing.  No sin, no hold, no power! Nothing! And guess what… I’m in Christ!

In Christ there is only good things. 

Philemon 1:8

That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. 

This world is for certain filled with a lot of bad things. They’re driving me to the brink of 🤪 crazy. But God has given me this platform of communication for the purpose of sharing, not the bad news, but the reality of the good things we have in Christ Jesus. We have peace that the world cannot feel. We have hope that the world cannot see. And we have a future that many in the world will not experience unless they profess Christ as Lord, and leave this world behind. 

I need to be less like the Athenians; “looking for a new tale to tell”. But rather tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. No New Thing.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Was Jesus Being Rude

There’s something about my country upbringing that causes me to question (in reverence) some of what I read in the Bible. Like Mark 3:31-35 for example. 

[31] There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him. [32] And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. [33] And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? [34] And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! [35] For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

Those are not words that any mother would likely want to hear. But Mary wasn’t just any mother, and Jesus wasn’t just any Son. While I’m not Catholic, and I put no greater worth on Mary than any other child of God, she was still an amazing woman of God with many lessons to teach those of us who fall so short. Mainly me.

It doesn’t take very long into the study of this scripture until I realize just how meaningful Jesus’ words were, and how any Mother would have been proud to hear them proceed from her Son’s mouth. So let’s unpack, what could be a Christmas message for me. I seem to already be in that mode at my house, having recently bought serval new decorating pieces for the season. Hey… don’t be hatin’ on me for listening to Michael Bublé’s Christmas album already. 😃 

On the Outside Looking In

That was Mary and His brother’s place that day. They were not in the inner ⭕️ circle. At least not at that time. They had come upon Jesus speaking to a multitude of people, likely people of all socioeconomic statures from the least to the greatest. For some reason they’ve called Jesus to leave the crowd and come to them, but He declines. I can imagine His brothers, not being happy. They didn’t always understand that He was God. But Mary did. I imagine her saying, “Boys, get your knickers out of a knot, your Brother has work to do,” and I can imagine them rolling their eyes and wondering why she always made excuses for Him. Not everyone understands God’s ways.

Isaiah 55:8 KJVS

[8] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

On the Inside looking Out

That was the crowd’s vantage point. They no doubt recognized His mother, and wondered why He didn’t go to her. Perhaps they had the same thoughts as His brothers. But then the words settle on their hearts, “He loves us, as much as He loves them.” Only God can love like that. While I can love people, I can’t love a group of strangers to the depth I love those close to me in my life. How could that possibly be? Yet with Jesus our Lord, it was such a deep truth, that this same group of people watched it play out on the cross, and yet even  many of them may have been those rejecting Him as God. 

We are a flawed people. We certainly need a friend like Jesus, who loves us even though we’re total misfits. 

Is not it true today?There are those of us on the inner circle who understand the price God paid for us, and then there are those, who are oblivious to the fact He is God! And many times, even I, who know the price He willingly paid, am out of touch with Who He is. Yep, I’m a misfit. 

He’s Nowhere to be Seen

No, He’s really not. Because He no longer stands in the crowd, but His Spirit is within each of His children. And we experience something that only the mother of Christ experienced in the days of this scripture, and she only experienced it for 9 months. The Pentecost had not happened yet. Jesus was physically among them. But now each one of us carry Christ within us who have accepted Him as Savior and we have experienced a love like none other. This morning that thought amazed me. He is not only my friend, but He is my family. And because of Him, I have an extended family, many of whom I do not know and may not know until Heaven, but I can love them and have compassion on them because He has shown me how. Glory to God isn’t that wonderful. I have sisters and brothers in the physical sense, but I have them int he spiritual sense, and there will come a day when together, we’ll all experience Christ face to face,  without regard for who we are, but entirely 💯 percent focused on Him as Lord and with purity of thought where we will love everyone equal. Just as He does us. I am God’s favorite, I’ve always known it. But then again, so are you. God Bless ya!!!!!! From Shari, The Jesus Chick.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Life Inspiration

To the Empty Seats in the Church

1 Samuel 20:18 KJVS

Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.

For me there is no greater story of friendship than Jonathan and David. And in reading chapter 20 this morning, I wept, as if I were apart of the story, even knowing that the two friends are now together in the presence of the Lord! The empty seat was more than my heart could bear without breaking. Because, David would have rather been in that seat than anywhere and continue on with his friend in the work of the King, but, because of a threat against his life by Jonathan’s own father, he could not. And so he leaves the city. His final few minutes with Jonathan are gut wrenching as they bow, weep, kiss and depart.

1 Samuel 20:41 KJVS

And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

David’s heart was broken to the point he “exceeded” Jonathan. David was not only leaving his best friend, but his wife and family as well. And on top of all that, and probably the straw that broke the camel’s back, David would no longer be in the sanctuary of His God in service. And with that thought, I know why God brought me to this scripture this morning. 

As I prayed this morning for many of the people on our prayer list, I began perusing the seats of our church with my minds eye. While our attendance has been okay, and I consider us blessed, there are still many empty seats. I’ve been at Victory 24 years. In the same seat most of those 24. Front row, center aisle. Most everyone else has their selected area too. We really don’t mind if someone is in our seat,  we just happen to be creatures of habit. And because of that I can almost do a role call in my mind of who was in Church on Sunday, and unfortunately, who’s seat was empty. 

An empty seat in the house of God is more than a number. It’s a friend. Perhaps the reason they are gone is because of something wonderful, like a wedding, a vacation or some other celebratory event. (Like a kidney transplant) Cheryl Metheney 🙌🏼 But at this point in time, its most likely because the enemy has threatened harm. There is an arrow that has been aimed, not only a physical arrow of COVID-19, but a spiritual arrow that is designed to draw that soul away from the presence of friends and the encouragement that is garnered in the house of the Lord. Oh, my heart is as broken as Jonathan’s this morning for those empty seats…

Dave Stull, right side, third or fourth row up, Leona and Clay Yeager, Left side aisle seats, 2nd or 3rd row up from the back, Peggy and Terry Dye, left side, 4th or 5th row-ish, by the window, Charlie and Mandes Richards, same row, and that’s just one corner. There are many, many more. Ed and Patty Eisley, second row back, behind me, my bestie Glo! Front row, beside me. You are not forgotten this morning! Sandra Lancaster, Left side, third or fourth row up from the back, aisle seat, I could go all the way around the room, because I am in a house of friends. And an enemy has come and taken them away temporarily. Praise God the last time we were together we were not as Jonathan and David, we didn’t even know we were about to depart for a very long time. It’s been 7 months since many were in service. Yes, Satan has launched a very harsh blow on the fellowship of the believers. 

Everyone has to do what is right for themselves. But this is a reminder to all of us, just because the arrows been launched, doesn’t mean it’s going to hit; and while the day is upon us, we need to serve! Saul, Jonathan’s father, had earlier launched a javelin at David, but it missed! It wasn’t his time. David was going to miss his friend Jonathan and all of his family, but David wasn’t called just for the castle times, he was also called for the days of battle. David had some very troubled days that lie ahead of him, but he continued serving God. 

From a castle to a cave

1 Samuel 22:1-2 KJVS

[David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. [2] And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

Troubled time for certain! Saul was after him, his rag tag army of men were not valiant soldiers (at least not yet) they were in distress, in debt and discontent! Wowzer! That sounds like the story of my life! But this same army ends up being warriors. And God will make no less of us in these days we’re facing. Whether you are privileged to continue on servicing in the house of the Lord as I have been, or your in your home because of this stupid virus, don’t stop serving!  You are a warrior on the rise! 

If you know David’s story, you know he made it out of the cave and back to the castle. He served God, he fought battles, he made very human mistakes and yet here he is in 2020, still a hero of the faith. Just like my friends that I miss so much at Victory Baptist Church. Granny and Genevieve (Right side, 2nd row back, aisle seats. My ornery friend Jim Bush and his sweet wife Barb, Right side, middle of the church, aisle seats. Linda Simers, part of the Stull tribe in the right hand corner, Jackie and Otis Harris, over by the window. Jim and Trish Harris and Trish’s Momma right behind them. Bob and Brenda Bush and Nic, right side, center of the church, Trooper Jeffrey Hunt bestie them. Many others who have been there when they could, but have not been there as much as they’d have liked. 

I know that most of us don’t feel on the level of David our hero of the faith most of the time. But the point of this ramble today is, you have that ability in you. David and his friends had days where that cave had to have gotten the best of them. But they were still victors! And so will you be. I miss you terribly. If you’re not a part of my church, I’m sure you’re church misses you terribly. But don’t give up and for certain, get out of that cave as soon as you can and get back to the castle. We’re waiting for you!  You are missed because you’re seat is empty.  

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Overthrowing the Faithful

That’s Satan’s daily agenda. He can’t have our souls, so he’ll settle for our days and boy do I make it easy for him sometimes. As I began to write this morning; trying to wrap my mind around spiritual things, the debate from Tuesday night’s Presidential spar came into view. I was nauseous because President Trump did not bring his “A” game. I expected better. Biden, no doubt through the aid of medicine, and only the Lord knows what else, actually kept himself together with he exception of a few meltdowns and multiple bold face lies that Chris Wallace, the moderator,  helped him with. And so my mind went there, because all it took was a little something shiny to get my mind off the task of sharing Jesus, and onto my frustration. My mind was almost overthrown.

Overthrow by definition is to “subvert or defeat.”I cannot be defeated because I have Christ living in me, but… I can certainly be subverted (overthrown or confounded).

On my phone is the 1828 dictionary which defines words from a biblical viewpoint. One of the best apps by far for a child of God who studies the word. When using “subvert” in a sentence for example it read “ He is the worst enemy of man, who endeavors to subvert the Christian religion. The elevation of corrupt men to office will slowly, but surely, subvert a republican government.” 

Wow… did that fit in where my mind was going! Maybe God didn’t mind me being frustrated.

America is being overthrown from within and the children of God have two choices: either stay distracted with Satans political rhetoric which will accomplish nothing productive, or point lost souls to Christ, Christians souls to their purpose, and leadership to the cross as a reminder that Victory has nothing to do with the outcome of an election.

So today I fight the overthrow, perhaps you need some help too!

2 Timothy 2:16-21 KJVS

The Babblers

[16] But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Have you ever seen a time when people ramble on without reason? Or a time when people feel that they have the right to spew their opinion at anyone, regardless of insult or injury? It’s crazy. And yet we tolerate it as the norm, because suddenly it is. Babbling or rambling, they run a close race. But the word babble comes from Genesis 11 in the period of time after the flood, when all the earth was in one language, but God “confounded” them with multiple languages as the result of their belief that they could become as high as God by building a tower. 

Have you seen a time when so many people believe they are as smart as God, or that there is no consequence for actions against God? God doesn’t have to create a new language, we’ve confounded ourselves with unrealistic ideas that make no sense. Someone thinks something up, and it must be right, because they did. Kneeling (which I consider an act of humility) is now an act of disrespect toward our nation and flag. Vulgar and unapologetic language that used to be a rated “R” conversation in front of the general pubic and especially children, is now rated “G.” And most everyone accepts it as the norm. 

Babblers are tearing at the fabric of our nation by tearing down our nation one family at a time where nobody respects anybody and anything goes. As Paul instructs Timothy to avoid ( shun) these vain babblers, he tells him that the lying and misleading speech is like a mouth canker. Ouch! Paul even goes so far to call out their names.

 [17] And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; [18] Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. 

But Paul warns that those lies will “overthrow the faith of some.” Cause their downfall. The problem with society (as a whole) is that we’ve become so accustomed to a false narrative by the left, that we’ve stopped defending the right. 

[19] Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 

We’ve been told to shun (avoid) the babbling, and now Paul says to depart from the iniquity. “Walk away Chuckie, just walk away.” 

It’s easier said than done sometimes. But by staying in a conversation with anyone who argues that what’s going on, on the left, is okay, we’re subjecting our mind to the damage it does. Arguing with them will serve little purpose, but a mic drop moment of walking away might cause them to think, and it will certainly let them know where you stand. 

[20] But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. [21] If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

If we avoid, and sometimes just walk away from the negative, nasty comments of the day, we’ll be doing ourselves a favor and allowing our minds to focus on what God would have us focus on. His work… you know… the good work.

As I begin my day to day, it’s my prayer that God will send someone who needs Jesus across my path, and that I will have the clarity of the word of God to share Christ with them in a way that causes them to desire to know Him. 

Just because the world is evil, doesn’t mean that I have to be subjected to it. I have the light of Christ living in me that can certainly outshine any darkness of this world. Amen! Shine on Children!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church Unity, Faith, Family, Heaven

God’s kids are weird

It was up on iPad bible when I opened it up. It happened to be the verse of the day on No coincidence… I needed it again. 

1 Peter 2:9 KJVS

[9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

A Chosen Chick 

Every day we need a reminder, or at least I do, that God, the Creator of all chose me. Me. A little nobody from the hills of West Virginia to serve Him and tell the world about His Son. He chose you too by the way. So what are we doing with that information today? 

As a child I was almost always odd man out. I wasn’t athletic, so I was most always one of the last chosen for a game. I wasn’t a talented singer, so I was placed in the background of all productions. I wasn’t overly academic, nope… that would have been an exaggeration. So nobody had high hopes in my future. Least of all me. I was everyone’s  friend, and few people’s girlfriend, until I met David Johnson. Someone who thought I was worth fighting for.  And while that sounds like it should make me a little sad, it does not. It fashioned me into the compassionate, socially aware human that I am. While I always thought God had a plan for my life,  even pre-salvation; the closer to eternity I get, the more I realize how critical it is that we fulfill our created purpose. 

Being chosen is a big deal. Not for kickball, but for Heaven! 

A Royal Reason

A Royal Priesthood? According to the 1828 dictionary, a priesthood is “an order of men set apart for sacred offices.” 2 Timothy 2:21 tells us “If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel of honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.”

The “these” of that scripture speaks of things that dishonor Christ. God expects His people to be different than the world we’re living in. That purpose that He’s chosen us for, (not our earthly purpose) but the one we’re working for in Heaven is also a big deal. There is a position awaiting us in Heaven, a title to be given that we know nothing of while we’re here. But be rest assured it’s a big deal up there. We’re not going to be twiddling our thumbs on a cloud, we’re going to have a position in the Royal House of God! Glory to God! We need to be practicing our best royal behavior while here on earth, because God’s watching and He’ll reward us in kind.  

Being Royal is a big deal.

A Holy Home

While America is an amazing Nation, it’s far from Holy! John 15:19 says “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

For the most part, the nation we live in doesn’t even like us. God said it would probably hate us. And yet, we’re called to defend her. That’s tough. But the guiding principles that we were founded on is a worthy defense. 

When David and I were young, he was terribly jealous. I didn’t understand it because it was not an emotion I felt and certainly not one that I cared for.  It made me feel as though he didn’t trust me. But that wasn’t it at all. He feared losing me, because he had witnessed loss in his life. We belong to a Jealous God. He won’t lose us, because it is He who keeps us, but He knows that the world has attractions that will steal our love for Him and pull us toward evil and heartache. He’s protecting us when He desires our separation from this evil world. 

When God “fabricated me,” He put within me desires that would serve the Kingdom. This world would gladly garner those talents for their use but I’ve been “set apart” at the point of salvation. Those gifts and talents are Holy and they’re placed within the home of Christ (my heart) for a purpose.

Being Holy is a big deal. 

A Peculiar People

Some days I feel flat out weird! But it’s okay, God likes it. Not fitting into this world is readying me for the next world. I don’t want to feel at home here, if I do, that  means that I’ve settled for far less than God intended. Not being popular as a child allowed me to walk a path that hadn’t been cut by someone else. Sometimes the things in our life that feel the worst, end up being what makes us the best… an original piece of art, created by God for the Kingdom. 

Christianity can indeed play a significant role in family dynamics and how parents choose to educate and nurture their children. Many families prioritize spending quality time together in activities that reflect their faith, such as attending church services. Additionally, showing love and care for their children may extend to tangible expressions of affection, such as providing them with gifts like tznius clothes or toys. These gestures can serve as symbols of love and also contribute to a sense of belonging and cherished values within a Christian family.

Glory! Being weird is a big deal. 

It’s why 1 Peter 2:9 is my life verse, and on days that I’m feeling a little weirder than usual, I need the reminder of why. 

Posted in Christian Service, failure, Faith, Fear, Health, Life Inspiration, Political, Praise, Word of God

The Rona & the Radicals


First off, me using a football reference is somewhat comical, because I know nothing about football, well…. except when they score. But it doesn’t prevent me from watching the game and cheering when the rest of the crowd cheers as if I knew all along what happened. But a football analogy is kind of appropriate when it comes to speaking about the Rona (Corona Virus) and the Radicals, because apparently nobody can give us a clue about their next move either. And now pro football is completely political just like the virus and radicals. But the fear involved is very real for a lot of people. 

What do you fear most right now in your life? How much of your day does that fear monopolize? What would you rather be thinking about? Good questions to begin our topic of today. 

The Rona and the Radicals

Both are current events out of our control! When the disciples in Mark 6 were without Jesus on the boat in the middle of the storm, they were suddenly faced with the possibility of death. 

We know from experiencing storms that they either calm down, or grow more fierce and we can’t aid in either direction, we can only buckle down and get ready. Life is much the same way. There are some things right now that are so far out of control, it’s ridiculous. I have no problem comparing it to how the disciples must have felt before Jesus got tin the boat. 

But where we differ; Jesus is never outside of our boat!

Mark 6:46-53 KJVS

[46] And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. 

What do you suppose Jesus talked about with God that day? Do you think they discussed current events? I have to think they did. Not that either God or Jesus was surprised at any of the events, but maybe they talked about they human reaction of the people involved.

“Did you see the look on Peter’s face when he realized the bread basket wasn’t going empty, that was priceless!?”

What about the look on Matthew’s face when I told him to feed the 5,000 with that little bitty 🧺 basket! He almost swallowed his tongue trying to figure out the math on that one!

I would have loved to have been in on some of their conversations during Jesus’ prayer time.

But while Jesus was up in the hills talking to His Father, the disciples were down in the boat in the middle of a storm.  And it says they were toiling and rowing in contrary winds.

[47] And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. [48] And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. [49] But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: [50] For they all saw him, and were troubled.

In the process of their fighting the waves, they were so caught up in that fight that they almost didn’t see Jesus walking on the water. But that was not a common happening in the day, or in our day! I don’t know if I seen Him walking that I would have immediately thought, “Oh, that’s gotta be Jesus, who else could do that?” No, I would have been shaking in my shoes, or worse! The same is true in the happenings of today. When something goes down with the virus or with the current uprising, I’m more apt to immediately feel fear of the unknown, rather than asking myself, “Okay, where is this coming from and who or what is responsible, and what should my reaction be.”

We are quick to say, oh, it’s Satan. While he’s having a field day, we can’t always blame him. Sometimes it’s evil people struggling for power. So once I’ve determined who might be responsible, what am I to do with that information in order to calm myself down. 

Do what they did. Talk to Jesus. 

 (50b) And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

Nothing said Jesus started the storm. But He showed up in the middle of it and talked to them and told them to “be of good cheer.” I can’t help but sing the song, “don’t worry, be happy.” 

I think it’s important for us to key in on the fact that it didn’t say Jesus started the storm. God is not starting this nonsense in our world today. But He for certain is here with us and He’s telling us, “Don’t be afraid, I have this under control.” The question is, are we talking to Him, and then listening to Him. 

He’s not going to come in and stand in the middle of the room, but through prayer and the Bible we can get the peace we need to calm our souls in the middle of the storm. 

Don’t forget your miracles. 

 [51] And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. [52] For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

They were “sore amazed.” They just couldn’t believe that Jesus did that. Well that might be our problem too, When we’re in the middle of a miracle, we’re like, “Yeah baby, that’s my God!” But then we get in the middle of a crisis, and we think, “this is it, we’re going down!” 

What happened to our miracle mentality? And I don’t mean Moses parting the water, but the very fact that God is Who scripture says He is.   He spoke the world into existence. And this world is trying to speak us out of existence. He parted the water, He really did. He fed the 5,000. That’s not a fable, He really did that, He has huge plans for us, but we’re letting the current state of our world cloud our thoughts until we can’t see or remember those miracles of God. 

When I started watching blaze news, it was almost more than I could stomach. It often times caused anxiety. So I have to keep life in perspective, even watching a show that focuses much of the news on Bible. Every day we are given the opportunity to live our lives in a way that shows our faith in God or our fear of the world. 

What’s scaring you today? Who’s responsible? Where is God in it? How is He speaking to you? Those are the questions that we need to ask. Maybe even journal. It would be interesting to read what some of our thoughts today are, or a year from now, or a decade… or maybe we won’t even have to read it…Maybe Jesus will come back and we can just go home! Glorrraaay! 

But until then. Let’s keep telling the world about the amazing God we serve, so that they will desire what we have. 

Posted in Eternity, Faith, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Don’t Fear the Grasshoppers

Isaiah 40:21-23 KJV

Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

I’ve talked to adults, I’ve talked to children, and the consensus of both is one word… I’m afraid. 

My heart is broken for our country. I’m concerned that this path we’re on is impossible to get off of. I keep asking myself, “Shari, are you just too stupid to fear?” No. I just believe in God’s divine providence and I believe He’s going to bring us through. But I do understand the fear that being felt. Because there are weak times when for a moment I’ll succumb to the liberal information out there that is set to destroy America. And then I remember… I’m a citizen of Heaven first. America 2nd. And of course I live in West Virginia which is almost Heaven, so it’s a win win!

Isaiah 40:21-23 gives such great encouragement to the child of God. It reminds us Who exactly is in control. It doesn’t matter what the world tells you. Those grasshoppers across the United States who have strategically placed their minions in political positions and truly believe that they control this world, are going to have a harsh reality when God finally says,

“Hey Gabe… get that trumpet polished up, you’re gonna need it today.” 

It’s why their arrogance doesn’t bother me. Because I know God is going to wipe it off their face. And I’m on His side, so I’m going to be okay. But it’s the folks who aren’t on His side that I worry about. Those who do not know Christ as their Savior. 

But when I sat across from the folks who expressed their fear, it wasn’t because they were lost, I know their life; they believe that Jesus Christ died for them, they believe He arose the third day and now sits beside God in Heaven making intercession for His children. They believe! But it was because they were not staying in the word, but rather tuning into the world. That’s a bad idea! We have to do our best to plug every hole in the galaxy that allows the world to undermine the Spirit’s work in our life. The Spirit gives you hope and security, God’s word tells us that He never gives us the spirit of fear, but Satan and his minions do at every opportunity. 

One way that I can fall prey to the liberal agenda, is to believe that because I live in a nowhere zone of America (Calhoun County, West Virginia) I cannot make an impact in the world for the cause of Christ. It’s easy to see yourself as a speck on the map. I may be a speck on the world map, but I’m a pretty big deal in Heaven. And so are you! 

The publisher of the world’s most read and sold book (God Himself) is on a first name basis with us and speaks to us every day. Oh… my … stars. Why are we fearing these people. Why are we not praying? Why is the altars across America not lined with children of God calling on ABBA. Our Father. Don’t think it wouldn’t changes things. Because it would. But it’s going to take more than a couple of dedicated people of prayer. God wants to see His Nation arise. 

I know this is a short blog post today. But I just wanted to encourage you to turn off the news. Unless it’s BlazeTV. The only truth out there as far as I’m concerned. But tune into the Spirit of God. Listen to His guidance. Be bold in the face of adversity and liberalism. Defend your President. 

God Bless you! And remember He knows everything about you!

Luke 12:7 KJV

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Fear

How to Survive Today

I could feel the panic in her request this morning on Facebook. A mother’s plea for prayer for her child as the new school year finally began. It was genuine. Not the passive plea as many do, who almost think of God as a Jeanie in a bottle. The unseen enemy of this nation right now isn’t only the coronavirus. As a matter of fact, that’s the lesser of the worries for our children. People are not even aware of most of the enemies that threaten our children every day. 

Satan has managed to either close the church or diminish attendance to less than half in most churches across the land. And yet few people have stopped shopping. The virus isn’t allowed at a riot, but it thrives on a meeting of the righteous. Give me a break. Am I concerned about our children starting school? Yes, but not because of the virus, but because of what the virus and the unrest in America have unleashed. Now is not the time to be fearful and unknowledgeable about the world we live in. 

It’s easy to get sucked into the wormhole of fear that media creates. I’ve worn that t-shirt more than once. The only way that I have found to live outside of fear is stay in the word of God and believe in His sovereignty over my life. I believe in washing your hands and staying out of spittin’ distance of folks. Other than that, I’ll leave the rest to God. 

Don’t Tire in Telling

Hebrews 5:11-14 KJVS

[11] Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. 

I can feel the frustration of the writer of Hebrews when he says they are “dual of hearing.” Because our nation is the same. The Nation (as a whole) has turned a deaf ear to the gospel as if it’s powerless, when in reality it is a universal power for all who read and listen. It will give us the guidance we need to face Covid-19, to disprove the slanderous lies of the media and not cower to the wicked powers that would have us living in fear. The wicked know that a fearful world is not one that can convince anyone that their opinion is worth having. If we live in fear and say nothing, we’ve said plenty on behalf of the enemy. 

Don’t grow weary of telling the world about the greatness of our Lord and then power in His word.

Don’t Tire in Teaching

[12] For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. [13] For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

The world needs to see real, godly leadership. 

I have been chomping at the bits to get back in the classroom to teach. I missed it! The time that I spend preparing for Wednesday Biblical Studies Classes and Sunday School Classes gave me purpose and drive for the gospel. When that part of church ceased, part of my drive went with it. I could easily see how people can turn back into babies in need of being coddled. It’s much easier to let others do the work. 

But the more we study the word, and teach other’s about Christ, the more wisdom we receive from Heaven. The world needs to see godly leaders who are able to discern the difference between right and wrong thinking and provide the evidence of it through the word of God. It’s like building a wall around a city and taking care of our community. But when the world sees Christians living in as much fear as the lost, it undermines and tears down the walls that have been build by leaders going before us. 

Don’t Tire of the Truth

That’s what discernment is, discovering the truth…

 [14] But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Staying in the word of God in every medium available (listening, reading, teaching), builds strength just as exercising the muscles. It’s building the muscles of your mind so that when you are faced with right or wrong, truth or lie, deception or reality, the Spirit of God will reveal what you need to know. That’s survival in this day and age. 

I do not know how people who are not in church, and not in the word of God and in relationship with Christ survive day to day in this world. I would be in a fetal position in the bed were it not for Jesus Christ Who gives me the strength, energy and wisdom to fight against the principalities of the air that are stirring up our world with a big stick. 

It’s why I understand that momma’s fear for her child. But with God, we have the ability to discern the truths of this world that will help us live in peace until finally God says, “enough.” And calls us home. Until then, survive! And encourage others to do the same.

Don’t grow weary in well doing church!!!! I love you. God loves you more! 

Posted in Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

The DNC ain’t the Boss of Me

This morning I awoke to bits and piece of the Democratic National Convention being covered and shared by Fox and Blaze News. While I’m fully aware that their perspective will be on the conservative side and not in favor of Democrats (nor is mine), that fact didn’t undo what the Democratic Party said. It was slanderous and negative as always, bold face lies and shockingly an attempt to be patriotic, although we know them to be anything but. The icing on the cake was when they had the brother of George Floyd as a guest speaker as if Floyd was a national hero. He was a felon. He did not deserve the treatment he received but he was not a hero or a martyr. Unless drug abuse and robbery is your cause, then perhaps he could be called a martyr. 

While politics are always dirty, the fact that they spent such effort focusing on the negative of the republicans, rather than anything positive on their side, leads me to believe they have nothing to bring to the table. It also causes me to hope that the republicans will focus on the positive and not on tearing apart the man with no mind, and the woman with no morals who are running on the leftist losers. State the facts and move on. Tell me what you have for our country, and tell me how you love it. I need to know somebody in this country has pride in our nation and they’re willing to fight for it. 

I guess Asaph the writer of Psalm 73 felt much the same. 

Discouragement produces Depression

Psalm 73:1-28 KJV

[1] Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. [2] But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. [3] For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. [4] For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. [5] They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men. [6] Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment. [7] Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish. [8] They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. [9] They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth. [10] Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them. [11] And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High? [12] Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches. [13] Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency. [14] For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning. [15] If I say, I will speak thus; behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children. [16] When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;

Asaph acknowledges that God has been good to Israel. Has God not been good to America? And yet, when Asaph said his feet had well nigh slipped, I get it. The fueling of division, the spewing of hatred and lies, and the justification of violence and the anti God attitude is more than my heart can withstand. I love my country, but I do not like what it has become. I want no part of any of this nonsense. I’m glad I’m not God. I would have already cleaned the swamp with a call to the principalities of the air to wipe the smile off their face and their soul from the earth. And that’s wicked I know, but I just told you my feet have well nigh slipped. 

Encouragement produces Enlightenment

 [17] Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end. [18] Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction. [19] How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors. [20] As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image. [21] Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins. [22] So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. [23] Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. [24] Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. [25] Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. [26] My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. [27] For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. [28] But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.

Please join with me to take Asaph’s words to heart. Pray for the left and leave them to God. He is far better at cleaning the swamp than we are. Regardless of their ignorance and arrogance, we win in the end. They cannot have our victory for it was paid for by the blood of Christ. They can deny God, despise the truth and defend the wicked. But those decisions will lead to destruction. We on the other hand can “declare His works” and do our part, knowing that our end is Glorious!
