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Two Unlikely Characters

I love Bible study! Be it on my own or listening under the teaching of others. And one of my favorite times is the Teen Class at Victory Baptist Church. I co-teach with a couple of fella’s whose characters are as far from one end of the spectrum as the other, but both bring such wisdom to the table and allow the kids to see that God’s method of understanding is personal.

This past Sunday I sat with the youth and listened to a lesson from co-teacher Doug that I told him I was totally going to steal and not give him credit. I wouldn’t do that… at least not entirely. Below is what I gleaned from Doug’s wisdom on Isaiah chapter 1.

Isaiah 1:1-3 

1The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

God uses two unlikely Characters… hmmm…. Just like Doug and me, to teach a lesson about the rebellious heart. The ox and the ass. Two animals who knew more about submission to authority than the nation of Israel. But before we step out of the stall and consider ourselves to be above that, perhaps we should check the bottom of our shoes to see what we’re treading in.

It seems that no matter how far I come in my walk with Christ, I still always have plenty of path before me. I have nowhere near arrived! There has always been a rebellious, just roll with it, side to me that gets me into trouble. I never give God full control. I always hold back just a little of Shari to mess things up.

Israel had unfortunately kept a lot of themselves in their Nation and rebelled again and again on God their Creator.

Doug’s lesson had four wonderful points that are so very worthy of pondering.

  1. We were Created by God.
  2. We were Stolen by Satan (separated from God through sin)
  3. We were Bought back through the blood of Christ! Glory!
  4. We were Gifted life by God

We were created in God’s image (Genesis 2:16-17). The ox and the ass know their masters here on earth, although they too can be rebellious and stubborn. But so much can be learned from God’s creation.

We have several critters around our home, but the three who I deal with beneath my feet daily are Izadora, Versace and Callie. A Chihuahua, a Jack-Huahua (1/2 Chihuahua and Jack Russell) and a calico cat. The dogs are adoring creatures who just want to love us continually. They cannot get close enough. Callie the cat is a vicious creature who loves nothing more than to come from nowhere to grab your bare feet with her claws and scare the daylights out of you! She is self-absorbed and could care less if you like her, so long as you feed her. True story! But which creature sounds more like God’s human creation?

That’s because Satan stole our hearts. Oh my goodness! That thought makes me so sad. When Satan tempted Eve in the garden, he tempted her with something that would steal her heart from her Creator God. She fell, Adam fell and because of that, we are all a fallen, stolen creation from the Savior. (Romans 6:23) The wages of sin is death. Once we get to the age of knowledge, when we can determine right from wrong, Satan has us in his clutches, just like he did Eve underneath that tree.

But praise God! We were bought back. 1 Peter 3:18 ~ For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.

It’s a price my mind cannot fathom. I try. But I just can’t wrap my mind around the physical pain that He endured for me, and His separation from His father. How could He love me that much (John 3:16) even in my rebellion? A point Doug brought out that sorrows my soul is that Christ even did it for those who will never accept Him as Lord. He loves us all the same.

God’s greatest gift to us was the freedom of life.

Doug’s favorite verse is Matthew 11:28. It’s one of mine too and it’s a reminder that we do not have to live with the burden of sin and strife.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The ox and the ass know where to go when it’s time to rest. They go to master’s crib. We too should find ourselves cradled in the arms of God when life gets too much. O God… to be so wise…

Thanks Doug for the thoughts, and thank You Jesus for your word.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Just Do Something!

Some mornings the start is rough. The older I get it seems the rougher it seems and our 54 degree morning here in West Virginia made this morning a little crunchier. The sky is clear and the sun is shining but my bones feel like mid-November. That’s enough whining… now I’ll get to the point of today’s very short message. Weep. Pray. Do Something!

That was my mindset this morning as I attempted to wrap my head around a thought as I read in 2 Chronicles again today, trying to finish up my Bible reading list. But my thoughts were going back to scripture in the days before when the Levites had to help the Priests out because there wasn’t enough of them to do the job. My heart breaks for the little country churches across America who don’t have willing leaders, or for some of them any leaders, but for most of them, worn out leaders!  I also have many friends with broken hearts for various reasons and my heart breaks too. As the tears fell down my cheeks this morning I was frustrated at my inability to fix “stuff” and people. And then the thought popped into my mind and the burden lifted from my heart.

“Weep. Pray. Do Something!”

In Psalm 126:5 David writes, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”

I was sowing tears in my Bible this morning and believing that God was going to turn the mourning hearts of friends into joy one day. Maybe not today. But today I could reap the joy in knowing that God had their lives in His hands and He was faithful to answer their prayers and mine. I just needed to do something. Even if it was cry. Sometimes that’s enough.

Psalm 56:8 says

Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

On some days tears are enough. God obviously appreciates that effort, else why would He put our tears in a bottle and write it down in a book. He commemorates our weeping. That thought captured my attention.

On the days when I don’t think I’m doing anything, God takes note…

So I dried up my eyes. Sketched todays image. Wrote these few words to remind you and I both. “Just do Something.” Whatever it is, if it’s done for the Lord it’s a worthy effort.

I love you… I’m praying for those that read todays blog and asking God to help you understand what your ‘something’ is.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized, worship

Getting the Spirit Back Where He Belongs

I refuse to be a judger of men when it comes to how other people and churches conduct themselves in services. I will only stand before God for the manner in how I conducted myself, and how I, as a leader, lead others. A lesson King David learned when he attempted to bring the Ark home from Kirjath-jearem. Uzzah lost his life because of David’s error in leadership. Uzzah was a Levite, but not a priest, who had been ordered to carry the Ark. One stumble of the oxen, one touch to the hallowed property of God and a man was dead. God takes order serious. (1 Chronicles 13)

Now I realize we’re not in Old Testament times, we no longer live by the law, but when I looked at the original church (Israel) it reminded me very much of the mega churches of today that so many people are critical of. I have to wonder if they’d be so critical of a mega church if it were theirs? But back to my point: be it mega or a little country church up the hollow, God still expects order.

David finally caught onto that the second time he brought up the Ark when he said in 1 Chronicles 15:13, “For because ye did it not at the first, the Lord our God made a breach upon us, for that we sought him not after the due order.”

So the order was fulfilled and the Ark and the presence of God was back where it belonged! Is that not what we want in our churches? The presence of Almighty God! Certainly it doesn’t require an Ark, but I still think it requires order.

The presence of God is carried within each child of God. What Uzzah couldn’t touch, because of the blood of Jesus, we are allowed to carry. My how things have changed.

Titles have changed within the church; we no longer have Priests but Pastors, Bishops, preachers, teachers, deacons, trustees and others who are put into place to hold order inside the church. The New Testament is clear about the order of the church (1 Tim. 3:1-12) with Christ always as the Head of the church. And those things will often be in line (for the most part) and yet the Spirit of God will not be felt. Then other churches will not have all things in line, and yet the Spirit of God will be felt. What’s the deal?

That was my question to God this morning?

Then like a brick off the brick yard being hurled at my mind an answer came.
“I’m no longer in the box. So stop putting Me there.”

God, through the sacrifice of His Son has made Himself personally touchable to everyone who has accepted Him as Lord. The problem is, those who carry Him into the church, don’t touch Him. They don’t stir up the Spirit within, they just let Him sit there inside of them, waiting for church to be over, all the while the Spirit cries “I want to be loosed!” And it is those who find criticism for the wild behaviors in mega churches, which I too believe may cross a line not intended by God. So who’s right and who’s wrong? I’ll let God decide.

I do however know in my heart that God intended for no man to take the Spirit of God for granted. When David returned with the Ark, there was music, dancing, instruments and shouting and it upset Michal, David’s wife. There will likely always be someone who “doesn’t get it.” It didn’t stop David and it shouldn’t stop us.

God’s mega church of the Old Testament had order. It had leadership and small groups, and all things had honor and respect for God. God is still every bit as Holy today as He was then, the only difference is we are granted far greater access as commoners by the cross. How we treat Him matters and the world needs to see a difference in how we approach Him and how we react when we get there. Less He be considered no different than the gods of this world.

Posted in Bible Journaling, doodles, Uncategorized

God’s Recipe for Earth

There’s this image I have of God because of the images that I’ve viewed since childhood. A painting that will no doubt pale in comparison to His beauty in Heaven. But that image sticks in my mind; so that when I read a verse like Isaiah 40:12, I have to rethink my image of God.

Isaiah 40:12

Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in balance.

Measured the Water

About 71 percent of the earth is water, with every single drop created and placed by God at creation and distributed in such a way that it sustains life here on earth. Random explosion or intelligent design? Insert rolled eyes here…How could anyone think other than God? And God measured it in the hollow of his hand! That’s where my image of God gets messed up. I’ve seen the ocean, that’s a lot of water! But with His hand He measured the amount as if pouring it in to a recipe for perfection.

Recipes used to spaz me out. I would fear that my measuring wouldn’t be exact and I’d mess up the recipe. Over the years I’ve adapted the God and my mother method of measurement. A cup or two of this or that, a spoon or two of this or that, measured precariously. For the record, that doesn’t always work for me. But it worked for God, because He’s God.

Meted Out Heaven

Again. God is amazing! With His hand He meted (measured Heaven) with the span of His hand! It blows my mind. I recently sewed my very first quilt, which required a lot of measuring. It also required a lot of attention to detail. Praise God, God did not measure out Heaven as I did the seam allowance on my quilt, else Mars would be sewn into Jupitar’s part of the sky. My quilt is far from perfect but it was created with love and a passion to glorify God. The quilt blocks don’t line up as they should, my artistic endeavors in the center have missed stitches and bad stitches, but with the time I had in, and the missionary thoughts, I understand God’s frustration with the way we take care of His earth. What must He have thought when He finished placing the stars and planets in orbit? Wow…

Comprehended the Dust

He knew the numbers of the grains of sand on every beach in the world. Even Munday Beach, West Virginia. Amazing right? He took that very dust and formed man as an artist in clay and then breathed life into Him. God comprehended, but I cannot. He’s just too big! The good news is, I don’t have to understand it. I just have to believe it! I’ve heard enough intelligent scientist who believe the Word of God, back it up with evidence. And if they didn’t, I still believe it. Because the Word of God tells me so.

Weighed the Mountains

Everything in balance. And the world keeps spinning on. It’s like a giant mixer, spinning and spinning and spinning. Eventually it will be time to go in the oven.

Scripture says the things of this earth will be tried by fire.

2nd Peter 3:7 ~ But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

God’s waiting patiently. I’m a little less than patient when making something scrumptious. I keep checking and testing and often times that alone is its own destruction. If you’re a baker, you know. But just like God had perfect measurements, He has perfect timing. I’d have put this cake in the oven a long time ago as wicked as it is. But God’s not done with us, Hallelujah. There’s still more stirring to do.

He’s still pouring into us with gifts immeasurable, like His word, and His people. I’ve been blessed this week with a missionary in my home and I’ll tell you more later on that. But for now, take a look at the world around you… What’s God stirring in you today?

Posted in Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

There’s something going on in Nain (and Mayberry)

It’s a matter I tend to forget, that there’s always a back story in the lives of people. But just like most of the rest of the world, I get a snap shot of the life of someone and build an entire story off of that snap shot. A few minutes in time, doesn’t make a life. I certainly don’t want people to look at me as I sit in the lobby of a hotel working on this blog, judging me from this period of time. What would they think as I sit here alone?

Poor ol’ thing. Look at her sitting there with her Bible and no makeup. She’s probably some religious fanatic with a house full of cats. (no offense to cat people.) Perhaps they think I am what I am, a Jesus fanatic, writer who slightly quirky. That’s truth and it’s okay. But regardless of what they think, the strangers do not know the back story of my life. They don’t know that I have an amazing husband, family and church. That I am loved. The very same way that I do not know the life of the sweet Asian couple helping each other get their breakfast. Or the teen wearing two silly hats with his mom and siblings, perhaps a grandmother heading out on a “long ride” I heard her say. Vacation? Home? Funeral? I don’t know. I’m just seeing the snapshot. Not the whole story.

Luke 7:11-17

And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.

The people of Nain had no idea that something was about to happen. They likely knew the back story of the widow and her son. They knew that without him, she’d be in a world of trouble. She’d already lost her husband. Now she’d lost her son. The only provision she had for life… or so she thought. She didn’t know something was about to happen. Jesus arrives on the scene and it’s no longer a funeral, it’s a revival! It’s a rumor about to take off!! She didn’t know, nor did they that God was going to intervene in the situation. Jesus knew the backstory. He knew the widow ever second of the widows life, far, far more than the snapshot view we get in verses 11-17.

My time in this lobby is verses 11-17. I’m just seeing the snapshot. The truth of the matter is, my life for the last umpteen years may be verses 11-17 in the scope of God’s plan. I do not know what God is up too. That’s what I need to remember. That’s what you need to remember. Life frustration’s come. Some of them are gut wrenching (like the widows). But God can change it all with just one touch.

With just one touch the son got up, went home with mom; and I’ll bet all the food that the friends and neighbors had dropped off for the funeral, made the fixin’s for a great revival party.

Well. Today I’m in the south. Andy and Opie territory as a matter of fact. And I’ve had a touch of revival in my soul from Dr. Myron Guiler’s message at Temple Baptist Church in Mt. Airy, North Carolina last night. Tonight we are headed to see the Primitive Quartet. Glory to God!!! We didn’t even know they’d be here. And now here we are! God is so good.

There’s lots of things we don’t know… why do we always assume we do? Every day can be a struggle. But remember that it’s just a snapshot. That picture may change drastically and God’s glory may be getting ready to enter the scene.

Please Jesus…


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Music, Prayer, testimony, Uncategorized

What Would Change?

Every Easter I run the risk of losing the whole purpose of the Holiday, which is to serve as a reminder of the price our salvation cost. It didn’t come cheap. It cost God His Son, and the Lord His life. Yet, I get so wrapped up in the labor of love for the church that I forget to take the time to celebrate the labor of Love from our Lord and Savior.

I had all but sluffed off blogging today as I had the past couple of days because I had too many other things vying for my time. Like laundry, chocolate chip cookies, vegetable soup and cornbread, you know… really important stuff. (insert rolled eyes here). Even as I write, there are reminders all around me of other things I’d planned on doing today. But what slowed me down was a video posted on Facebook this morning by Blake Shelton.

Now, for the record, I have a love, hate relationship with the show “The Voice” because of the immoral aptitude of the co-stars. Yes, I know it’s Hollywood, not the church, but I’m still entitled to my opinion. So imagine my surprise when I listen to a song that Blake wrote titled “The Savior’s Shadow.” (Link Below) According to the link, Blake dreamed the lyrics, awoke, and wrote them down and then composed the song during a time in his life when he was struggling. Struggles can bring amazing things out in us when we’re in a attitude to receive the Lord’s goodness.

If the “religious” crowd aren’t careful they’ll miss the lesson I received in Blake’s song.

When I read the title, my Jesus Chick feathers ruffled up and I was ready with a critical spirit to critique him like they critique the people auditioning for their show. But I smoothed my feathers out, and listened. With each word Blake sang, my heart melted. And not for Blake Shelton, but for the Lord’s work.

I was quickly reminded that I’m a sinner saved by grace, and the only reasons I have this platform and the opportunities to minister in song is because the Lord had pity on my soul and used me in spite of who I really am.

I had written a social media post a few weeks ago regarding another co-star of the Voice, Kelley Clarkson. I was so aggravated with her announcing her Christian faith one minute and then cussin’ like a sailor the next. I’m still flustered over it. To be given such a platform for Christ and then to damage the cause for which He gave His life in such a way, through the vulgarity that she knows to be wrong makes me sad. For Jesus and her. She totally trashed her witness.

And then there’s Blake. Who makes no profession of faith, openly drinks alcohol and boasts of his immorality, and then look what God did through him! Is Blake saved? Well, there’s “no proof in the pudding,” as they say, but it’s not for me to judge. He’s not much worse than his co-star and in truth, he’s not much worse than a great many professing Christians who see no need to be in church or relinquish their mouth and morality to the Holy Spirit. And if I look at the inward part of Shari… no worse than me. I may not openly sin, but I certainly have some parts of my life that aren’t pleasing to the Lord.

Matthew 7:3-4 says And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?”

I heard a story the other day of an art critique who was invited to critique a selection of inspirational art. He stood before a painting of Mary and the Christ Child. Mary was holding the Baby in front of a countryside and mountainous scene, but to the critique’s eye, everything seemed off. The faces seemed distorted, as did the mountains and scenery behind them. It was almost as if everything was painted from a different viewpoint.

The art critique decided to change his position of view, and so he knelt before the painting in the busy gallery. There on his knees he discovered that the painting was meant to be viewed from the position of prayer.

Oh that we would critique the world around us from the position of prayer before getting into our “godly judgmental stances.”

If rather than tearing down the people we come across in the course of day, we got on our knees and viewed them from the position of prayer and through the eyes of God, what would change about them and what would change about us? What would change about me?


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Uncategorized

How Crazy is it?

The closer I get to Easter, the more my mind reflects on the cross. And the more I reflect on what God did that day the more I have to say that it’s got to be a crazy love that would be willing to do what Jesus did that day. When I look at the world we live in I think to myself “Why on earth would you have saved this wicked and rebellious generation?” For which I am one. I know my heart and how I can turn on a dime toward something sinful and ignore the Holy Spirit within in me that gives me more than enough support not to fall into it. And yet I do. And yet He still loves me. That’s crazy! But what’s crazier than His love is those who fail to accept it.

The Love of Jesus is Without Condemnation

While sin is not ever acceptable it is no less inevitable. 1 John 1:8 says If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” There is a difference between condemnation and conviction. Jesus will not condemn the child of God for the sins they’ve committed. That crazy day on the cross He died to cover every sin ever committed by His children. Is not that a worthy payment? Of course it is. Does that mean we can sin and not understand there should have been a penalty and yet may still be repercussions? Of course not.

If a store is robbed there is an earthly expectation of the penalty that freedom should be lost. If I hurt a friend without regard for them or our friendship I may lose that friend. But when I sin, regardless of the depth of the sin the penalty is paid in the eyes of God, and the relationship is restored the very second I turn to Him. That’s crazy love, but it’s how He works.

Sin is without condemnation but it is not without conviction. The Holy Spirit reveals to the child of God when sin is in the house, we know better. We may still fail but He has given us the power within us not to. If we fall into sin it is our choice.

The Love of Jesus Cannot be without Declaration

Matthew 10:33

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Professing Christ is more than just saying that you know Him. Satan knows Him. The demons of Hell know Him, but they are not children of God. I knew Him in my head from the time I was a child until 1996. But not until I declared Him as Lord of my life and trusted in Him to save me did I know Him in my heart. It was then that I truly felt the Holy Spirit guiding me and putting that conviction upon me when I wasn’t going in the right direction. It was also when I began to declare my love for Him. Even when the world thought I was crazy.

My friend Doyle Ballengee said it best when he said “Go ahead and call me a fanatic, when you or someone you love gets a bad doctor’s report, you’ll be looking for a fanatic.”

That’s how I feel about my declaration of love for Jesus. Go ahead and say I’m crazy when all I want to do is talk about my Lord and all that He’s done in my life. Because when your life gets turned upside down but this old world, someone as crazy as me can help you set it up aright by showing you how Jesus did that for me.

I know it sounds crazy to the world when I say that Jesus died for me. Because the world wouldn’t give you the time of day if it cost them anything of any magnitude. But Jesus will give you more than you could ever imagine in return for your declaration, acknowledgement of Who He is. God.

The Love of Jesus is Not without Expectation

I can hear the naysayers now, “Oh, there it is. I knew you had to do something.” No, you can sit on your toosh and do absolutely nothing and still make it to Heaven. Jesus paid the price once and for all at the cross. All who accept, believe and declare Him as Lord, that He died on the cross, rose again the third day, and ascended to Heaven to make intercession for you will be saved. But if you want to be all you can be for Christ, and have the reward of His glory, on earth and in Heaven, there is an expectation.

I sat at a table with three friends this past Wednesday, each with their own story of coming to the knowledge of Christ in their lives; four very different people with one common bond…Christ.

  • One came to Christ because she grew tired of being with people, and yet alone.
  • One came to Christ because the religion she had grown up with let her down when she needed it most.
  • One came to Christ when He realized the law wouldn’t save anyone.
  • And this one, me, came to Christ when I realized there was no peace in this world without the Prince of Peace. And “religion” wasn’t the same as a “relationship.”

Each one of us now serve Christ and desire to serve Him greater because He did that crazy thing on the cross.

How crazy was it? He was beat until His body was unrecognizable and said to have looked like hamburger, He was spit upon, and ridiculed, at the height of His pain had a crown of thorns rammed on His head and was mocked as King of the Jews. His earthly mother sat at His feet with her friends and wept for the Son God had allowed her to give birth to. Some of His final words were “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34 in part) That’s crazy because it’s true.

He did that for you. Have you experienced His love? Declare it and share it! He is worthy.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Grace, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A Lesson in Survival From Ollie the Owl

On a recent cold winter evening my husband David was delivered a wounded screech owl from our area of West Virginia. It had been hit by a car, and a 6.5 oz. owl verses a 4000 pound car survival story certainly speaks of the tenacity of this little creature. But when David brought it to the house I really thought he brought it home to bury. It was not in a good way. The first day it sat lifeless with an occasional opening of one eye. I guess to see if the humans taking care of it were still there. The second day he was more alert and obviously in pain, but by the third day it was apparent it was going to survive! But the quality of survival was still iffy. Probably the only one more shocked than we were about the survival was the owl. I named it Ollie, it just seemed like a good fit. We attempted a release but Ollie could only glide to the ground and then couldn’t take flight from there. We then called the WV Raptor Center to ask what we should do, because keeping an owl is a federal offence and wild creatures shouldn’t be caged anyway. That’s a no brainer. The center was very helpful and got in touch with raptor transporter who came in a few days to retrieve Ollie for assessment and owl therapy. Who knew! that owls could have therapy?

Our last few days with Ollie at our house were spent letting it perch on our hand, scratching its head and rubbing our fingers down its feathers. It made no attempt to bite us, it was gentle as a pet, but the better it felt, the less it encouraged us to touch it. I fed it raw hamburger (not the best diet) but I couldn’t do the frozen mice thing. According to the Raptor center raw liver would have been better. But Ollie loved the hamburger that I would spoon feed it. Needless to say, I grew quite fond of this little creature of God’s.

Historical Job’s Temple in Route 5, Gilmer County, WV

Karen, the raptor transporter assessed Ollie for a few days and then called to say it seemed apparent that it could fly and she invited us to take part in the release. The release had to be in the same area for which it was hit by the car, and that happened to be at a historical site in our neighboring county of Gilmer called “Job’s Temple.” A  Methodist Church building built between 1860 and 1866 and is constructed of poplar logs. It’s a beautiful location.  And too ironic not use for a correlation between Ollie’s rescue and faith.

Because of the condition of Ollie’s eyes it was apparent that it had a concussion. I feared that it couldn’t see at all. When our hand would pass by its eyes there was no reaction.

I Once was Blind but now I see…

A few days following his collision with the car.

I was in that same state of condition prior to my salvation in 1996. The walking dead. I was a part of the problem with religion. I professed but didn’t possess the Spirit of God. And that sad part is, I wasn’t even aware; I just knew something was missing. That missing piece was the Spirit of God! It caused me to soar in life… wait… I’m getting a head of Ollie’s story. Ollie didn’t know or care who David and I were, only that we were caring for it. Feeding it, nursing it back to health. Oh how very grateful I am for the church people that took me under their wings and discipled me when I finally was rescued through salvation. Please don’t ever underestimate the importance of helping a new convert find their way through Christian faith. Just like Ollie, if people hadn’t protected and spoon fed me for a while on the ways of Christianity I would have been devoured by the beast of Satan. I wouldn’t have been lost… but I could have very easily been discouraged from flying.

Your Grace Still Amazes me!

Salvation is amazing! But much like Ollie I fear the captivity. If we’d have gone against the law and kept Ollie caged, it would have continued to heal and had the ability to fly but its flight would have been constrained to the area for which it was kept. Sad. So many Christians are constrained to the walls of the church when it comes to experiencing the full power of God’s amazing grace!

Everyone is at risk if they don’t take risks.

Ollie trusted David and I for a few days as it was healing. I was under the direction of several people in our church for a time, until they were certain I could take flight on my own. It was then that I was encouraged to branch out into the ministry and take my spot on the branch. I began devouring the word of God until I felt I understood it enough to share it and then I began to teach. I began on the very elementary level, junior high and high school classes for which I needed. Slowly I progressed into the adult ministry. I came up through the ranks of every age class in our church. And with each one I learned more and more.

Ollie was a mature adult bird. It should have known better than to fly in front of a car. I was brought up in a Christian home, I should have known better than to be lost. But I did not. It doesn’t matter our age, it matters how we react to Rescuer. And it matters if you’re in the right place of rescuing.

I won’t say that anyone else couldn’t have done what we did for Ollie. But they couldn’t have possibly cared more. And that’s how I felt when I found my church family. I’d never been cared for in such a way. If you’re not in that church… find it. Find the one that will encourage and strengthen your soul until you fly!!!!

I’ll Fly Away

Ollie’s release was bitter sweet. It was the right thing to do, but I had so enjoyed the company of God’s precious critter.

I met Karen at Job’s temple and we trekked up the hill behind the church. She allowed Ollie to familiarize with the area again. It posed on her hand like it was waiting for us to get one final picture, and then within a few minutes, Ollie took flight! Oh my stars what a wonderful sight! I rejoiced to have been a part of the process.

If you’re a child of God, you too should rejoice in being a part of the process of seeing another child of God take flight.

Just like Ollie and the car, the world can hit us when we’re off guard or on guard. We need to encourage one another to stay strong in the faith. We all have times when we feel faith waning and that we’re not sure if the journey is going to end well. If you’re a child of God, it ends so much better than “well!” But the journey also can be amazing. Study and learn the word of God, learn to listen to the Holy Spirit, and when it’s time to take flight, soar like you’ve never flown before. God’s got a plan for you. Nothing just happens.

God sent Ollie to David and I because He knew the end of the story. He knew that He would be glorified. Will He not do the same for His children.

Luke 12:4-9

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Fixed Faith

Once we’ve grounded ourselves in the gospel of Jesus Christ through His salvation, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and determine His plan for our day to day living as well as our future.

Last November I had fixed my mind on ministering to the folks in the nursing home in our area. I kept putting it off and putting it off but the burden never left me. I knew this was something that God wanted me to use my talents for. So 2 p.m. on Mondays was established with the long term care unit of Minnie Hamilton Health System as my appointed time to minister to the residents. So I loaded my Bible and my guitar into the car and off I went, not knowing what to expect. And what I didn’t expect was the way the power of God came over that service. I sang and shared what the Lord had done with my life, and the residents began to praise Him for the things in their life and share their testimonies of faith. They sang with me and listened to me and had such grateful hearts for the 40 minutes of time I was there. We had church! I don’t think my feet touched the floor when I left their unit and walked back to my car. My soul rejoiced that the Lord had been glorified through my service. And I was somewhat shocked as well! I never understand why God is so good to me, even after it took me 3 months to become obedient.

Best Rolex Watch: A Timeless Elegance

When it comes to luxury timepieces, Rolex stands as an epitome of excellence, craftsmanship, and timeless style. Since its inception over a century ago, Rolex has consistently redefined the art of watchmaking. In this article, we’ll explore the world of Rolex watches, delving into their history, iconic models, and what makes them one of the best luxury watch brands globally.

2. The History of Rolex
Rolex was founded in 1905 by Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis in London, and the brand has been synonymous with precision and innovation ever since. Over the years, Rolex has introduced numerous groundbreaking advancements in watch technology, making it a pioneer in the industry.

3. Rolex watches Quality
Rolex watches are known for their impeccable craftsmanship. Each watch is meticulously assembled by skilled artisans, and the brand employs rigorous quality control measures to ensure that every piece meets its high standards. The attention to detail and the use of premium materials set Rolex apart.

4. Iconic Rolex Models
Rolex has an extensive collection of iconic models, including the Submariner, Datejust, Daytona, and the Oyster Perpetual. These watches are celebrated for their enduring appeal, innovative features, and stylish designs. Owning one is not just about telling time; it’s making a statement.

5. Rolex’s Contribution to Innovation
Rolex has played a significant role in advancing watch technology. They introduced the first waterproof watch, the Oyster, in 1926, and later the Perpetual rotor mechanism, revolutionizing the automatic self-winding watch. Rolex’s commitment to innovation has earned it a place at the forefront of watchmaking.

6. Rolex as a Status Symbol
A Rolex watch is more than a timekeeping device; it’s a status symbol. Celebrities, dignitaries, and successful individuals often choose Rolex as a symbol of their achievement and style. Wearing a Rolex is a testament to one’s success and discerning taste.

7. The Rolex Warranty and Service
Rolex offers a reliable warranty and after-sales service, ensuring that your investment is protected. Their service centers around the world guarantee that your Rolex watch is well-maintained and retains its value.

8. How to Choose the Best Rolex for You
Selecting the best Rolex watch for you is a personal decision. Consider your style, preferences, and intended use. Whether you opt for a classic model or a sporty one, Rolex offers a variety of choices to cater to your individual needs.

9. The Investment Value of Rolex
Rolex watches are known for their ability to retain and even appreciate in value over time. Many collectors and investors see them as a sound financial choice, making a Rolex not only a stylish accessory but also a wise investment.

10. Maintaining Your Rolex
Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep your Rolex watch in pristine condition. Regular servicing, cleaning, and avoiding extreme conditions will ensure that your watch continues to function flawlessly.

God honors even delayed obedience. Who knows what blessing I would have received if I had begun back in November when He laid the burden on my heart? Or perhaps I wasn’t ready then and God is satisfied with my journey now. Regardless, I need to stay committed to the service God has given me.

Serving God takes commitment. It’s not for the willy nilly in faith who are on again off again at church or serve when it’s convenient. Especially when dealing with people who are believing in you like those in the nursing home. God’s word reminds us to take care of those that are weak. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ~ Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

God did not put us on this earth to soak up sunshine. We have purpose. What is yours?

Fixed in talent

My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. – Psalm 57:7

David had a multitude of talent. Not just singing and writing. He was leader, a musician, an encourager of the people of God. He was a warrior and a man after God’s own heart. He was committed to the purposes of his life, even though he too failed. He’s a favorite bible character of mine because I can identify with him on so many levels… starting with his failures.

So what does it mean to “fix” your heart?

The definition of fix is – 1. To correct or set right. 2. Is to make ready for a specific purpose. 3. Is to place securely, make stable or firm. All good ideas when preparing our heart to serve God.

So in preparation to make life right in our service for God. Make a list of your talents. Every single one. Please don’t say that you have none. I’ve never believed that and I’ve proven it wrong in everyone that’s told me that excuse.

Your talent may not look like what the world views as talent. My husband David cannot sing, but he can teach like nobody I know in a manner that makes it understood. He’s extremely focused and committed to the completion of any task in front of him. He’s skilled at fixing and repairing almost anything electrical or mechanical. God created his mind that way. How many ways could God use those in the operation of a church? Perhaps you like to create. The house of God needs creative people. Organization may be your passion. There are so many places that God could use you. Talent isn’t just singing or speaking in the house of God. So make your list and think inside and outside the box on how God can use you.

Fixed in testimony

O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. – Psalm 108:14

David was a talented man, but he never failed to give God the glory. By praising God for your talents, you’re fixing them, placing them in the hands of God, not to be removed by Satan who loves to steal God’s glory; and if we fail to recognize Who it is that gives us our talents, Satan does just that.

Make sure you give God the glory due when someone comments on how beautifully you did something or how beautiful you are. Never miss an opportunity to praise God in the congregation of the Lord. He loves it. It’s like a gift you can hand to God from the earth. Isn’t that an awesome thought.

Fixed in trust

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. – Psalm 112:7

Once we’ve made our list, we have to trust God to open the doors of opportunity and then give us the power through Him to put those talents to use.

Before going into the nursing home on Monday, I really didn’t know how God was going to work it out. What was I going to sing, should I speak in between songs, etc., etc. Well, from the moment I sang my first song, the Holy Spirit took over that time and lead me from one song to a word of encouragement, to a testimony from them… it was just amazing how God had that whole time planned out. All I had to do was be faithful and committed to what He ask.

Do you hear God asking? Be faithful!