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by wptg
I hear His voice and I’m so glad! – The Jesus Chick

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shepherd in the storm

The past few weeks I’ve been off the grid as far as my blog posts are concerned because I was getting back in touch with the paper version of my Bible with a renewed excitement for the word of God and all because of a journaling bible, a pack of markers and a new box of colored pencils… Simple folks have simple ways, right?

I’m all about the digital version of the Bible! I love that I can read and search for scripture with the click of a button and within a second have the very word of God before my eyes. It’s amazing! But there was something about the paper version that I was missing. Nothing tops having the Holy Spirit in your heart, or having the word of God in your hand… Add to that markers and colored pencils and oh my stars! It’s like heaven came down. True story!

And so it was that I became an addict again to my Bible. Every spare second I could find I was reading the pages hoping to find an image rolling around in my mind to doodle on the pages of that precious book, bringing it even more to life and causing my mind to ponder…

David said it in Psalm 77 when he thought God had all but forgotten him… we get that way when we’re not reading and studying the word of God like we should. Listen to his words and see if they heaped conviction upon you as they did me:

10 And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. 11 I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. 12 I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. 13 Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?

He essentially said, “This is my problem God. You are still awesome…”

I did this, I got away from the God, I allowed the world to come into my life and upset the balance. God didn’t move nor change. He’s still as awesome as He ever was. And so I began to remember the “right hand of the most High” who lead me to where I am today, and the many things that He has brought me through. As I doodled on the sides of those pages I meditated on the Words that caused the images to come into my mind… and God would bring me into the sanctuary of His presence. Who is so great a God as our God?

There is none so great as our God! The final verse in this chapter says that “Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.”  And it was there that this image came into my mind of the sheep being lead through the storm… I am that sheep… and God will bring me through because “He is forever, come what may, absolutely awesome.”

Did David’s words speak to your heart about your time with God? David not only meditated and thought on God’s word but he said that he then talked of what God had done. And I realized again that this wonderful platform that God gave me is a powerful thing and is meant to encourage the believer to keep going, to draw the sinner to Christ and soothe the soul of the hurting. It’s my job to paint the pictures of the Holy Spirit with words and share those with people so that they too might be encouraged in the same manner I am as I write them.

God is awesome… I needed to tell you that today. Even in the storms of life He’s leading His sheep… I hear His voice… and I am so glad…

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