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by wptg
Saved but Silent – The Jesus Chick

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on my mind

For certain it’s a conversation starter! For the passionate child of God it will make a preacher out of the meekest of them when they begin to tell of their inability to understand lukewarm saints. For the lukewarm saint it begins a conversation about the “Not Everyone’s.” With statements like:

  • Not everyone’s a soul winner.
  • Not everyone’s a shouter.
  • Not everyone’s got time.
  • Not everyone’s been called….

It’s usually at this point in a conversation that people start reading my very expressive face. My eyes roll. My lip gets bitten. My fingers and hands have a passion for rhythm from the war drums going off inside my head. My right leg starts to bounce a little as if I’m getting ready to run. And I too sit silent because I know if I say what’s on my mind there’s going to be hurt feelings. Usually mine, because you can’t convince a lukewarm saint that anything’s wrong with them. They love to tell me why they’re not lukewarm, they’re passion is just concealed in their conservative ways. And they’re offended that I would suggest otherwise.

Saved but silent is sickening.

A few personal thoughts that have my heart stirred up this particular Saturday night:

  • I know not everyone’s a shouter, else the church would be chaos. But the Lord wouldn’t mind a Holy grunt once and a while.
  • If you can’t remember the last time you were at the altar, you are way overdue.
  • There’s two reasons you go to the altar, 1. Because you need to, and 2. Because you think you don’t need to.
  • Everyone may not be a soul winner, but everyone should be burdened for souls.
  • If you think Sunday School isn’t important, you’re either very well studied and you should be teaching, or you think Sunday School is not needful and a waste of time. And God knows that’s what you think.
  • If the people you share your day with haven’t heard you talk about Jesus, you sat down and shut up when Satan told you to.
  • If your idea of an active prayer life is three meals and a bedtime prayer, you’ve covered food and sleep but the other 23 hours of your day are in the hands of Satan. If you don’t pray over your food, one day you may choke.
  • If you volunteer for school and community events but not for church your priorities are not in check.
  • If a child of God has made you feel uncomfortable because they do any of the aforementioned things you are going to be real uncomfortable in Heaven.

Just a few things on my heart…

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