Posted in Life Inspiration

Great is the mystery, but sweet is the understanding 

I seen a meme this morning that used the gifts given to Jesus to make a “funny”, saying There’s gold, there’s frankensense… but wait, there’s myrrh!” You might have to be an essential oil fanatic like myself to think that’s even funny, but I thought it was hysterical! And it’s how I feel about opening the word of God. There’s treasures to be found, Sense to be made, and so much more!!!!

We can learn about God through our day to day experiences with him. When we seek to follow his commands, we learn new things about him and his values and why this world is so insane. It is through His word that learn we can rely on Him for everything in our lives, and then we discover that there is so much more to God than we ever imagined. 

I hesitate this morning to even write about Matthew, because it’s not like I would have one iota of understanding of him. He was a numbers guy, a tax collector. I’m not a numbers gal. I would imagine that Matthew was a very logical thinking guy. Everything had to add up! But when it comes to Jesus, there’s nothing logical about it, even though everything certainly aligns. 

Matthew 9:9-12 KJV

And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him. [10] And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. [11] And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? [12] But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

The Pharisees saw Matthew and his tax buddies setting with Jesus and they couldn’t understand the logic of hanging out with such a low class of people. They viewed those people as unworthy of their company. But Christ knew their lifestyle and viewed it as an opportunity to build His church. He then used a very simplistic analogy for the religious Pharisees to understand, that just as the sick need a doctor, the lost need a Savior. This was logic that Matthew and his friends understood, just as anyone of any other personality and ability can understand. It is instilled in the heart of man, that there’s more to life. Or myrrh, as the comedian said! 

So much more!

1 Timothy 3:16 KJV

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Great is the mystery, but sweet is the understanding. 

Timothy knew what Matthew had learned. Matthew through his first hand knowledge of being with Jesus in the flesh. And Timothy, through his first hand knowledge of being with Jesus in the Spirit. 

It wasn’t up for debate

Matthew and Timothy had both experienced Jesus! And so have I. When I first became saved in 1996, I couldn’t get enough of Jesus. I wanted to hang out with preachers and teachers everyday. I met with them for breakfast, I was in church at every opportunity, and not only my own church, but anyone else’s that was having a revival meeting. There was no question that Jesus was God and He was very real, because His presence was so obvious in my life. 

In those days when Jesus walked the earth, there were eye witnesses to Him, and the miracles that He performed. As far as Timothy was concerned there was no controversy. 

We live in a world of controversy. Someone is always wanting to argue about something, especially when it comes to faith or morality. But for Timothy, neither were up for debate because he knew Jesus and knew the teaching of Jesus because he stayed in his word and with his people. 

I know for a fact that if I’m struggling to deal with something in my life it’s almost always because I’m out of God’s word. Oh, I’ll still have struggles, but if I stay in God’s word He’ll help me makes sense of it all. 

Timothy preached a 5 point message in that one verse of 3:16

Justified in the Spirit

Upon salvation a child of God receives the Spirit of God within themselves for the constant guidance of the Lord Himself. It’s not up for debate. The Lord speaks everyday. But are we listening. 

Seen of Angels

I find it hysterical, not really funny, but ridiculous that the world loves the cute little cherubs or the beautifully ornate angels statues. But most people do not understand the purpose of these God created beings. They were created to glorify and praise God. They serve Him and He gave them spiritual abilities that could go far as killing 185,000 soldiers (2 Kings 18:35). Angels are indeed gloriously beautiful. They’re always mentioned as male in the Bible. Not female as they’re mostly imaged in todays society. 

Preached to the Gentiles

This was the hardest thing for those Pharisees to understand. Jesus loved sinners and thats how they viewed Gentiles. They didn’t deserve salvation. Tell me that’s not how we often look at the lowest and vilest of people in the world today. The rapist, murderer, child molesters… they don’t deserve Jesus, right? No, that is who Jesus came to save and you and I are in that group. Everyone is a sinner. There are no righteous people until they have accepted the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection and then His blood makes them righteous. 

Believed on in the World

Another 3:16 verse is John 3:16 that many unsaved can quote. 

John 3:16 KJV

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

That’s who Jesus came to save, the entire world. The very world that He created. That’s where people sometimes have a hard time understanding, why would God create a world that was lost? For the same reason that you and I have children. We love them and we want them to love us. Not forcibly, but just because we created them. There is no greater thing in life than the love reciprocated of your children. 

Received up into Glory

The last time Jesus was seen in person was when He ascended back to Heaven. Over 500 witnesses watched as He floated off to glory. Many were killed for professing it. Would they have been willing to die for a lie? No, I don’t think so. But it doesn’t matter who believes and who doesn’t in the grand scheme of life with regards to whether or not it happened. It did. And it’s going to happen again when Jesus returns for His church and takes them home to be with Him for eternity. 

But what about you? Will you bee received by Him, or will He leave you behind to deal with this earth when evil is released to it’s fullness? Please, make sure you’re saved. Tell your family about Jesus. Do you have questions, then message me! I’ll do my very best to answer you quickly. God bless ya!!! Love ya… mean it. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Leadership

It’s Our Job

One of the very few problems about being raised by Gene and Violet Hardway is that they’re really nice people. They were not voice raisers, they’re hard workers, and under no circumstance was there a reason to be rude. And at the time I was being raised, that was the way it was in most country homes. Not all. But most of the ones that was around. There was the occasional opinionated loud mouth, for which I always had a great fascination with. So long as they weren’t hurting peoples feelings. I have never had an acceptable tolerance of that and don’t plan on changing. But what I discovered as I grew in age and established a personality all my own, is the fact that I am inwardly that opinionated loud mouth. It’s still very difficult for me to break through the barrier of my upbringing and unleash it, but I do. I hope I’m nice about it though. But I consider it my job. And if you’re a part of the body of Christ, I consider it your job. 

1 Timothy 3:15-16 KJV says

But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Of course Paul is speaking to Timothy about the leadership inside of the church, and you may not consider yourself among the leaders of the church, but it’s still our job. There are times when there ain’t a preacher in the vicinity, and someone has to defend the truth, and that someone might be you. If there’s no one else, it must be. But it gets harder and harder to do that. It’s also getting more dangerous. Not quite as dangerous as it was in the days of Apostle Paul, but still yet, if you speak out for Christ you will likely get berated for you belief. And in some places possibly worse. So… what’s our job description in this wicked world for which we are living. 

You Oughta Behave

In the church and out. I’m not going to stay on this point because that should be obvious to us all. But human nature being what it is, we all fall. And when we do, we should be man or woman enough to to confess it and move on. 

You Oughta Be Alive!

After all, we are the church of the Living God! So why is it that most churches are as dried up as a cracker barrel? They’re afraid to lift a hand, shout amen, glory or hallelujah and for pete’s sake don’t stand up and shout or testify. That’s inside the church. On the outside there should be evidence of the life on the inside. Our communities need to see the body of Christ outside the church doing something. Living our faith out.

I been beating myself up for not doing more for the body of Christ during this pandemic. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and I see so many places I could have made a difference.

Our reach has had limits because of the COVID19, but I personally believe that many of those limits have been put on by the people, not the government. While there are some who should not risk their life to be out in the community because of the health risks,  their are more that could have been. This is where I’m going to step outside of my Hardway upbringing and lay what I believe on the table. 

I don’t believe America should have been shut down. If you do, that’s fine. I won’t argue. But I’ve never understood the quarantining of the well. Yes the ill, yes those at risk, but not those who are well and can wash their hands and avoid contact with people. Don’t shake my hand, I won’t be offended. But if a healthy person being paid for by tax dollars locks a door in my face,  I’m frustrated. Create fear in my church people and I’m angry. Encourage caution. Yes! Incite fear… hmmm… we know who the author of fear is. 

You Oughta Be Firm

Paul told Timothy that the church is the “pillar and ground of truth.” We are the very foundation of the church of the living God.  It’s our job to defend the word of God when it’s attacked, and it is being attacked from every leftist direction while the church is just now getting back on their feet after having taken a Corona hiatus. I know there was some great work being done in the realm of online church, and I won’t make light of it. But what I’m not seeing is the church speaking out against what’s going on in Washington, DC and across the nation.  

How does someone kick a police force out of their building and city, ask for the mayor’s resignation and proclaim it their “own country? And Americans sit by with a glazed look in their eyes and do absolutely nothing. Oh… and those non-violent loving people have guns, which they don’t want us to have. I wonder why? They call their city CHAZ, standing for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. They’re now threatening to come into rural areas. Are we still saying nothing? 

I watched in horror yesterday as a white woman, screaming at the top of her lungs, threatened a woman in her car for not giving the “black lives matter” salute in a line of traffic, and then refused to let her move her car, while more protestors surrounded her. That’s scary stuff. And I totally get it when we say, “but it’s not where I am.” But my question is, “will it be?” 

I said all that to say we need to know what the word of God says about what is right and what is wrong. Because from Washington DC to Seattle, Washington the world is pushing an agenda that is as unbiblical as it gets. The more time you spend in the word of God the less controversy there is in your heart about what and who is right or wrong. And when someone’s is wrong the Bible says to mark them. I’ve marked a few. Starting with the show the Voice. I’ll not watch it again as long as John Legend is on there. He was one of the first to ask for police budgets to be cut. He who has a paid security force. I’m going to stand my convictions, and I’m going to be loud. 

1 Timothy 4:1-2 KJV

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

The iron is heated and it’s seared many a conscious.

I just needed to be loud for a minute. Okay…. maybe for more than that. I’m not done.