Posted in Christmas, Life Inspiration, salvation

The odds you’ll go to Heaven…

The day after Christmas… people are back to work, kids are sleeping in with the luster of new toys dulling by the minute, diet consideration has begun, Christmas travelers will be heading back home and the New Year approaches at lightning speed. Heavy on my heart this morning, and actually through the Christmas season was the thought “what about the day after Jesus came?”

The saved and unsaved alike have no problem celebrating the birth of Jesus. There are those who complain and gripe that Christians have the audacity to celebrate their own holyday, but I doubt they mind the occasional bargain that comes with the season. But this morning the glitter has now fallen to the floor, the tree is slightly disheveled, mistletoe’s been exchanged for a “good morning dear” and the chatter of Jesus is left to religious fanatics (like me). Life goes back to normal.

Except for those of us who are abnormal.

I can’t get the day after thought off my mind. What if Jesus had returned on Christmas day, and this was the day after. What if while we slept Jesus came back unaware and the unsaved got up this morning to an empty house because they’re spouse and children were called home to be with Jesus. “What an awful thought!” you say? Awful as it is, it is reality. The Phil Robertson naysayers could debate his statements all they wanted with little argument and the Anti-Christ Lawyers Union (the ACLU) could rule the world, since lawyer is an important profession and you can get the best resources for accidents or wrongful death at Political factions and scientists could and likely will concoct all sorts of reasoning for the disappearance of Christ’s people, and those left behind may believe it, but they’ll find no comfort in their words. But there’s good news!

Jesus hasn’t returned yet!

What’s the odds that He won’t? After all, the Bible says He will.

Let me tell you about the odds of Bible Prophecy not coming true:

Professor Emeritus of Science at Westmont College, Peter Stoner and 600 university students set out to calculate the probability of one man (the Man we know as Jesus) fulfilling the major prophecies concerning the Messiah. After narrowing it down to a humanistic viewpoint of only eight of the Bible prophecies concerning the Messiah they determined that the odds Christ would have fulfilled only eight of those prophetic Biblical statements was 10 to the 17th power.  To illustrate how large the number 10^17  is (a figure with 17 zeros), Stoner gave this illustration:

Suppose that we take 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They’ll cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would’ve had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time, providing they wrote them in their own wisdom. (

So according to this mathematical and scientific equation, if Jesus had returned on Christmas day, what are the odds you’d be with Him and your Christian family members? Only you have that answer. But the truth of the matter is we don’t need a mathematics professor to figure out that you have 0% chance if you have not accepted Christ as your Savior.

The Bible says in 1st Thessalonians 4:15-18 ~For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

I love that the scripture says “comfort one another with these words.” There is great comfort, not fear, in knowing the love of Jesus; fear comes when you are without Him. So… the question is do you know Him?

Posted in Christmas, Life Inspiration

Peace on Earth. Really?

It’s 7:00 am and I’m just now rousting myself up. Good grief! I spent yesterday from the wee hours of the morning until long after I should have been in bed, preparing gifts for Christmas, either shopping, stuffing or wrapping! Crazy! My house looks like Christmas exploded. I love giving gifts! I love to see the joy on the faces of those I love as they get something that their heart desired.  I love it more when they didn’t even desire it and got it anyway. I’m a spoiled brat by my husband who at Christmas seems to make up for every dumb thing he did that got on my nerves the other 364 days of the year. I spend way too much, have a great many regrets and then ask God to forgive me. But then… He did set the example on giving. The difference is He has deeper pockets, His own permission, and wisdom that I don’t even come close to having!

I know Christmas isn’t about the gifts, it’s about the Gift. That is wisdom I’m afforded and I’m so grateful this morning. I love the story of a six foot plus, “hoss of a man,” West Virginia Sheriff who was tougher than nails. He got saved several years ago shortly before Christmas and there were no gifts beneath his tree that year as there had been in prior years of being unsaved. But that year he bought a manger scene and lined all the characters under the tree. Then laid down prostrate in the floor and worshipped the King for the greatest gift he’d ever been given, peace on earth. That is a true story!

Peace on earth for a Sheriff! What a novel idea.

The Apostle Paul, who I guess was a Religious Sheriff of sorts in his day would have probably reacted to Christmas very much the same. He wrote to the Philippians in Philippians 4:9 ~ Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. Paul got peace because he knew of the inner turmoil that came from trying to live up to the expectations of religion and the world. It’s impossible! But with God there is nothing impossible and the change in him was apparent!

When the angels delivered the message of the Christ child they delivered with it a message of peace in Luke 2:14 ~ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And yet Christ Himself said in Luke 12:51 ~ Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

That sounds confusing unless you’re saved, because we know that the world is a mess, there is no peace to be found but rather conflict and dissension on every side.

But not within.

Within the heart of a child of God is peace that passes all understanding.

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

My prayer for you and your family is that the gift of peace reigns in your home this Christmas.

Posted in Christmas, Church attendance, Holiday Humor, Life Inspiration

10 Reasons Why People Don’t Attend Church – The unlit tree

As I drove through our small town yesterday the Christmas tree in the town square was flashing to the beat of Christmas music and the whole atmosphere in our normally economically depressed city was transformed to a happier place. The people in our quaint town are wonderful, the politics… not so much, but we’ll not park there. The population of our entire county is roughly 7600, depending upon how many people are out of town Christmas shopping, (I’m kidding). But we are rural America at its finest and sometimes worst. I would venture a guess at the number of those 7600 who attend church as less than 1,000. I actually believe it’s far less than that, but according to an article on approximately 20% of Americans attend church regularly, which would make Calhoun’s estimate at 1500. I have to wonder what they define as regularly. If by annually, then maybe. Well, that’s not very nice is it? You’ll have to forgive my cynicism, perhaps I should go back to town and check my Christmas spirit, but church attendance is a biggy on my list of Christian do’s and don’ts.

It’s like having an unlit Christmas tree. Pointless.

I’ve heard most every argument on why you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian, and while that’s true, because there are many who absolutely cannot get to church and they are indeed children of God; my argument is if you can go and don’t you’re the unlit tree.

Here’s the top 10 reason people don’t go to church from

Reason 1 – The church is full of judgmental people.

Are there judgmental people in every church? Probably! And let me give you my theory on why. If they’re in a church that’s preaching the gospel of Christ as it should be preached, that preacher stands before them as the brightest Christmas tree in the building and what that does is illuminate wrong living. So rather than dealing with their own err it’s easier to point out someone else’s making their own sin seem less in their eyes. Go anyway.

Reason 2 – Church is boring

You’re either in the wrong the church, or you’re there with the wrong attitude. Go anyway. The church is not for your entertainment, it’s for your edification. If you don’t like the menu in a restaurant, you find a new place to eat, you don’t starve to death! Amen?

Reason 3 – The Church is “exclusive.”

Scratch off denominationalism here. When searching for the right church for you, regardless of what name brand it is, one thing better be there “A welcome sign.” A church is your Father’s house; and if you’re not made to feel welcome, there’s a good chance you’re not home.

Reason 4 – The Church is homophobic

The bible under no uncertain terms says that homosexuality is a sin. It also says that lying, coveting, stealing, idol worship, disrespect and adultery is a sin. And there are those in every church in America. Find a church that loves people, let God deliver the message. If you truly want a relationship with the Creator, you need to position yourself in a place where His message is delivered, and that’s church, and that’s Bible. Go anyway.

Reason 5 – I don’t like organized religion

I don’t either. I like structured freedom for the Holy Spirit. Huh? Let’s face reality, there has to be some sort of organization else there’s chaos. Someone has to be in charge. So, you find the right Pastor and follow him, and then let the Holy Spirit lead. If he’s a God lead Pastor there will be freedom to worship in that place and the experience will be awesome! Go!

Reason 6 – Churches are full of hypocrites

Truth. And you’ll be one too. There isn’t anyone I know that lives a life like Christ, therefore we all are hypocrites. When we call ourselves Christians, by definition we are saying we live like Christ. No, we don’t, but we do the best we can and love each other regardless. Go anyway.

Reason 7 – The church just wants your money

Not true. But it does take money to operate a church. You have to look at it from the survival aspect: you buy food because you need it to survive, you pay for a car because it transports you from one place to another, you buy clothing because it covers you and keeps you warm, you buy things you like because they bring you pleasure. That’s what church does, only in a way that lasts an eternity.

Reason 8 – Life is better without religion

Yes. But church attendance isn’t about religion, it’s about relationship. In the very core of our being is a desire to have a relationship with the Creator and family. Church provides you both. And even if your family is dysfunctional, messed up or nonexistent, God will fill the voids in your life through His people in His place. That’s church. Go anyway.

Reason 9 – Christians live on another planet and wear brown sweaters

I so laughed when I read that, because it’s so true, until you get saved. I used to think that people who went to church every Sunday, and prayed at the altar and talked about God were just people without anything else to do, and then I became one of them. I then realized I had been missing out on the greatest experience in life – Non circumstantial living. Regardless of circumstance, God is good, I am loved, and He understands.

Reason 10 – I don’t have time

Refer to reason 6 and Commandment 9 of the big 10. You lie. In the words of my former Pastor, “You do what you want to do.” If you want a relationship with God you’ll make the time. And then a funny thing happens, you’ll discover you had far more time than imagined because God will open up doors for you to  fellowship with Him that you could never have imagined.

John 1:4-5 says “In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

If the light of Christ is not shining in you and through you, your tree’s not lit.

Get the point?

Posted in Christmas, Life Inspiration

No matter the season, He walks with me

It was a conversation with my teens last night that really got my heart stirred for the Christmas season. I’ve been through a lot of other “seasons” in life. The season of discouragement, the season of failure, the season of disappointment, the season of doubt… some, if not all have been annual seasons just like winter, cold and harsh. They’re most always inward battles that few people (if any) know I’m going through at the time, I just plod through like a chick in the snow; wrapped in layers of colorful fabric that detracts from the ugly thin layers beneath that are so easily torn with words.

Wow, that’s a very deep thought that could leave you thinking… I don’t really want to go down this road, it seems like a sad trip. Take heart, remember I said that it stirred my heart for Christmas! The reality of life is, everyone I know goes through similar battles and each deal with them in different ways. I personally don’t play well with others; meaning that I don’t share inward turmoil. Partly because I truly don’t want to “share” it with someone else and create sadness in them, and partly because not everyone is an encourager. As a matter of fact some of the people I’ve been stupid enough to share with have beat me with my own stick. Truth.

Now let’s get to that Christmas Season:

Deuteronomy 30:15-18

See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them; I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.

That’s got to leave you saying “What?”

It’s not your typical Christmas story by any stretch of the imagination but Christmas is written all over it. In red. Prior to the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord, God gave us two choices. Life or death made possible by right or wrong. A wrong choice could lead to death without any hope of a second chance. Sin was serious business. It still is, but the price that was paid to cover it was so high a price God didn’t refuse it. If His Son was willing to die for it (us), God was willing to accept it. And in so doing the gift we were given that first Christmas night was the gift of opportunity.

An opportunity to right every wrong through a relationship with God that hadn’t been known since the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve walked with God and then sin separated them from His goodness, but because of the final sacrifice that Christ made, we too can walk with God and overcome those seasons of our life that once would have destroyed us. The ultimate Christmas story is why that Baby came, not how He came. He came to save and restore what was broken. Me.

Every time I get something wrong, mess something up, lose faith in somebody or something I’m reminded of what that angel said to those nasty, dirty shepherds in Luke 2:10-11 “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

My Savior. Who came to earth as sweet, innocent babe, and died as innocent as He was born, for nasty, dirty me, and you.

No matter the season, He walks with me. How awesome is that!

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He is There!

My emotions have been on every level the past few days with information overload. I look at the blessings in my life and joy floods my soul, I read the news and my heart is burdened for the nonsense that goes on around us, I visit the pages of my friends on social media and my heart breaks for there are so many who are struggling with sickness and loss. But what I discover in my overload of emotions is there is one common denominator in all of the circumstances.


Satan would have us believe that in the worst of times God is not found, but oh contraire! Tis a lie from the pits of Hell. The news that burdens my heart is prophecy fulfilled in ways that have me shaking my head and wondering why our leaders who call themselves Christians cannot see it; they appear to go on making decisions that are so far from God’s intended design with little thought to a “payday someday.” R.G. Lee preached a sermon titled “Payday Someday” over 1,000 times in his ministry. And as I listened to a portion of it this morning from the text in 1st Kings 21, the story of Jezebel’s wicked plot to get the property of Naboth for Ahab her husband, I couldn’t help but see the resemblance of what is still occurring to Israel today. But the wicked will not have that land. Israel is not called the Promised Land without reason, and God doesn’t break His promises. It’s their land and it will stay their land. And Heaven help anyone who gets in the way of that promise. Even America. God’s still in the story.

On a personal front, Satan continues the lie that God is not found. I read story and post, one after another of heartbreak and sorrow in the lives of God’s people. Heartache doesn’t take a holiday. If anything there’s likely more heartache in the midst of the Holiday Season than any other. Because it’s a Holy Day. Satan thinks that if he can get the focus off of Christ and onto self he’ll have succeeded on some level of thwarting the Spirit of Christmas. Not true! What I see happening is even through the heartache and sorrow God is glorified in the lives of the Christians. Yes they’re hurting, yes they’re upset, but woven into their stories is that thread of hope that each one holds onto with the knowledge that God has a better day for them.  Go Jesus!!! He is faithful and true.

So to the naysayers I send the challenge from Isaiah 41:21

Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.

Go ahead and show me your reasons that there is no God and I can show you an endless supply of reasons that He is there. The big lie is that you believe there is no God. Because within you, you who God created by the way, is a seed of hope that lies in Him. You may have covered it up with the dirty lies of Satan, but deep within your heart still beats a desire to know your Creator.

Wrote myself happy again today! Let me know where you find God in your season!


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Unraveled at the Feet of Jesus

Trying to find a biblical family in the scripture to model your family after is next to impossible. Dysfunction doesn’t even begin to describe it. From the beginning it was filled with disobedience, betrayal and murder. So it should not come as a surprise that our own families are so messed up today, and yet when it happens we’re shocked. And when you couple the fact that those stories of dysfunction were within God’s chosen leaders of the day, who weren’t perfect, but their relationship with the Lord was to be desired; what does that say about us? Few of us have a relationship with the Lord that’s as tightly knit. So we unravel… and our family isn’t what we envisioned, and neither are we.

I can write from the heart of dysfunction. If God were still adding text to the Bible (and He’s not by the way), but if He were, there could likely be the book of Shari. Perhaps many sermons would be preached from my text with a title like “The Diva of Dysfunction.” There likely would not be the intrigue as many books of the Bible entail, but there would be comedy and chaos, heartache and hindrances to the will of God, fractured moments and failed missions. Several trips to the wood shed for certain. But… in the midst of it all you’d find Mercy. And me at His feet… unraveled.

From Heaven I have a feeling my life looks like a tangled mess of God’s intentions. Maybe yours does too. We have to remember that regardless of what we do, God does see the other side.

  • Poor decisions can take us down a wrong path. And though the distance is rougher and longer, God can still bring us to His intended spot.
  • Broken relations were not His plan, but the healing that He provides can make you stronger and more appreciative of the unbroken.
  • Finances may not be your forte, (it’s not mine) but by giving back to Him what we were entrusted with, perhaps that seed will take root and grow in ways we can’t even imagine. Or He may just give us contentment… and that’s okay too.
  • Sometimes family is the tie that binds, and sometimes it’s the tie that gags, but it’s the foundation of the gospel. We are the family of God. And if He can put up with our shenanigans do we not owe our family the same. A man who sought God’s wisdom ask his counselor “When can I stop caring.” The counselor’s reply was “When God does.”

If I wrote an exhaustive list of dysfunctions you wouldn’t take the time to read my blog. So let’s put it like this. You fill in the blank. “Dear God, ________________ is unraveling in my life. And I need you to knit it back together.”

Scripture says in Colossians 2:2 ~ That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

We don’t know the end of our story. But we can be comforted in the knowledge that we are loved and that God’s plan is still on track. That tangled mess that we see, will one day be a viewed as a beautiful tapestry …or perhaps a cable knit sweater.

I hope today finds your life at peace, and wrapped up in the love of God

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Discouraged? Have I got a verse for you!

It’s not hard to find discouragement in the world. Look at any number of posts on Facebook or Twitter and you find a world of hurt. Bring up the subject with friends and most will have an immediate recitation of events and dates. People let us down, we let ourselves down, life doesn’t go as planned and then Satan jumps on the bandwagon and shouts “They’re playin’ my song!” And we, in our weakened state say “Play it again Sam…” And rehearse the heartache again and again until it consumes us and we’re miserable. I speak truth because I’ve lived it.

When my children were small and someone or something had made them upset, all I wanted to do was hold them; I wanted to fix their world. The smaller they were the simpler it was, but as they grew so grew the complexity of their hurt and my hugs no longer had the impact I desired. They grew up and made the world their own and found somebody else to hold them when there was pain. They married and together those new found friends gave me grandbabies and the circle continues. That circle of life that is filled with an abundance of love, pain, and discouragement. That circle continues too.

It is in those times when we’re all grown up that the world seems the harshest and it’s in those times when I’ve found the God sized lap that I can climb into and He holds me just like I held my girls when they were small.

In search of encouragement this morning I found the sweetest verse that gave me a glimpse inside Heaven. When God was about to send Jesus into the world as our Savior, He was still His Son. He wanted to fix our world so bad that He’d do the unthinkable as a parent and sacrifice that which He loved most. And Jesus went voluntarily without hesitation because He wanted to fix our world too. Together the Father and Son had had the perfect life, but for the first time Jesus was going to experience life the way we know it to be, very imperfect. I could imagine the words in Isaiah 42:6 to have been the conversation between God and His Son…

I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;

“I will hold thine hand.” Is that not the sweetest thought ever? That God, the Creator of all tells the Son, the Creator of all, I called you and I promise to stand by You and strengthen You. He promises to hold His hand not only in the work but when the world lets Him down. When the angel was sent from heaven to strengthen him in his agony in the garden, just before He went to the cross, God fulfilled that promise. And it’s a promise that carries over to us. He’s called us and will in no way turn His back on us, but His unchanging hand will hold our hand as a loving Father does through it all.

Discouraged? Take heart that Your Father, the Creator of all has your hand, and He’s not letting go. Look up!

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Grafted & Grateful!

grafted and grateful copy

Romans 11:19-21 ~ Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

I have very few Jewish friends, and although there are no synagogues close by (only 0.1% of our entire state of West Virginia is Jewish) it does not lessen my burden for the Nation of Israel and my responsibility to pray for them. I do not understand much about the Jewish culture, but that’s okay; I don’t have to understand all there is to know about the modern day Jews to understand there was an olden day plan that’s still in effect. It makes my heart quiver when I see the government leaders of the United States turn their backs on Israel; I may not know a lot, but I know how God feels about His elect and those who fail to help them. I know from a mother’s perspective how I would feel if my children rejected me, it would more painful than I could possibly imagine and I know that God’s hurt is much deeper than that. So, when I think about God grafting the gentiles into the nation of Israel, I don’t take it lightly. He also knew how we’d treat Him, by the way.

It was God’s choosing to cut Israel off for a season because of their rejection of His Son, and it was His choice to allow a rag tag bunch of gentiles to come into His table and sup with Him as one of His own. Israel was, still is and forever will be God’s chosen people. What has changed is that they are no longer “exclusively” His people. Gentile believers are “grafted in” to His Chosen People Israel through the gift of the Holy Spirit upon our acceptance of His Son. It’s an honor, and one that is yet to be fully comprehended on how great it is. But when we gather in glory we’ll get it. Today I’m just grafted and grateful and I know that I don’t want to break my Lord’s heart.

Being a grafted part of the tree makes me want to have my roots by the water’s edge. Psalm 1:1-3 says “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also will not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

A Threefold Promise from being grounded in the Word of God.

Fruit – Strength – Prosperity. They do not come to the slothful or those inattentive of the things of God.

We’re not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Be careful where you get advice. Matthew Henry said that “God knows His people by name, but we must know them by their character.” We’re called to witness to the lost not to walk with them until we look more like them than Christ.

We’re not to sit in the seat of the scornful – those who make light of faith and talk against Heaven. There are some jokes that I’m pretty sure God doesn’t laugh at; such as those that make light of sinful acts or of the holiness of God.

We are to meditate in the Word of God. Not just read it and move on, but mull it around for a spell! Take a verse and consider how it applies to your life, search and see if your life matches up with the Word of God, or are there some areas that can use some work. I know what the answer is in my life.

It’s a privilege to have the Word of God, it is through the Holy Spirit that we have understanding of it. We have the Holy Spirit because God loved us enough to adopt us into His family and graft us into His family tree. Don’t take it for granted…

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Have You Heard It?

Galatians 4:6

And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Have you heard it? The Holy Spirit within your heart desiring to be in the presence of Almighty God? It’s Sunday morning and I’m thankful for the Spirit that dwells within in me, the One that reminds me that I have been adopted into the family of God and that His desire is to commune with me as Father and child.  I am reminded of the feeling of hopelessness that filled that spot prior to salvation, when Sunday mornings didn’t matter in more than Saturday morning; both were just the weekend. That feeling makes me nauseous. The feeling of “not belonging.”

We all have that desire within us to belong, do we not? We may squelch it down beneath the pride of “I don’t need anyone to make me happy,” remarks but if we’ll allow ourselves to get real for just a minute we know that it’s a lie. A lie fabricated by Satan himself to make us feel that we are responsible for our destiny and happiness.

This morning you’ll find me in the fellowship of my brothers and sisters at Abba’s house. It’s a place I’ve called home since 1996 and I love even the aroma of the building, because I know that it is where I first met God. Where I first felt a part of the big picture of creation. The world had let me down, I was frustrated with the circumstances of life and then in one sparkle in the eye of my Heavenly Father, the feeling of disconnect was gone. I belonged!

I’ve always been a part of an awesome family; parents and siblings who loved me, a husband and children, and now grandchildren! But it’s not the same. It’s not the same as realizing that you are a child of the Creator of the universe and that He now travels with you where ever it is that you go. Hearing your heart cry… “Abba, Father, are you there?” and your soul answer “Yes, I was waiting for you today.”  Oh, my soul leaps within me!

What about you, have you heard it? If not then you need some one to One time with the Lord. Here’s how the adoption conversation goes:

God, I can look at creation and know that it didn’t “just” happen. (1 Corinthians 11:14) I can feel love and know that it didn’t come from an organism that evolved into something else. I believe You are the creator of all. And I want to be Your child and feel a part of that wonderful family of God. You are a holy God that I’ve been separated from by the rejection of Your Son. (John 12:48) I believed I could do it on my own. But I was wrong. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23) I need You and I realize that the only way that I can come to You is to accept the sacrifice that made it possible. I believe Your Son died on the cross of Calvary to pay the debt I could not pay, I believe He rose again the third day and ascended back to Heaven to be my intercessor. I don’t have to understand it all, I believe that because I hear You speak to my soul. (Romans 10:9-10)

If in reading that statement you believe it and you felt your heart leap within your chest you’ve just received your adoption certificate. I encourage you to click on the scripture links and read what God says, don’t take my word for it! And then you need to go meet your family at a good bible believing, Spirit filled church that preaches the Word of God. As Preacher T.D. Jakes put it, they preach “Hell hot and in 15 minutes.” And I’d love to know, please message me below and let me know of your decision or find me on Facebook and private message me there. God Bless you!

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Are You Rooted by the Water?

Jeremiah 17:7-8 ~  Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

A tree planted by the water doesn’t thirst as does the tree planted in barren soil far from the river bank. Neither does a Christian firmly grounded in the Word of God, as opposed to a Christian who’s a hit and miss on Bible reading and church attendance. But I’ve also seen church folk who arrive every Sunday, looking as parched when they left as they did when they arrived. I was watching a large church service online yesterday; a young Pastor just filled to brim with excitement for the Lord’s work, the house was packed and those that the camera zoomed in on were obviously enjoying their time in the house of the Lord; but what about those that the camera men knew better than to zoom in on? Those prune faced, arms crossed, less than enthusiastic parishioners who showed up at the well, but refused to drink. What about them? Something has to be wrong with the root system.

I loved what Jeremiah says in these verses. The life of a child of God should bear witness to these verses.

The Man Who Trusts in God Has hope

Why then do I see so many who claim to know Christ facing the day as if all hope was gone? It is just a theory, but I’d venture a guess they’re not close enough to the water. Jeremiah said the tree planted by the water would not see the heat coming. He did not say there wasn’t any heat, but the tree wouldn’t see it.

Tell me you don’t know what it’s like to have the heat turned up in your life. You know it. But what this verse tells me is Satan can turn the heat up all he wants; but if I’m truly trusting in the Lord, I won’t see it.

The Man Who Trusts in God Has life

Jeremiah says the “leaf shall be green.” A green leaf has juices flowing through it, it’s flexible, the winds can blow but it stays firmly attached to branch. Hello!!! Does that put a shout on me this morning! A saint of God who is trusting in the Lord is alive! The water of life flows through their veins and their excited about what the Lord is doing in their life. Their flexible if things don’t go the way they thought the would, and when the winds get fierce their wavin’ glory!

The Man Who Trusts in God Has fruit

Jeremiah said even in the year of the drought they’d bear fruit. This world is anything but user friendly to soul winners. But there is still fruit ripe and ready to be picked for a child of God who trusts God for it. Wow! I’ve stirred my own soul today.  I hope I stirred yours! Let’s go harvest the fruit God has for us today. Amen