It’s a question I have to ask myself daily. Actually, multiple times a day, because ...
Why is it that every news report, countless daily conversations and many of the thoughts ...
If you notice an absence of my presence on the web and social media, there’s ...
Revelation 2:8-11 8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith ...
There is nothing routine about God! We like things neat, tidy and wrapped with a ...
It seems like an eternity since I woke up this morning, and yet it’s 9:00 ...
It’s a time of confession. If you notice an absence of me from social media, ...
Somewhere over the earth between Washington, DC and Minneapolis St. Paul, I looked out the ...
A few days ago a friend asked, “Do you feel under attack?” My first thought ...
The issues of life. They are so many and they change day to day if ...