Posted in failure, Faith

There is None Good but One

It’s incomprehensible that a crime this heinous could take place anywhere, but atop that is the reaction of the onlooking security guard, who not only does not help her, but closes the door. An updated report says that the security guard has been suspended and the assailant Brandon Elliott has been arrested. Elliott is on lifetime parole for killing his mother in 2002. He was released from prison in 2019.

The woman was attacked for nothing more than being who God created her to be. This story took my mind immediately to Matthew 19:16-22 KJV
[16] And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? [17] And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. [18] He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, [19] Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [20] The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? [21] Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. [22] But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

The rich young man was distraught because he had accumulated great wealth. He wasn’t sorrowful for his sin, but was sorrowful for the fact that all he had done was not enough to obtain eternal life and Jesus ask that he would part with his worldly goods. While that certainly does not equate to what happened in the video, it quickly reminded me of the value that we put on material things in this life, and the “me first” attitude we can all be guilty of. The rich young man chose rather to turn his back on God rather than turn away from his wealth, the security guard didn’t act like he even considered coming to the poor woman’s aid even though you would have thought that would have been his first natural reaction. But the nature of man isn’t good. As Christ said, “there is none good but One, that is, God.”

When it came to the crucifixion of our Lord, it doesn’t say that anyone stepped up to His defense. And yet they had seen the miracles He had wrought, many of them had been recipients of His goodness and grace, and yet they stood by and watched as He was beaten, scourged, hung on the cross and subjected to torment and torture by heartless guards. No, there is none of good, not one. But we compare our lives to that of the people like the security guard. And we look pretty good. But then I look deep into the crevices of my “me first” heart and I see so much that could be better for the Lord. Soooooooooo much. If I truly take the time to keep looking, I don’t feel that I’m any better than the security guard at all.

This week should be a week of deep reflection, but I fail miserably at that too. So caught up in the days with things I want to do, not giving heed or attention to the things that Christ would rather I be doing with my time. Not nearly grateful enough for all He’s done for me. Not coming to the aid of people that I see hurting as I should. The video is a visual reminder of the condition of the world we’re in. Why Jesus hasn’t said “enough” and called His children home, I don’t know. But I’m none the less grateful that we are still here with time to see more people saved. But will we step up, or will we close the 🚪 door?.

If we were on parole for our role in the death of Jesus Christ, would it be revoked today because we’ve failed Him yet again? I know for certain mine would. Thank God, O thank You Jesus for your undeserved grace.

Posted in Evangelism, Family, Life Inspiration, salvation, testimony, Word of God

The Certainty of Salvation

I haven’t always had it. And Satan tries his very best to make me question it, but I know that I know, and that’s a great place to be in life. Apostle Paul told the Romans in Romans 8:38-39, 

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Persuaders

Paul knew too! And for the much the same reasons as myself and many others who are saved; there was a drastic change. And drastic is not used purely for dramatic effect, its reality. From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet I was changed, with the greatest of all changes happening in my heart. 

It was a topic in the teen class last night about the evidence of salvation in someone’s life. When I brought up the fact that even a preacher could be lost, they were a little taken aback. Most of the preachers they know are strong, outspoken men of God that confirm their salvation by their actions. But not all. It was one such preacher that could be cruel and unkind and with that I ask them the question, “What if he’s lost?” What? They couldn’t comprehend that. He preached the gospel how could he be lost? I assured them I wasn’t saying he was, we are not the judges of a man’s salvation. But I recalled the video (which I know is not biblically correct) from the Left Behind series many years ago. Whether or not it was biblical, it had a lasting effect on my burden for those in the end times. It depicted well those who will be “left behind” at the rapture and their heartbreak. One of those left was a preacher who stood alone in his congregation having preached what he didn’t believe. Gut—- wrenching. “How could a man preach and not believe,” the teens wondered.

Anger Persuades Me

The same way I grew up in a family of believers, but didn’t. Religion is a vicious deceiver. So when I came out of it, I was changed and I was angry. I was angry at those who dare not preach that there should be a change, who stopped preaching on Sunday, and dared not to offend their congregation with the truth of the gospel, that it cost Jesus His life. Who treated their position as Pastor in a church as a job, not a calling. 

Prior to salvation I didn’t really know that type of righteous anger. I could get angry, but my nature is not one of having a temper. I’ve always believed that life is too short to stay angry. But righteous anger hasn’t left me in 25 years.  

The Spirit Persuades Me

The presence of the Spirit on and in my life has been amazing. Conversations with Him have been ongoing since 1996. To the world I’m just a chick from West Virginia, but to the Creator of the universe I’m a friend, and that is no small thing. We were discussing favoritism as well in teen class last night and they ask who was my favorite of them. I answered the same way I answer my children and grandchildren, how can you have a favorite when each is so unique. I love them all differently!  They of course thought they were my favorite. Which I love, I pray they always feel that way, because that’s how I feel with God. After all He takes time to speak to me when there are billions of people in the world. Surely I must be His favorite. And so are you.

The Word of God Persuades Me

Just like my conversations with God through the Spirit, He speaks to me through His word. Over the course of 58 years I’ve read a lot. But nothing compares to the word of God. I’ve had books that entertained and stirred my soul, but none compare to the living, breathing words within the Holy Book. The way it opens the eyes of my heart to knowledge that without God’s intervention, wouldn’t come from “just words.” I’ve written this blog since 2010. Thousands and thousands of words and thoughts that the Spirit of God would speak through me and always to me. I’ve been the recipient of words from others, usually preachers, who have preached a message that caused me to wonder if God had told them every secret in my life. Their messages would be so on point to what I was dealing with and never shared that it couldn’t have happened any other way. I’d leave the sanctuary and want to ask, “Exactly what did God fill you in on?” The word of God is powerful! Scripture says that it is a two edged sword, cutting in both directions, in and out.  

Death Persuades Me

Though I have not been stoned like the Apostle Paul, I have faced death when I confronted mortality through open heart surgery. Although I was not done with my life and the people I love, I was ready to meet God. I was tired. I still have days when I think “Just take me home God…” But then I think of my unfinished work on the earth and I know it’s not my time. Paul said in Philippians 1:21 KJV – “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” I fully understand that. Moving to a place where there is no sorrow is certainly gain! I miss my Dad, my heart breaks when I see the longing for him in my Mother’s eyes. I don’t want to lose another friend to cancer, I’m tired of the evil of politics, but I know there is work to do and I will not pass front this earth until God says mine is done. 

I used to fear death. I had no peace in my life and I struggled with it every day. I kid you not. Every day. That is another change, one of the many, many changes in my life. It’s what drives me to tell people about God and to share my testimony with them because I have the feeling many others struggle with it as well. But for the saved… 1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV – O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

There are other persuaders, but I’ll leave those for another day. Are you persuaded? Do you have that assurance in your heart that if Jesus would call the church home today you’d be among them? If not, take action. Call someone, speak to a friend or a preacher that you’ve seen live life differently than the world. Someone who has persuaded you that there is more to God than the world would have you believe. 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Life Inspiration

I’m a Gracist, Not a Racist

The title isn’t a Jesus Chick original thought, it came from the folks of Duck Dynasty who interviewed hamburger man Kenny Moore on their podcast, Unsashamed. Kenny, who owns the Highway 55 Restaurant chain, said at one point in that interview, “I’m a Gracist, not a Racist.” And I thought….. “Oooooo that’s good, I’m so going to adopt that mindset! I am so sick of this racist chatter. If you born white in America you’re automatically labeled a racist. Which is such a racist comment. It’s just one of the many ways our country has gone mad! But Mr. Moore had a wonderful thought for any child of God; if you’re living life the way it should be lived, which is by the example that Jesus lived with and scripture teaches, other than the culture of the country for which people live, color doesn’t enter the conversation.

When I met my friend Juma from Tanzania, his color didn’t surprise me. He’s a black African. It in no way made the conversation awkward. We weren’t talking about color, we were talking about Jesus. The God Who made every color. The idea that anyone would think that one race is above another is ludicrous. God loves all that He creates. Does He have plans for certain races? Oh yes! The Jewish race has been apart of the Master’s plan since the beginning of time.  It doesn’t mean He loves them more, it only means that their plan was the first in place on this earth. And by the way… a part of that plan was that God allowed them to become slaves in the very first book of the Bible when Joseph was sold into slavery to the Egyptians. But the world is not trying to rectify that slavery are they? We’ve not apologized to the nation of Israel. 

Grace is first found in scripture in Genesis 6:8 when it says 

Genesis 6:8 KJVS

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

But what about all the others? The earth was full of people. Of those it says:

Genesis 6:7 KJVS

And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

A Dangerous Game

He considered killing them all… but verse 8. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was the only exception to the rule. God always reserves some, in the worst of times for Himself. There is a remnant according to the election of grace. The elect, those who God chooses. The Creator of all, and the only one who has the right to put anyone above anyone else. Man doesn’t have that power, but they assume it because they want to be God. Anytime we put another person above or below someone else, we’re playing God. And that’s a dangerous game. 

We are of that remnant. Which is why Joe Lancaster preached a sermon 10 or so years ago titled “There’s a few of us left.” There’s a few of us who truly care about the things that God cares about. The rest of the world in Noah’s day had stopped caring about the things of God. But Noah was grateful and acceptable to Him. He pleased Him in his service and sacrifices. He was made fun of by men, but he kept serving God even though he had never seen rain, but God said it was on it’s way, and so Noah for 120 years was faithful and it allowed his family to be saved.  But for those who did not care about the things God cared about, they perished.

That’s what’s going to happen in this world that we’re living in now. We are the Noah of the day. But this time God has allowed anyone to get on the ark who believes in the sacrifice His Son made. One rule. That’s it.  And for those of us who have been saved, thinking about the devastation of the flood and the loss of life should make us extremely grateful for grace, and cause us to be Gracist, even to the racist. 

Playing for Keeps

The second place grace is mentioned in the Bible is in the story of Lot.

Genesis 19:19 KJVS

[19] Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die:

Lot, his wife and children were allowed to escape because of the grace of God, certainly not because of his righteous behavior. He had moved his family into a city of the vilest behaviors. Pretty much like we’re living in today. Abraham pled their case with the Lord, trying to save the city in Genesis 18 asking, when the Lord said He was going to destroy Sodom and Gommorah,  

Genesis 18:23-24 KJVS

[23] And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? [24] Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

He made it all the way to requesting mercy if there would be ten righteous found in the city, but not even those few could be found. So the city, save Lot and his family, were destroyed

For me Lot exemplifies the average American. He may not have participated in the sin of the day but he certainly didn’t depart from it or take a stand. And just like He did in the days of Noah, God destroyed who He said He would destroy, because God is playing for keeps. He will defend who He says, and He will destroy who He says, and those of us under grace, should be be shouting it to the roof tops for others to hear.

The third place we find grace mentioned in the scripture is in the story of Jacob and Esau. The twin sons of Isaac, the grandsons of Abraham. 

Winning the Game

 Genesis 32:3-5 KJVS

[3] And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom. [4] And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now: [5] And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.

Jacob needed the grace of Esau because his deceitfulness had ruined their relationship and drove him away from home. But now he wanted to come home and it would require mercy from his brother, mercy he was willing to pay for. The kind of mercy that man expects is not God’s kind of mercy. Jacob figured it would cost him something. And that’s what the world thinks now, that there’s no way something as good as Heaven could be without cost to us. But it is. And in knowing that we should offer it to everyone in our lives. Regardless of their skin color, what family they’re from, what country they’re from or anything else that makes us different. Because in the eyes of God, we are simply, His created. And when we look at the world that’s what we should see, whether or not they are different in color, or belief. We all need Grace. 

Jacob originally thought that he needed to win the coveted birthright, so he convinced a hungry Esau to trade it for a bowl of soup. But what he altered realized was that all that really mattered was whether or not he was in the will of God, and had peace in his home. We’re not going to have peace in this home, but we are headed to one of the sweetest of peace. And while we’re on the journey we need to bring as many people with us as we can. Be a Gracist, not a racist that’s what wins the game. 

Posted in Faith, Family, Life Inspiration, Political, Word of God

We need some Women on the Wall!

I love to read both the Old and the New Testaments of the word of God, but I sometimes struggle to understand the culture of the day. While grace is certainly present, judgment on those who were against God’s people was swift and harsh and without regard for the feelings of  Momma’s of the day that would have to see their son’s die, and sometimes die with them. God was swift and He was just. Today justice is anything but. I have to wonder if I were born in the time of King David would I be the same Shari…? the tender hearted, non violent child of God. Or would I have the gumption to be the wise woman spoken of in Chapter 20 of 2 Samuel; Who orders a man killed for the vengeance of her city and the King, and then they throw his head over a wall to David’s men. That’s pretty intense!

2 Samuel 20:16-22 KJVS

[16] Then cried a wise woman out of the city, Hear, hear; say, I pray you, unto Joab, Come near hither, that I may speak with thee. [17] And when he was come near unto her, the woman said, Art thou Joab? And he answered, I am he. Then she said unto him, Hear the words of thine handmaid. And he answered, I do hear. [18] Then she spake, saying, They were wont to speak in old time, saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel: and so they ended the matter. [19] I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel: thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel: why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the Lord ? [20] And Joab answered and said, Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy. [21] The matter is not so: but a man of mount Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, hath lifted up his hand against the king, even against David: deliver him only, and I will depart from the city. And the woman said unto Joab, Behold, his head shall be thrown to thee over the wall. [22] Then the woman went unto all the people in her wisdom. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and cast it out to Joab. And he blew a trumpet, and they retired from the city, every man to his tent. And Joab returned to Jerusalem unto the king.

They threw his head over the wall, and then they took a 😴 . The Bible according to Shari. Not necessarily a bed time story for children, 😳but truth none the less and I feel a worthy story to look at in scope of todays politics. 

The story leading into this action was the treasonable behavior of Absalom the son of David. He attempted to steal the throne from his father and ended up getting his head stuck in a tree branch allowing David’s men to come by and kill him. But he was not the only traitor in the pack; so was Sheba, the son fo Bichri who Joab had come to kill. Even if it meant tearing apart a city and killing innocent bystanders in the process. For this “the woman” called him out, asking why he was going to destroy her city and a mother in Israel. I can almost hear Joab stuttering and stammering, as if caught off guard by this brazen woman who stepped upon the wall and asked how he was justifying that move? Oh to be so bold! We need more people like her who in defense of their town is not willing to go down with the ship but rather throw the traitors overboard. 

We have politicians from the local level to the national level who have no problem selling their souls for their office and failing to serve the people who elected them, settling  rather to cater to minority. 

For Example: Nationally our idiot Government has rented a Civic Center in Dallas, Texas to house 3,000 young (teenage) illegal Mexicans that they allowed to come into the country, with or without Covid screening and without a response to the question. I am clueless as to what they would pay to rent said facility, but I can guarantee it is thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. The convention center in downtown Dallas will soon house migrant boys, ages 15-17 for up to 90 days, according to a memo to city council members. They didn’t ask the city, the just did it. A Texas Sheriff reported that “Basically, the border is open… Cartels are making a killing right now.” 

Our Country’s leaders have gone mad. 

And yet… when our own National Guard was told to report to Washington DC, they were housed in a parking garage, sleeping on concrete with limited bathroom facilities. Is there not something seriously wrong with this. And is this not the acts of a traitor when United States Government Officials treat illegal people better than United States Military. We need some Momma’s to climb some walls. 

West Virginia State and County offices continue to be closed causing issues for residents when needing to conduct business. They’ve paid thousand and thousands of dollars, (likely millions in the state) for protective devices in their offices to protect them from a public they’re not exposed to! and yet their offices are closed. So what are we protecting them from. And why is it safe for kids to be in school but not safe for county employees to go to work. And you may be asking…. so what does that have to do with David and his army? How is that a biblical conversation? 

When Absalom’s efforts brought evil threatening to this woman’s home, she took a stand on the wall and said, “We’ll take care of the problem from the inside.” If from a national, state and local effort our government is not caring for the livelihood of it’s people, how do you think that will work for us if we’re in a real battle. They put a fence around the Whitehouse to protect themselves, but refused a fence at the borders to protect their country. They’ve locked the courthouse up like Fort Knox, yet, they refuse to hear the concerns of the people. I know this is a far cry from where David’s battle had been. But when that battle started, it was a conversation between Absalom and a few disgruntled people at the gate. It doesn’t take much to start a war. And with the unstable state of our society, it certainly wouldn’t take much today. 

I’m not asking for heads on a platter, or over a wall, I’m asking us all to be very conscious of the world around us, and who’s taking care of business. 

David ended up back in the position he was intended for, but not without losses. I fear we’re going to have some too. But this momma is going to stand on the wall. 

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Stay in Your Lane

I guess every community has them; those power hungry people who want to prove their value by wielding their authority in such a manner that all who see them know they are king or queen of their domain. It’s not enough for them to have the title, they want the awareness of their power and position by the underlings. I just cracked myself up, because I know these people! And I borderline, if not crossover the threshold of sin with my lack of respect and tolerance for them. I written before about my issues with arrogance and how I struggle to love people who put themselves above others. Well, toss children into the equation and I have an even bigger issue with you, because I love kids and if I determine that you’re not treating them well, well… I’m upset. 

And so was the case in a discussion I was in this week which lead to today’s blog post and my position on leadership. What I wouldn’t give to throw my moderate good sense to the wind and tell you who I’m speaking of and why they’ve upset my wagon. But I won’t, because that wouldn’t be wise or godly. So I’ll think my frustration through in a manner that will hopefully help us both in a lesson on “what not to do when you’re in charge of the world.”

In order to establish the “world” of which I speak, I’m referring to any domain that you’ve been given authority over. Such as the school, church, or even the home. So where ever you are that matters to you, that is your world. Are you in authority, are you an underling, or do you live in the bliss of a well ran monarchy where everyone knows their position and stays in their lane? I pray so, but if not… read on. 

Rehoboam was the son of the great Solomon, placed into the position of King not because of his talents, but because of his birthright. Which was the culture and rule of the day. Nobody would deny his right to be in that position because that is how God intended it to work. God also intended those who were and are given positions of authority to lead through His guidance. This was not the case of Rehoboam. Rather than seeking God, as did his father, and grandfather, Rehoboam thought it wise to bring his childhood friends on as advisors, who then gave him ill advice. Although they were called young, Rehoboam was actually 41 years of age. Wisdom doesn’t always come with age it so seems. 

The people had came to him and ask him to lighten the heavy load that Solomon had put on them. But rather than heed to their request, he heeded to the popularity of his friends and put more stringent work and taxes upon the people, ending in rebellion and war. But it all started with an commonly spoke quote of today. “I’ve got more strength in my little finger than that guys got in his whole body.” Sounds good… until it’s proven otherwise that a pinky strength isn’t worth a whole lot. 

1 Kings 12:10 KJVS

[10] And the young men that were grown up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou speak unto this people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins.

Rehoboam ended up losing the majority of his world to his brother Jeroboam, who was a terrible leader as well. He worshipped false gods and trash talked the man of God until the man of God turned his arm to stone. And then suddenly he had a change of heart about him, desiring him to come to his house. But the man of God wisely spoke and said

1 Kings 13:8 KJVS

[8] And the man of God said unto the king, If thou wilt give me half thine house, I will not go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place:

Two leaders, placed into the position at the Lord’s will, but neither with the good sense to lead a nation. And so it would seem America is in the same mess. Whether it be a national or local incident with leadership, poor leadership effects the whole of us. So what are we to do when we’re in charge of the world?

Consider yourself a leader 

In my home, where my children are grown, my husband and I are King and Queen of our domain. I haven’t always taken my role as serious as I should, nor has my husband. And I have to wonder how many people do? Do we understand the cause and effect of who we are on those  around us, that lead out to, and effect the world around us. Our reach extends to the universe… that is a pretty far piece.

The man of God understood it. He wanted nothing to do with Jeroboam’s wicked world. 

What if today we refused to allow the world to enter us? The man of God said he’d not travel in the path of Rehoboam, nor would he enter his home, eat his food or drink his water. How would that advice fit in our world and the places we lead? 

The Man of God Understood Authority

Do we really understand authority. It is God Himself that we should be looking to in every part of our world whether that’s in the workplace, home or church. God should be the head of all, and we should never put ourselves above those whom we lead to be taskmasters over them, but what we should be doing is following in God’s footsteps of creating leaders. We do that by instilling confidence in people, not tearing them down. Teaching them purposeful productivity not completion of tasks. At the end of the day everyone needs to know they’ve made a difference. 

The Man of God Understood Spirituality over Materialism

Our worldly worth is more often than not measured by our material worth. A man or woman with great wealth will garner respect and opportunity, while a person of meagerness will be thought of as labor, not leadership. But that’s not the view of God. Nor does it mean that labor cannot make a great difference in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Himself labored in the ministry and lead by example. The man of God could gone with the King and “been somebody” but he was far more concerned about his relationship with God, than the earthly King. 

The Man of God was still Human

Boy o boy can I identify with being human and being often swayed by the world around me more than the Spirit that dwells within me. In the 12th and 13th chapters of 1 Kings, the “man of God is never mentioned by name. He leaves the presence of the king and runs into another character, a nameless prophet. It is the nameless prophet that will be his demise. The prophet lies to the man of God and tells him that he’s been visited by an angel of the Lord that said it would be fine if he stopped into his house, and so the man of God does. Because of this he was later eaten by a lion!

“But wait Lord, he was lied to, that doesn’t seem fair!” Life’s not fair, and even good leadership makes mistakes and the price is sometimes high. While it seemed a small thing to enter into a prophet’s house for dinner, even a good thing, it wasn’t a God thing, and it wasn’t His will for his life. And so the man died. 

This short study this morning brought a great thought to my mind that I, and I only, am responsible for the role that God gave me. I need to lead well, but I need to follow better. If only the man of God had talked to God, He would have told him, stay on the path… but he didn’t and then he was dead. 

I have a tendency get out of the lane God gave me to stay in as the Jesus Chick. I want to go to certain places in my community and give them a piece of my mind in regard to their leadership. But as I wrote this, my youngest grandson Parker came into my room crying. He was watching a video where someone was being mean to and elderly couple. He was literally weeping because the elderly didn’t have good food and the young people did. It was a good discussion between me and a piece of my world named Parker. And it made me realize that this is my Kingdom, and it is here I’ll make the greater impact. Stay in your lane Shari… stay in your lane.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God, worship

The First Cancel Culture Target

It’s Saturday morning, and I’m off to a slow start. I was sick much of the day yesterday, (just a belly bug) nothing major, but I slept most, if not all of yesterday evening, right into this morning and then stayed in bed until 6 a.m. Oh my stars! Half the day is gone. That is really how I feel when I sleep until 6 a.m. Morning is my best “thinking” time. But here we are at 6:55 and I have a few thoughts on my mind about getting to know Jesus better. He knows me inside and out. Every hair on my head and what hair products I use. He knows that I’ve struggled with ADD-oss) Attention Deficit Disorder Oooooo Something shiny! That’s a real thing, but the only prescription for it is more online shopping. It doesn’t cure it, it just pre-occupies you to the point of not noticing what someone else has that you might need. Jesus also knows that I have a real problem staying tuned into Him when I’m so focused on me. 

So this morning I decided that I would think, and ponder what it is that made Jesus the first ever “cancel culture” target.  Cancel culture wasn’t a phrase back then, but it was certainly a social norm in the Pharisee and Sadducee circle. They wouldn’t even consider the possibility that He was who He said He was. Why? Why have such a closed mind in what was written in Bible prophecy?

Micah 5:2 KJVS

[2] But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

They knew  it. They had God’s word as proof, and yet they still wanted to cancel Him.

They Wanted to Cancel Dinner

Bethlehem signifies “the house of bread”, and a proper place for Christ to be born in, who is the bread of life; 

John 6:35 KJVS

[35] And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Ponder that for a second as a child of God. This morning I had lemon cake for breakfast. Not the breakfast of champions but it was tasty. And while that filled the hunger in my belly from no supper last night, it’s not the hunger that Christ refers to. That “ooooo something shiny” nature in me that I continually fight, was truthful filled the day that Christ came into my heart. I’m just a slow learner and weak vessel when it comes to pretty stuff. But when it comes to “needing” things in life. Christ fulfilled my every desire spiritually. I love being a child fo God. And I love having His Spirit within me that causes me to love like He loved. Even people that the flesh would like to slap in the mouth. But Jesus causes me to see them as God does. Which helps me better understand the Pharisees and Sadducees that the world had gotten a hold of. They weren’t Spirit lead leaders, they were self lead and worldly minded leaders. Just like we have today. They wanted no part of a Jesus who could provide for the people, both physically and spiritually. They likely knew that would cut into their treasuries. So they in effect tried to cancel supper for everyone! 

They wanted to Cancel Livelihood

Bethlehem was a place of pasture which we know from the shepherds watching their flocks by night in Luke 2:8

I don’t think it was happenstance that the angels came to the shepherds, the lowest of the low in the economic side of life in that day. In the times of scripture being written they were so little trusted that a shepherd’s testimony would not be accepted in a courtroom. Most shepherds were considered on a par with Gypsies, vagrants, and con men. Add to that the fact that shepherds were on the lowest rung of the economic ladder and had little or no formal education. Why would the Bible scholars of the day have even considered them as worthy testimonies of the birth of Christ? Their testimony was canceled before it every made it’s way to the church. So now there’s two strikes against this man called Jesus. He’s born in the lowliest of towns, and testified of by the lowliest of people. 

For me that helps me to identify with the Lord and love Him all the more! Coming from small town West Virginia, being a gal of common work and being used in the Kingdom of God makes me weep with gratitude. God is sooooooooo good to me. Bring on the cancel culture! They didn’t cancel Jesus and they didn’t cancel the lowliest of shepherds, they only made their story that much greater. Please Jesus, let it be so in my ministry as well. Allow the words that You put in my soul to encourage many across they land. This lowly shepherd girl who loves caring for God’s sheep in Calhoun County, West Virginia. 

The world today would love to cancel our ability to take care of ourselves and cause us to rely on the government for our very livelihood. Be not deceived, the corona virus shut down had more to do with the disease of power than the flu.

They Wanted to Cancel God’s Word

Bethlehem Ephratah”, which was a small city, in the midst of the cities of Judah; and “although thou art little in the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall come forth unto me” a man, a ruler in Israel, “whose goings forth are from the days of old”; the meaning is, the goings forth of the family of that ruler are from the days of old; that is, from the seed of David, and a rod from the stem of Jesse, who was of Bethlehem Judah.

While on the surface they appeared to “worship God,” that was furthest from the truth. They had all the tools of the trade and the very of God written down in their hands, they didn’t believe or live it, and I have to wonder if they didn’t more so fear what they did read and know. After all, they were told that God would return one day and reign over His people. I think they’d have rather been their own boss, and that’s how they lived. Satan had convinced them that God’s word needed to be canceled and it would be done by canceling His Son.  But what Satan didn’t know was that the attempted cancellation only gave way to the un-canceling! 

Woohoo and glory to God in the highest! Does that put a shout in my soul!!! They couldn’t cancel the Creator. And as much as society tries today they cannot cancel the Spirit of God that is alive and well in His people. It is no small wonder that Jesus was the first and greatest cancel culture target and still continues to be. The power from His Spirit and His Word that is working through His people certainly has to be frustration to the cancel culture’s ego. They may have won small battles in the realm of Christianity but they have by no means won the war and we are proof! All of the “little people,” in the “little towns” who have the Risen Savior empowering them to continue sharing the word of God keeps us moving toward Heaven. And when we can no longer move in that direction it will be because we have arrived. Just wrote myself happy again!!!!

Posted in Faith, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

Are You Ignoring the Jots and Tittles

There are days when I pay great attention to detail, to the point that I am one step shy of being psychotic about it. It’s usually when I’m tired and everything in life has gotten on my last nerve. It happens more than it use to the older I get. It also causes me to wonder how God, who is ageless, doesn’t grow so weary of us that He looks down from on high, and just wipes us out. Because if I were God, and I seen the nonsense going on in the world like it is today, that’s what I would do. ZAP! But praise God, He’s God and I am not, and HIs attention to detail doesn’t error on any side like mine does, but His is a perfect attention to detail. Not one jot it tittle, does’t matter.

Matthew 5:18-20 KJVS
[18] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Have you ever thought about the Bible from the fact that it is a book, unlike any other on the planet, that has been read again and again, generation after generation, and is never considered antiquated by a believer because every day it’s fresh and new and every single word, jot and tittle, the smallest of punctuations, is an important factor in the lives of man and God. And yet mankind ignores it, rewrites it, takes it out of context to fit their own agenda and uses it with their own words to manipulate people.

Being a teacher of the word of God is not something that I take lightly. I know that I will stand before Almighty God one day and answer for the way I’ve taught it. All of us will stand before God and give answer for our attention to the details. It’s why He sent us His word. And changing it doesn’t change God. He will never get with man’s program which is what the world would have us believe. Any government official who says they’re a Christian and does not consider the Bible the inerrant word of God, and understand it’s meaning as much as Senate bill 179 doesn’t understand how very, very much God pays attention to the details.

Our own West Virginia Senators Joe Manchin and Shelly Capito profess Christianity, and yet neither have stood on the side of it in their office unless it benefited them personally to do so. At least that’s how I see it. This is not a political statement, this is a statement of accountability to everyone. We will be held accountable for the positions we hold in life, every jot and tittle of it. So that means we are without excuse for the bits and pieces of our lives that we considered not our responsibility or accountability. If God cares so much that even the punctuations marks matter, for certain the words and actions of our life matter.

So for a moment, let’s unpack Matthew 5:18-20 and apply it to today.

When Christ said “For verily I say unto you,” He was letting the recipients of the word know that this was an oath. If He said it, it’s happening without debate. The problem with man kind is few are any good on their word, so “verily,” is not a concept they (meaning us) are familiar with. But God’s letting us know, we better take heed to His words. Everyone one of them.

When He says “when Heaven and earth pass,” it’s means they’re going too. When? We will know when we know, and not until then. But for certain it’s going to happen, and yet the world, even those who profess, just keeping moving along as if it’s not, unconcerned that time or the jots and tittles in their lives that don’t match up with God. You know… the details.

[19] Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Who hasn’t broken a commandment. 🙋🏻‍♀️Every single one of us, there is no doubt. But what about teaching the breaking of commandments? Unless you’re a flat out heathen, you’re not going to teach people to steal, lie, cheat, kill, etc. And yet, the laws of our land right now do that very thing. I’m using the Covid bill as an example because it’s a life application that makes sense to do so. The so called “Covid-19 Bill” has far less to do with the virus than it does politics. It’s certainly not about helping the American people and yet they’re deceiving the people to believe so. They’re teaching deception and we’re ignoring the jots and tittles because we want our 1400.00 in relief money.

Hey! I can use that $1400.00. But what about the 10 trillion dollars of debt that they’re using to finance railroads and other projects unrelated to Covid-19? Actually, it has more to do with the fact that when Biden shut down the pipelines he moved the plan of transportation of oil and gas to the railways which his buddy, financier Warren Buffett, just happens to own. Hmmm. Might there be something fishy there? Of course! But it’s a jot and tittle that get left out because we don’t pay attention to our government and our government is happy as clams because they’re not going to have to answer for it.

Oh…. but they will.

So what does that have to do with scripture?

We all have jots and tittles in our lives that go overlooked intentionally or not. Some more serious than others. It happens. But when we turn a blind eye to elected, appointed or hired people in our lives who approve things such as the killing of babies through abortion, up to the birth age… and don’t call that murder, and when we fail to call out the politicians that voted for it, we’ve got our jots and tittles indeed and we’re teaching our youth the same. When we allow the powers that be to bankrupt our Nation both financially and morally without so much as a raised brow, I think that is details that God’s going to call some people on.

Christ continues on to say:
[20] For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The scribes and Pharisees were notorious for playing politics in the church house, adding jots and tittles of their own that the people couldn’t possibly keep, to the tune of 613 laws; they in truth couldn’t keep Ten Commandments! So how does that differ from modern day? The hypocrisy of our national (and not so national) leaders, who are God ordained positions is ridiculous.

This is why “religion” leaves such a bad taste in my mouth and makes me want to get very vocal and make people I love uncomfortable. Churches have used this pandemic as a reason not to share the gospel. Christianity and every part of it is a curse word in Washington DC and our church leaders are watering the gospel down to suit them. Oh that makes my blood boil. We have heretics and abominations on our American payrolls. More jots and tittles against our nation. If God held His beloved Israel accountable for their politics, do you think He’ll not do the same for a nation that has claimed His name and profited for decades from it.

If Americans don’t get their heads in Heavenly places, there’s going to be some mansions used for vacation home because the intended tenants didn’t catch the plain to Glory…. just saying.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Children of the Day

It was a Facebook story that drew me into this scripture this morning and a version of the Bible that I don’t know. I just knew it wasn’t the King James Version and it was frustrating me as I compared the two versions together. And then as God does, He drew me away from the world and into a spiritual mindset, one that was concerned about souls… not bible versions. That’s not to excuse the changing of the word of God to fit man’s agenda. And God knows my heart. It’s simply to say, right now now there are more important things to worry about Shari. 

Like the fact that like Paul, I don’t have to tell you that these times and seasons we are in are preparing us for eternity. If you have read the Bible, you know. But what I have to keep telling myself is “stay focused.” Paul writes as much to the Thessalonians in chapter 1:

1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 KJVS

[1] But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. [2] For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. [3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [4] But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. [5] Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. [6] Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. [7] For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 

Does anyone else find it odd that Paul compares the Lord to a thief? I do. Paul is not referring to the character of the thief but to the manner in which he comes: unawares, suddenly, when there is no thought of it occurring. You know… kind of like now for most of the world. While I can get so wrapped up in things of this world that I pay no mind to what’s going on outside the walls of my house, God is faithful to bring my mind back into the matters I need . to be aware of.  Like daylight, not darkness.

[8] But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. [9] For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, [10] Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

Last night I gave myself a manicure, and then realized my fingers looked like an advertisement for the weather app on my phone 📱. But I needed ☀️ sunshine in my life. Even if just on my fingertips. The cold and dreary weather of February always does a number on my psyche. Add to it the mud of living in the hills of West Virginia, and it’s a recipe for depression. But this morning my nails seem to be a fitting reminder that I am a child of the day, not the night! 

Paul reminded the Thessalonians that they were saved with purpose. God had pulled their souls out of a destination of wrath and awarded them salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, which they could rest in day or night, life or death. God had spared them, and now spares us as we go into these final days whether they end today or a century from now. Though I’m inclined to believe it’s going to be sooner than later.  

As children of the day there should be an openness of our relationship with Christ. We should be talking Jesus at every opportunity. Paul continues on to say:

 [11] Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. [12] And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; [13] And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves. [14] Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. [15] See that none render evil for evil unto any man ; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. 

Quite a while ago I spoke to someone in our area about being in church, to which they replied, I’m a member of “this” church. To which I replied, “Oh, so and so is the Pastor there.” I could tell by the look on their face they were clueless as to who that was. That set me aback. How could you profess to be a part of a body of believers and not even know who the Pastor of that church was? I highly doubt anyone in Paul’s day had that problem. Just saying you were a part of a church might get your head on the chopping block.  You had to know who was laboring among you, because anyone else might kill you. That’s not the case in America, at least not yet. We need to know who it is that actually does the work in our church, and encourage them! 

Churches have been in such a strange place for the past year. Some open, some not, no visitation, no choir, no fellowships. We need to get the church doors open  and return to being children of the day, we need to let our little lights shine! 

The remainder of Chapter 1, Paul gives a charge to the church that this epistle be read to the members. They needed a reminder to live holy, boldly and encouraging within the body of Christ. The world will beat around on us and stir up mud and strife, but among each other our light should shine and warm the hearts of our friends. Praying for one another, loving on each other, till Jesus comes. It’s hard to do that when the church isn’t meeting.

[16] Rejoice evermore. [17] Pray without ceasing. [18] In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. [19] Quench not the Spirit. [20] Despise not prophesyings. [21] Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. [22] Abstain from all appearance of evil. [23] And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. [24] Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. [25] Brethren, pray for us. [26] Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss. [27] I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren. [28] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

I pray these words encouraged you as they did me today. God’s word is timeless. But actual time is fleeting. Tell someone about the saving power of our Lord today!

Posted in Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Woman Who Caused a War

In search of scripture this morning to encourage my heart, I ended up in the book of Judges chapter 19, and there was a story, of the strangest kind that drew me in. The story of a Levite who took for himself a concubine, who then forsook him and went back to her father’s house. Funny thing about “unattached” people, there is no bond that requires them to stay and be faithful. But the Levite goes to the home to retrieve his gal (kindly) and does so after a hiatus with her father where they partied like it was 1999 for 5 days, and then began his journey home. He, his servant and the girl opted to pass through the city of Jebus because they were not of the children of Israel. So they lodged in Gibeah, the home of the tribe of Benjamin,  where after searching for a place to stay without success, a man invites them in for the night; where again they party like it’s 1999. (Seemed to be a theme with the guy). While they were partying, some men of Belial (of the Devil) came to kill him and his servant. But the master of that house bartered with them and gave his daughter and the concubine instead. The concubine returned the next morning and fell dead at the door. And now the Levite was upset. 

I have to wonder, where was he last night when his woman was being raped and brutally attacked. I am aware that it was a different day, when women were not always held in high regard, but this was extreme in my mind. 

Then in an act right off of a “48 Hours Murder Mystery Show”, the Levite cuts his gal up into 12 pieces, symbolic of the tribes of Israel, and has them delivered to the actual tribes of Israel, he later stops by to explain and rehash the tale of his concubine. Now keep in mind, this is the Bible according to Shari, not the KJV scripture. So you should really go read the story yourself in Chapters 19-21 of Judges for reference.  

When the Levite asks their counsel, it brings on full out war between Israel and their own fellow Israelites, the Benjamites. Israel inquires of the Lord, and He says go and fight. The Benjamites kill (scripture says “destroyed down to the ground”) twenty two thousand of the Israelites. They’re shocked! God had told them to go to battle and yet they were defeated. So they inquire of God again, and He once again tells them to battle the Benjamites. Once again they’re destroyed to the ground, eighteen thousand of the children of Israel. They weep sore again to God and inquire of Him. This is extreme obedience! They go a third time… but this time they destroy the Benjamites. Twenty five thousand, one hundred men of the tribe of Benjamin fell that day. 

Israel took care of it’s own, but at a great cost. And not without God’s counsel. What drew me into this scripture and the lesson I gleaned were the words that began and ended chapters 19 and 21.

Judges 19:1a KJVS

[1] And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel, …

Judges 21:25 KJVS

[25] In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

Twice in this story it is brought to our attention that “there was no king.” No leadership. And every man was doing what they viewed as right in their own eyes, which we know is a recipe for disaster. 

For me and my way of thinking, that story reminded me much of America right now.  The biblical role of the Levite tribe was that of worship leaders, trustees of the church, taking care of the temple as well as teaching, judging and maintaining the cities of refuge. None of those acts were mentioned in the story. From what I could gather, he was the Levite was a partying Jew unconcerned about the church until he himself was disrespected. And then he seeks through their counsel. It’s basically the same thing I do when I’ve messed up… “God I screwed this up, now will you fix it back?” And God is faithful. But it still comes with a cost. For Israel it was the lives of their people. The same price America is going to pay if we don’t get off this road we’re on. 

Right now we have two forms of leadership in the United States: evil and mentally incapacitated. The Nation for which everyone in a bad nation wants to become a citizen is now no different than those from which the immigrants come from. Benjamin, the smallest of the tribes of Israel was fraternizing and defending evil and was the cause of war among their own people. Causing the deaths of 65,100 people. Can you see that similarity in America. The smallest minority of opinion (those of Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, and other likeminded liberals) are 1% of our nation. And they’re at the ship’s helm steering us into battle. Good grief! How did we get here? 

We got here the same way Benjamin did. Protecting evil.

God will not be mocked and a nation that calls evil good, is clearly going to answer for it. If you read those chapters in Judges you find out that Benjamin nearly got itself disinherited from God’s chosen people, all because of a few of Satans minions, a whore (the Bible’s word, not my own)  and leadership refusing to turn them over. How many cover-up have we had lately? And again I say good grief!

There’s one major problem in America’s theory of it’s high position in the world. It was people who  began calling us a “godly nation, a blessed nation, a chosen nation,” not God. And our earlier behavior backed it up. But not so now. And the difference between us and Israel…you will find the U.S.A. written no where in prophecy. 

I’m not a prophet. I’m the Jesus Chick from Grantsville, West Virginia. I don’t have any inside track on end times, and I know just enough about the Bible to be dangerous. But I know when I read the word of God and He shows me things like this, it’s for a reason. It’s for a warning for myself that I need to be more diligent about sharing the gospel. I need to be bolder when people are calling sin something less. And I need not ever bow a knee to anyone other than Jesus Christ, and that includes the 1%.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

Don’t Run Over People with the Salvation Bus

Once upon a time, on a public school playground, there was a little boy who considered himself a man of God in a little boy body. He’d watched the preacher at church, and watched his dad witness to people, and had concluded that it was a simple job. Ask people if they know Jesus. If they say yes, say “glory!” If they so no, say, “then you’re goin’ to Hell.”  And so went the conversation between he and his friends, who didn’t appreciate his brief synopsis of the plan of salvation. 

That was an ever so slightly embellished story of my nephew at 5 years old because I can’t remember all the facts from 25 years ago. And it’s the story that came to my mind as I read Proverbs 18 this morning.

Proverbs 18:19-21 KJVS

[19] A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle. [20] A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. [21] Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

The difference between a five year old soul winner and an adult soul winner is the style of delivery of the message. Well sometimes. I have seen a few preachers deliver it much the same as my nephew. And while that sometimes works, more often than not the result is a mad, offended sinner and a soul still “goin’ to Hell.” The wisdom of Solomon knew it, and the church should, but passion sometimes drives the salvation vehicle right over the person we’re trying to get saved. 

Today’s blog is directed to anyone with family and friends who need saved and your frustration that I totally feel. But together lets use the wisdom of Solomon to create a strategy for welcoming them into the family of God.

One of my favorite quotes from my friend Doyle Ballengee was “If you ruffle the fur on the cat, just turn it around.” That cracks me up! Cats much prefer being petted and groomed in the direction their fur lays. Going against the natural man is much the same. Ruffling their fur will not cause them to succumb to your chatter. But speaking words of soothing comfort will certainly ease the conversation. I’m not speaking of sugar coating the gospel. Not ever! The gospel stands as the inerrant word of God and can handle itself. But it’s not necessary to hit them over the head with the Bible, just present it in love. Why do we not see that in Christ’s own example? When He dealt with the Pharisees and the religious tribe that were trying to kill Him, He was was point blank bold and in fur ruffling mode. But He could have said applesauce and cinnamon and they’d have screamed heresy. They had their fur ruffled before He ever said the first word. But when He spoke to the unsaved, He spoke in answered questions and informed them with compassion. 

When Nicodemus came to Him in the night, likely for fear of being seen, Christ didn’t call him on his cowardliness, He called him on his lack of knowledge as a bible scholar, but not until after they spoke of salvation. 

Nicodemus Knew there was Power in Christ

John 3:1-21 KJVS

[1] There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: [2] The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 

The world should see that power in us. Not the power to perform miracles, but the power to live life in such a manner that people notice the difference, and they begin the conversation. “Hey, why are you always so happy?” “How do you go through the troubles you’ve going through with such a great attitude?” “How did you not come unglued when that guy yelled at you?” 

Nicodemus knew there was something different about Jesus. So he sought Him out and asked the questions he needed to ask. But whether or not they start the conversation with us, they should still see the difference, so that when we seek them, they know it’s because we care. 

Nicodemus didn’t know the Position of Christ

He said that he knew that Christ was a teacher that had “come from God.” He did not know that He was God! And that’s what we have to help the lost to understand, that there is power in being a child of God, but it’s not from the child but from God. A fact that we “with” the Spirit understand, but those “without” the Spirit are clueless as to how the Spirit works. So Christ informs Nicodemus with weighty emphasis (Verily, verily) on the what he had to understand to be saved.

[3] Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. [4] Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? [5] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [6] That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The fact that Christ was God couldn’t be understood by the flesh. The Spirit reveals that knowledge to us. 

I can easily share my experience with discovering the Spirit. He had spoken to me for years, guided me from afar, but I did not know Him. And then I felt Him dealing with me more and more, “verily verily.” I knew it wasn’t Jiminy Cricket, this was different. This was a life altering moment, the moment I knew the man called Christ, was in the position of God. 

Nicodemus didn’t know the Person of Christ

 [7] Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. [8] The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. [9] Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? [10] Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? [11] Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.

Again Christ wants Nicodemus to understand that his religious-osity had failed him. Nicodemus was a religious leader; he understood religion but he didn’t understand this relationship that Christ had with His disciples. He goes on to tell him that He was not of this world. The Pharisees believed that they were going to be the hierarchy for God here on earth. God had washed His hands of them, they were ate up with corruption, arrogance and control. Jesus came in humility, servitude and sacrificial love. Religion doesn’t understand any of that. 

So what does this have to do with our soul winning? We have to examine our relationship with Christ, and know who He is in our lives to be able to share Him with others. We need to feel what He feels on the inside of us so that when we begin that conversation with our lost family and friends, we’re speaking it with the humility, servitude and sacrificial love of Christ. We have to get ourselves and our frustration completely out of the equation. That’s tough… believe me when I tell you, “I know.”

But that is the strategy I want in my life. I want my family saved…. now. But I have to allow it to happen in Christ’s timing and with His words and compassion. 

Love ya! Don’t run over anyone with the salvation bus 🚌 this month. Let’s get them into the Kingdom safely. 😀