Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Leadership

It’s Our Job

One of the very few problems about being raised by Gene and Violet Hardway is that they’re really nice people. They were not voice raisers, they’re hard workers, and under no circumstance was there a reason to be rude. And at the time I was being raised, that was the way it was in most country homes. Not all. But most of the ones that was around. There was the occasional opinionated loud mouth, for which I always had a great fascination with. So long as they weren’t hurting peoples feelings. I have never had an acceptable tolerance of that and don’t plan on changing. But what I discovered as I grew in age and established a personality all my own, is the fact that I am inwardly that opinionated loud mouth. It’s still very difficult for me to break through the barrier of my upbringing and unleash it, but I do. I hope I’m nice about it though. But I consider it my job. And if you’re a part of the body of Christ, I consider it your job. 

1 Timothy 3:15-16 KJV says

But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Of course Paul is speaking to Timothy about the leadership inside of the church, and you may not consider yourself among the leaders of the church, but it’s still our job. There are times when there ain’t a preacher in the vicinity, and someone has to defend the truth, and that someone might be you. If there’s no one else, it must be. But it gets harder and harder to do that. It’s also getting more dangerous. Not quite as dangerous as it was in the days of Apostle Paul, but still yet, if you speak out for Christ you will likely get berated for you belief. And in some places possibly worse. So… what’s our job description in this wicked world for which we are living. 

You Oughta Behave

In the church and out. I’m not going to stay on this point because that should be obvious to us all. But human nature being what it is, we all fall. And when we do, we should be man or woman enough to to confess it and move on. 

You Oughta Be Alive!

After all, we are the church of the Living God! So why is it that most churches are as dried up as a cracker barrel? They’re afraid to lift a hand, shout amen, glory or hallelujah and for pete’s sake don’t stand up and shout or testify. That’s inside the church. On the outside there should be evidence of the life on the inside. Our communities need to see the body of Christ outside the church doing something. Living our faith out.

I been beating myself up for not doing more for the body of Christ during this pandemic. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and I see so many places I could have made a difference.

Our reach has had limits because of the COVID19, but I personally believe that many of those limits have been put on by the people, not the government. While there are some who should not risk their life to be out in the community because of the health risks,  their are more that could have been. This is where I’m going to step outside of my Hardway upbringing and lay what I believe on the table. 

I don’t believe America should have been shut down. If you do, that’s fine. I won’t argue. But I’ve never understood the quarantining of the well. Yes the ill, yes those at risk, but not those who are well and can wash their hands and avoid contact with people. Don’t shake my hand, I won’t be offended. But if a healthy person being paid for by tax dollars locks a door in my face,  I’m frustrated. Create fear in my church people and I’m angry. Encourage caution. Yes! Incite fear… hmmm… we know who the author of fear is. 

You Oughta Be Firm

Paul told Timothy that the church is the “pillar and ground of truth.” We are the very foundation of the church of the living God.  It’s our job to defend the word of God when it’s attacked, and it is being attacked from every leftist direction while the church is just now getting back on their feet after having taken a Corona hiatus. I know there was some great work being done in the realm of online church, and I won’t make light of it. But what I’m not seeing is the church speaking out against what’s going on in Washington, DC and across the nation.  

How does someone kick a police force out of their building and city, ask for the mayor’s resignation and proclaim it their “own country? And Americans sit by with a glazed look in their eyes and do absolutely nothing. Oh… and those non-violent loving people have guns, which they don’t want us to have. I wonder why? They call their city CHAZ, standing for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. They’re now threatening to come into rural areas. Are we still saying nothing? 

I watched in horror yesterday as a white woman, screaming at the top of her lungs, threatened a woman in her car for not giving the “black lives matter” salute in a line of traffic, and then refused to let her move her car, while more protestors surrounded her. That’s scary stuff. And I totally get it when we say, “but it’s not where I am.” But my question is, “will it be?” 

I said all that to say we need to know what the word of God says about what is right and what is wrong. Because from Washington DC to Seattle, Washington the world is pushing an agenda that is as unbiblical as it gets. The more time you spend in the word of God the less controversy there is in your heart about what and who is right or wrong. And when someone’s is wrong the Bible says to mark them. I’ve marked a few. Starting with the show the Voice. I’ll not watch it again as long as John Legend is on there. He was one of the first to ask for police budgets to be cut. He who has a paid security force. I’m going to stand my convictions, and I’m going to be loud. 

1 Timothy 4:1-2 KJV

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

The iron is heated and it’s seared many a conscious.

I just needed to be loud for a minute. Okay…. maybe for more than that. I’m not done.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

What to do with a bickerer

There are people always looking to argue in this life. I however am not one of them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I stand on the foundation of the Word of God, and should someone attempt a debate, I simply point them skyward and tell them to talk it over with God and have Him let me know. But I’m not not debating. I teach a Sunday School class with very strong opinionated teens. We don’t always agree and I’m okay with that. But being that I’m the teacher, I tell them what I believe and where I find it in the Bible. And then we discuss it, oft times at great lengths.

I imagine the apostle Paul to be much the same, except with greater authority than I. His wisdom far surpasses anything in my pea brain. But the point of todays conversation is to address what to do in a world full of bickerers. 

In the beginning of Paul’s ministry he was top authoritarian on the Jewish Faith but He had much to learn when it came to the Christian faith. So when arguments arose he had to rely on the wisdom of those who had traveled with Christ and knew Him and His ways. That’s why I love hanging out with old time Christians. They’ve walked the paths that I’m on and I can learn from their journey. It’s why I’m never too impressed with the letters behind someone’s name, and I’m even less impressed if they’re using them to impress me. Paul, in that day would have likely had every letter available. He was trained at the school of Gamaliel in Jerusalem, one of the most noted rabbis in history. Oh, Paul was book smart, but until that day where he received the hard knock education on the road to Damascus, his education, though impressive, didn’t get him out of this world alive. But the his knowledge and relationship with Christ changed everything. Including the humility factor. 

In Acts 15 somebody is trying to upset the apple cart of the apostles ministry. 

The Upset Apple Cart

Acts 15:1-12,15 KJV

[1] And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. [2] When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. 

While Paul and Barnabas had “no small dissension.” with those folks, they didn’t argue it to the point of no return. They stopped the conversation and set out to find the facts. Oh… would to God todays church would do that. Before they argue “what God thinks,” perhaps they should talk to people who have had long conversations with God. Not theologians or college professors who talk more to the god in the mirror than the One true and Living God, Jesus Christ. There are those in the our college, universities, schools and businesses today that live to upset the apple cart with foolish arguments that have nothing to do with God’s plan. So if it’s not God’s plan they’re arguing about, whose is it. 👿 Yep. He is the best apple cart tipper I’ve ever seen. 

The Rotten Apples in the Church

[3] And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. [4] And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them. [5] But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.

Those doggone religious folks. They’re often just as bad as the “educated folk” on creating arguments. There is seldom a humility factor involved, unless it is to humiliate another brother or sister in Christ by showing them how much more “religious” they are. And there’s nothing like the religious to tear down or confuse a new convert. Here Paul is, trying is best to get it right, and the Pharisees are still hung up on works. It has to be about men, else they’ll get no attention. That’s the problem with the humility factor and, again Paul was so good at it. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone, he was trying to get to the truth. 

The Apple Seeds and the Sowers

[6] And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. [7] And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. [8] And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; [9] And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. [10] Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? [11] But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. [12] Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them.

Oh how I love those mic drop moments in the Bible. When Peter dropped the mic after telling them what the Lord said their purpose was and how his purpose had been changed, to include the Gentiles, the argument ceased. When God purifies the heart of man, there is no difference. Jew or Gentile. Black, white or any other color. Male or female. Just two, the Bible mentions no other. Peter not only stopped the argument, he ushered the way for Paul and Barnabas to share in the work that they had done on their missionary journeys. But not before he lined them all out about putting a yoke around the neck of those who were just trying to serve God. That’s what Satan would love to do with this upset apple cart in America right now. He wants us to focus on transgressions of the past so that he hinders the future.


I, nor my parents or grandparents had slaves.

I, nor my parents have any prejudice toward anyone of any color. 

I, have friends of every color, and their skin has never entered the equation of how I feel toward them. 

So those yokes should never be upon my neck and cause me to apologize for something I didn’t do. I will say, I’m sorry your ancestors suffered. But I didn’t do it. Just like the Gentiles had no reason for circumcision because that was a law of the days of Moses. Not of today. 


The Bible doesn’t mention anything about any “genders” other than male or female. Therefore I won’t acknowledge them either. 

The Bible does say that homosexuality is wrong. I have no authority to change God’s word. Nor does anyone else. 

The Bible says to mark those who teach in error.  I have a rainbow of colors in my office and on my computer that I can color with. God owns the rainbow.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

Don’t Kick God Out

Matthew 8:28-34 KJV

[28] And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. [29] And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? [30] And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. [31] So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. [32] And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. [33] And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. [34] And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

A World Possessed

Two people (does not say male or female) though I think perhaps they were male, which I don’t suppose matters in the scope of life. What matters is that they were possessed by devils! How many it doesn’t say but it must have been more than a few because an entire herd ran down the hill and into the sea. I can’t say that of all of Jesus’ miracles this is one I would have wanted to see. It seems a little violent to watch a passel of pigs commit suicide. But, and no apologies to PETA, a human life is worth far more than a pig. And I love pork, so there’s that. And I wouldn’t mind seeing a herd of pigs run out of Washington with the demons that live there. Our world is a mess, and I believe that there are still many demon possessed, whether or not the world wants to believe it. I find it ironic that the world is so fascinated (and not fearful) of paranormal activities, but doesn’t believe in the spiritual realm with relation to Christ.  And scripture like this tells us a couple of facts we shouldn’t ignore. 

Demons know Christ and the power of Christ. Verse 29, “What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God”

Demons have great power, though less than Christ. Verse 32, “and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea.”

So that should settle as to which side you’re on.

A World Stressed

Never in my lifetime have I seen the world as stressed as it is right now. The fear rising up in people need only be activated by a word on the nightly news that they take as fact and law. Knowing (at least they should) that the media lies and manipulates the country into their agenda. And so, that leaves the question, “where did their agenda begin?”

2 Timothy 1:7 says

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

That settles that for me. If God doesn’t give us fear, then the same tribe that convinced those pigs to run down the hill and kill themselves has that power over the world today. But rather than just hanging out in the country of the Gergesenes, their across our country with full access to the media and a nation hanging on their every word, rather than the word of God. 

So the world refuses to accept a “sound mind” but rather the embrace the sound of “demonic forces.” Ugh… that makes me nauseous.

A World Refusing to Blessed

That pretty much sums it up. God has not given us the spirit of fear, although we lived in it daily for the weeks of the Corona Virus. And now with the potential of rioting breaking out anywhere in our country the fear is again on the rise. 

I have to wonder what would happen if the church, and I mean every church of every denomination who believe in Jesus Christ alone (which are the only churches with the power of God), what would happen if tonight they hit their knees and prayed “Lord, send the demons out!” Not only said it but believed it and then waited to see what God done. 

That’s not what happened in the country of Gergesenes. They kicked Jesus out. Verse 34 tells us, “and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

What? They kicked the power out of the country! And so it seems that that is now the attempt of the ungodly bunch in our nation. People will believe an outright fabricated lie of people they do not know, but the one who they say lives inside of them, they refuse to accept His words. Which leaves me asking the question, “Do they know Him at all.” Our nation has kicked Him out of the schools and their latest attempt is to stop the gatherings of the church in their own house of worship, but allow them to gather in dens of iniquity. Come on world, open your eyes!

Hebrews 10:31 KJV

[31] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

And without an action on the part of the church, that’s what is about to happen. I don’t believe God will forever accept this rebellious land. 

A Worldwide Emergency Broadcasting Test

This trial that our world is facing is only a test by comparison to the end times. I’m not a “Debbie Downer,” but I am the Jesus Chick. And if He said it, I believe it. This world is playing out like the book of Revelation. We need to prepare and know that if Jesus calls His church home, and He will, are you in a relationship with Him where you are one of the called? As I said before, the Demons knew who he was, but they were not spared. And those who profess to know him but do not possess Him in their hearts won’t pass the test of Jesus’ return.

Get your people ready church!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Family

Live it Loud!

The Spirit got a hold on me in 1996, and my life drastically changed. I don’t know if that adequately describes it, you’d have to ask my family. The same family for which some of them are still not saved. But I guarantee that they know there was a time when I become a new person. And although they still don’t understand it, they know it happened. I guess I’m in good company with that, because the same thing happened to Jesus.

John 7:3-5 KJV

[3] His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. [4] For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world. [5] For neither did his brethren believe in him.

What happened from the age of 12 to 30 years of age with Jesus isn’t spoken about in scripture. But at the age of 30, after His Baptism by John, things were certainly happening in Jesus’ life that made it clear, He was not the average man. Miracle after miracle was going down and the people were following Him like God groupies. They wanted to see more. It wasn’t about their relationship with Him, it was about the curiosity of what He would do next. Even His family. It’s why, I’m not shocked that as outspoken as I am about Christ, there are many in my family who do not know Him. Why should it come as a surprise, when those who were with Jesus Himself, had the same problem. So what are we to do in order to see our family saved?

Miracles? Nope, not in my wheelhouse. Preach to them or at them? Nope, it will likely drive them further away. Bring attention to our holiness. Nope, that’s a sure fire way to fall on your face. I’m doing the only thing i know to do, and I believe it’s working.

Black and White

I speak not of the color of skin,but rather the color of lies and truth according to the word of God. When it comes to what all is going on in our world right now we have to speak the truth as it is according to the word of God. If God says it’s wrong, it is. If God says it’s right, it is. And there is no middle ground. No shades of gray. Jesus never viewed a man differently because of their race or nationality, nor should we. He didn’t discriminate because of social status, nor allowed the past of a person to ruin their future. A person’s life could change on a dime if they truly came into a relationship with Jesus. That’s what happened to me. 

All my life I had heard of Jesus, but in 1996 I came to know Him and began forming a relationship with Him and it changed the way I talked and walked. And people noticed. I knew from that point forward I could no longer ride the fence about socially acceptable issues that were against the word of God. I had to take a strong stand, do no wavering, and know what I believed and why I believed it. Because people would question who I was. 

I’ve failed many times. But that’s black and white too. I failed. I said I’m sorry to Jesus and I started over…. again…. and again. I’m still not perfect and will not be on this side of Heaven. The last thing the world needs to see is a “Hoooooly” saint of God. They need to see a real saint of God. Accepted and professed flaws and all.

When Red Runs

When I think of the shamed face of a child of God I think of a red cotton towel in a white load of laundry that’s soon to be pink. That’s what happens when a child of God fails, the purest of white is blemished by sin and the blood of Jesus is obvious and needed again and again. And while the pink towel may or may not come white again, the child of God does become as white as the driven snow with a repentant heart. But an action has to be taken. God can’t wash clean what never makes it to the laundry. And when an unsaved person sees that stain in a child of God’s life, they’re not impressed. I guess todays blog is about failure. We all make mistakes and “I’m sorry” or “I should have done or said that” goes a long way to impress those we care about. 

Tie Dyed Testimonies

Whether blood relatives, adopted, or just friends in the faith, family is a blending of multiple colors and flavors. Personalities clash, opinions differ and disagreements are inevitable. But the relationships should not suffer. And won’t if Christ is always in the forefront. 

I have family who does not agree with my conservative viewpoints. I won’t argue it. Because that’s not going to lead them to Christ. As a matter of fact, it will likely drive them further away, because if they connect Christ to my politics, and my politics disagrees with theirs, they may not view Christ as the answer. I have to separate the two, yet always let it be known that my faith is what drives my political view. It’s a fine line to walk. 

It’s much like the tie dyed shirts that I love. I love color!! And I love the blending of color. But there has to be a barrier (like the rubber bands) to prevent to the colors from coming over too far. I can blend a little with a liberal thinker. But there comes a point where I have to take a stand and say, you’re flavor has to stop, I can’t allow it to bleed into mine. That’s where the word of God makes it black and white again. And our need to study and understand scripture is crucial to our testimony to friends and family who are walking another path. We need to be able to explain why we tie our selves to conservative thinking. 

Liberal thinkers allow for freedoms that God does not allow. God says in Isaiah 55:8-11 KJV

[8] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. [9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. [10] For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: [11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

The Word of God will accomplish His will, but we have to read it and know it in order to sow those seeds with our family and friends. His ways are higher, higher than mine too, not just the liberal thinkers ways. I don’t profess to know what God’s plan is for this earth. But I know I’m a part of His plan and I need to do more to make a difference in my family.  

I need to Live it, and live it loud!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

Legos, Liars and Lawlessness

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I have the hardest time with this new reality that we’re living in because it is not the reality for which I grew up in or raised my children in. But as I listened to the Blaze News reporters talk about an action taken by the Lego (R) toy company, my stomach rolled over. 

This is a snippet of one of the online reports:

The email requests removal of product listings and features for more than 30 LEGO building sets, Minifigures, and accessories that include representation of police officers, firefighters, criminals, emergency vehicles, and buildings. Sets include the LEGO City Police Station, Fire Station, Police Dog Unit, Patrol Car, Fire Plane, Mobile Command Center, Police Highway Arrest, and many more. Even the LEGO City Donut Shop set — which includes Police Officer “Duke DeTain” and “Crook” Minifigures — roleplay items including a Police Handcuffs & Badge Set, and the adult builder LEGO Creator version of The White House made the removal list.


What side do you suppose their on? Perhaps they should make a LEGO looters set to replace it. It could have little glass shards that protrude from the store windows, I’m sure those wouldn’t hurt children. Perhaps it could have little old ladies with removable hand bags for the muggers, and Molotov cocktails for throwing. Ridiculous right? Well for me, that is no more ridiculous than a toy story not wanting to promote our local heroes. As the wife of a fire chief I can tell you what I’m not going to do, I’m not going buy any more lego products for my grandchildren. Getting rid of the ones they have is not a good idea, why punish the kids for adult stupidity? But I’ll not sit in silence when I see a company who has made millions off the product line of  emergency services and then throw them aside like trash.

As I posted yesterday, I’m so glad I live where I do, I’ve not witnessed anyone in our area being unkind to our local heroes. Well… with maybe the exception of a few people who were on the wrong side of the law to start with. When I quote a scripture like 1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV, I can’t help but to think about the writer of that scripture, Apostle Paul. He wrote:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Break that verse down into the divine instruction that it is:

Let’s talk to God about “all” men.

No color. No gender. Just everyone. Let’s pray for each other. Those in a uniform and those without. The created beings of the Creator. 

Let’s thank God for all men.

Have you thanked God for the people in your life lately. The policeman, fireman, those who defend our country? How about those that defend our homes, like the mom’s and dad’s who watch over the children and the critters and all the things. Have you just thanked God for your people. 

How about the king…oh wait, we don’t have a king, but we have a President. 

Have you thanked God for him? You may or may not be a Trump fan. I personally will love you either way. But I am a Trump fan, because (while I don’t think he’s perfect) I think he’s chosen and appointed by God for our country for such a time as this. I think he’s been attacked worse than any political figure in history and too many have ignored the truth.  

Now, last but not least, let’s talk about those in authority.

The Police and defenders of the law. The same people who are spreading hatred and lies against law enforcement are the same people who have round the clock body guards. When they perform a concert, they call for extra police (at the cities expense) to cover the area so their safe. They live in gated communities and hire people to run their errands. When they feel that they are in harms way, they dial 911 and expect an answer and an action. And yet, these are they who have just requested and started a petition to have the budgets cut of local city departments and the money given to minorities. 

Are you kidding? 

Remember who wrote the verse in 1 Timothy. Paul. Who was beaten and arrested for sharing Christ. Yet he defended the laws of man. Paul knew that even though sometimes life is broken, and doesn’t work like it should, there is protection in law and order. And God is for order. 

Satan is for Chaos. And he has got his minions by the thousand across the United States offering money for chaos and crime.  

While there is no justification of an officer who uses force against a man in cuffs. That officer is a coward and a creep that deserves the penalty for which he charged many to and so do those who idly stood by and watched. But the fact of the matter is our law enforcement is the only thing between us and chaos. Well… unless you live in West Virginia, and then there’s a few rifles, pistols and other ammunition between us and chaos. Yes. This Jesus Chick is Pro-gun, Pro-Life, Pro-law enforcement and Pro-President. I will continue to teach the children in my life to respect and honor emergency service workers and all those in authority. And I will explain to them the evil that is in the world and call them by name when necessary so they’ll know who to avoid. 

I pray you are safe, and I pray you are wise. Don’t buy the liberal lies. Stand strong in the word of God and know His will and His ways. 

Love ya! – Shari, the Jesus Chick

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Heaven, Life Inspiration

One Race Only

I feel like I should have to preface the image above by saying, “For display only.” The odds of me running in any physical race are slim to none. But the spiritual race… oh, I’m in that one! 

It’s times like the ones we’re living in where I am extremely grateful for where I live and where I was raised. Were it not for the providence of God, I could have been anywhere. Including smack dab in the middle of the riots. But the only rioting going on around my house is when the six grandkids come over. And I am sometimes crowd control, and I am sometimes the instigator. It depends on the day. But one thing that hasn’t changed in my life is the blessing of being raised where the color of someone’s skin was more of a curiosity to me, than an issue. I knew that the color of the skin meant that the culture of that family was almost inevitably  different than mine. I have not met too many dark skinned red necks. And as I grew up in Calhoun County, West Virginia, there was only one black family in our area. So to say that I can identify with racial indifference isn’t true. I have nothing to relate too. Over the years the diversity of skin colors has changed in our area, but still yet, for the most part, white skinned red necks are the lot of our bunch. But I’ve traveled and I’ve met people of all different nationalities and I’m here to say, each are a product of God’s purpose. Some living in it, some running from it, and most trying to figure it out. So when I see the hatred and vicious behavior of the riots going on, my heart breaks for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not who He created us to be. 

I said all of that so that you’d get a snapshot of who I am, culturally speaking. I’ve lived in the country most of my life, with the exception of a few years in the city of Parkersburg, West Virginia. My kids were raised country. I have a daughter who’s an avid fisher and hunter, and the other who loves everything about mudding and frog giggin’, my sweet little girls did not grow up to be fancy pants. I on the other hand, love everything sparkly, which is why I have such a fascination about Heaven. And why I could care less about the color of someone’s skin, thinking that all of our souls are transparent at this point. Or perhaps they too are sparkly. I’d like to think that way. 

The most frustrating part about the state of our country right now is the division. We should be fighting for each other, not with each other. When I agreed to run the race for Jesus in 1996, I didn’t look back. All my past transgressions were under the blood and the people that I had issues with in my life, there’s were no longer on my mind. I just loved everyone. I just wanted to see everyone come to know the Jesus that I know. The One and only who could die to pay the price for all of my sins, and they were many. They one who rescued me from a heart of turmoil. Who exchanged for one filled with peace. Oh my goodness, why would I want to go back into that life, or why would I consider standing in judgement of any man or woman knowing what Christ brought me out of. I love running this race. I do not like physical running. It tires me quickly with my heart condition. The only thing that tires me quicker, is see people running down my nation. I love it. I’m a die hard fan of God and He is a fan of the old America. Not the one we’re living in now. 

We need to go back to the old paths, where in is the way.

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

Jeremiah’s instructions are a timeless solution

Stand in the ways… God’s ways.

See… His provision.

Walk… as He leads

Rest for our souls… we need it now more than ever.

But even then they said, “we will not walk therein.” And America is filled with that same rebellious spirit. But regardless of it, we who are children of God do not have to follow suit. We can run this race single minded, God focused. We can choose to love, even the most despicable of characters, you know… like politicians. I know… that wasn’t very nice. I’m not lumping them into one category, how rude would that be? 

I hope you are safe, and I hope you are filled with the Spirit of God, guiding you. Have a topic you’d like to hear more on? let me know. I’m always looking for a good study. 

Bless ya! ~ The Jesus Chick

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Life Inspiration

I’m here… Yet not

“I’m here.” Those are the words I wrote this morning as I spoke to a friend who’s hit a rough patch in life. As the words settled on the screen, my next thought was. “Where is that? Where is here?” This stupid virus has messed with my ministry work and my head. While I’ve not been “quarantined” as many have, meaning I still work and see people; plus I’ve been in church helping with the live broadcast, but times have drastically changed.  The world as we know it has changed. I’m concerned for my people. 

Tomorrow will be our first Sunday with an actual in person service at Victory Baptist Church in Grantsville, West Virginia. I’m so excited. Victory is our happy place. It’s where we come together as friends and family to share in the week and receive strength from that, and most importantly strength from God’s word.  And now it’s been months! How has everyone been? I know how I’ve been, absent from the body. The body of believers, yet still here. 

Absent from Touch

I still cannot hug and kiss and shake hands with my people. That makes me sad. Yes, I’m glad to see their face, but I’m a hugger! I love it when I feel someone wrapped in my arms as they let go of the stress of life. To know you’ve been the arms of God is a powerful thing. And this virus has taken that ability away from many. They may not have anyone in their life right now hugging them and making them feel loved. The quarantine has worsened that for many. But for me, it’s made me realize that I need to touch people with my God given abilities of song and the written and spoken word. 

Absent from Emotion

I’ve been given the gift of gab and the gift of writing, but even that does not always adequately allow me to describe how I sometimes feel. How do you explain that flutter in your heart, or the joy that causes your mind to reel. How to I feel someone else’s pain that I’m not living with? How do I share in the emotion of someone if I’m not physically with them in their time of need? It’s tough.  

It’s always my fear when I’m texting with someone that my emotion won’t come through. They won’t know how much I truly love them and care. The new “care” Facebook emoji makes my heart smile. Because as important as liking and loving someone is, they need to know we genuinely care. The absence of emotion is a struggle for me. I’m a touchy feely person. I love the sparkle in an eye, the gasp of joy and elation. But I also miss the tears and cries of a child of God who needs the presence of a friend. 

Absent from God?

Nope. It can’t happen. Although I may be absent fro the touch and emotion of man, I am never absent from God. David wrote in Psalms

Psalm 139:1-14 KJV

[1] O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. [2] Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. [3] Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. [4] For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. [5] Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. [6] Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. [7] Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? [8] If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. [9] If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; [10] Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. [11] If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. [12] Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. [13] For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. [14] I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

I needed that word this morning. I needed the reminder that although I cannot physically be there for people often times, our God is there for everyone, all the time, wherever “here” is. Gloorrrrraaaayyyy! 

I wrote myself happy again

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Heaven, Uncategorized

I Need You There!

I’ve had somewhat of a writers block for about a week. It always aggravates me, but then I think that perhaps it is also a rebellious spirit. My mind is scattered and frustrated, my worthwhile accomplishments few. And then just like that Apostle Paul sums up my goal and I’m back on track. With one exception… I am in no way Apostle Paul. He is amazing!

1 Corinthians 9:23-27 KJV

[23] And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you. [24] Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. [25] And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. [26] I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: [27] But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Verse 23 is my text today, and a thought that has my mind reeling. 

I need you in Heaven.

It’s the very thought that gave Christ he strength to stay on that cross. You. Me. Us. He needed us to be with Him in Heaven. 

Yesterday I got up early and prepared my Facebook live material, and then decided we’d have a family day where I would prepare food for my family. Not just any ol’ food. But the good stuff! A couple of new recipes I’d been wanting to try, which turned out amazing. Pulled pork sandwiches (made with cinnamon, garlic and chili powder. Yummmm!)  A new peanut butter pie recipe and a white Texas sheet cake.  I stood on my feet the vast majority of the day, preparing for my kids and grandkids. It was a good kind of tired.

I kind of imagine that to be the case in Heaven. Without being tired.

Jesus said in some of my fav-o-rite verses

John 14:1-3 KJV

[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. [2] In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. [3] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

My heart is overwhelmed this morning to think of His goodness. Jesus is a multitasking God! All the while He is making intercession for me, He is also preparing me a place. I imagine it with a big ol’ pickin’ porch. A place to gather, because we’re gonna have all kinds of time to do it. And there will be times where we’ll gather together at the Lord’s banquet table, and I’ll bet His Peanut Butter Pie is stellar!!!!! These are the thoughts on my mind today. But more than that is the thought that there will be people not in attendance. That burdens my soul, and causes me to go back to my verse in 1 Corinthians:

 23] And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

This is why I write, and sing, and speak about Jesus! This is why I am really The Jesus Chick. You are my prize. If you are encouraged by my words, and draw yourself closer to Jesus, then I have won my reward on this earth. As I said, I’m in no way the level of Christian as Paul. I do beat the air a lot! And I in no manner keep my body under subjection… thus the peanut butter pie. But I am still on the same career path. I want my friends and family in Heaven with me. 

So today I beg of you. Examine your life. Share your faith, and prepare your heart for Heaven’s shore!!! It is not to be missed. 

Posted in Life Inspiration

A Million Mic Drop Moments

The Bible is filled with them. And every one that I read makes my souls leap within my body because I know that I am one too! Read Acts 4 and let it stir your soul as it did mine, I’ve only used a portion of it for todays post,  but I want you to think just for a second on your own life, and how many “mic drop” moments their might have been?

Acts 4:8-14 KJV

[8] Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, [9] If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; [10] Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. [11] This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. [12] Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. [13] Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. [14] And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.

To the Arrogant Leader and Politician

I know that we don’t have the exclusive on that title, but we have our share of both in our small West Virginia community. I detest arrogance. I can tolerate belligerent and obnoxious, but I have no patience for arrogance. The word says that “pride cometh before the fall.” But the problem for me is, I want the fall to be immediate and God is far more patient. Which is a doggone good thing for me, else I’d be the first one down! But I want that mic drop moment to come sooner. However…

Your Time Will Come

Peter called’em out!

In the verse prior to this those arrogant rulers ask, “By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?” And so, Peter answered in great detail. It was in the name of Jesus that they had healed the lame man and made him walk; the same Jesus that Peter reminded them that they had killed. 

We have a politician in our own community for which he thinks the sun rises and sets in himself. He is one that attends church and yet, when I did a puppet show in an area elementary school for Christmas, he complained that I sang songs of Christ. Hello? I needed a mic drop that day. I didn’t get it. But 300 children sang along to songs about the birth of the Lord Jesus, and the mic drop will come. Perhaps it did that day as they sang. But for certain on the day this man stands before Jesus heading into eternity, he will answer for it unless he gets his heart right prior to that day. 

The religious leaders of Peter’s day have had their day before the Lord. As will the rest of us as we stand and answer for what we’ve done for the Lord in the days that’s been given. But those who have a problem with the name of Jesus (I don’t think they’re saved…yes, I’m callin’ them out) It’s not for me to judge, but anyone who’s ashamed of Jesus, God’s ashamed of them. And me too… even though my opinion doesn’t count. 

What counts in this life is the fact of whether or not you know Him as Savior. Not just know the name, because most everyone in the world does, but do you know Him as Savior and Lord? Those Pharisees of the day had seen Jesus face to face, and yet they refused to believe Who He was. That problem still exists today. He may not physically be on earth, but His presence is obvious.

To the Ignorant and Unlearned

Before you get offended, I consider myself in that group! Just a commoner! I’m not against education, but I’m not always a fan of it. I’ve watched more people come out of colleges damaged by the world than better off. And I’ve watched preachers, who have no degree from an institution but have the greatest degree of wisdom from the Holy Spirit! I’ll take the ignorant and unlearned any day if they follow God over the preacher that follows his “education.” Don’t give me big words, give me the gospel!

It wasn’t Peter that stopped the persecution and shut up those naysayers of the gospel. It was the evidence that stood in the crowd. The man healed. They couldn’t argue with it. And if those of us who have been healed would show the evidence of that in our lives, we could shut up people of today! But the problem is people are afraid to tell the world what Jesus has done because they don’t want to look like a fanatic. Well, for the record, I’m a fanatic! And as my friend Doyle Ballengee used to say, “Go ahead and call me a fanatic, if you hear the “C” word (cancer) you’ll be looking for a fanatic!” 

That too was mic drop moment. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

Another Day in Euroclydon

Acts 27:14-16 KJV

[14] But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. [15] And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive. [16] And running under a certain island which is called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat:

What will become of us? I’m sure that was a question on the boat in the midst of Paul’s storm in the book of Acts. I say Paul’s storm, not that it was created by him or his fault, but it was certainly his lot in life to go through it. All the man wanted to do was serve God, accomplish his purpose of being the Apostle to the Gentiles, but it wasn’t without issues! 

I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly not an Apostle Paul. I can’t say that I have dedicated myself to the Lord in such a degree as he. But I’ve faced storms, and no doubt so have you. Perhaps you’re in one now. I guess if you’re in this world, amongst the effects of this pandemic you’re in the storm. America is facing a Euroclydon of sorts. 

Another Day in Captivity

Paul’s placement on that boat wasn’t a joy ride. He was a prisoner on his way to Rome. Held for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do I believe that the Coronavirus is a spiritual battle against God’s people? Yep. But just like the shipwreck Paul endured, God was glorified and I believe the same is true with us. I’ll keep saying it until God calls me home or Jesus’ return which is what I’m hoping for. We’re all very much being held captive by this stupid virus. Well, perhaps the virus isn’t what’s stupid. Just saying. But captivity is our lot for now. And like it or not we’re going through this storm. 

Another Day of Calamity

Euroclydon is a whirlwind storm that comes suddenly, and places anyone in it’s path in peril. Sound familiar? The death toll of this virus (although some of which I fear is false) is heartbreaking whether it’s one or one million. Losing someone is tragic. But it is unfortunately life until eternity. I’m not making light of it, I’m just speaking reality. Something this world avoids. We seem to be living in a state of subjective reality. It truly does depend on who you’re talking to as to what is real vs. what is fraud. But for Paul the storm was very real. And whether or not the facts of COVID19 are true or false, the effects and the storm we are facing is very real. Peoples lives are at risk due to not only health issues, but financial and emotional. The latter of the three is certainly taking it’s toll on people. If you’ve got to worry day in and day out about your families livelihood it’s going to take a toll. 

Another Day in Circumspect

Circumspect is the unwillingness to take risks. And while I understand and agree that those with health issues shouldn’t put themselves in harms way, this virus has caused the world yo fear everything and everybody. No, let me rephrase that, people with an agenda have caused this world to fear everyone and everybody. Quarantining is for the sick, not the well. And what it has created is mindset of fear. We fear the virus, we fear the economic fall out, we fear that it was an intentional attack. And here we are, sitting in this ship waiting for it to strike the shore of Claudia. For now we’re letting this storm drive.

I had never noticed that part of that scripture before. We let her drive. It actually struck me a little bit funny in a warped kind of way. Number one, the fact that it was referred to in female form. But hey, I’ve seen more than one woman on a mission to destroy. I can understand it. While the spiritual connotation should likely be that we should let Jesus take the wheel, that’s not what I see happening in America. We’ve allowed an ungodly government to dictate our every move. I’m not suggesting a rebellion, but I am suggesting a stand. Enough is enough. Until the citizens of this country get a back bone we are going to continue in this storms path. What would have happened if our founding fathers never took risks? We would not be the country we have become. Or the country we were. Now, I’m not so sure.

Another Day in Clarity

When this ship finally runs ashore and the storm stops, there is going to be much work to come. America has an uphill battle to get back on our feet. Most people are a little seasick and weary. (Aka nauseous). That’s how I feel every time I listen to rhetoric the left spews out of their mouths trying to twist this entirely and obviously for their political agenda. They’re not even hiding it, and American citizens are buying it, hook, line and sinker and it’s going to sink us. The arrogance and wickedness of American politics is at an all time time. That is clarity. 

I truly try to stay out of political debates. Because they only serve to separate and God is seldom glorified which is my goal. I want to draw people to Christ, not separate them from me. But there comes a time when as a Christian we have to take a stand. We cannot continue to stick our heads in the sand and let Washington’s political tribe of heathens destroy our nation for their own gain. When Pelosi and that bunch put things in a relief bill such as “adding higher fuel emissions standards for airlines, and expanding wind and solar tax credits,” and Americans say… “well, as long as they help us a little.” What has happened to our nation? The founders could not have possible imagined the idiocy of future leadership. But who’s dumber, them for putting it in the bill, or us for allowing it?

I know, that’s not popular in todays liberal thinking, but doggone it I’m tired of Miss Euroclydon steering me into a shipwreck. 

I guess I just needed to vent a little today. Pray for me… pray for my Country as we spend another day in Euroclydon.