Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism

A Moment of Confessed Reality

Perhaps you are of the outgoing nature like myself, or perhaps you are a recluse like myself. Can you be both? Oh yes. I have to make myself step outside of my comfort zone on a daily basis. Once I get there, the Holy Spirit takes over and I can be the crazy, loud mouth chick for Jesus that everyone sees. But in reality I would much prefer to shut the doors of my home and stay inside, away from what feels like an ever condemning world with my greatest critic in the mirror.

That’s a moment of confessed reality that I don’t know if I’ve ever shared on this blog. This morning just felt like that kind of day. I have to fight the inner tent staked self who wants to stay put and get my travelin’ shoes on. Else, my share of the Lord’s work, won’t get done.

In Isaiah 54:1-5, Isaiah speaks to the children of Israel about that very thing:

The Barren Bride

Vs. 1-2 Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord. Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;

The Jews returned out of captivity, and this is the prophecy of their increase after settling in their own land. Our land as Gentiles is settled too, but not on this earth. It’s in Heaven above where we are seated with Christ Jesus. And yet we tend to put down tent stakes like we’re staying here. My disappointment abounds this morning in my current state of affairs. So my only solution is to write my way out of disparity by reading the word of God and listening to His Spirit in my soul. I feel as though I’m one step from captivity. Perhaps that’s how the nation of Israel felt too. Captivity was fresh, they could still smell the stench of slavery. They didn’t feel productive, they felt bound. Isaiah is there to encourage them that the Lord is not done with them. He’s really not! Never count Israel out. They are God’s chosen. Isaiah told them to enlarge the place of their tent and stretch forth.

The only way we’ll ever make a difference in this world is to stretch outside of our comfort zone and go in the direction the Lord is leading. For me it’s the local nursing home this afternoon. I’ll sing for about an hour and witness of God’s goodness. They’ll bless me and hopefully I’ll bless them. But I first must go. Tonight I’ll meet with a couple of friends who struggle as I do and we’ll share that struggle together, searching for direction and then traveling on!

The Break Through of the Broken

Vs. 3-4 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.  

Israel is still the chosen people of God, but glory to God, we are the inherited lot that God has allowed to be grafted in. I feel as though the word “breakthrough” has gotten a raw deal. Too many prosperity gospel people have used it until it now leaves a bad taste in the mouth of those who understand that breakthroughs most often come from brokenness. Not the arrogance of ‘name it and claim’ it as though we control God. But an all-out, on your face experience begging God to move. That too would have likely been the state of Israel when they came out of captivity. They knew that God was in control and they were at His mercy.

This morning, I know that God is in control. And I am at His mercy when travelin’ on. I need His presence and direction. I need to believe that I am forgiven of my failures and move on in the His strength and power. If I am to see the fruit of my labor, I must not plant myself here, but sow my seeds in Heaven and allow God to give the increase.

The Beauty of the Betrothal

Vs. 5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

The bride of Christ. Me. Shari Johnson an unworthy sinner, is the bride of the Sovereign and Holy God through His redemption on the cross. Oh, how I long to see New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven; where once and for all the wickedness of this earth will be gone and the feelings of failure will be no more! But until then, I’ll prepare for the wedding by inviting more guests to the table. More brides who will know the feeling of belonging.

Until then, I will Travel on, even on days that I don’t feel like it…

This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Prayer

Few but Mighty

On April 17, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming the National Day of Prayer into law in the United States. President Reagan amended the law in 1988, designating the first Thursday of May each year as the National Day of Prayer, and so we gathered today in front of our local government offices to pray for our nation.

As I stood there on the courthouse steps and listened to each Pastor take his turn in prayer for our military, law enforcement, EMS and Fire Departments, Schools, Students and Staff, Leaders all over the land and our community as a whole, my heart was humbled and broken. Those in attendance were few in number, but faithful. I’ve seen most of them each year I’ve attended. There were a few that showed up for the lunch cooked by the Hospital Chaplin Association and others that were there in support of the event, but what I observed summed up the state of our Nation.

The Pastors

They were doing their best to serve the community but it was a struggle. The struggle was actually with the hot dog grill that wasn’t cooperating. Try as they might, they couldn’t get it to catch fire. Pastors all across America have the same problem with their churches. People want canned regulated sermons that are controlled with a temperature gauge, not too hot and not too cold.

Revelation 3:15-16

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

The People

They were few in number, but faithful. Much like the churches on Sunday morning, while Sunday night and Wednesday night services have all but gone by the way side in most churches. People who wonder why our country is in such a state of disrepair need not look at the Whitehouse, but rather to the church house. People have no concern for the wellbeing of the security of the souls of their family, yet they expect the nation’s leaders to be concerned for the wellbeing of their security of people they don’t even know. People who don’t bother to vote, or if they do they don’t vote with a conscience of God, but expect the leaders to have that conscience. That’s not how it works…

Luke 10:2

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

The Purpose

The Lord was scantly represented today, but there’s still a few of us left. And I feel honored to have been among them, I believe wholeheartedly that it is why God has had mercy on our Nation as long as He has. But that mercy will end one day.

Of just the few people that was there I also seen a representation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • He is the Healer (two cured of cancer, one of a heart condition, that I knew of, there were likely others)
  • He is Comforter (a widow who lives alone and often struggles, but continues to find comfort in her Savior.
  • He is Father (several prodigals that returned home in attendance)
  • He is Provider (Nobody there was starving, even without the hotdogs at times)
  • He is Spirit (On the steps of a Government that welcomes Him not, His Spirit can be felt)
  • He is Faithful (The world may not show up for Him, but He shows up for us in so many ways)

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Continue on faithful servants, men and women of God! May our circles be Unbroken…


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Purpose

Are you a digital missionary or digital menace?

My social media friend, DiAnn Mills, posted a question today about our relationships and social media. How do we balance the two? First of all, I think we have to look at the latter word of the term social media “friend.” That’s gotten out of hand in a few too many worlds.

I consider DiAnn a friend, although we’ve never met, nor really shared an in depth conversation. If I was having a break down I wouldn’t call DiAnn; mainly because I don’t know her number. Nor would I message her, though I possibly could, I’ve never tried that either. I follow folks like DiAnn and other social media personalities because we are like minded and frankly because I like to steal the stuff of creative Christ minded people. Please don’t think I’m advocating plagiarism. By “”stealing” I simply mean, their thoughts lead my mind in directions I might not have gone on my own. So this morning when DiAnn posted her question, and I read down through the comments, a friend of hers (who I’m not social media friends of) commented with the term “digital missionaries.” That was an amazing term I thought. And so my warped way of thinking went into the super hero analogy of how I view missionaries for Jesus Christ and “dada” Super hero Jesus Chick was drawn.

Please don’t think me arrogant. I actually don’t view myself as a super hero. But when you read the stories of the superheroes of the faith, I have to wonder what would they have done with the tools we have in our era?

If Noah had a Facebook would he have had any friends? Would he have tweeted When the dove returned? Being that Abraham was the friend of God, would he have as many friends as the number of stars because his friends just want to get in tight with Jesus? If Miriam had a social media page would she have dissed her brother to all of the Israelites instead of just Aaron? Would David have shared his image of Bathsheba on Instagram? Good night a mighty, what would the Bible have looked like on Social media?!

If Jesus had a Facebook page, what would He do with it? You could possibly answer that question if you’re a Christian, because He does live in you after all. Are you a digital missionary or digital menace? As Jesus scrolls down your page, does He see himself?

That’s what He should see because we who are online should be using it for the purpose of furthering the Kingdom of God. If you have “truly” friended someone and you happen to run across a post that shows them in a pit of despair (it didn’t just happen, it was a divine appointment). What did you do with it? Did you give them a frowny face or a prayer hand, or did you actually take the time to read their issue and respond as Jesus would have?

It’s a question I ask myself today… Thanks DiAnn for the thought path… it was a good walk.

Matthew 25:43-44 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

Are the people in your list strangers or friends? Naked – when they bear their soul, do you clothe them in kindness? When they are sick do you really pray? When they are in the prison of being alone together on social media, do you visit them? When they need a drink of the water of life, do you show them how to quench that thirst in Jesus Christ? Are a digital missionary? If you are, you’re my hero.

This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Secret Service Christianity?


But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

Is there such a thing as Secret Service Christianity? To some degree I would say yes when referring to countries where persecution with death as an evidenced possibility. But in America? No, not yet. And it’s gotten to the point of “not yet” because too many Christians have bought the lie that we should keep silenced unless spoken to about our faith. Very, very few times have people approached me and said “Hey, you look like a Christian, can you answer a few questions for me?” It has happened in simsilar fashion but it is almost as rare as a dodo bird.

What concerns me is the lack of desire and knowledge about sharing faith in the Christian realm and the “offense” taken when key Christian words are used in their presence. When I met my previous pastor twenty years ago or so, he came into my office in Magistrate Court and began talking to me about my faith. It made me very uncomfortable. Not because of what he said, but what I feared he might ask that would give evidence to the fact that I knew virtually nothing about the Bible. So when he ask me if I was excited about being a Christian, and if I ever shouted!? I informed him that my church was a on the “reserved side,” and no we didn’t shout. To which he replied “Maybe you should!”

Christian leaders have a crucial role in fostering their congregation’s spiritual growth and understanding of the Bible. Apart from preaching and teaching, they must provide a supportive environment that encourages members to engage with the text and ask questions. By nurturing curiosity and inquiry, leaders can empower their communities to explore their faith and discover the transformative power of Christ. Modeling openness and vulnerability is equally essential, as it demonstrates the value of faith in changing lives. You can also read more about it here to know about how Christian leaders can promote a culture of growth and curiosity in their communities.

Thats still one of my favorite stories! I couldn’t stand that man until he showed me who Jesus really was, and then I loved him for the 21 years he was my Pastor. Something about salvation changed my attitude. So it’s why I get scared when someone is offended by the word of God and consider themselves to be secret service agents for the Kingdom.

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
Can you be a secret Christian? Pehaps I’ve generalized it too much. When people are ask if they’re a Christian, most Christians will gladly answer yes, and usually it leads to an open and welcomed conversation. Many of those people just are not comfortable starting the conversation. I get that. It’s hard. But if you get on fire and begin to experience the power of God in your life, you’ll want to be very vocal about what’s happening. But it has to come from within and it has be to backed up with the action of reading and studying the word of God as well as making church attendance a priority at every opportunity. That means Sunday School, Worship, Sunday Evening, Wednesday Night and any special service in between. You cannot keep a fire lit by striking a match on Sunday morning. It will go out before the day is done. Life gets busy, I get it and I believe God gets it. But if it is so busy that you are too busy for God, you can’t be all He has purposed for you to be.
Complacent Christians are the best tools in Satan’s tool box.
If you find yourself offended by questions of faith, or without a desire to know more of God and His people. I’d check my salvation. Hell is too close to take it lightly.

This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership

What About Your Hometown?

11×14 Canvas in Acrylic, availabe for purchase. Message me if interested.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

My New Mexico friend and brother in Christ, Dewey Moede and I speak often. How that friendship began is most assuredly a “God thing.” We are kindred spirits across the miles and both with a burden for our hometown. I just happen to live in mine while Dewey lives 1100 miles from his. Funny thing about Windom; it’s kind of became my adopted hometown, even though it’s 1000 miles from me. I know the people, I know many of their stories. I travel there each year for a revival, begging God to move in that place. It’s why when I read Matthew 23:37, I read it as Jesus’ hometown verse. He was so burdened. I get it. Dewey gets it. We want our people in Heaven with us. No circles broken. What about you and your Hometown?

I love that Jesus used a chicken in His illustration. In my brood of chickadees I have two fancy little girls named Glo and Sue. They’re of the Silky variety. I have no roosters, just hens, but that doesn’t seem to stop the Silkies from thinking that there’s a baby inside that egg. So when I go to rob the nest I literally have to fight her off the eggs. I’ve been pecked on more than one occasion, and it’s then that the plain ol, plain ol chickens are looking closer to being the favs. But I can’t argue that she’s just defending what she believes to be her babies. Just like Jesus who claimed us as His babies when His rejected Him and broke His heart.

And now, His adopted tribe is following the same path and it breaks the heart of the Father, and the children, or so it should.

Killing the Prophets

Although there are those that have literally lost their lives trying to share the gospel of Christ, there are far more who are just dead in the pulpit. I pray for my Pastor. I try to encourage him as well as many others in our church. We don’t take Victory Baptist for granted. Dewey Moede drives 5 hours every Sunday, one way, to serve as an interim Pastor in New Mexico. It’s one of the many reasons I love that he’s my friend. We have people who won’t drive one mile to get their home church because they’re not burdened for their own family, so the hometown burden isn’t even on their radar.

Many Pastors stand in the pulpits across America on Sunday and either preach the blood of Jesus to a faithful few, or they preach an entertaining watered down version to the masses. Yes I know there are some Mega churches preaching the blood, but they are few. In most hometowns the churches on Sunday morning have a fraction of the community. Where is the burden that Jesus has?

According to a 2016 Lifeway survey, 250 Pastors in America leave the pulpit each month. They called that “promising” because a previous survey said 1500. I don’t think that’s promising, I think it’s disheartening. Two hundred and fifty prophets are being spiritually killed each month.

Throwing Stones

A Pastor friend told me one day how his church, a mostly family affair (not his family), governs his preaching and his pastoral leadership to the point that it sucks the life of him. To me that’s every bit as tough on the hide as a stone thrown from an enemy. Who put those people in the place of God?

If you look at the biblical directive for pastoring a church, nowhere does it say that a Pastor is under the authority of the congregation. It’s God. The Pastor. The Church Leadership. Then the congregation. God is the God of order, not chaos and confusion.

Gathering the Flock

That’s our job. Everyone, not just the Pastor. When Jesus gave the commission to tell the world about the gospel of Christ, and lead men and women to Him, that was for everyone.

Calhoun County, West Virginia, USA, the world. That’s my hometown.


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church Unity, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Praise

Just Keep Going

I have a tendency to be a little over the top. And if you know me you likely just rolled your eyes and said “A little?” To that I say “Shush.” I’m not likely to change. There’s a reason I’m over the top. I have had enough dead religion to last me a lifetime. If you’re not a shouter… I’m okay with that. If you don’t like to lift your hands, I’m okay with that too. I just happen to be both, and I love being with likeminded people. And to that God has always been so faithful to place them in my midst. But occasionally I meet a Hoover. I try to stay clear of them-, but deed, sometimes it’s impossible. That illustration came from a sermon I heard David Gibbs preach last week. I haven’t been able to shake it, and it makes me giggle! And then it makes me nauseous. I just have to tell myself “Just keep going, Shari.”

Ephesians 4:29 reminds us not to be a Hoover –  Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

And it’s on days like that that I turn to the Word. I’m not above being wrong. I want to back up what I believe with the Word of God.       So should you! Don’t take man’s word for anything. Humanity leaves room for error.

We Have Assurance

Ephesians 3: 9-12 – And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

We should be bold with confidence, not dead with insecurity or religion. Religion says “Don’t make waves.” Confidence says “Stir up the water!” We have the wisdom that man has searched for from the beginning of time. We have the power from Heavenly places that the world tries to imitate. What we have is the real deal. Why would we not be excited!

We Have Approval

1 John 2:28 – And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

I highly doubt that when Jesus splits open the skies and calls His church home, we’ll be indifferent. Glory to God! We have confidence that He’s returning but do we have His approval on how we’re waiting? If He would walk into your church on Sunday morning, would He even feel welcome? If He sat behind you in the pew would He find you paying attention to the message or surfing your messages on your phone? If the Spirit started moving in your heart would you raise your hand or would you raise an eyebrow at those who do? If someone shouted would it be you, or would you jump out of your skin because you weren’t prepared for anyone to get excited. If Heaven forbid someone choo choo’d around the church would you call it fake or would you fall in behind? If I have to explain choo choo, you may not get any of this paragraph.

I am confident that God’s okay with excited Christianity.

We Have Answers

Because the world would love to make me think I’m crazy for being so excited about Jesus, and because there are days I feel crazy. I am elated that I have a solid foundation in the Word of God to turn to.

1 John 5:14 – And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

And so I ask. Again and again I ask. Every time some Hoover Christian leads me to believe I’m wrong.

Psalm 98:4 – Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise and rejoice, and sing praise.

Psalm 47:1 – O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.

Luke 17:15And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,

Psalm 134:2Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.

Need I go on? The world is so stinkin’ loud. How can they possibly hear the whispers of a child of God. When we listen to God, we should be still. When we feel God move, it should move us.


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, doodles, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Music, Peace, Purpose, Youth

Ministry Isn’t An Afterthought

I seldom ever just draw for the sake of drawing. It’s likely with a blog or a request in mind that I doodle the “Jesus Chick” cartoon that I use so often. Today, I finished some work for the Bible College, began to process my thoughts about a blog topic and determine what might follow that as far as getting something accomplished for the Kingdom and then my mind drifted. To a place of just wonderment. A siesta of sorts. I know… I just came back from a siesta. Four nights of revival and two at the beach and the sad part is, I needed that siesta to remind myself that I need to take more siestas.

Most people who look at my life look at me as an “unemployed woman” who occasionally serves the Lord (which isn’t a real job according to most), sings a little on the side (which is technically goofing off) and is readily available to forget about the laundry and dishes (true story) and go off on jaunts across the world with her bestie and play with her grandbabies with the remainder of her spare time. I just wore myself out talking about my time off!

I thought, perhaps today, I’d share a little about the glamorous days of “The Jesus Chick.” If you’re in the ministry, you can no doubt identify in many ways. If you’re not, please use this as a catalyst to pray for those of us who “don’t have a real job.”

On Monday’s I pack my guitar and song books into the car and travel to our local nursing home. I sing and minister in word to about 10-15 long term care residents. I try to sing songs of their childhood faith so that they can chime in. What a blessing that is to see patients who can’t remember their name half the time, recall every word of “How Great Thou Art!” Sitting across from me is usually a very cranky faced woman. She breaks my heart. She knows religion but she doesn’t know Jesus. She’s bitter at the world and my music soothes her soul temporarily, but just like Saul, who hired David to soothe his, when the music stops… so does the peace. She doesn’t know peace. I carry that home in my guitar case. It gets heavy sometimes.

On Monday nights a couple of friends and I meet at the church for a Bible journaling class where we share our art, but more importantly we share our heart. We’re burdened for our people. We want our churches to grow, we want our friends and family to experience the fire of Jesus! During the day I prepare handouts for the girls and conversation starters. Everyone needs conversations of the heart. It helps us grow in our own faith when we sow seeds into the lives of others. Good seed. That’s important to know. Stay away from those who sow weeds in your garden.

Wednesday’s I have a teen ministry where I try to sow good seed and pull the weeds of the world from the lives of children. Good grief there’s a lot of weeds to pull. If it’s been a while since you’ve sat down with teens to have an in depth conversation about their life you’d be shocked at what they face and be awed that they can come out of it unscathed. Only in Jesus.

If you follow this blog you know I have weeks of abundant writing and weeks of less. It depends on how much life takes its toll on my time. I sing at every opportunity. Often times for secular events hoping that my words in song and my testimony in between will spark a conversation with someone in the audience.

Spare time is often helping other ministries with promotion and publication art. And then when the weekend rolls around it’s game on for Jesus! I teach Sunday School, sing solo and sing in the choir, organize events and take care of our own church publications and such.

Does it sound like I’m complaining or bringing attention to my works for Christ? I surely hope not. That’s not my intent. My intent is to allow you to see that ministry may appear that it’s an afterthought; especially for those who work “real” jobs. But carrying the burden for souls in a guitar case, a hymnal, a cyber church and the occasional back pocket or purse is a heavy load. There’s no time off from your mind. I speak not only of myself but of ministers all over the world. Serving God is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in my entire life, I’m sure they’d say the same.

But sometimes you just want to fly away… or splat a mud puddle in cute boots.

“And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then I would fly away, and be at rest.” PSALM 55:6


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the Link


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Difference Between Flatland and Mountaintop Faith

Traveling both far north and far south of West Virginia will take you into the flatlands of the United States. And while that countryside is most beautiful, and my time there is always enjoyed, I much prefer the hills of West Virginia. At least until the first snow and I risk sliding off a mountain side. But it is currently spring, and although snowflakes still occasionally fall; if you wait 20 minutes the sun is likely to shine again and all signs of winter are gone. Our trees are budded, tulips are coming up and the hedges are green. Our hope is renewed that we will feel the warmth of the summer sun soon and very soon. As I type those words, I hear my friend Walter, who’s received the promise of Heaven singing that song “Soon and Very Soon, we are going to see the King!” Well he now sees. His faith has been made sight.

I often mention Walter, because Walter changed the fabric of my life. He was in his seventies when he joined our congregation. A black, retired, Pentecostal pastor who made his home, and his doctrine that of Victory Baptist Chruch for several years. Worshiping with a 98% white congregation. Color was not an issue for him or us. Walter brought a mountain top experience to our church and taught us to worship more freely. He was downright fun!

So what is the difference between flatland and mountain top faith?

Hebrews 11:1-2

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.

A Good Report

The elders of the bible believed the promise of the Messiah as spoken by the prophets of old. They didn’t have the privilege of our vantage point of looking back on the cross with the evidences of scripture and history, but they did have the future evidence of the spoken prophetic words coming alive right before them. If one of God’s prophets said the sky was falling, you’d better wear a helmet! But there is now such a variation in what preachers preach today, it is no wonder people are living in flatland faith. Flatland faith meaning, no mountaintop experiences. The world doesn’t know what to believe, there are few “Good Reports.” Billy Graham has died, and there are few of such a stable nature coming up behind him. And even fewer with fire. And far too many “self-professing saints” with a lifestyle that is more apt to be found in Satan’s camp, than in Christ’s.

A Good Testimony

Hebrews 11:3-5

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

I have to ask myself, what sacrifices am I making for the cause of Christ? Please don’t misunderstand, I speak not of works for salvation, which cannot be done. Salvation was paid for at the cross. But by works I refer to that which I do which has a testimony from the grave. What do I do that has eternal reward? The only thing that’s going to make it into Heaven by my hand, is a soul that I lead to Christ or a saint for which I’ve encouraged by knowing the word of God. Too few people have evidence of a good testimony. A part of which is an excitement and zeal for the cause of Christ. I remember Walter and glorify God, because Walter encouraged me while he was here. Like Abel, “being dead yet speaketh!”

A Good Reward

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

I’m by no stretch of the imagination a “super saint.” Lord have mercy on my soul, I fail Him often. But I desire and seek the mountain top experiences believing that God is a rewarding of those who do. Troubles come, but God is so faithful that even in the troubled times, His presence is a mountain top experience. Knowing that I do not have to go it alone. Hallelujah!!

Chapter 11 is the testimony of the heroes of the faith who lived in faith, not knowing what I know, but believing it would be because God said it was so. They believed not seeing. I believe because I’ve seen. I’ve seen saints live it out. Do others see it in me? Do they see it in you?

Get excited! Our future is amazing!


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

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Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration

The risk of dying before you’re dead

Perhaps it’s an advantage or a disadvantage to the privilege of traveling to multiple churches where I’ve seen both the dead and alive, and those in between. The live revive and the dead remind that I am just a rock’s throw away from being among’em as I witness those in between.
It doesn’t seem like much, but an “Amen!” goes a 4long way to a dry and dusty soul, and no doubt for the preacher in need of encouragement.

So, the question is, “How do you know you’re dying?”

Hebrews 4:1-2 – Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left of us entering into rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For unto u was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

No fear

Possibly the first sign of spiritually dying is that you’re not concerned that it’s possible. I fear it. I’ve seen enough lifeless churches to last me a life time. Revelation 3:15 warns the people of God when He says, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
I see the warning signs in the lives of others that make me fearfully aware.

• Church is a service on Sunday morning only. They’ve forgotten that they “are” the church.
• Church attendance is optional if something “better” comes along.
• Amen is said at the end of a prayer, or when prompted; seldom if ever spontaneously and obediently brought on by the Spirit of God.
• The altar is for fanatics, or those who “need” it.
• Bible study is on Wednesday only, and the preacher is the only one who needs to study so he can say what needs to be known.

If you’re on the list, be fearful, because you’re possibly dead.

No faith

James 2:17 – “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”
Faith in God is the premise for Salvation. Believing that faith in Christ alone, without works is the only thing necessary for salvation. But getting saved isn’t the finish work of the child of God. There needs to be evidence that that faith is alive and well! Else, as James said. It’s dead.
Dr. Myron Guiler preached last night at Gospel Light Baptist Church in Wallkertown, NC. Dr. Guiler is well into his 80’s. He’s been near death multiple times in his life, and yet he continues on. He continues on not because he’s a preacher and pastor, but because God’s not done with him yet. He was visibly tired last night, as he’s preached every night this week and traveled many miles between churches. His message was pure, simple and yet so profoundly un-evidentiary in the lives of so many.

• To lead a soul to Christ you must know people need saved and know how to lead them to salvation, you must have compassion for the lost, and you must get involved in their life.
If those are not qualities in your walk with Christ, you are dead.

No fire

For me, this is possibly the most telling of all. I get that people can’t be on the mountain top every day of their lives. Things happen, discouragement abounds. But if I’ve met you on more than one occasion the evidence of salvation should be in your life and you should have omitted a few sparks for Jesus.

As I write this morning in the lobby of the hotel, the hotel desk clerk has questions of about who I am. I tell him about my blog and he checks it out. He comes back excited… he’s on fire. He’s funny. He makes me laugh and our souls connect in Christ. He’s not a Baptist. I’m not a Pentecostal. It’s cool. We serve the same Jesus.

If the very fact that I said I was cool with a Pentecostal gave you more concern than excitement about the fact that we were talking about Jesus in the lobby of a hotel. You might be dead.
Check your blood pressure. Because it’s only about the blood. Not about the denomination.


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

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Posted in Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

There’s something going on in Nain (and Mayberry)

It’s a matter I tend to forget, that there’s always a back story in the lives of people. But just like most of the rest of the world, I get a snap shot of the life of someone and build an entire story off of that snap shot. A few minutes in time, doesn’t make a life. I certainly don’t want people to look at me as I sit in the lobby of a hotel working on this blog, judging me from this period of time. What would they think as I sit here alone?

Poor ol’ thing. Look at her sitting there with her Bible and no makeup. She’s probably some religious fanatic with a house full of cats. (no offense to cat people.) Perhaps they think I am what I am, a Jesus fanatic, writer who slightly quirky. That’s truth and it’s okay. But regardless of what they think, the strangers do not know the back story of my life. They don’t know that I have an amazing husband, family and church. That I am loved. The very same way that I do not know the life of the sweet Asian couple helping each other get their breakfast. Or the teen wearing two silly hats with his mom and siblings, perhaps a grandmother heading out on a “long ride” I heard her say. Vacation? Home? Funeral? I don’t know. I’m just seeing the snapshot. Not the whole story.

Luke 7:11-17

And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.

The people of Nain had no idea that something was about to happen. They likely knew the back story of the widow and her son. They knew that without him, she’d be in a world of trouble. She’d already lost her husband. Now she’d lost her son. The only provision she had for life… or so she thought. She didn’t know something was about to happen. Jesus arrives on the scene and it’s no longer a funeral, it’s a revival! It’s a rumor about to take off!! She didn’t know, nor did they that God was going to intervene in the situation. Jesus knew the backstory. He knew the widow ever second of the widows life, far, far more than the snapshot view we get in verses 11-17.

My time in this lobby is verses 11-17. I’m just seeing the snapshot. The truth of the matter is, my life for the last umpteen years may be verses 11-17 in the scope of God’s plan. I do not know what God is up too. That’s what I need to remember. That’s what you need to remember. Life frustration’s come. Some of them are gut wrenching (like the widows). But God can change it all with just one touch.

With just one touch the son got up, went home with mom; and I’ll bet all the food that the friends and neighbors had dropped off for the funeral, made the fixin’s for a great revival party.

Well. Today I’m in the south. Andy and Opie territory as a matter of fact. And I’ve had a touch of revival in my soul from Dr. Myron Guiler’s message at Temple Baptist Church in Mt. Airy, North Carolina last night. Tonight we are headed to see the Primitive Quartet. Glory to God!!! We didn’t even know they’d be here. And now here we are! God is so good.

There’s lots of things we don’t know… why do we always assume we do? Every day can be a struggle. But remember that it’s just a snapshot. That picture may change drastically and God’s glory may be getting ready to enter the scene.

Please Jesus…


This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complainT… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.

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