Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Decision after the Dance

I have a fascination with the redemptive story of Israel. That is likely the case because I have a great resemblance with the children of Israel; I too get out of line, get in trouble, get right, get rescued and then like a good shampoo, I will lather, rinse, repeat. Over and over again it happens. So when I read chapters like the 15th chapter of Exodus it always make me wonder why God puts up with me. The children of God had just seen the miraculous work of the Lord in parting the sea so they could walk through on dry ground, they then watched it kill their enemy by crashing back down on them. Think on that a second! So they’re on the shore, singing and dancing and praising the Lord, and Moses breaks up the party to continue their journey to the Promised Land.

I envision this much like a car ride with my kids for vacation. They start out excited, but after the first few hours on the road the whining and fighting would begin. Multiply that times the million or two that Moses had in the back seat. I don’t know what kept him sane. But following the great miracle came a time of dryness when the children of Israel couldn’t find water; and that’s a legit complaint. But they had just seen God take millions of gallons of water and displace it through the staff of Moses, so why did they really think a drink would be a problem for Him?

Exodus 15:23-27

And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.  And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee. And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.

The Dance

My previous Pastor called it “the honeymoon” stage when a person first accepted Jesus as Savior. It seems like everything in the world is roses and chocolate if you’re a woman, or Black and Decker ® if you’re a guy. It’s all good. But it’s not long until you discover that life’s not always good, sometimes it’s downright lousy but you eventually come through it and it is once again time to dance. But then there is another time…

The Dry

It’s a longer period of time, when things do not get better quickly. You don’t feel the presence of God and frustration begins to set in. You try to have faith, but it’s wavering and your patience for change grows thin. You ask questions of God such as “Why and When.” Just like the children of Israel.

The Decision

There comes a time when you have to decide, am I going to whine, or am I going to whip the Devil through the promises of God?

In the very last verse of that chapter, the rescue came in the form of a camp sight oasis of sort. Twelve wells and seventy palm trees. That oasis also came with the promise of healing and rest if they were obedient to God’s commands.

Numbers play an important role in scripture. Especially the numbers 12 and 70. There are multiple references to those and they make an interesting study, but for today’s message I offer this thought:

12 Disciples and the 70 sent (Matthew 10:1 and Luke 10:1)

Not likely a coincidence that God used those numbers and it draws my mind into the importance of Christian fellowship and service. The children of Israel had lost sight of the role that they played in God’s plan. They were His chosen! After this journey He had promised them a wonderful life. Technically the journey too could have been wonderful. But they blew it when the lost sight of the power of God.

New believers in Christ usually believe that they could whip a bear with a fly swatter if they thought God told them too. But over time we begin to take our relationship with God for granted. We’re grounded in the faith, we don’t need to be in church “every service.” A few “worldly things won’t hurt,” and it’s not long until we’re dry and dusty and there is no water in sight. And we begin to complain that God’s just not there for us anymore, knowing that He didn’t move, we did. It’s so much easier to blame God than to look at where we left Him.

New Testament references: When Joseph and Mary left 12 year old Jesus in the temple, they found Him just where they left Him. When the woman with the
12 year” issue of blood reached out for Jesus she was healed, when the 12 year old girl died, and her father came to Jesus, Jesus brought her back to life. Twelve is the number of completion and we are complete in Christ. He has chosen us, just as He did the twelve.

As for the number 70: By God’s direction Moses appointed 70 elders in Israel to stand with him in the tabernacle. And in Luke 10:17 “The seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” The 70 were excited about what the Lord had done. They had gone out two by two and God provided for them in their walk with and for Christ.

I don’t know if I’m correct, but I know how the Lord impressed my heart on this matter this morning. Fellowship is important, both with the leaders (12), and with the servants (70). There is great and healing, comfort and rest in the people of God. Israel should have trusted God and they should have looked to Moses for leadership instead of complaining. They also should have come together as people of God. But they decided to whine. That whining cost them 40 years of no direction and they missed the joy of entering into the land of promise.

Whining because things aren’t what you’d like won’t keep you out of Heaven, but it will prevent your joy in the journey. Staying out of church won’t keep you out of Heaven but it will costs you your joy, fellowship and relationship with the Lord. We need it. I need it.

Hearing the Word of God and being in the fellowship of God’s people brings healing and comfort to the soul. Don’t miss out. Be in a bible believing, preaching, serving church this Sunday!!! and share this message with someone struggling to stay faithful. I love you, but more importantly, JESUS LOVES YOU!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Do You See it?

I’m not sure who it was, but from a testimony in the back of our church during Sunday worship I heard, “See the Need.” It was like the Lord put a post it note up on the bulletin board of my mind and said, remember why you’re here.

Lord: Get my Attention

It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day of life and forget the purpose of Christianity. Above all it’s to see souls saved, but Christ didn’t only preach, he encouraged and taught the disciples how to take care of the people left in their charge. The world has been left in our charge with a service we’re to provide, can you see the need? We can’t fix the world, but we can one by one, see a need and fulfill it.

A burden on my heart has been the waste in my life.

  • How much food do I throw out in the course of a week that someone, living alone would appreciate?
  • How many clothes do I have that I never wear that someone could use? Not taken to a thrift store (which is fine) but hand delivered to someone so that they could know I care.
  • How many times have I wasted time when I could have called on someone that was sick, provided food or ran an errand?
  • How many times has God laid the prison ministry on my heart and I’ve failed to follow it through?

Matthew 25:35-40 lays it out plain and simple:

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?  Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Lord help me to see the need.

Lord: Give me an Action

I am the queen of good intentions but if I don’t make a plan, it goes in the pile of other unfinished projects. Now that God has my attention, I need to take action. I need to make a list of the needs I see.

  • MHHS Nursing home visitation
  • CRJ Prison ministry evangelization
  • Elderly alone that could use encouragement
  • Clothes that need given away.

These are needs very much in my wheelhouse of completion. I’ve made my list now to get it done. Who or what is on your list?

Lord: Give me Ability

Working in the ministry takes stamina, finances and opportunity. All of which is the Lord’s will and supply and in the discipline of my living. There are things I can do better, rest more, spend less and look for or make opportunity. And by all means prayer should be in every step of the path. Today will be Nursing home visitation, guitar class, and bible journaling. These are God’s plans for me. You’ll have to decide your own. But I can almost guarantee God has laid a burden on your heart already and you’ve seen the need. Let’s get busy!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Do You Know How Mighty You Are?

I have multiple vices in life that can get me distracted and off on an “Oooo that’s shiny” moment. The most recent one is Netflix. I’m not an avid television watcher, as a matter of fact I’ve gone months with very little television, until… it was be placed on a very nice tv wall mount full motion or on a portable device that I can watch from any room in the house, has no commercials and I decide when I want to watch it. Netflix speaks my Attention Deficit Disorder language. I won’t watch just anything, I have a few set rules: it has to make me laugh or add a sense of adventure. I won’t watch sad or grotesque shows that make me cry or cause my stomach to roll over. Life is sad and gross enough. But throw a slap stick comedy on the screen or one of a super hero and I’m hooked like a fish on a line until the last episode is off the air. Hence why Netflix appeals to me, and gets me in trouble, you can binge watch every episode until it’s done! This is not a Netflix commercial, it’s a warning.

I said all that to say this, my latest run on superhero shows is the “Arrow.” A green hooded man who was done wrong, out to right the wrongs of the world with a few sidekicks thrown into the mix. As I watch in disbelief of their super strength and warrior tactics my eyes roll and I begin wondering how I can get sucked into this story line. This isn’t humanly possible. But then, as I read merrily along in 1 Chronicles 11 this morning on the historical truths of King David, I’m not watching Netflix but I’m reading the very truths I rolled my eyes at. But even to a greater degree of strength.

One man without the aid of special effects and stunt doubles killed 300 men in battle. Alone. No Robin to his Batman. No Kevlar. One man and his sword took down 300 warriors.

1 Chronicles 11:20

And Abishai the brother of Joab, he was chief of the three: for lifting up his spear against three hundred, he slew them, and had a name among the three.

That lead me to the question of the day, where are those people of valor today? Why have we allowed our nation to get in the position that it’s in today. Who told us we were weak?

I believe I can tell you where it started: When church became of little importance in the homes across America.

Oh… I know I’m preaching again! But I fully believe the reason we are weakened as a nation is because the comradery of the church was the backbone of America and it’s gone. It’s been a long time since anyone in the boundaries of America has had to fight a hand to hand battle for a piece of ground. But it’s beginning again. The church has lost so much ground, and fewer and fewer are on the battle ground of faith.

A few things those of us in church need to remember about this battle we’re in:

We are Mighty in Christ

(2 Corinthians 10:4). For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Satan loves to make us believe that we don’t have the strength to fight this battle we’re in. And yet, through one man, in the weapons of the day, 300 men were slain. I haven’t even seen that on Netlix! And if I could, it’s still Hollywood. We have the genuine article of ability through the Word of God.

We are Mighty in the Word

Just like the men of David lived according to the word of God, so should the might men and women of Christ.

(1 Thessalonians 1:5) For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

The same word that changed our hearts has the power to change the heart of anyone on earth. And yet we doubt. Who are we to say that if we continue in His word, getting it out in our communities through face to face evangelism as well as using the technology at hand, we couldn’t each bring thousands into the fold of Christ? We’re not fighting with a spear, we’re fighting with the power of God!

We are Mighty in Unity

David didn’t have the biggest army, but he had the biggest victory, because his men were a unified body fighting together. One of the reasons I think unity scares many of the believers of Christ is because we hear unified and think “one world church.” And that church is coming, but that church has nothing to do with Christ. If your church believes that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and the one and only way to Heaven is through His blood that made the sacrifice for all mankind, then you shouldn’t care what’s over the door of those who believe in the same like manner. You can disagree on a few of their ideas of worship styles and church rules, but we can all agree on Jesus. And through that belief work in unity to bring souls to Christ.

On my next superhero show, I think I view their tactics a little closer. Possibly consider buying a cape. Just kidding. Maybe.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Fixed Faith

Once we’ve grounded ourselves in the gospel of Jesus Christ through His salvation, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and determine His plan for our day to day living as well as our future.

Last November I had fixed my mind on ministering to the folks in the nursing home in our area. I kept putting it off and putting it off but the burden never left me. I knew this was something that God wanted me to use my talents for. So 2 p.m. on Mondays was established with the long term care unit of Minnie Hamilton Health System as my appointed time to minister to the residents. So I loaded my Bible and my guitar into the car and off I went, not knowing what to expect. And what I didn’t expect was the way the power of God came over that service. I sang and shared what the Lord had done with my life, and the residents began to praise Him for the things in their life and share their testimonies of faith. They sang with me and listened to me and had such grateful hearts for the 40 minutes of time I was there. We had church! I don’t think my feet touched the floor when I left their unit and walked back to my car. My soul rejoiced that the Lord had been glorified through my service. And I was somewhat shocked as well! I never understand why God is so good to me, even after it took me 3 months to become obedient.

Best Rolex Watch: A Timeless Elegance

When it comes to luxury timepieces, Rolex stands as an epitome of excellence, craftsmanship, and timeless style. Since its inception over a century ago, Rolex has consistently redefined the art of watchmaking. In this article, we’ll explore the world of Rolex watches, delving into their history, iconic models, and what makes them one of the best luxury watch brands globally.

2. The History of Rolex
Rolex was founded in 1905 by Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis in London, and the brand has been synonymous with precision and innovation ever since. Over the years, Rolex has introduced numerous groundbreaking advancements in watch technology, making it a pioneer in the industry.

3. Rolex watches Quality
Rolex watches are known for their impeccable craftsmanship. Each watch is meticulously assembled by skilled artisans, and the brand employs rigorous quality control measures to ensure that every piece meets its high standards. The attention to detail and the use of premium materials set Rolex apart.

4. Iconic Rolex Models
Rolex has an extensive collection of iconic models, including the Submariner, Datejust, Daytona, and the Oyster Perpetual. These watches are celebrated for their enduring appeal, innovative features, and stylish designs. Owning one is not just about telling time; it’s making a statement.

5. Rolex’s Contribution to Innovation
Rolex has played a significant role in advancing watch technology. They introduced the first waterproof watch, the Oyster, in 1926, and later the Perpetual rotor mechanism, revolutionizing the automatic self-winding watch. Rolex’s commitment to innovation has earned it a place at the forefront of watchmaking.

6. Rolex as a Status Symbol
A Rolex watch is more than a timekeeping device; it’s a status symbol. Celebrities, dignitaries, and successful individuals often choose Rolex as a symbol of their achievement and style. Wearing a Rolex is a testament to one’s success and discerning taste.

7. The Rolex Warranty and Service
Rolex offers a reliable warranty and after-sales service, ensuring that your investment is protected. Their service centers around the world guarantee that your Rolex watch is well-maintained and retains its value.

8. How to Choose the Best Rolex for You
Selecting the best Rolex watch for you is a personal decision. Consider your style, preferences, and intended use. Whether you opt for a classic model or a sporty one, Rolex offers a variety of choices to cater to your individual needs.

9. The Investment Value of Rolex
Rolex watches are known for their ability to retain and even appreciate in value over time. Many collectors and investors see them as a sound financial choice, making a Rolex not only a stylish accessory but also a wise investment.

10. Maintaining Your Rolex
Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep your Rolex watch in pristine condition. Regular servicing, cleaning, and avoiding extreme conditions will ensure that your watch continues to function flawlessly.

God honors even delayed obedience. Who knows what blessing I would have received if I had begun back in November when He laid the burden on my heart? Or perhaps I wasn’t ready then and God is satisfied with my journey now. Regardless, I need to stay committed to the service God has given me.

Serving God takes commitment. It’s not for the willy nilly in faith who are on again off again at church or serve when it’s convenient. Especially when dealing with people who are believing in you like those in the nursing home. God’s word reminds us to take care of those that are weak. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ~ Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

God did not put us on this earth to soak up sunshine. We have purpose. What is yours?

Fixed in talent

My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. – Psalm 57:7

David had a multitude of talent. Not just singing and writing. He was leader, a musician, an encourager of the people of God. He was a warrior and a man after God’s own heart. He was committed to the purposes of his life, even though he too failed. He’s a favorite bible character of mine because I can identify with him on so many levels… starting with his failures.

So what does it mean to “fix” your heart?

The definition of fix is – 1. To correct or set right. 2. Is to make ready for a specific purpose. 3. Is to place securely, make stable or firm. All good ideas when preparing our heart to serve God.

So in preparation to make life right in our service for God. Make a list of your talents. Every single one. Please don’t say that you have none. I’ve never believed that and I’ve proven it wrong in everyone that’s told me that excuse.

Your talent may not look like what the world views as talent. My husband David cannot sing, but he can teach like nobody I know in a manner that makes it understood. He’s extremely focused and committed to the completion of any task in front of him. He’s skilled at fixing and repairing almost anything electrical or mechanical. God created his mind that way. How many ways could God use those in the operation of a church? Perhaps you like to create. The house of God needs creative people. Organization may be your passion. There are so many places that God could use you. Talent isn’t just singing or speaking in the house of God. So make your list and think inside and outside the box on how God can use you.

Fixed in testimony

O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. – Psalm 108:14

David was a talented man, but he never failed to give God the glory. By praising God for your talents, you’re fixing them, placing them in the hands of God, not to be removed by Satan who loves to steal God’s glory; and if we fail to recognize Who it is that gives us our talents, Satan does just that.

Make sure you give God the glory due when someone comments on how beautifully you did something or how beautiful you are. Never miss an opportunity to praise God in the congregation of the Lord. He loves it. It’s like a gift you can hand to God from the earth. Isn’t that an awesome thought.

Fixed in trust

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. – Psalm 112:7

Once we’ve made our list, we have to trust God to open the doors of opportunity and then give us the power through Him to put those talents to use.

Before going into the nursing home on Monday, I really didn’t know how God was going to work it out. What was I going to sing, should I speak in between songs, etc., etc. Well, from the moment I sang my first song, the Holy Spirit took over that time and lead me from one song to a word of encouragement, to a testimony from them… it was just amazing how God had that whole time planned out. All I had to do was be faithful and committed to what He ask.

Do you hear God asking? Be faithful!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Better a Live Dog than a Dead Lion

Ecclesiastes 9:4

For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

The poppy eyed baby in the picture is my confidant, Senorita Izadora. She has yet to reveal any secret I’ve confided, unless she’s told the little Cuban we call Versace. He was rescue dog from Florida and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t speak English, so I’ll never know. People can see here to get the best dog services for their dogs.  You can also check out click here to learn how to train the dog to pee outside.   Izzi, and Versace as well, are small in stature, tending to have some issues etc; but one would think that they could take down a bear when someone knocks on the door or their bionic hearing picks up a noise only their ears can hear. They bark and growl and then the door opens and the intruder is greeted with Versace’s kisses and Izzi literally runs for cover, scared of her own shadow. They’re not nearly as ferocious as a lion, and they really don’t make me feel too secure, unless you count the fact that at least I can consider myself warned that there might be a danger.

We could learn from my puppy compadres. My two live dogs are of far more value than any dead lion. You can click here now if you are a pet lover and want to build your business in the pet service industry. Yes, a lion is beautiful, until it decomposes. It’s ferocious, until it takes its last breath. Then it is of no more use than a trophy of a past hunt.

I’d love to consider myself a ferocious lion when it comes to sharing the gospel, but I’m not much better than my poppy eyed Chihuahuas. I’ve often ran to the door of opportunity and retreated as fast as I ran.

I have a great fascination with some of the ferocious men and women of the gospel: John R. Rice, Billy Sunday, Corrie Ten Boom, and others who have impacted the world for the cause of Christ. Although their fruit continues impacting the world, they themselves are of no more effect. No one can rest in the laurels of any of those people, nor can we rest in the works of our church in the past. There is a new work to be done. And for those of us who feel our attempts to share the gospel are at best feeble; our feeble attempts are far better than that of those gone on whose work is done. We must continue to keep warning the world around us that Jesus is coming back.

Izadora and Versace can’t defend me if an attacker comes into the house. But they can warn me to be ready. We can’t save the souls of anyone we meet, but we can warn them to be ready by accepting Christ as their Savior.

Let my little Izadora serve as a reminder that your Master needs you to warn His children!

I know you all love your dogs. And if you have a cute pitbull at home read this article about dog food options for pitbulls.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

How to Hang on to Hope

I woke up this morning and from the toasty side of the covers, I lay running my finger down my smartphone, glancing at the recent Facebook posts; and as usual it was mixed with a diverse number of images and thoughts. Some sad, some silly and some downright stupid. Much like many of my days. It ain’t easy to hang on to hope when struggles come into our lives. Satan will loosen your grip with the slimiest of tactics. He’ll use discouraging people, financial hardship, personal failures and family heartache. Anything that will cause you to look at life and see the harsh times not the hope. So how do we hang on to hope at the bleakest points in life.

Titus 1:9 says

Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

Get a Grip

Titus said hold fast! When Satan starts his jargon of convincing you there is no hope or purpose in your life, hang on tight to what the Holy Spirit tells you is true. God will never discourage you. He may chastise you, or advise you in ways that make you uncomfortable, but He will never make you feel less or alone. Hold on!

Get a Gratitude

Remember all of the times that the faithful Word of God has come through for you. When I begin to remember all the times that God as brought me through and allowed me to see the miracles of Heaven, my grateful heart restores the hope that the hard time I’m facing will end with the Glory of God.

Get a Grin

Titus said to exhort! Encourage those around us. That’s hard to do when we’re going through a tough time ourselves. It’s important to know the word of God and use it to encourage others. There seems to be a connection been encouraging others and ourselves at the same time. Exhortation is deflected from those you encourage and returned to yourself in the process. You can’t give it without receiving it.

What a great thought that has the power to shut down the stupid things Satan says. It’s not my words, but God’s Word that has the power.

Are you struggling today… Write Titus 1:9 on an index card, post it note or whatever scrap of paper you can find and put it where you can see it throughout your day. Satan will flee at the word of God. And through your struggle you may not only encourage yourself but others along the journey, and God will be glorified and Satan will be angry. It’s a win/win kind of day!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Impact of a Vision

Psalm 35:15 ~ The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry.

I will warn you in advance, I’m excited! I’m at a prayer conference in Marietta, Ohio, listening to some awesome men of God preach the Word of God, as well as spending the week with some of my favorite people, the Marietta Bible College students and President Myron Guiler. Marietta Bible College isn’t your typical higher education institution. The higher education factor is the Lord Jesus Christ and He doesn’t govern too many colleges and universities in this era of time. So for someone who longs to feel the presence of God in a powerful way this is the place I want to be.

I took so much away from the conference last night, but to encourage you today I’ll give you a three point message to chew on for a while as I have since last night.

Habakkuk 3:2 was Preacher Chuck Herrald’s text.

O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

One of my favorite texts is from that same book, Chapter 2:2

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it.

A Vision Looks Forward

Habakkuk said that when the vision was read, he may run that reads it. That’s because a vision is exciting! Or it should be. It has limitless potential to see great and amazing things happen. I want that. Not for me, but for the Lord’s glory and for an opportunity to make a difference.

A Vision Leads Followers

It’s a simple message, and yet so profound, and seems to be so lost in the churches of America. We’re so busy leading programs, we’ve forgotten about the work. I’ve been on this road for 21 years and in the “Midst of these years” I grow weary of not making more of a difference in more lives.

The second message from Preacher Dan Lamb, was from the book of Matthew 14:22-29, when Jesus and Peter walked on the water. The preachers question was this, “What if Peter didn’t believe he could,” what would have happened? That thought sickened me. How many times have I failed to believe in myself, and more importantly in what the Lord could do? And who might I have influenced with that disbelief. As leaders we need to lead in the right direction!

A Vision Lights the Fire!

Oh my stars, does it ever!!! Praise God for great leaders such as those of Marietta Bible College who for decades have impacted countless countries for the cause of Christ because someone had a vision. Dan Lamb encouraged the students last night to “Take what they’ve learned back to their country and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then come back to America and share their heart with us.” He closed by saying, “America doesn’t need any more junk, we need more heart.”

What a great truth, and what a spark it has ignited in my soul!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

How to Apply the Balm

Why is it that the people of God seemed to be so continually perplexed when it comes to the things of life? Parents have no concept on how to raise their children without the help of books by authors they’ve never met, the school is left to discipline and teach manners of those that don’t even read the help books, and the moral decay of our schools is evident on the evening news. It is for certain a scary world we live in. The adults aren’t any better off than many youth; morality is situational and objective for themselves, but yet they believe it should all means be defined by the law for all others. Police are viewed as the enemy, there is no respect for authority from the White House to the Church house and in the words of a man who once attended our church but fell out to world “We’re in a mess.” So what’s the answer? Before you think this is a blog of discouragement and chastisement, read on.

This is a word that will sooth your soul…

Jeremiah 8:22 says:

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Israel’s idea of the law had become subjective and their world was in a mess too. And so Jeremiah, the weeping prophet; who preached repentance to God’s people, had the same questions that I had at the beginning of this blog. I have those questions because I see so much heart ache and pain in every direction. Parents want to be good parents, children want a home filled with love, employers want trustworthy staff, churches want committed members, but it all seems to be unraveling because nobody is asking the right questions.

Where is our healing? Where it’s always been… in the Balm of Gilead. Jesus.

I know, I know, His name is on billboards, social media memes and in every sermon you’ve heard preached, and yet your world is still a mess. I think I know why. Because we’re not applying the balm.

The Acknowledgement

God has been after me for…. Ever… to use my talents in a greater methods. You see, I know I have the abilities… I just don’t apply them. You know your own issues, but when have you actually applied Jesus’ word to it? And what does that look like?

The Accountability

Israel needed to repent. They thought their ways were good enough and God would take care of them, because after all, they were the chosen. Don’t we each feel sometimes that God will cover us, come what may, even if we’re not exactly where we should be? Or is it only me? Repentance doesn’t necessarily mean that we have some massive sin, (although it could). But it could mean that you have a spirit of rebellion by not seeking God’s solution before mans.

I see more and more frustrated parents who seldom if ever darken the door of the Lord’s house with their children and yet they want good kids. Good kids need to know the only One who is good. Jesus. He is the balm that can sooth the heartache in the homes that are filled with disrespect and unruly children.

Another often heard conversation I have is with people who are hurting because friends and family have let them down and left them broken. I see people who have been abused in ways that I can’t even imagine and they have no desire to seek the One who can apply a balm to their heart and soul that will heal that hurt for eternity and love them as they long to be loved. He’s a cry away.

The Application

The Balm of Gilead known as Jesus, isn’t available online or in the store. It’s freely available for the asking. Salvation is immediate upon the request to ask Jesus to come into your life and accepting His work on the cross as payment for your sin. But peace,direction, guidance,  contentment, happiness and a wholesome life is only found in those who continually seek a relationship with Jesus for their home. Now… everyone may not be saved in the home, but the one who is can seek the guidance and wisdom of God, and to the best of their ability, live it. As it’s lived, the healing balm is applied. And sometimes it even gets onto the ones who have rejected the Lord and they too feel it’s soothing effects and desire to know the Lord of all, Jesus

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration

How to Make Hope Grow

How easy it is to lose hope? A few hard knocks from Satan, a mini or major crisis, the loss of a loved one or the hurt and angst of relationships gone awry and hope can seem so bleak and so far in the distance. Depression sets in and you avoid even the glimmers of light for fear they will fade again. Woah… I’ve depressed myself! That too is easy to do by speaking negatively into your life, which I happen to have a vast amount of experience at. I’m getting better, but any day can find me relapsing into a loss of hope. I look at numbers on my web count and think, “There are so few.” And then I think about the preacher standing in the pulpit on Sunday morning in a little country church preaching to 10 people, he would love to have my numbers. And I’m ashamed. I forget that God called me to write, sing and speak, He didn’t call me to count. And who am I to say that if it were one, that one wouldn’t change the world when God did something amazing in their life.

Just wrote myself happy!

This morning I went looking for hope in the Word of God. 133 times it’s mentioned. And just a few of them are below to encourage you in your day.

Hope when people are missing

Ruth 1:12-13

“Turn again, my daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have an husband. If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons; would ye tarry for them till they were grown? Would ye stay for them from having husbands? Nay, my daughters; it grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the LORD is gone out against me.”

Naomi was speaking to Orpha and Ruth, bearing her heart of the grief from the loss of her husband and sons. One daughter-in-law was about to take her up on her offer to leave, but Ruth… not her. She had a hope in her heart that God would provide a new life for she and Naomi, and if He chose not to, she still would stay and that hope turned into one of the most glorious love stories in the bible.

Grief can cloud hope till you believe the sun will never shine again. Look around you. Who has God sent into your life to stand in the gap until the sun shines again? Make a list of everyone in your life that you love, and begin praying that God blesses your relationships and the sky open with blessings.

How can I say that… because I’ve been there; when I thought nobody understood. But God did, because He’d walked the path I was on. He lost friend after friend at the cross on His hardest day. We were one of them if you think about it. Until we came back, glory to God! Thank You Jesus for the hope I have in You, the greatest friend of all.

Hope when purpose is missing

Psalm 22:9

But Thou art He that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts.

From birth the Lord has given us hope and purpose. It is a lie from the pits of Hell that you are here without reason. There is an amazing plan for your life, but you cannot lose hope in Christ before it is completed. He needs you to get in the word and search it out for direction.

Hope when strength is missing

Psalm 31:24

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

A weak heart can be physical, emotional or spiritual. It can suck the life out of your day quickly and convince you that it’s over. There’s no need to battle back. What would have happened if King David had not battled back? There were times he was hidden in the darkness of a cave, friends forsook him, lies were told, authority was jealous and life was bleak. But he battled back with honor and stood on the side of the Lord when life was at its worst. He remembered the victories and encouraged his heart with the Word of God. It doesn’t cost a dime for us to find hope, but it cost Christ His life to give it. Hang on to it no matter what the world around you is saying.

Hope when mercy is missing

Psalm 33:22

Let thy mercy, O LORD,  be upon us, according as we hope in Thee.

How many times have we believed we’ve gone too far? We’ve failed God one too many times and there’s no mercy left in the well. First of all, the well has an endless supply. But it’s we who have to dip the bucket to fill it up, God’s really not into room service. He expects His children to do somethings on their own, and one of those things is coming to Him to receive the endless supply of hope and mercy that He has waiting. Get yourself to well of His word!

Hope when answers are missing

Psalm 38:15

For in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God.

Satan is so full of chatter. He’ll tell you lie after lie until you lose hope, and the best one in his arsenal is that God doesn’t hear you. Well, take heart. The LORD hears every word, those spoken, those thought, and even those that you couldn’t even groan. That hope is in the word of God making it truth and the Devil is a liar. When answers are missing it is most often because we didn’t seek His answer. We sought the one we wanted, and that might not be His best.

Oh… believe me when I tell you I am so experienced in missing answers that I probably have a PHD waiting for me in Heaven on the wall of my mansion. Our hope for an answer again lies in the word of God. Every single ounce of hope we have come from Him. It’s kind of a pattern for living.

It’s not that we lose hope, it’s that we don’t pick it up. It’s waiting for you in your Bible whether it’s paper, digital or through the preaching of the Word. Keep search, don’t let Satan’s lies steal the greatest treasure you have.

Hope is find throughout the Old and New Testament. Do a word search and start planting seeds in your soul that will make hope grow!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

It’s Time to Reclaim It

For our Sunday morning crowd, at Victory Baptist Church, I work up a PowerPoint of Welcoming slides, announcements, and various words of encouragement. As I worked on it over the weekend I came across an imag

e of a tree that was dead on one side and alive on the other with the caption “Making a Difference.” The image stays in my mind as a representation of the church today. From the beginning of time, God’s people would lose and gain ground, until Israel lost all bu

t a small, but mighty piece of land. And while God still very much blesses and protects Israel, His people now cover the earth. The piece of ground that God concerns Himself with for now is the inward heart, regardless if they are Jew or Gentile. He is concerned with all who trust Jesus as Savior. Israel will one day garner God’s attention in end times, but until then, Glory to God, His eye is on the church of His Son Jesus Christ. There’s just one problem with that; we too are going by the way of Israel. We’re losing ground.

It’s never more obvious than when you listen to the un-churched speak of the churches in their community. The churches belong to “those people.” Those whom they don’t feel apart. They’ll call them out by name “The church that so and so family goes to.” Many, not all, but a lot of churches have become family run businesses. A select group of people determines who preaches, sings, participates in service, and every other avenue of decision that is made on behalf of the body of Christ in their church.

So why is this on my heart? It’s not the condition of the church I attend, but it can be the church that anyone attends if we’re not careful to guard the ground for which God has entrusted them with.

The heart.

We’re responsible for taking the gift of Salvation, which God blessed us with through the sacrifice of His Son, and share it with the world within our reach. In and out of the building. On the web and in the newspaper. Every source of media and outreach that can possible be used as fertilizer for the ground for which we serve; the local church. Else we run the risk of losing the ground our predecessors have sown and reaped on.

It’s why my services have been used for the past 22 years in design and marketing of tools evangelists and churches can use to promote the church in a positive light. Not a light of the world, a light to the world. I have heard so many people in the circles I travel who have no understanding of the power of the media, and yet it runs most of their lives and they’re not even aware.

I’ve taught youth for the past twenty years in one form or another and they can quote the words to every secular song, tell you the name of every player on a national team, and discuss the vilest behavior in a network hit with blinking an eye, but they’ll not talk to their friends about Jesus. It breaks my heart! They’ll open themselves to drama on social media and tell everything that was once taboo outside the home, and poke fun of other people like they’re not people just like them. It’s why I understand the power the world has. Little and large churches become dynasty’s of power and serve to appease a select groups, and occasionally there are those that you’ll find Jesus in. We really have lost ground.

So how do we gain ground?

Wake Them

Zechariah 4

1And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep.

The church seems almost oblivious across the aisles. In my journey’s I almost always experience a pocket or two of people with a real desire to see their church alive again. But most of the p

eople in the church are asleep. We need to awaken our congregations!

Watch Them

And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof: And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof. So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord? Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.

Zechariah was concerned with the trees. The Angel seemed shocked that he didn’t know their significance. I doubt I would know the significance either and would likely be so shocked by the appearance of an angel, I probably wouldn’t know my name. But this is a different time; but it’s not a different message. We need to be watchful and aware of the messages that God is sending to us. We’re not without warning that our churches are dying.

Warn Them

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. 10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth. 11 Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? 12 And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? 13 And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. 14 Then said he, These are 


the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.

I usually don’t cover that much scripture in a blog. People tire of reading… sad world. But I couldn’t not use every word!

What’s causing us to lose ground in the church is that the Spirit of God is missing out of the equation. Just as I would be shocked if an angel appeared in my sight, half the church would be shocked if the Spirit of God showed up. They’re so use to the formality of religion that anything else is just too celestial.

“Crying grace, grace!”

We should be crying out to the church that grace has been extended to the church, but for how long? How long will God wait before He takes the church out of the world and our loved one are left lost without hope. Warn them!

Alas, the Angel explains the symbolic vision in the last of the chapter, but Zechariah is still concerned with those trees.

The two trees, the anointed ones as I understand it, were Zerubbabel and Joshua, King and Priest anointed for those roles. My shout just came up from the depths of my heart. Who is it that God has anointed for the role of crying grace, grace, but His people. You and I who are called by God to share the gospel. We have Pastors to lead us and people to serve. It’s time we reclaim the ground the world has taken!