Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Hometown Boots on the Ground

boots on the ground

Ephesians 6:15

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace

On Wednesday I traveled back from my Minnesota journey for fifteen hours in the car. Other than the necessitated pit stops I drove with purpose and without music or preaching which is usually what I occupy my mind with when traveling. But I wanted to hear from God, which was still difficult when my mind has trouble shutting up, it’s such a chatty Cathy! But what I discovered on my journey to my friend Dewey’s Hometown was that Windom, Minnesota and Grantsville, West Virginia have the same common thread running through their tapestry. It’s a raveling. It’s a thread that’s gotten disconnected from its garment. It’s still attached but it yet it’ loose. It’s not holding anything together, it’s just there. I think that’s a very good analogy of the church.

So as I’m driving… and driving… and driving. God keeps putting that hometown thought into my mind.

We’ve become disconnected from our communities. It’s very easy to say that the community is not our concern. It’s our job to be a light for Jesus! Yes, yes it is. And yet when Jesus was His own light in the towns that He was going to, He wasn’t just in the church house.

He was at the well

  • … at a wedding
  • … at the fishing hole
  • … meeting Nicodemus outside of business hours
  • … in people’s homes
  • … in the grain field
  • … in the cemetery

Every place He went was viewed as an opportunity to serve; and I think that’s where the disconnect comes into place in the church. We’ve bought the lie of Satan that church has no place in the secular world, and yet that’s the very place we’re told to take the gospel of Christ. We forget that the church is not a building, it’s a person. A person with a story and a purpose exclusively belonging to Christ, no matter where you are.

I’m fully aware that we cannot preach the gospel in a classroom. However, we can train our children to walk in the light of Christ and share Him with their friends. Most jobs forbid evangelism in the work place, but they usually don’t mind one iota if you live like Christ on the job. They call it ethics, we call it faith. Nursing homes, prisons and hospitals love our kind and usually welcome us with open arms, and yet we seldom go.

That’s the talk God had with me on my way home. “Shari, you’re going back to your hometown, what are you going to do there to make a difference? How are you going to motivate people and reconnect with your community?” And in my earthly wisdom I said to Him, “But God, they’ll not want to hear what I have to say.”

Oh, He fully understood.

Luke 4:24

And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

“Now what your excuse?” I ask myself.  I didn’t have one. But I do have a hometown,, and so do you. And we are without excuse in evangelizing it, starting at the house and working way out.

So I’m working on a way to reconnect the raveling that’s been hanging from my church skirt. I want to prepare the way for Christ’s return like John the Baptist did for his arrival in town the first time. My first step is look for resources… and then I want to get this party started.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

That Good thing that’s a God thing

good thing

I’m so happy I have the Holy Spirit within me, else, there is no doubt that the flesh would rise up in me and I’d say and do things that would not glorify Christ and could possibly get me arrested. If you’re a servant of God, you either fully understand, or you’re way better at dealing with the things of life than I, and it’s really not the craziness in the world that can drive me to the point of frustration. I expect them to be crazy. It’s the craziness in the church that can push me over the edge.

So I’ve had this illustration in my mind for a few days, I drew it yesterday, and had intended to blog about it. But alas, the Holy Spirit said “Chill, Shari. You’re going to hurt someone.” And so I put it atop my art box and waited for the Holy Spirit to tell me what to write. And this morning as I prepare for church, the words flow freely and the Spirit has said to me, “Encourage them.” I wanted to hurt them three days ago. Who are them? They who sit in church pews. That’s all they do. They just sit in church pews. At least from my perspective as someone in charge of the Sunday School and Youth program. Because when a teacher is needed, it’s like pulling hens teeth to get people to move. And our church is one that is relatively good at stepping up. When I go into other churches and see the frustration in the leader’s eyes as they beg and plead for help my heart breaks for Jesus. He didn’t die for us to sit in the pew.

He died for us to serve. And so this word this morning is for those serving, not sitting. Please, keep serving!

Apostle Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:13-14

Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.

Hold Fast

That good thing is a God thing. Those sound words that Paul spoke was the inspired Word of God and he encourages Timothy and us to hold on to them. Keep holding on to the Word of God and using it to inspire others through your service. You are rare. I can’t get Matthew 9:37 out of my head that says the “Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.”  We are a rarity, those who desire to teach and train disciples. We are few, but the field is full of people who need us. And while I get frustrated at those who sit, I’m learning that it will do no good to speak to the masses, I need to encourage the few. Because those are the days that we’re in. So if you’re serving God in any way… “hold on friend.”

Hold Firm

That good thing is a God thing that He’s given to you for safe keeping. Hold firm! Don’t let anyone or anything, including the frustrations of feeling unappreciated, un-noticed, unworthy, or any other “un” words that Satan throws at you to get you distracted from what you’ve been called to do. That little girl in my sketch… she’s no one in particular… she’s one in thousands that I’ve seen in the field and she need Jesus. She or he as the case may be needs you. If we don’t keep on teaching the word of God and telling others about that “good thing” that God has entrusted us with, then who will. There’s nobody beating down the door to get our job. Our job is secure. So please, if you’re in service to the King of kings, keep serving and living as an example to those around you. Tell everyone how awesome it is and encourage others walking in the field beside you. There’s not that many… it won’t take you long. I love you, and so does Jesus… and our reward is on it’s way!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

What a great feeling to know that I know!

Child of God (2)If you know me at all, you know I’m a little on the odd side. I’m a dreamer, a visionary, a doer and planner, a singer of songs, a writer of words and a multimedia artist… and not all those things work out like I’d like them too. As a child I knew I was odd, and for the most part I was okay with it. But there was always that hole in my life that needed filled; the hole that needed to know I belonged. I was raised in a loving home with a huge family and I knew that I was theirs, but I didn’t belong. We moved around a lot when I was very little, but when we finally landed in Calhoun County, West Virginia in 1971, even though we stayed put… I didn’t feel that I ever belonged. I had tons of friends. Real friends, not fake ones. But that didn’t matter, the hole was still there. Perhaps you know where I’m coming from.

In 1996 something drastic happened. That hole was filled with the concrete of salvation and I never again felt that I didn’t belong.

As a new convert I was sitting across from a preacher from out of town that I had just met and we were talking about the gospel and sharing our faith and he said to me, “Shari, you are a peculiar person.” I didn’t even take it as an insult, I knew within me it had a spiritual connotation. And so as soon as I got the chance I went to my concordance to search the word “peculiar.” And lo and behold there it was in 1 Peter 2:9

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

I claimed it for my own that day. I am a peculiar person. But unpack that verse and it will have you on shouting ground.


Not by chance, but handpicked and purposed by God in His ultimate plan for the universe.

Royal priesthood

Not for the world, but employed by the King of kings for servitude in this earthly realm with our heavenly reward yet seen.

Holy nation

Not alone. The day of my salvation put me into a family too numerable to count, who many have prayed for me that don’t even know my name, but uttered a pray for a child of God or a missionary in need and it was me and God answered. O’… I belong!

Peculiar people

Not like the world. The world strives against itself trying to make it; never realizing that it is an unattainable goal to be anything outside of what we are in Christ. Because that is our eternal purpose.

I’ve read 1 Peter 2:9 many times, but this morning was one of those ‘aha’ kind of days that God opened my mind to His word and said “Here is where I showed you that you belong. No go and tell someone else who needs to understand that truth.”

So there it is. I hope you get it… because it’s an awesome feeling to know to Whom you belong!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

It’s All About Numbers

journey gal

Numbers 9:18

At the commandment of the Lord the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the Lord they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

I’ve been in the book of Numbers for a couple of days, and I’m really not a numbers fan. I speak of numerical numbers not the book. Speak math to me and my eyes glaze over and I go semi-comatose until our conversation is over. It’s true. It’s just never been my forte. But the book of Numbers has captivated my attention as well as broken my heart in several verses. Moses, having been instructed by God, is numbering the servants in the service of the Lord. Even as I type those words my eyes well up with tears; for they are few in the modern church. Even in a church with big numbers of bodies there is not necessarily a big number of servants.

I was born with a servant’s heart. But that too gets me into trouble, because I can get pulled into serving others and away from serving God for whom I’ve been called to serve. What about you? Have you been called to serve? Well… if you are a child of God, then the answer is yes and it might shock you to know that God is pretty serious about it, after all, you are a priest.

What? Yep, it caught me a little off guard too, even though I knew it. It wasn’t until I related an Old Testament truth with a New Testament truth that it clicked. As Moses was numbering the Levites and the Priests, doling out their responsibilities to the house of worship, bells went off inside my head and drew my mind’s eye to my very own verse in 1 Peter 2:9 ~ But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Every child of God is a member of the priesthood. And while we’re not to don robes and hats, the responsibility is the same. We have a role in taking care of the church. Everyone. Not just the preacher, the deacon, the Sunday school teacher, etc. Even the guy or gal on the 8th row back, who shows up on Sunday to do their due diligence of church. And I meant that totally sarcastic. Showing up on Sunday is not your due diligence… well it is, but it doesn’t end there. Paul told the church of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 12:27-31

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

You have a gift that is intended for the service of the Lord, where ever that may be. Which brought me to the verse in Numbers 9 this morning and the little girl packing the suit case. God expects the church to be on the move and ready to roll when service calls. In less than two weeks I’m headed to Minnesota to serve in a Revival. I’m excited, God’s been speaking to my heart about “stuff.” Just as He spoke to Moses, He speaks to us. Perhaps not audibly but every bit as real. Instant in season and out of season the scripture says, be ready! Are you? My heart is broken for the churches across America because Revival is hard to come by. Too many people are sitting and waiting for the Lord to show up, when actually the Lord did show up… they just weren’t willing to move out of their seat to greet Him and so He moved on.

God is in the details. There are many details to a church service and everyone is important. Serve well friend… It’s all about numbers, for which you are one.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration

What to do in these perilous times

perilous times

I’m not one to tout dooms day, life is depressing enough without someone over and over again telling you the end is near. But it is. And that’s all I say on the matter. What my heart is fixed on this morning is how to make it through these perilous times we’re in. Please don’t get me wrong, I won’t give up on America until Jesus returns. I feel that that there is enough red, white and blue thread sown into the tapestry of our nation, that should enough people get a right heart with God, God would hear from Heaven and heal our land. That’s what 2 Chronicle 7:14 says. But we’re not there yet, we’re living in 2 Timothy 3.

2 Timothy 3:1-3

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Is that off today’s headlines or what?! Tell me Paul wasn’t writing to us for these troubling days. It’s all about self, social media is proof positive of that. Coveting. We live in a generation of keeping up with the Jones to the point of bankruptcy. Boasters. Arrogance and pride runs ramped as people shake their fist at the Heavens and declare God is not there and take credit for His glory. Parents living in fear of discipline, children that expect and demand without consequence, gay rights and Christian liars and those that despise what is good. Look what’s happened to the defenders of our land. Police, military, fire and rescue are targets and yet expected to be their twenty minutes before someone needs them. Perilous times indeed! The good is despised and the wicked embraced.

Teach the Truth

2 Timothy 3:10 says But thou hast fully known my doctrine.”  Perhaps you’re saying, but I’m not a teacher. Then you’re wrong, because someone is watching you, and if you’ve got the Word of God in your hand and you’re saved, you’ve been instructed to instruct. Read the word of God. Tell someone about Jesus. Demonstrate His love. That’s our orders from Jesus after He suffered death for us and before He returned to Heaven.

Know the Truth


2 Timothy 3:14 instructs us to continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.

Assurance is key to survival. Wishy washy Christianity never convinces a lost soul of Jesus’ ability to save. You must be confident in Christ and what He has done in your life to convince others and remind yourself in those troubling times that God’s got this!

Live the Truth

2 Timohty 3:16-17 ~  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

The perfection Paul speaks of is not a perfect man… none of us can live up to that, but rather perfect means “complete.” God’s work is finished. But you have much to do until Jesus returns. This is not a time to panic. This is a time to roll up our shirt sleeves and serve Christ like He’s coming for lunch. Because He might.

My Bible journaling sketch today of the little police boy is a reminder to keep our people in authority in prayer during these troubled times. They’re part of the good that is despised. Keep servin’ the Savior!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

The Unseen is not Unnoticed

lily work

It’s hard to believe sometimes that I’ve been on the road to salvation twenty years, but I was saved in 1996, so the math is there. But in many ways I still feel like a new convert. I’m ever so grateful that God’s mercy is new and afresh every day, for I need it every day; that’s the part of that new convert feeling I’m not so proud of. I still feel like an utter failure most days of the week. But another side to that new convert feeling is the absolute fact that I’m as excited today as I was the day I got saved, which is what makes serving God so easy.

I’m not one for accolades. I have no desire for men’s applause for work that I should be doing, but an appreciation is wonderful. So when Mickey Carter preached on the unseen lily work in 1 Kings 7:22 my soul smiled.

And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished.

The Top

Where no one seen but God. Unless of course great effort was made to get up to it. For the record I don’t feel unloved or unappreciated very often. Seldom would be more like it. I must give glory that God has always sent encouragers into my life who climb to the top, look at the lily’s and say well done. But I’ve had days where the flesh rose, usually in exhaustion, when I felt as though all my unseen efforts were not for naught but went unnoticed. It caused me to wonder if anyone cared or understood the time I had put into a particular project. Was it necessary? Was it just busy work? And then Brother Mickey blessed my soul by allowing God to use him to tell me… it wasn’t for nothing. God took note.

The Lily

Another character trait for me is that I love, love, love a project. I’m project driven and it’s all about the details. But many times I’ve seen the “details” in the trash at the end of an event and thought… why did I put all that effort into something that was thrown away? But isn’t that everything down here? Nothing is going to make it through the end days, and if for a brief moment in time my efforts made someone’s heart happy and brought glory to God, then my attention to detail, the intricate work on the lily, was a worthy effort.

The Finished Work

The pillars were done, no names were inscribed as to the artist, just a beautiful workmanship that held up the house of God; which is exactly what we should be. Those of us who serve don’t need to be noticed, we need to be useful. Those pillars were beautiful, but they also served the purpose of being the strength of the church. Am I? Are you? It’s a point to ponder in our servitude as to whether our time is spent strengthening the house of God.

Just keep serving, using the gifts and talents God has given you to finish the work. It does not go unnoticed. You are loved…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Leadership

The Monkey in the Middle

the monkey in the middleI’m home after a whirlwind tour on the camp circuit. One camp, One tour… every bit as exhausting as the times I travel to multiple places, one on top of another. But this morning I have a full night’s sleep in and my mind is starting to declutter. It’s not bad clutter… just a collection of camp sights and sounds that roam my mind until I find a way to file them into folders; Things I Love, Thinks I’d Change, Things I’m Grateful For, Things that I need address, and some things that made me stress. Camp is like life under a microscope. You’re in a confined space, sharing life up close and personal with people you may or may not know well and this science experiment can go amuck at any moments because kids and camp staff are very unpredictable. God designed us in a unique fashions as we discovered this week using our “the way you’re wired” curriculum. But although we’re all unique, we’re all still designed for one purpose and that is to glorify God.

This morning I opened the file one of the standard behaviors for teens at camp, and kids in general I think, which is to tease and prank one another. It’s “usually” done in good fun, but there’s always those occasions where it crosses a line, feelings get hurt and it’s not nearly as funny as was the plan. Especially for the person pranked. Somewhere in the prank, compassion was overlooked.

I’ve never been a pranker. At least not a very good one. I’ve been the prankee on multiple occasions; perhaps that’s why I’m not a very good pranker. I know how bad it can hurt. My heart wells with compassion when I see a kid held hostage in a game of monkey in the middle or some other form of torment. I just really can’t ever imagine Jesus playing that game. But it’s a camp tradition that has continued in my 20 years of camp. I don’t like it… but it’s there.

Much like the lack of compassion of the church in a general sense. I don’t like it… but it’s there. This morning I read of Jesus’ compassion and my heart was broken because we’re raising a generation who are missing the mark on it.


Matthew 14:4

And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.

It was a “great multitude.” He healed them all… regardless of gender, socio economic status, race, big people, little people, tall people, short people, young, old… He didn’t show partiality to anyone, but rather all. The church could do better in tending to the sick. We do not have the power within ourselves to heal but we know Who does. And while they’re waiting on healing we can be His words, hands and hugs of compassion. But we don’t.


Matthew 15:32

Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.

Jesus of course spoke in the literal sense, which we too need to address, but how many people leave the house of God hungry? I’m blessed with an awesome Pastor who feeds my soul, but it’s up to me to eat. The people who Jesus’ compassion was toward were those who were there desiring He feed them spiritually. They wanted to hear from Jesus. They weren’t concerned with the flesh. Jesus dished it out and they ate it up and then He took care of their physical hunger as well. God’s men are in the pulpit Sunday mornings dishing out compassion and the church is full of persnickety eaters who’d rather wait to have it their way; denying God’s compassion to feed their soul.


Matthew 9:36

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

My stomach rolls over when I see the vast ocean of souls untouched by God. They truly are like lambs out in the cruel, harsh world waiting to be devoured by the enemy, all the while their shepherds are so busy serving self, arguing politics and denomination, worrying about who’s wearing pants and who’s singing the right songs that they fail to notice that they left the gate upon on the pen. The sheep are going everywhere and most of them to Hell because they didn’t feel loved by the Shepherd… mainly because the Shepherds workers were tearing down the other fences that others were building.  I know… metaphorically speaking doesn’t always make sense.

So here’s where my heart hits the road. It’s not the least bit funny when the church is withholding the compassion of God, and the monkey in the middle is a world desiring to be healed, fed and protected and the church is playing games.find me on facebook

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Yes, I’m one of those people

one of those people

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands **

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands **

If you’re happy and you know it the your life will surely show it

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands**

Yes. I am in full blown camp mode! I’m singing camp songs, I’m grinning inside and out because next week I’ll have the opportunity to spend five glorious days with 20 or so rowdy teens in a camp in the hills of West Virginia. If you’re not a teen leader then that may sound like more of a punishment than a reward of life, but if you’re in the youth department of a church, you know which ground I stand on! It’s Holy Ground!!!

Isaiah 54:13 says And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.”

I don’t know if you’ve noticed lately but our worlds in a mess. Fear and anxiety is running ramped and I myself have days that I feel like hyperventilating until the Lord returns. Imagine that in the life of our youth, whose minds are inundated with fearful images, music filled with anger and hatred, political nonsense on every media outlet and all running an inlet straight to their heart. Some are churched, most are not, and all have a desire for a future, even if they’re unsure of what that might be.

Our camp theme this year is “The way that I’m Wired.” It delves into the inner-working of God inside everyone, and how that should play out in the believer. I’m excited!! I can only wonder what God might have done with me if He’d have had a hold of my heart as a child… these teens that I’m about to embark into a camp adventure with can find out now and that makes me very, very happy to be apart of it!

My first lesson for them is “happiness is a choice and a gift of God.” It comes from seeking His will and when that is discovered, you can still grin from ear to ear, even when the world around you is falling apart. Life’s not perfect, we won’t grin ever day… but we can.

When I teach, I grin. When I sing, my soul leaps within me. When I play music my heart smiles and it is all because those things are the will of God for my life… it’s how He wired me. David said in Psalm 144:15  – Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.”

Color me Happy! And please, pray for our camp July 24-28.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Forgiveness, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures

Don’t Limit God

Spirit limit

If only I had failed God once and learned my lesson I’d consider myself in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in; that shape being a sinner saved by grace. But no, I have to again and again fail God, beg mercy, feel minty fresh for about 30 seconds and then sin again. Why are we such a fickle lot of people? Christian people that is. Am I alone? I’m pretty sure I’m not.

This past week a well-known preacher, Perry Noble, and one that I had followed, fell. I loved this guy. He wasn’t perfect and I didn’t agree with everything he said but I loved his style of preaching and his “realness.” The problem with being real is it also makes you pretty transparent. Because you’ll say anything. If it comes into your mind, it’s usually out of your mouth before you give a second thought.  This was his style. He was funny and charismatic and above all, thousands of souls came to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ through him. I believe that. His words stirred my soul and I believe God used Him. But he fell, because he, like I, am human. His transparency gave me a spiritual insight to him that said “proceed with caution.” He dabbled too close the snake pit, and that my friend has gotten many a preacher in trouble. Alcohol was his downfall, and I won’t even get started on that because I could write for days! And it’s not the point in this blog. My point is the limits we put on God is through sin’s hold. It’s not the sin itself, it’s the hold it get on us.

Israel let God down again and again. But His great mercy brought them through. Read what David said in Psalm 78

But he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath.  For he remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again. How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert! Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

Psalm 78:38-41

God understood Israel and He understands us. He knows we are weak vessels and that we fall, but the key is to move forward away from the snake pit. Turning back doesn’t stop God’s forgiveness… He’ll forgive again and again. But He won’t bless again and again. We limit Him. Even God has limits, they’re called “us.”

He desires to pour His blessings down upon us, bring revival into our church houses but our turning back puts a speed limit on the Holy Spirit. Turning back is different things for different people. For my preacher man that fell, he got too close a substance that fuels the fires of Hell. Alcohol. I hate it and everything it stands for. That was his sin, I have my own, and you have yours. And for the tribe of preachers that want to cast this preacher to the curb… God sees you too. God Who is full of compassion forgives, you who are full of pride will point and condemn the man God forgave.

My point to ponder is this: Don’t limit God. He forgave the sin, now move on. There’s a new speed sign up ahead that says “full throttle!”  Don’t turn back.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Peace

Don’t Play the Fool

psalm 14Wikipedia defines a jester as historically an entertainer during the medieval and Renaissance eras who was a member of the household of a nobleman employed to entertain him and his guests. I believe that also defines those who deny God.

History In the Making

The denying of God is as old as history itself. Man continually believes that they have life figured out; mocking God and His people for their weakness of having faith, not realizing the very thing they define as weakness is the strength that allows the child of God to live in a state of peace, which the fool who denies God desires, and yet refuses because it’s too simple.

Household of the Nobleman

I thought this morning, as I looked about my meager home, that I have missed the mark. I desire more… more stuff. And stuff for certain is fun and I believe God for “stuff” that will glorify Him and allow me to be used for His glory, but not at the cost of the world’s nobleman. The world defines success on a tally sheet of wealth and the fact that they can pay for entertainment to preoccupy their minds and keep it off the spiritual side of life. Allowing the guilt of denying God to be suppressed. But He is still there, whether or not you are reminded.

His Guests

The nobleman, or noblewoman as the case may be, love to entertain the masses. They love to draw people into themselves, giving them the feeling of power and control; all the while they are deceived and they serve to deceive. Countless souls are pulled away from the pulling of the Spirit of God, that draws all men unto Him (John 12:32). Pulled away by the entertainment of Satan himself disguised as a court jester, and he laughs and laughs and laughs. And the noblemen and women continue in misery disguised as amusement. They know it…

Psalm 14:1 says

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

There is a God. His name is Jesus. He is holy and sovereign and He speaks to the heart of every man and woman, pleading with them to come home. Today I may not live in a mansion bright, but when I lay down my head at night, I know that if I should not wake to see the light, with my Creator my soul is right. And that my friend lets me sleep tight.

That’s a peace that cannot be bought. Do you seek it? Then you seek Jesus.